God of Destruction

Chapter 4546: Save the sky

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Chapter 4552

As the king of cause and effect who exists as a clone, he cannot directly cut out the power of the soul like the deity does, and use the soul to carry the power of the Netherworld. That will have too much influence on himself. Once he has done this, his own origin It is bound to be incomplete, and it is almost impossible to do a clone to restore the incomplete soul. The clone does not have the powerful soul source of the deity to repair its own damage. The most important thing is to directly cut out a soul in this way. One's own soul collapses directly. After all, the clone is restricted by the Great Dao, and if a soul is directly cut out in this way, the entire Netherworld will be rioted because of the identity of the world lord, and a seed will be condensed little by little, and it will be divided little by little. Your own world authority will not cause too much turmoil. If you grasp the right time, you can make yourself retreat!

Be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years. The more such a major event, the more you must be cautious. There must be no impulsiveness, no mistakes, or the consequences will be very serious, even if the king of cause and effect is the lord of the world. Paying a heavy price, even your own life, the backlash of the world is not as simple as imagined. At least with the arduous proving of the Tao and seeing the calculations of the heavens, the king of cause and effect can also understand that under the wrath of the local Tao, if he does not What would happen if you cut off contact with it!

For some reason, after making this decision, the King of Causality has vaguely a deeper understanding of Hunyuan Dao in his heart. It’s just that time cannot be controlled, and the King of Causality does not have time to quietly understand this insight. I can lock this feeling tightly in my own soul sea of ​​knowledge, and wait for time to come to understand it in the future! This is the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth. In the Great Tribulation, everything is possible, there is opportunity, there is resistance, and it is even more difficult and disaster!

The heavens are changing, and the world is also changing. When another heavenly saint appears, the primordial heaven begins to stabilize. At this time, the old monarch, Yuanshi Tianzun, and the Nuwa Empress can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. When the heaven stabilizes, they have a chance. Freed up to repair the damage to the heavens, but this time the heavens were damaged too much, even if they were also a headache for it, they were hit by the "Zhou Tian Star Dou Great Array" and attacked by the ancient stars, and the heavens were too damaged. , No matter how hard the three of them put in, it would be difficult to restore the damaged heaven. This is not what they can do, but if the heaven is not repaired, they will always be entangled in the broken heaven.

The biggest difficulty in repairing the heavens is not the damage to the heavens, but the destruction of the ancient star fields. If you want to restore the heavens, you must first restore the ancient star fields, but the ancient giants were too crazy before, and they gave their lives. The ancient star field was severely wounded with one blow, which was something Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao did not expect. Under the threat of death, this group of lunatics could really do everything, even such crazy things. It directly caused Hongjun Daozu to have a headache.

To repair the ancient star field, you first need to return the ancient stars to their place, restart the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array', and use the power of the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array' to continuously absorb and transform the star power from the chaos to repair the ancient star field. , And yet no one can do it in the prehistoric world today. Before the Nuwa Empress also asked the surviving star gods of the Yao race to stabilize the prehistoric stars, but their power was limited, and they did not get a complete Zhoutian Star Fight. Dazhen’s inheritance, the true inheritance has been destroyed with the fall of Demon Emperor Jun. If anyone is proficient, only the demon master Kunpeng, but unfortunately Kunpeng will not choose to help, the destruction of the demon clan has already caused him to fight against the predecessor. Lost trust, lost trust in Heaven!

At the same time, just the demon master Kunpeng cannot preside over the'Zhou Tian Star Fighting Array', even if he has Hetu and Luo Shu in his hands, he can't do it. After all, he is not the demon emperor Jun who is in charge of the Avenue of Stars, and he cannot mobilize the origin of the stars. Without the cooperation of the origin of the stars, trying to repair the ancient star field is just a joke, and the saints can’t do it. This is the ending after the demon clan’s destruction, and without the existence of the'Zhou Tian Star Fighting Array' and the ancient star field, the predecessor Heaven and earth cannot absorb and transform the origin from the chaos, and the pattern of the entire prehistoric world is affected, and the impact it can withstand is also affected.

