God of Destruction

Chapter 4542: Suppress the Nether

Four thousand five hundred and forty-eight chapters suppress the ghost

When the water of the Tianhe River fell and the wild land suffered a natural disaster, countless lives died and countless souls rushed towards the Nether Underworld, and this was just the beginning. Under such a terrifying soul impact, the Nether world suffered a great deal. The impact of the Netherworld is under tremendous pressure. The most important thing is that the power of the Netherworld is limited. Not all the wraiths can enter the Netherworld. More wraiths are blocked outside the Netherworld. The land wanders, and this result makes the wild land suffer a greater impact, endless resentment envelopes the wild land, and threatens more creatures.

When the huge grievances hit the Netherworld, the King of Karma, as the lord of the Netherworld, instantly felt a huge threat. Such a shock made the King of Karma look drastically changed. I originally thought that even the turbulence in the heavens would not affect it. When you arrive in the Netherworld, you will be affected. Without the war between the Witch Race and the Monster Race, the dumping of Tianhe will not happen, but now the King of Karma has just realized that he is too happy to be happy. Although the world catastrophe of the Netherworld has passed, But the great calamity of heaven and earth is still there, and I am still in the disaster. There is still no so-called security in the nether world. The nether world under the sky is also facing huge disasters. From the disaster of the undead, countless souls impact on the whole Nether. In the world, this is a great disaster for the six realms of reincarnation.

"Damn, what the **** is going on, there is no war between the Lich races, there is no co-worker, but such a disaster has occurred, is this the correction of the world, the prehistoric world must suffer this natural and man-made disaster? "Faced with such a disaster, the King of Karma's expression became extremely solemn, and his mood was extremely heavy. This is not a trivial matter. This is related to his own safety and the general trend of the prehistoric world. Even the King of Karma must be cautious. treat!

Although there is a huge shock in my heart, the king of cause and effect cannot hesitate at this time. The more dangerous the more he must make a decisive decision. There must not be a little carelessness, let alone a little delay, or it will only cause The situation became even more out of control, causing the Netherworld to fall into a greater crisis. After all, the Netherworld carries the reincarnation of the prehistoric world.

"Eighteen levels of **** come out, suppress the netherworld, all resentful souls must not be confused, must not attack the netherworld, otherwise the eighteenth **** will be in your name!" With a deep cry, the eighteenth level of **** originally in the hands of the deity appeared in the netherworld In the world, when the eighteen layers of **** came out, that terrifying aura enveloped the entire nether world. All creatures felt the anger from the nether world and the killing intent of the nether world. When the eighteen layers of **** came out, no matter the grievances No matter how crazy the soul was, it was firmly suppressed, and he did not dare to cause any impact on the world of the underworld, and the grieving souls that jumped so happily before were not directly suppressed by the eighteenth hell, and became killed. That chicken is used to deter other resentful souls.

The king of cause and effect is the king bomb, directly mobilizing the power of the'eighteen hell', directly killing the chickens and monkeys, making all the grieving souls feel the threat of death, letting them understand that the world of netherworld is not a predatory world, but they can't help but be rampant. In the Netherworld, there is only a dead end for troubles. The ancient powerhouses were killed before, but now these grievances who jumped the most joyously have been suppressed. This shows how terrifying and crazy the King of Karma’s methods are. Hit it directly to suppress the chaos of the Netherworld, this is the dominance of the king of cause and effect, this is the toughness of being the lord of the world!

"What a king of cause and effect, what a **** of eighteen layers, one shot is a lore, and no opportunity for any enemy to resist, no matter how big your resentment is, it is useless, the king of cause and effect will not have any consideration for it!" When the king shot, he strongly suppressed the resentful soul that rushed into the nether world, and the old man was shocked by it, such a result he did not expect.

Yuanshi Tianzun shook his head disapprovingly and said, "It's too crazy and too domineering. Isn't the king of cause and effect afraid of causing the entire army of resentful souls to madness, nor is he afraid of the Netherworld being crushed by the resentful souls, no matter how strong the eighteenth **** is It is impossible to kill all the resentful souls. After all, it is not their fault. Suppressing them strongly will cause huge trouble!"

