God of Destruction

Chapter 4545: Conscientiously proving the truth

Chapter Four Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty One

"Damn, forcing me again, would I not want to proclaim the Dao, but the Master Tongtian just wiped out the remaining atmosphere of the Dao Dao. At this time, let me proclaim the Dao, isn't it forcing me to pay a heavy price!" He understood that Hongjun Daozu His true intentions, but he does not have the ability to resist, unless he is willing to give up Hongjun’s purple spirit and the opportunity to prove the Dao, but at this time, giving up means death. Hongjun Daozu cannot tolerate him, nor can the heavens tolerate him. Can't tolerate him, this price is what he must pay!

With the help of the power of heaven, step into the footsteps of Zhunti and Jiuying of the year, and use the power to refine the cosmos and purple energy from the heavens to prove the holy way, and doing so will also fall into the same fate as Zhunti and Jiuying in the future. , To work for the Way of Heaven, and continue to repay this great cause and effect, and this liaison is the most unacceptable, especially after Zhunti and the lead abandon the holy throne, no one wants to accept such a great cause and effect, and dare not accept it. Accept it, for fear that one wrong step will cause endless regrets in the future!

"Hurry up, what are you still hesitating? This is your only chance to prove the Dao. If you miss this time, you will no longer have the possibility of the Dao!" Hongjun Daozu's words fell again, putting pressure on the other party again, this It is the only opportunity to prove the Dao. There is nothing wrong with this sentence. If you cannot prove to the Dao Dao and Dao Ancestor Hongjun at this critical moment, you will naturally lose the opportunity to preach the Dao. The saints of the Dao Dao need to make sacrifices. If you don’t even have this spirit of sacrifice, you will naturally lose everything!

At this time, there is no way to retreat. After participating in the battle for the grandiose and purple qi and successfully obtaining the grandiose and purple qi, you have already embarked on the path of preaching. When the opportunity for preaching appears, you must make a choice. There are other possibilities. Life and death are only between one thought, and the truth is only between one thought. Whether to accept or reject, you must make a choice!

"I accept, I use the earth to carry the virtues, do the deeds of the heavenly way, prevent disasters for all beings, take advantage of the weather, and condense!" A low voice fell, and a golden light fell from the void. This is the luck of heaven and is bestowed by heaven. To give Hou Tu's power, he borrowed Heaven's Dao Qi luck to prove his holy position, which made Hou Tu pay a huge price, but he had no choice.

With soil for virtue, mountain peaks rise, and the remaining creatures are protected by these peaks. The countless peaks of the entire prehistoric world rise, sheltering all living beings on the earth, and the human race is also in the scope of shelter. With the appearance of these mountain peaks, countless creatures survived this crazy rain of Tianhe, with the help of this great merit, the earth has proved the position of saint, but he has also forged great cause and effect with the heavens, if It's not that Hongjun Daozu is pressing too quickly, he can slowly refine the Hongmeng Ziqi, and then prove the Dao by himself, not only does not need to owe the cause and effect of the heavenly Dao, but also can get great merit!

"Huge soil, interesting. Those who proclaim the Dao of the Earth, unfortunately, were calculated by the Dao of Heaven and Hongjun, and fell into the great cause and effect of the Dao of Heaven. It is really insidious. Even at this time, I still don’t forget to make arrangements. Calculating others, this is the way of heaven, this is Hongjun, there really is a big problem with the body and the way!" At the moment when the thick soil is proving the way, the king of cause and effect feels the situation of the thick soil through the power of the cause and effect road, and also feels him The great cause and effect on his body was supposed to be a powerful sage of heaven, but he was controlled by the heaven, and the thick soil was a great way of earth, capable of influencing the wild land and mastering the wild land!

Not only the king of cause and effect can see through the calculations of heaven, but also Sanqing, Nuwa Empress, Zhunti, Jiying, and Twelve Ancestral Witches can see all this, but none of them speaks because it has nothing to do with them. , Heaven calculates humanity, calculates the wild land, and must use the power of the thick soil to erode the authority of the wild land and grasp the general trend of the wild land.

