God of Destruction

Chapter 4547: Doubts

Chapter Four Thousand Five Hundred and Three

"What's the matter? Hongjun Daozu and Tian Dao shouldn't be so impatient. Why do they suddenly make such a decision to persecute Empress Nuwa so much? Is there anything I don't know about, in the heavens? There are other changes?" As the lord of the Netherworld, the King of Causality couldn't help muttering to himself when seeing such a change, and he became suspicious of the Dao of Heaven and Dao Ancestor Hongjun.

Since I merged into the prehistoric heaven, everything has become so unnatural and weird. As Hongjun Taoist ancestor, you shouldn’t be so anxious to force Empress Nuwa to repair the heavens. Although the heavens are dangerous, there are six saints of heaven. , There is no possibility of collapse, there is no need to force Empress Nuwa to sacrifice herself and fall into the big trouble of heaven.

Unfortunately, the King of Cause and Effect still knows too little information to find out the true intentions of Hongjun Taoist ancestor and Tiandao from the known information, but one thing is certain, it must be the changes in the prehistoric world that affected Tiandao and Hongjun. Dao ancestors, that's why they were so anxious to restore the heavens, even at the expense of Nu Wa Empress, the heavenly saint.

When the King of Cause and Effect was puzzled, Empress Nuwa's voice sounded in Daozu Hongjun's ear again: "Nuwa, you are sure to give up. Do you know the consequences of doing this? This time is different. If you do Once a decision is made, there is no chance to regret it again. This task is indeed dangerous, but there is also a great opportunity. You have to think clearly!"

Empress Nuwa didn’t mean to hesitate at all, she said directly: “Teacher, I have a clear idea. Without this strength, we shouldn’t try to do it reluctantly. Doing so will only harm others and herself, not only her own life may be ruined. In the heavens, even the teacher and the plan of the gods will be broken. I cannot bear such serious consequences!"

"Okay, very good, since you have made your choice, you won't say anything more as a teacher. The road is your own choice!" Although there is endless anger in your heart, Daozu Hongjun can't vent, he fits the way of nature. There is no right to force the Nuwa Empress, and even if she must force the other party, it will only force the other party to die. If the Nu Wa empress will follow those crazy ancient powerhouses and explode, the heaven may really collapse and the order of the three realms will be completely shattered. , After all, Nuwa is a heavenly saint, and her self-detonation power is not trivial. If you stand in the heavenly realm, or even in the source of the celestial realm, you will definitely be able to destroy the entire celestial realm!

Another disciple lost control and was separated from him, but Daozu Hongjun was unable to stop all of this. Although Nuwa did not directly betray the Dao of Heaven, betraying her own teacher, Daozu Hongjun knew that this day would not be too far, because Nüwa has already felt the danger, she will not sit still and refuse her offer, which means that she has rejected the way of heaven. In this case, she can only go by betraying the way.

Pressure, boundless pressure rushed to Hongjun Daozu’s heart again. Although he was unwilling to do so, things had already happened, and he couldn’t help himself. Patching the sky must be done. Now Nuwa is unwilling to take on this responsibility. I can only think about other methods, and only consider from other heavenly saints. It’s just that Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun are obviously impossible. Even Nuwa can refuse. They are naturally no exception. As for the three who just preached, they Forcing them to bear the consequences is too serious. If they are not careful, they will be backlashed by the origin of the heavens, unless they have no proof of the way, they rely on the origin of the heavens and use the sky as the basis to prove the way, otherwise they can’t bear the terrible heavens as well. The power of origin.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in Daozu Hongjun's mind, and a crazy thought came to his mind! Yes, Hongjun Daozu came up with a crazy plan. If this plan is successful, it may be possible to complete the repair of the heavens. It is impossible to reach the level of the original plan, but as long as the success of the heavens will stabilize, in the future Have time to fix it slowly!

What did Hongjun Daozu think of? He thought of the incomplete grand purple qi left behind after Hong Yun died. If he can make good use of this incomplete grand purple qi, he will have the opportunity to solve the current difficulties and resolve the crisis in the heavens. It's just that. Since then, only a heavenly saint with the weakest strength has been proving Dao, and he will even be trapped in the ancient star realm forever!

