God of Destruction

Chapter 4543: Festival of the White Tiger

Chapter 4549

The stability of the Ancient Star Territory can be solved by the Nuwa Empress, and the request for the help of the Lord Tongtian, Zhunti, and the three people is too high to bear, but the old master does not want to persuade each other personally, time does not wait for anyone. , I don’t have so much time wasting on this, and if I come forward, I will owe the other party's cause and effect. This is what Taishang Laojun is unwilling to accept!

"What are you fellow daoists waiting for? Even if you break away from the realm of heaven, but the great calamity, can you stay out of it? If the great land is damaged, can the world you opened up be preserved? You feel that you have the confidence to withstand the great disaster of the world. , Don’t you take action yet?” A low voice rang out in the prehistoric world. This is a warning from Taishang Lao Jun to mention and draw. As for the Master Tongtian, there is no need at all. Before Taishang Laojun speaks, it is already Contacted the leader of Tongtian, and before this voice appeared, the leader of Tongtian had already taken action to prevent the continued destruction of the heavens.

"Damn it, how dare he do this, does he really have no temper for us?" Facing the accusations and warnings of the old man, Zhun said that his heart was full of fire, originally he was still waiting Taishang Laojun came to ask for help, so as to take the opportunity to solve the cause and effect of betraying the way of heaven, but after the words of Taishang Laojun, his plan was completely shattered, and he was directly persecuted by Taishang Laojun, and he had to bear the endless burden. Infamy, and even hatred by the prehistoric world!

Sui Yin smiled and said: "Junior brother, don’t worry, this time we really miscalculated. We underestimated the viciousness of Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun, but even if he opens his mouth to persecute us, it’s useless. It’s not our responsibility. It's not our fault either. Heaven is unwilling to eliminate cause and effect. We can also wait. Isn't it just a shot? We have no problem!"

For an instant, Zhunti understood the quoted words, and nodded slightly. There were some things that could not be said. Although he was calculated by the master, but he did not lose the initiative. It is impossible to make oneself pay for this with all his strength, since the old gentleman dared to calculate himself, he must pay the price for it.

Working without effort, this is the idea of ​​receiving and quasi-raising, and they do it in the same way. Although there are two pillars of light that rise from the world of bliss, it looks extraordinary, but in fact these are just virtual images. Goods, didn't use much force at all, but the momentum was strong, and it could confuse the ordinary creatures of the predecessor!

"Damn it, how dare they do this? Do they still have a great world in their eyes?" As a heavenly saint, Yuanshi Tianzun was aware of the conspiracy of receiving and Zhunti in an instant. Such behavior made Yuanshi Tianzun annoyed. This is a typical work without effort. It seems to have a huge momentum, but in fact it only used a little bit of strength, and it did not help the destruction of the primordial heaven!

"That's right. If you take the lead and quasi to help us with all your strength at this time, there will be a problem. It is unrealistic to expect them, two people who have already betrayed the way of heaven, to help each other. This is simply unrealistic. They won't do anything good. They are waiting for us to continue to ask for each other, waiting for the opportunity to settle the cause and effect with God. Unfortunately, they are clever and mistaken by cleverness. This is a catastrophe, and they can’t help but act recklessly. Since they think it’s good to do so, let’s do it. They're going!" The Taishang Lao Jun could see through the thoughts in the mind of Zhun mentioning and receiving at a glance, but this did not make Taishang Laojun feel that there was anything wrong or unwilling.

"Brother, how can we let go of these two **** like this? They are playing tricks on the predecessors and us. How can this cause and effect let go like this? We have to teach them a lesson and let them know how to calculate us. What is the price!"

Taishang Laojun smiled indifferently: "Junior Brother Yuanshi, nowadays the introduction and Zhunzi are no longer the saints of the heavens. With the responsibility of turbulent liver, Junior Brother Tongtian was able to take action without hesitation because of the friendship between us, but Zhunzi What kind of friendship do they have with us? They don’t care about the destruction of the heavenly realm. In their hearts, even if the heavenly realm is truly destroyed, it will be blocked by us heavenly saints. It has nothing to do with them, unless we can use this opportunity to eliminate it. The cause and effect between them and the heavens, otherwise these two **** won't make an effort at all, why should we have the same knowledge with them, when they regret it in the future, wait, the teacher will not die without saving, and will not watch the primordial heaven shattered !"

