God of Destruction

Chapter 4548: Cost

Four thousand five hundred and fifty-fourth chapter price

In contemplation, Zhunti fell into contemplation for an instant. These words do have a certain truth. Under such a crisis, in order to ensure the safety of the heavens, in order to ensure the safety of the heavens, the price is worth it. There is a saint’s testimony, maybe it can really solve the current crisis, or even be able to do more. After all, the heavenly saints are connected with the heavens, and there is the endless source of the heavens, and it is not too difficult to cultivate a saint. It is possible to speculate and prove the Dao by ingenuity, and in the same way, the new heavenly saints can also do this, but at the cost!

The more he thought about it, the more Zhunti felt that it was possible. He couldn't help but started the idea of ​​this opportunity. He wanted to take a little bit of money from this change, even if it was just a little bit for himself and for the world of bliss. That's a good thing!

"Junior brother, don’t want to make the idea of ​​this opportunity. Hongjun Daozu is not easy to mess with. We have great cause and effect with Heaven. If we intervene in this matter, the cause and effect will be directly detonated. At that time, you and I will face Heaven and God. The anger of Hongjun Taoist ancestors, even if they are cruel, Zhongyi will use us as a shield to push all responsibilities, all cause and effect on us, let us bear this endless cause and effect and karma, and let us become a substitute for death! "

When talking about this, Xie Yin sighed involuntarily, then continued: "Junior Brother, the more we get to this time, the more we have to be cautious, and there can be no slightest mistake, otherwise we are very likely to fall into In the calculations of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu, bear the terrible karma for them, and accompany you and my lives."

Zhunti nodded and said: "That's right. We really can't be an enemy of Hongjun Daozu at this time. Once we provoke him, it will be very unfavorable to us. If there is a slight difference, we will pay a heavy price. Today we are There is no more information to waste!"

"Junior brother can think so, just forcibly create a heavenly saint. If you think about it carefully, you can understand the amazing price Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao have to pay. If we act to disrupt each other's plans, Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao Can we accept it? Can we bear their anger? No matter how great the benefits are, we can't participate!"

The quote is right. Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu paid such a high price, how could they allow someone to sabotage? If Zhun mentions that because of temporary selfishness, their plan will be ruined and the price paid will be turned into nothingness. There will be endless anger poured out in the bliss, even if they are protected by humanity, they will certainly pay a heavy price, even their own lives.

Even if Zhunti is crazy, he dare not act rashly in the face of such a terrible danger, he dare not risk his own life and the lives of all the creatures in the Elysium. He cannot afford the consequences of failure, and the entire Elysium cannot bear such consequences. Under this circumstance, Zhunti can only give up, and can only give up the crazy greed in his heart!

The only people who can see this opportunity are quasi mentions and receptions. No, the entire predecessor can see this great opportunity, but no one dares to participate, let alone destroy it, because they are deeply involved. Understand how terrifying the danger is. Before Hongjun Daozu wanted to sacrifice a heavenly saint like Nvwa Empress to restore the heavens, she was eventually rejected by Nvwa Empress, and now he has made such a big disturbance with Tiandao. This is obvious. It is to restore the heavens. If someone dares to destroy it, it is absolutely self-defeating. No matter how big your background is, no matter how strong you are, there is only a dead end!

"Asshole, there is a big opportunity in front of us, but we can't participate. It's really unwilling!" Some powerful people are venting their unwillingness in their hearts, but no matter how unwilling they are, they dare not act rashly, Hong Jun Dao Ancestor and Heavenly Dao are not something they can provoke, and they don't have the confidence to face the anger of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao Ancestor.

The king of cause and effect in the nether world also felt this change. For such a change, the king of cause and effect did not pay attention to it. Although there is a chance, the danger to face is too great, and the gain is not proportional to the effort. There is no need to provoke Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu at this time. Both the Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu are on the verge of madness. To stimulate them at this time will easily arouse the crazy killing intent in their hearts and immortality. Kill the mind endlessly! The most important thing is that today’s King of Causality has to face not only Heaven’s Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestors, but also authenticity and even humanity. Under such circumstances, how could the King of Causality be willing to stimulate heaven and Hongjun. Jun Daozu, go to provoke their bottom line!

When all the powerhouses of the predecessors focused their attention on the stargrass being forcibly promoted, Daozu Hongjun was distressed: "Damn it, how could this be? Forcibly raising the opponent's power will consume so much power. The origin of, if you completely promote him to the realm of quasi-sage great perfection, the price paid is too great, the resistance of the avenue is too great, and it consumes much more resources than expected, which is really not worth it. Such a huge resource is enough to train ten quasi-saints who are powerful!"

not worth it? Does Hongjun Daozu still have the right to choose? No, he has no right to choose at all. He wants to repair the heavens, wants to transfer the pressure of the heavens away from himself, not to himself, not to put pressure on the heavens, this is the only choice, and only by doing so. Being able to truly let go of all the pressure, after all, the restoration of the heavens requires a high price. If the heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestors were to bear it, it would definitely consume more resources than the current one.

Of course, it would be far more terrifying to pay for this responsibility with Empress Nuwa, but it is a pity that Empress Nuwa was not willing to accept it, and Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao did not dare to force her. In the end, it was only this. One way can go!