For such serious consequences, Daozu Hongjun doesn’t care. As long as he can complete his plan and repair the heavens, it’s okay for the saints who preach the Dao to be confined to the ancient star realm. This is the price of the Dao’s sanctification. Even if the price is a bit high, it is still possible to prove the Dao, which is enough for those who have been eager to prove the Dao.

Deception, Hongjun Daozu wants to use such deceitful means to lure or a strong person, bind him to the heavens, more accurately to bind him to the ancient star field, let him use the stars to prove his way, and let him go. The Avenue of Stars, once the Dao is proved, it must be in conjunction with the ancient star field, so the ancient star field has a perpetual motion machine, which can continuously repair the damage!

Of course, Hongjun Daozu’s plan is not without shortcomings. To achieve this, both Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao need to pay a certain price. Not everyone can understand the Avenue of Stars, nor can anyone fit the Avenue of Stars. , If there are such strong people in the prehistoric, they are naturally the ancient star gods. If Emperor Jun and Taiyi are not dead, they are the most suitable!

Nowadays, there are such existences in the prehistoric times, such as the demon master Kunpeng, but for this demon clan giant, Hongjun Daozu dare not take risks. You must know that the previous battles, the demon clan paid a huge price, and forged with heaven. Boundless cause and effect and hatred, wanting the demon master Kunpeng to cooperate with him and repair the heavens. This is a joke. If the heavens are accidentally collapsed, the monster race is also a group of lunatics, who can do everything, Hongjun Daozu Don't dare to take such a risk!

The demon clan doesn’t work, Hongjun Daozu needs to make another choice. It’s just that today’s prehistoric world loses too many powerful people, and too many prehistoric powerful people die in the battle of the heavens. So the number of people who can let Hongjun Daozu choose is Very few. But time didn't wait for anyone, Hongjun Daozu didn't have so much time to wait, and Heaven could not wait forever like this.

auzw.com can’t wait, which means that everything needs to be borne by Hongjun Daozu and pay the price. This requires the gift of Hongjun Daozu, the gift of heaven, and only they bestow the stars of the Dao. Dao insight, even the origin of the Dao of Stars, can have the opportunity to let this heavenly sage who enlightened the Dao into the game, in order to complete his plan.

This price is a bit high. Whether it is for Dao Zu Hongjun or Dao Tian, ​​the price is a little big. To pay such a high price is too much sacrifice for Dao Zu Hongjun, but now Dao Zu Hongjun has no choice. . The more expensive the price, the greater the dissatisfaction of Hongjun Daozu towards Nuwa Empress. Originally, it only needed Nuwa Empress to make a'little' sacrifice to restore the heavens, but Nuwa refused and let My plan was shattered and I had to bear such a big price.

"This time, you can't make a single mistake in any case. You can't choose a person who is too smart, or it will still be a big trouble in the future. It is best to choose a creature with a temperate temperament, no ambition, and a calm spirit!" Hongjun Daozu was thinking about people's choice silently, and he was picking from the strong in the predicament bit by bit, but soon Hongjun Daozu found that he wanted to find a candidate that did not exist, among those who survived. There is no such existence, it is even more troublesome now!

"Asshole, the entire prehistoric world doesn't even have a creature that meets the requirements. Damn it. I knew it would happen. I should stop it before, even if I paid a certain price." At this time, Hongjun Daozu's There was regret in my heart, but it was a pity that everything had happened. I couldn't find a candidate among those strong, so I could only lower the conditions and pay a higher price.

After a careful search, Hongjun Daozu finally found the target. Only a few people can meet the conditions. No, it should be said that they are a few spirit monsters. The so-called spirit monsters are the spirits of plants and trees. Only the Spirit of Grass and Trees can meet all the conditions. It is just to urge the Spirit of Grass and Trees, which has not reached the level of quasi-sage perfection, to become quasi-sage Dzogchen. This requires huge resources, even Hongjun Daozu is a little distressed, but But I only have this one way!