The desolate heaven is shattered? This is impossible. The price of damage to the heavens is already astonishing. If the heavens are allowed to shatter, the entire prehistoric heaven and earth may go to the Age of Domination, or even be destroyed. How could the Hongjun Daozu who fit in with his body make it happen? Such a situation happened. The reason why Hongjun Daozu did not take action now was to guide the other three heavenly saints who were about to prove the Dao. For Hongjun Daozu, three proving the Dao were more important than preventing the destruction of the heavens!

The celestial realm is broken. This is a crisis and an opportunity. No matter how the individual masters it, Sanqing and Nuwa Empress will prevent the celestial realm from continuing to shatter. This is a matter of great merit, and Zhun mentioning and receiving are not doing their best because of selfishness, although this will not Let them bear the cause and effect, but they will not be recognized by the heaven and the earth, and they will not have merits. It can only be said that their actions like this are a bit stupid. Perhaps it is the two of them who are really affected by the heaven and earth's calamity, and selfishness makes them lost. If you lose your character, you can't see the future!

"When should I wait for the Dao?" A low voice suddenly resounded through the world. This is the voice of Hongjun Daozu, and it is also his reminder to the other three heavenly saints who are about to prove the Dao. It is the world at this moment. At the time of disaster, it was the time when the saint of heaven was born, helping the primordial heaven to survive this catastrophe, the crisis, and let the primordial world return to normal!

auzw.com"I am the white tiger of the West to suppress the land of the West, town!" With a low roar, a huge white tiger appeared on the land of the West, covering the heavens for the creatures of the West. The impact of the water, and as the white tiger's roar sounded, the heavenly merits fell, and this white tiger finally succeeded in proving the Dao with the help of merits. Although there are some tricks, the saint is the saint!

"My ancestor for Puti was originally to resist the impact of the flood for the prehistoric sentient beings. A wood came out, and all things live!" A huge Puti tree rises from the wild land, absorbing the water of the Tianhe frantically, and the dense branches and leaves are blocking the predominant sentient beings. Going to most of the waters of the Tianhe River, there is no accident, the virtues of the heavens will fall, and the ancestor Puti has also succeeded in proving the Dao, just like the Western White Tigers, they have used clever proofs!

The two holy thrones of the West returned in an instant, and the whole West’s luck began to condense. The Western creatures got a huge boost to get rid of the impact of the water of the Tianhe River. The luck of the West began to return, and the two people were quasi lifted and attracted. The look became extremely ugly, because when the two witnessed, they clearly felt that their luck was dissipating.

If there is no new Western Lord of the Earth, Zhunti and Receiving will still be able to enjoy Western luck, although they have given up the heavenly status, but now this luck is dissipating from them and being taken back by the Western land. From this moment on, they are no longer Western creatures, and have absolutely nothing to do with the West.

"When are you still not proving Dao?" When the two Western saints returned to their throne, Hongjun Daozu found that the position of the saint abandoned by the Master Tongtian had not yet returned to his position. This made him a little puzzled, and he reminded him again. The other party, although this is a clever move, it is still a great opportunity. If you miss this opportunity, it will not be easy to think about it again!

"Proof, **** it, I also want to prove to be holy, but what do I use to prove, now I don’t have the great opportunity of Baihu and Puti. The chance of sanctification under the Lord Tongtian’s house is the way to the heavens. If it doesn't work, I want to intercept the Proving of Heaven?"

It's not that the strong man who has received the grandiose and purple qi does not want to prove the Dao, but he can't prove the Tao. The grand and purple qi of the Master Tongtian is different, and in this purple qi there is the breath of the master of the sky. If you can’t clear away the aura of the great Taoist master, the latter will not be able to prove the Dao, because the strength of the Master Tongtian is more powerful than that of receiving and quasi-raising, even if he voluntarily abandons the holy position of Heaven’s Dao and strips away the purple aura. But there is still a trace of residual aura left, and this Qiaqia was not expected by Hongjun Daozu, and it was also not expected by the Master Tongtian. After all, the Master Tongtian did not know that Hongmeng Ziqi would have such a change!

"Broken, I forgot that Tongtian practice is the way to cut the sky, the way to intercept the secrets of heaven, his way is too strong, so although the grand and purple energy is stripped, there is still a residual breath, this is a big trouble!" After that, Daozu Hongjun's mood became extremely dignified. The accident like this was entirely due to his carelessness. He also underestimated the cultivation base of the Master Tongtian. If he noticed the change of Hongmeng Ziqi stripped by the Master Tongtian earlier, he would not. There will be such a situation.