In a word, such as the collapse of the world today and the fatal counterattack of the ancient powerhouses, directly destroying the character of the prehistoric world. It takes endless years to recover, and the cooperation of all living beings in the world, and this harmony is done by the saints of heaven and earth. Unexpected things, such a situation means that the prehistoric world becomes fragile, and it means that the cultivation of all living beings in the future will be affected, so the power of the entire prehistoric world will naturally be weakened and no longer as strong as before!

"Nu Wa, I give you the'Ding of Universe Ding' to fill the sky with the Great Way of Good Fortune!" With the voice of Dao Ancestor Hongjun, a golden light fell from the void, and the most innate treasure'Ding of Universe Ding' appeared in front of Empress Nv Wa. This method can resolve the crisis and stabilize the turbulent prehistoric world. It is not an easy task to make up for it. It is unrealistic to rely solely on Nuwa Empress to completely repair the heavens!

In an instant, Empress Nuwa smiled bitterly at the innate treasure "Qiankun Ding" in front of her. Although the treasure is good, it is not easy to pick it up. Moreover, this treasure has great cause and effect. If she can't repair the sky, she will suffer from the backlash of luck. She didn't want to see such a situation, and this terrifying heavy responsibility was not something she was willing to bear, but now the Nuwa Empress did not have the right to choose!

"Teacher, my strength is not enough to repair the damage to the heavens, the wounds of the Zhoutian stars, and the destruction of the distant star field, it is not that I have the ability to recover. Please take the teacher back and die!" After thinking for a while, Empress Nuwa I still chose to give up. Although I have great merits and great opportunities, I am really powerless, and I really can't do all of this.

"It's okay, you don't care about your ancient star field and the'Zhou Tian Xing Chen'. You only need to repair the damage to the sky. As for the Zhou Tian star and the ancient star field, you will have time to recover later, and now you only need to save the sky. That's it!" Hongjun Dao Zu He Shang didn't know that Empress Nuwa couldn't restore the ancient star field and the'Stars of Zhou Dynasty', but now Empress Nuwa can't retreat, and in the prehistoric world, she is the most suitable for repairing the sky. , And only she can take on this heavy responsibility!

Just repairing the damage to the heavens, ignoring the ‘Zhou Tian’s stars’ and the ancient star realms. In this way, how much vitality can the celestial realm retain even after it’s restored. Does the celestial realm still have the same atmospheric luck and great opportunities in the past? Although I was questioning Hongjun Daozu's decision, the Nuwa Empress could only accept it. After all, in front of Hongjun Daozu, she was just an ant!

"Haha, it's interesting, Hongjun Daozu actually handed the heavy responsibility of patching the sky to Nuwa, but this is just an excuse. Although Nuwa's road of good fortune is good, it is not easy to repair the damage in the world. The most important thing is that there are too many crises in the prehistoric world today, and there is a little mistake, and there is only a dead end waiting for Nuwa! The cause and effect of the heavens are not so easy to carry, and this opportunity is not so easy to obtain. of."

How big the cause and effect of a world is, the king of cause and effect, as the lord of the Netherworld, is naturally clear, he is carefully giving up this great cause and effect bit by bit, but now Hongjun Daozu let the Nuwa Empress bear it, This pressure is absolutely appalling for Empress Nuwa, even if she is a saint of heaven, she would not dare to stake her life!

"Why do I force me to force me to take on this huge cause and effect? ​​Is the dilemma in the heavens that I can bear with a little heavenly saint? Once something happens, I will definitely die, and that huge cause and effect can be straightforward. Obliterate everything from me!" Nuwa Empress is angry, although this restoration of heaven has great merit, but behind the great merit is great cause and effect, great horror, Nuwa Empress does not think she has such strength and can bear this cause and effect. .


Of course, this is only one of the reasons. As a heavenly saint, if you want to repair the heavens, you can say that it consumes a lot of your own origin. If the Nuwa Empress alone repairs the heavens, she will inevitably consume most of her own origin, or even more. It is very dangerous in her own right, and the Nuwa Empress nowadays doesn't think Hongjun Daozu will protect herself.