Compared to Taishang Laojun’s point of view, Yuanshi Tianzun is not willing to see the world of the Netherworld. After all, Yuanshi Tianzun is a saint of heaven, and his cultivation is the way of heaven. In his heart, the king of cause and effect should not do such a thing. , Should not directly suppress these resentful souls, this is unfair to those resentful souls, this is not a normal move in the Netherworld!

"Junior brother, don’t let the distracting thoughts in your mind affect your own decision. No matter how unwelcome you are to the King of Causality in your heart, you can’t make incorrect choices based on your own ideas. The actions of the King of Causality are not wrong. At this time, you must directly suppress everything with domineering means. There are many reasons for you, and it is not a reason to attack the Netherworld. The rules of the Netherworld cannot be challenged. The stability of the Netherworld is related to the development of the entire prehistoric world!"

As soon as the Taishang Laojun's words fell, Yuanshi Tianzun's expression could not help but changed color, and there was a faint shock in his eyes. This was not a shock to the Taishang Laojun's concept, but a shock to himself. Yuanshi Tianzun instantly noticed it. My own fault, I was silently affected by external forces and made a wrong decision. If it were not for the point of the elder, I am afraid that this time I would fall into a major crisis. Will be involved in this catastrophe!

"Thank you, brother, for reminding me. If it weren’t for this reminder from my brother, I’m afraid that I would have been caught in this crisis unknowingly, in this natural disaster, the power of heaven and earth is really terrifying, even my saint of heaven. Everyone will be affected by it unknowingly!" Although Yuanshi Tianzun said so, no one knew what he thought in his heart. It was just that he was definitely not so plain, but now it is a catastrophe, Yuanshi Tianzun did not dare to act rashly. Don't be careless!

Taishang Laojun said indifferently: "Junior brother, don't care, this is just a momentary backlash of the world, after all, we are heavenly saints. Once natural disasters and man-made disasters erupt, we will naturally bear the brunt. As long as the younger brothers are cautious, this can be avoided!"

auzw.com Is it so simple, is it really just a momentary backlash? No one knows what the Taishang Laojun thinks in his heart. Under such a big environment, no matter how cautious it is, I don’t think it too much. It doesn’t matter whether the Taishang Laojun or Yuanshi Tianzun, I dare not say anything. My own voice, I dare not get myself too deep. If they are not for the saints of heaven, they have to bear the responsibilities of the saints, they will not intervene in this horrible natural and man-made disaster.

"Take it with all your strength, don't have any reservations. The more you do, the more we can eliminate the causal karma and reduce our pressure in the future!" At this point, Tai Shang Lao Jun couldn't help but sighed slightly. For him, the current situation is very dangerous, and it is very dangerous for all the saints of Heaven. Fortunately, the Nether World is suppressed by the King of Cause and Effect, and there is no major disturbance. Otherwise, the Nether World will be chaotic, and the pressure on them will be even greater. , Will suffer a greater causal backlash!

The King of Karma took the initiative to suppress the chaos of the Netherworld, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation was also caught in a great crisis. Such a terrifying number of reincarnations directly detonated the ability of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. You must know that the Six Paths of Reincarnation is not completely perfect at this moment. The Lord is not complete, this needs to be borne by the Houtu ancestor witch himself. Under such circumstances, the situation of the Houtu ancestor witch is naturally very dangerous!

At this time, the Houtu Zuwu finally understood that although the Lord of Reincarnation is good, the prerequisite is that there is no crisis. Once there is a major crisis, it is also a great danger and a great crisis for her Lord of Six Reincarnations. A slight mistake will make you into a desperate situation. This time, the twelve ancestor witches are in the six reincarnations, which can help the Houtu ancestor witch bear part of the pressure and reduce the pressure of the Houtu ancestor witch, but if you will have this next time Is there an opportunity? Can someone help oneself take the pressure?

The perfection of the Six Paths of Reincarnation is imminent. At this moment, the changes in the Nether World, the changes of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, make Hou Tu Ancestral Witch also deeply understand that he can no longer relax, otherwise he will only be harmed in the end. Void, the perfection of the six realms of reincarnation is real. Only when the six realms of reincarnation are completely perfected and the Lord of the six realms returns to their place, can oneself relax!