"Hehe, I didn’t expect such a situation to happen again. The Master Tongtian’s perception of Dao Dao would be so strong, even if he had stripped off the grandiose purple qi, there would still be a residual aura. Now Hongjun Daozu is in great trouble and wants to By opportunism, it is impossible for the three heavenly saints to return to their thrones with the help of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth. The grand and purple energy of the Master Tongtian takes time to refine!" As the lord of the Netherworld, he is in charge of the avenue of cause and effect, and the king of cause and effect is instantly aware When the problem was reached, there was a hint of shock in his eyes!

"Tongtian, you don't want to kill the remaining aura!" Although I was unwilling, but in order to be able to return the heavenly saints, Hongjun Daozu still compromised and let the master of the heavens take the initiative to resolve it. The cause and effect between him and the leader of the sky fell, and the leader of the sky was relieved. Originally in the heart of the leader of the sky, he wanted to take the opportunity to help the heavens and prevent the destruction of the heavens to repay the cause and effect. Now there is Hongjun Dao Ancestor. With these words, his own cause and effect will be completely dissipated!

"Cut!" With a deep cry, the leader of Tongtian chopped out a source. This is not the power of the general source, but the source of the great path of the leader of the sky. In order to directly eliminate this cause and effect, the leader of the sky is also cruel and willing to pay a point. Dadao origin to wipe out the remaining breath of oneself, and directly erase the breath of oneself on the grand purple aura, without leaving any hidden dangers to the other party!

"Asshole, how could the Lord Tongtian be so lucky? Why didn't Hongjun Daozu give us a chance!" Seeing that the Lord Tongtian instantly achieved his wish and eliminated the cause and effect with the way of heaven, I should mention that he could not accept such a result in his heart. It is also a betrayal. Why? Master Tongtian can resolve the cause and effect so easily, but he and his brother can't see any hope!

The look of the leading saint changed, and he sighed deeply and said: "I understand, we are wrong. We are too selfish. We shouldn't care too much about the gains and losses. If we also tried our best to help the heavens before, To prevent the continued destruction of the heavens, we may also have this opportunity, but unfortunately we gave up, and the leader of Tongtian seized this opportunity, coupled with the change of the great purple energy, directly let the **** of Tongtian take the opportunity to eliminate the The cause and effect of the way of heaven, after all, at this time, the saint of heaven will be able to better restore the balance between heaven and earth. It is because we have missed the opportunity and cannot blame others!"

Opportunities have always existed. It’s just that the two of them are too selfish and fail to seize the opportunity. Now it’s unreasonable to complain about others. Only when they fully understand everything, the receiver understands that the previous wrong actions are still accurate for him. How much damage is mentioned, and why is it so, is it an external influence? No, it’s their own problem. They don’t have the merits of the Master Tongtian. As one of the Sanqing Masters, the Master Tongtian has the Pangu Kaitian merit, even if she gave up the position of the Heavenly Dao saint, and this Kaitian merit is still there. , But the two of the lead and the Zhunti do not have such a good thing. They can prove the Dao by borrowing the merits of the heavens. When they give up the position of the saints of the heavens, they dissipate the merits of the heavens, and there is no merit to protect them. In the great calamity of heaven and earth, it is easy to be eroded by the atmosphere of heaven and earth. Naturally, it is easy to make wrong choices and let yourself miss the opportunity!

make up? Is there still a chance to make up for all this? No, Daozu Hongjun will not give them this opportunity. It is impossible for Daozu Hongjun to do nothing for the betrayal of his three major disciples. It is always necessary for someone to pay the price. Now Master Tongtian has escaped punishment, Hong How could Jun Daozu let Zhunti and Jiu escape from punishment? Heaven always needs to use people to establish power, and Zhun Ti and Jiu meet the conditions. Therefore, when they make the wrong choice, they have to bear everything. Consequences, if you let go of the quasi mention and the reception, let them resolve the cause and effect of the heavenly way, where is the majesty of the heavenly way, what else does the heavenly way use to deter all living beings in the predominant world, what qualifications does Hongjun Daozu have to hold the authority of the heavenly way, and What kind of face is in charge of the general trend of the prehistoric world, and there must be an effect if there is a reason, this responsibility can not be evaded!

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