With a move, the King of Karma scanned the entire wilderness. When he saw the situation of the entire wilderness, the King of Karma shook his head and said: "It's too insidious. Take the entire wilderness as a pawn. This is a big world. Jie may have been in the calculations of Heaven’s Dao from the beginning, or this is what it has prepared. Even if the previous calculations failed, they can also use this plan to regain control of the prevalence. It’s just that I don’t know how many creatures there are. Died because of it."

At this time, the King of Causality felt that perhaps the mention and introduction, and even the betrayal of the Lord Tongtian, were in the way of heaven's anticipation or precaution. Tiandao had been prepared for the worst for this, and now What happened is good evidence.

Why among the six heavenly saints, the only betrayers are Zhunti, Receiving, and the Master of Tongtian, because of their own path of practice, because of their own problems, Zhunti and Receiving were not valued by the heavens from the beginning, He has always been guarded by Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao, and Tongtian Guru is no exception. It seems that Tongtian Guru is the favorite of Hongjun Daozu, and he has given the "Zhuxian Sword Array", but Tongtian Guru does not have the treasure to suppress the luck at all. It can be said that at the beginning, the Lord Tongtian was also the object of Heaven’s Dao calculations. If he did not appear by himself and did not appear accidentally, perhaps the war of conferring the gods would really occur. This can also explain why the Lord Tongtian would suffer the greatest loss, and even with the Tai Shang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun turned his back!

Relying on people is worse than relying on yourself. Although the position of a saint is good, it has too many defects. Although the chaos gods and demons are good, they also have great dangers. Not to mention the Lord of the world. The Hunyuan Dao is the best choice. It is the best. No matter how good the external force is, it will eventually become the hidden danger of self-cultivation, and self-power is the root of everything.

Watching the mountain peaks rising, watching the creatures of the wild land rescued, watching the flood raging across the wild land, the king of cause and effect has a sardonic smile on his face, this is to heaven, to Hongjun Daozu’s ridicule, because only the weak were saved. The strong on the wild earth were either killed in the battle of the heavens or were killed by the terrifying water of the Tianhe River. If the previous battle was a cleansing, this Natural disasters are also a cleansing, a cleansing of the powerful in the prehistoric land.


"What does Tiandao want to do? To cleanse so many creatures at once, to wipe out the entire prehistoric strongman, and to make the cultivation of the prehistoric be faulty? Could it be said that Tiandao and Hongjun do not care about the development and growth of the prehistoric world at all, but The development of the prehistoric world must be restricted, and this is only to control the general trend of the prehistoric world and control everything about the sentient beings in the prehistoric world?"

I don’t understand, the King of Cause and Effect doesn’t understand the thoughts of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu, and does not understand what good it will do for them, breaking the development of the prehistoric world, and destroying the predominant stage, what is the benefit for them, this Under a natural disaster, not only the wild land will be damaged, but the Netherworld will also be impacted. The same is true for the six reincarnations. Not to mention the heavens. It can be said that almost the three major worlds will suffer the world's calamity. Why is all this?

The Netherworld was not greatly affected by the strong suppression of the King of Cause and Effect, but with this natural disaster, the King of Cause and Effect also needed to be able to dredge the pressure of the Nether World, not to mention the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the Houtu Ancestor Witch and other ancestors. So far, the witch hasn’t appeared. Obviously, the pressure of the Six Paths of Reincarnation is even greater. After all, the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation is not perfect. This requires the help of other ancestral witches. Only in this way can the general trend of the Six Paths of Reincarnation be stabilized. Not to mention, under this crazy rain of Tianhe, the wild land was damaged, and countless creatures died. This is a huge disaster to the wild land, or this is the world’s catastrophe of the wild land. After this catastrophe, the wild land The earth will be damaged.

Power, the king of cause and effect once again feels that he needs a strong power. Only with a stronger power can he have the ability to protect himself. Otherwise, with the changes in the prehistoric world, he will become more and more crazy. With the calculations of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu The more and more crazy, the king of cause and effect can not ensure his own safety, nor can he ensure the safety of the deity, the enemy is too crazy and too vicious!