For the sudden occurrence of such a terrible change, the Houtu ancestor witch naturally knows the reason for everything. For such a shock, the Houtu ancestor witch has endless anger in his heart. He is a victim and was harmed by those **** in the prehistoric world. If it weren’t for those lunatics who insisted on fighting for the origin of the heavens and for the power of the Lord of the heavens, there would not be such a situation, nor would the heavens be broken, and the water of the Tianhe River would fall into the wild land and bring death and death to the wild land. disaster!

To patch up the sky, if you want to resolve this natural and man-made calamity fundamentally, you need to patch up the sky and repair the broken part of the heavens. Otherwise, no matter how hard the three saints of the heavens, Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Nuwa Empress, can’t work hard. To prevent the continued destruction of the heavens, their power is not enough to block this natural disaster and man-made disaster, but the Taoist Hongjun who fits his body has no reaction at all at this moment, as if he did not know that there was such a natural disaster and man-made disaster at all. Did not take action to prevent the continued outbreak of natural and man-made disasters!

"No, although we are heavenly saints, we can use the power of heaven and be unafraid of being consumed by the source, but we cannot stop this natural disaster. We need assistance. This is not something the three of us can accomplish! Sister Nuwa, now we need The power of the monster race needs them to activate the'Star Dou Great Array of Zhou' to stabilize the ancient star field. This needs to be solved by you!" As soon as Taishang Laojun spoke, she pushed such a heavy responsibility on Empress Nuwa and let her come. Deal with this crisis!

"Asshole, how dare you say such a thing to me, Taishang Laojun, dare to put this responsibility on me? Doesn't he know how bad the Demon Race is with me now, although I am still the saint of the Demon Race, but Not many demons are willing to follow me at all, let me ask the demons to restart the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Grand Formation', isn't this slapping me in the face?" Empress Nuwa was very dissatisfied with the words of Taishang Laojun, but she turned to herself. I don't know how to refuse. After all, I still have the name of a demon saint. With this name, I can't refuse such a request. This is the biggest embarrassment of Empress Nuwa!

"Sister Nuwa, at this time, we have no time to waste. The longer the delay, the more disadvantaged it is for us. I know your embarrassment, but we have no choice. Who makes us the saints of heaven, and this is not Regarding you alone, Junior Brother Yuanshi and I still need to solve other problems. At least we have to bring in more helpers. Junior Brother Tongtian, Zhunti and Receiving are all necessary helpers. Therefore, the issue of the "Stars of Zhou Dynasty" is only Can fall on you!"

Faced with Nuwa Empress’s hesitation, Taishang Laojun once again persuaded her, and the fall of these words completely blocked her retreat, forcing Nuwa Empress to have to solve the'Star Battle of Zhou' Unless the Nuwa Empress can exchange with the Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun, she will persuade Zhunti and the guide, and the Tongtian leader to help, and this is an impossible task for the Nuwa Empress, then Since the three of them had betrayed the Dao of Heaven, they would not care about their persuasion.

"Okay, leave this to me, but even if we can do all this, we can't repair the damage in the heavens. As long as the cracks in the heavens are still there, this natural disaster will not end. We need to repair the cracks. The most important thing!" The Empress Nuwa directly pointed out the focus of the matter, and this point is naturally understood by Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun, but this is not something they can solve. This needs to be handled by Hongjun Daozu, at least for them. It is impossible for the three heavenly saints to do it!

"Sister Nuwa, we all understand that this matter is not something we can handle. It requires the teacher to take action. We only need to do what we should do. The teacher will handle everything else naturally, so we don't need to worry about it!"

Taishang Laojun said it well, they only need to do what they can and should do, and everything else will naturally be handled by Hongjun Daozu. No matter what the final result will be, they just need to do well themselves. That's it!

Empress Nuwa nodded. Although she has a thousand unwillingness in her heart, she must face all this and must act. This is one's own responsibility, an unshirkable responsibility. Whoever makes herself a demon saint, at this moment, Empress Nuwa also has endless remorse in her heart. If she can be cruel before, can learn to mention and receive the leader of Tongtian, and directly give up the position of the saint of heaven, there will be no such trouble as now, there is no need for it. Taking on so many responsibilities and shouldering so much pressure, it's just that everything has happened now, and it's too late to regret!

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