Time waits for no one, Hongjun Daozu chose a celestial grass and tree spirit, which has survived since ancient times, because grass creatures are the weakest in wisdom and the easiest to control, even though he is just a big Luo Jinxian. But there is not much wisdom. The most important thing is a gentle temper. As long as no one touches it, it will hardly move and will not fight back!

With a heart move, a star light fell from the void. This is a trace of the origin of the stars left by the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Tai after the demon clan was destroyed. Although dilapidated, there is still a trace of the emperor's aura. With the rules of stars, when this origin falls into the star grass, it quickly merges with its origin, and at the same time, Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao gave each other a star origin at the same time, so that it can be integrated into the Avenue of Stars!

Yes, forcibly raising the opponent's realm and strength, this is the method of Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao, but this way of forcibly raising the perception of a creature's Dao Dao will have serious consequences, fortunately, this is a gentle plant that does not know how to resist. Spirit!

In order to be able to implement his plan smoothly without leaving any hidden dangers, Hongjun Daozu left a terrifying hint of the soul when he bestowed the origin of the stars and the great avenues on his opponent, and he would restore the heavens and the ancient star fields into this. The obsession of the star grass, as long as the obsession is still there, everything will be in the grasp of Daozu Hongjun.

"Brother Hongjun, what is Dao Ancestor Hongjun doing? How could he unleash such a powerful origin of the stars? Shouldn't it be time to restore the heavens. Empress Nuwa refused. Is it possible that the origin of the stars can be changed by falling into the wild land?"

"I don’t know. This time Nuwa’s refusal was a bit unexpected. After all, it was a treasure of innateness. Although there are a little hidden danger, Nuwa can completely agree to it first and take this treasure of innateness in his own hands. Then slowly dissolve the cause and effect on her body, and she who practices the Great Way of Good Fortune, it is entirely possible to get rid of that crisis!"

Even the introduction is fascinating for the innate treasure of the'Qiankun Ding'. If you master this innate treasure, it is equivalent to mastering the endless source of innate spiritual treasures, although every refining of innate spiritual treasures requires a certain price. , But compared to the harvest, such a price is worth it. It would be great if such a good thing happened to them!

"Yes, if you agree to it, you have mastered the heavens, mastered the power of self-protection, and can also reunite with the demon race, and control the heavens in the hands of the demon race again. I don't understand why such a good thing Nuwa should do. Rejection, does she really have to be completely separated from the Yaozu, and really no longer care about the life and death of the Yaozu?" Zhunti couldn't help sighing, and sighed for the refusal of Empress Nuwa!

Zhun Ti and Recitation only saw the benefits, and did not see the huge hidden dangers behind the benefits. Perhaps Zhun Ti and Recitation could bear the huge pressure for the disciples, but the Nuwa Empress would not do this, because of the Yaozu After the war, no one in the entire Yaozu wanted to believe in Nuwa Empress. Under this circumstance, how could Nuwa Empress sacrifice her own interests to help the Demon Race? What does the life and death of the Yaozu have to do with her? People are selfish. Yes, Empress Nuwa is no exception, so she can only refuse!

Suyin suddenly changed his expression and said solemnly: "Perhaps Dao Ancestor Hongjun is so aggressively trying to cultivate a saint of the heavenly path. You have to know that there is still the incomplete purple qi left by the red clouds in the prehistoric world. For ordinary people, even if they get it, they can’t prove the Dao. After all, there is a deficiency in this great and purple qi, but the help of Heaven’s Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestor is completely different. If you train another Heavenly Dao saint, do you think it’s possible to transform the heavens? repair?"

"Isn't that possible? That's a heavenly saint. Even Hongyun didn't succeed at the beginning, and he lost his life. How could he cultivate another heavenly saint in such a short period of time!" Zhunti is unwilling to accept this possibility, after all This is crazy and incredible. If Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao can do this, why didn’t they take action on Hongyun back then, did not help Hongyun proving the Dao, and changing everything, if Hongyun proving the Dao, maybe there would be no Such a terrible disaster!

"Nothing is impossible. Everything is possible in the catastrophe. It's just the price. For Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao, they have no choice. Nuwa's refusal has left them with nowhere to go. They can only do it. This choice!"

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