The current situation is changing too fast, everything is so dangerous, everything is so crazy, under such a general trend, in such a crazy catastrophe, the king of cause and effect does not dare to have the slightest intention, the danger is. Step by step, I force myself again. Although I may not be the object of the calculations of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu, in this shocking change, the Netherworld and the Six Paths of Reincarnation will have to bear the influence from the great changes of the prehistoric world, even if there is 'Eighteen levels of hell' suppressed the Netherworld, but he could not end this change. He could only deal with the shock behind his back. The initiative was not in his own hands. No initiative meant that the Netherworld and the Six Paths of Reincarnation would be at any time. There is danger, and you will be in crisis at any time!

If the tunnel is not dangerous to him, the king of cause and effect can let go and participate in this battle, but as the tunnel erodes the nether world, as the tunnel continues to put pressure on himself, the king of cause and effect cannot Putting all your energy into this panic, you need strength to guard against an authentic backlash, which is the greatest threat to the King of Cause and Effect.

From the rules that I have perfected by myself to threatening my own safety, this has to be said to be a huge ridicule, because the existence of authenticity makes me unable to stop everything, and this shocking change continues to deteriorate. Jun Daozu's erosion of the wild land, watching the wild land gradually fall into the calculations of the heavens, and he could not have the slightest counterattack.

"Perhaps I should gradually give up everything in the Nether World, and no longer focus my energy in the Nether World, or else I will continue to be restrained by the Nether World and let myself continue to waste my time and energy, even if I have more His energy will be squeezed out bit by bit, and now he has the Taoist Supreme Treasure in his hands. It is not impossible to gradually give up the authority of the Netherworld, nor is it an unbearable consequence. After all, a person’s energy is not Infinite, at this time, I also need to make a choice. No matter how powerful the world is, it will not belong to me in the end!” This shocking change made the King of Karma’s thoughts of giving up world power once again increased a bit, and such thoughts would last a lifetime. , Is also a big change for the whole world!

Giving up is giving up, but the strength that belongs to oneself, everything that belongs to oneself cannot be left. It should be one's own, and oneself will never give up. This is the principle, so if you want to do this, from now on, you need a little bit of yourself. Take back your own strength a little, take back what you have paid, take back everything that belongs to you, and don't leave these strengths to the tunnel.

In the life of the king of cause and effect, the Netherworld is shaking. This is the shaking of the rules of the source. The source of the Netherworld feels the changes from the Lord of the world, and naturally reacts. Fortunately, the Netherworld is being received from the predatory world at this moment. The impact of the endless resentment, such a shock did not attract the attention of others, and only the Houtu ancestor witch among the six reincarnations felt a trace of anxiety at this moment, and felt the transmission of the six reincarnations back to himself. A slight change, unfortunately, the Houtu Ancestral Witch at this time has no time and energy to feel this change. After all, the pressure on the Six Paths of Reincarnation is heavier than that of the Netherworld. As the lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the Houtu Ancestral Witch is Focus on the stability of the six ways.

There is no need to hesitate in the path of practice, and there is not much time and energy to waste. The King of Karma deeply understands this truth, and this time the change of the prehistoric world may be his own opportunity, the opportunity to start to get rid of the authority of the Netherworld. The opportunity to cut off the cause and effect between oneself and the tunnel, this shocking change is a huge change in the entire prehistoric world. Doing a little trick at this time will not attract everyone’s attention. After all, everyone’s eyes are now in the predominant world. No one cares about the Netherworld.

"Come on, let this storm come a little more terrifying, and let the endless resentment burst out with a more terrible impact, so that I can take the opportunity to start the layout!" At this time, the eyes of the king of cause and effect flashed with brilliance, crazy His thoughts are constantly flashing in his mind, waiting uneasyly for the time to come, preparing everything silently.

A seed is gestating in the soul of the king of cause and effect. This is a seed condensed by a trace of the soul and the power of the source authority of the nether world. Is this the original division of the road of cause and effect? No, this is not the division of the origin of the causal road, but the division of causal karma. This is not the origin of the causal road, but karma, which is the origin of the ghost!

Although the origin of the nether world and the king of cause and effect are blended together, it is possible to divide it with the heart, and carefully divide this power to breed new life in the sea of ​​soul knowledge, which can cover all the secrets, but the final division needs to be mastered. It's a good time, or else it can still attract the real anger, the vigilance of the heavens, and even the backlash of the entire prehistoric world. That would be a big trouble.

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