"Teacher, I can't do it. Today's original source is not enough to support the heavy responsibility of restoring the heavens. Although I practice the great path of good fortune, but to restore the original world like the heavens, it is not my little heavenly saint who can do this. Only a teacher has the ability to do everything, and I don’t have such strength. Once I fail, the entire heaven may collapse, and my heavenly saint will also fall due to backlash, die and soul, and disappear completely between heaven and earth! "

Thinking about it, even in the face of the pressure of Hongjun Daozu, Empress Nuwa still made the choice to refuse, and when her words fell, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, as if she was all All the pressures disappeared, the whole person became relaxed, and his soul seemed to have been washed, without all the worries and worries.

"What? Junior sister Nuwa dare to refuse the teacher's decision and unwilling to repair the heavens. Is she crazy? I don't know what a good thing this is, what a great merit?" Yuanshi Tianzun shouted in silence, wondering why Empress Nuwa To refuse this great opportunity, to refuse the great merit that is about to be obtained, this is a bit too abnormal!

"Rejection is right. If Junior Sister Nuwa doesn't refuse, it's really dangerous. Junior should not be lost by the interest in front of you. Great merit is also a great cause and effect, great terror, such a dilapidated heaven. You think it's just Junior Sister Nuwa. Can a person take the heavy responsibility of cultivation? Even with the innate treasure "Qiankun Ding" in hand, this cause and effect are too great. Heaven is one of the three original worlds of the prehistoric world, and the consequences of failure are disastrous. !"

In contrast, Taishang Lao Jun looked farther than Yuanshi Tianzun, and he also understood the importance of the heavens more clearly, and understood how terrible it is to repair the heavens. Such things should not have been done by saints like them, but need to be done. Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestors, or the power of the rules of the prehistoric heaven and earth, although the power of the saints is infinite, but it is only through the heavens to restore the heavens, and they want to continuously draw on the origin from the heavens, and it is the origin of good fortune. This is simply impossible.

"Junior Brother, maybe the teacher and Tiandao are trying to tie Nvwa Junior Sister to the heavens. Once Nvwa Junior Sister agrees, they will no longer be able to help themselves, while Tiandao and Hongjun Teachers can easily get out of it. All the pressure will be Sister Nv Wa, who is going to memorize it by herself, are you willing to accept such terrible pressure and danger?" Seeing that Yuanshi Tianzun is still not conscious, Taishang Laojun said again, directly pointing out the great danger, great danger. crisis.

Once tied to the heaven, it will be difficult for Empress Nuwa to get out again. It can be said that Empress Nuwa will not have the chance to break free if the heaven is not restored, which is equivalent to directly becoming the lord of half of the world, or even directly becoming the **** of heaven. The source of the restoration of the origin is constantly being squeezed by the heavenly realm. Who wants to follow such a big trouble!

When she said her refusal, Empress Nuwa was also prepared for the worst. If Hongjun Daozu continued to put pressure on herself, she would also give up the respect of the heavenly saint, and learn to mention and draw, and Master Tongtian, embarking on the road of betraying the way of heaven, after all, he cannot be trapped in such a desperate situation, without seeing a glimmer of hope.

Betrayal is not difficult. Especially in this situation, if Hongjun Daozu is forced too hastily, Nuwa Empress can completely give up everything, and once he makes this crazy decision, it will affect the entire heaven and the entire prehistoric world. It is another natural disaster, and this great cause and effect, the great karma will also fall on Nuwa Empress, Hongjun Daozu will also bear responsibility for this.

At this time, Hongjun Daozu did not speak, but turned into the eyes of heaven and stared at the Nuwa Empress. In this way, he was putting pressure on the Nuwa Empress and was also warning the Nuwa Empress, and also doing it to the Nuwa Empress. The final'test', if Empress Nuwa refuses to accept, Hongjun Daozu needs to reconsider the positioning of Empress Nuwa. A saint who is not under his control and does not listen to the orders of the heavens is not good for the heavens, nor is it good for himself.

Faced with such pressure, Empress Nuwa did not shrink back, but directly faced the eyes of heaven, without a hint of compromise. Empress Nuwa was unwilling to carry this great cause and effect for the Dao of Heaven and Dao Ancestor Hongjun. It is no hesitate to give up the position of a heavenly saint. Although a heavenly saint is good, he can give up for his own life and freedom! Abandoning the Heavenly Dao Sage is just cutting away a point of origin, but to endure a Heavenly Dao backlash, but I will not fall into the desperate situation of death, will not be trapped by the heavens, and accept that I can't see any hope.

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