Feeling the crazy loss of his own origin, Hongjun Daozu couldn't help but sighed and muttered to himself: "Hey, if you can successfully guide it to preach the Tao this time, I'm afraid that I and Tiandao will have to rest for a long time. For a long time, it has been impossible to observe the development of the world, this time the plan is generally a failure."

Yes, this great catastrophe of heaven and earth is indeed a big defeat for Daozu Hongjun. After calculating the endless years, I thought I was fully prepared, but after the great catastrophe of the day and earth really broke out, I realized that I was overestimated. My own ability underestimated the horror of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, and one wrong step is a wrong step. It is precisely because of the initial miscalculation that the situation becomes uncontrollable and the entire prehistoric world falls into such a terrible situation. Natural disasters and man-made disasters!

The origin is constantly being absorbed by the star grass, Hongjun Daozu's aura is getting weaker and weaker, but at this time Hongjun Daozu cannot shrink back. If everything is interrupted at this time, the price paid before will be in vain, no matter how difficult Hongjun Daozu will be It is necessary to persevere, not only to persevere, but also to ensure that one's own breath is strong, so that one cannot perceive one's own weakness. After all, today's predatory world is no longer the only one of the heavens, if at this time the situation of one's own weakness is detected by others, There will be big troubles, there will even be wars, humanity or tunnels will not give up the opportunity to weaken the way of heaven!

In fact, Daozu Hongjun’s worries are a bit redundant. At this time, no matter how much he conceals it, it is impossible to conceal his true situation. The king of cause and effect, those who truly control the power of the world, can feel the changes of Daozu Hongjun, because they all I deeply understand how terrifying the price it takes to forcibly give birth to a saint of heaven, even if they, the Lords of the world, can't afford such a price, how could Hongjun Daozu who fit in with his body lose a little bit? No!

"Haha, it's interesting. It seems that Daozu Hongjun's heart is also upset. To make such a concealment may interfere with his own judgment for ordinary people, but it has no effect at all for the real strong. It makes people more aware of his weakness, and it seems that even the Hongjun Dao ancestor who fits in with the heaven and earth will be affected by it under the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth!"

The King of Karma was sneered again and again, but even if he saw through the weakness of Daozu Hongjun, the King of Karma didn’t mean to take action. Although Daozu Hongjun is an enemy, he can also control the tunnel. After all, he fits well. The powerhouse of heaven, with his presence, tunnels will be greatly suppressed, and the king of cause and effect is not willing to help tunnels to suppress heaven.

After understanding the threat of tunnels to himself, the king of causality does not want to contribute to the tunnels at all, and does not want to waste his time and energy. No matter how the tunnels are changed or even tempted, the king of causation will not be moved at all. ! When Hongjun Taoist ancestor revealed its flaws, tunnels continued to tempt the King of Causality again and again, trying to lure the King of Causation to stop Hongjun Taoist ancestors and the heavens. As for how much it would do to the King of Cause and Effect. Harm, this is not in the consideration of authenticity. For the authenticity, the king of cause and effect is a chess piece and an abandoned piece!

When the king of cause and effect, the lord of the world, did not regard the temptation of the tunnel as the same thing, and had not responded to it all the time, the tunnel had to change the target, and had to take up the idea of ​​the Houtuzu witch, the lord of the six reincarnations. Begin to seduce the Houtu ancestor witch and the witch tribe ancestor witches, guide them to launch an obstruction against Hongjun Dao ancestor, and constantly pass on the weakness of Hongjun Dao ancestor and heaven to the twelve ancestor witches, wanting to guide the twelve ancestor witches to make a big move. Obstruct the Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu to give birth to a new Heavenly Dao Sage!

For the tunnel, time is really running out. Under the madness of Dao Ancestor Hongjun, a trace of the origin of the stars rose from the wild land, converging with the stars in the void, and even interacting with the ancient star realm. And all this shows that there is not much time left for the other party to prove the Dao. If you don't stop it, it won't be long before a new heavenly saint will appear.

For the sudden change and the crazy temptation of the authenticity, the twelve ancestral witches who are trying their best to lead the six reincarnations to distress, their work has been affected by the authenticity, which puts them under greater pressure, even their hearts. It was also shocked, and the idea of ​​rushing out of the six reincarnations, rushing out of the nether world, and killing to the wild land occurred involuntarily!

Suddenly there was such an abnormal change and such an impact, the Twelve Ancestor Witches naturally understood that they were under the impact of the tunnel, and even the tunnel was deliberately attacking them, otherwise it would be impossible to have such power to bypass the six reincarnations. It directly affects them, even the Lord of Cause and Effect, the Lord of the Nether World, can't do this!

"Sister, what should we do now? The tunnel is obviously trying to lure us to stop the Heavenly Dao, the Heavenly Dao saint spawned by Hongjun Taoist ancestor, and even to influence the overall situation of the Netherworld!" As ten The boss of the second ancestor witch, Emperor Jiangzu witch was very heavy, he deeply understood what this happened to the witch clan.

Although Emperor Jiang Zu Wu is the leader of the Wu Clan, he cannot draw conclusions lightly on this matter, and he cannot easily make a choice. After all, this relationship is important. Not only the entire Wu Clan will be affected by it, but even the six reincarnations will also be affected by it. Influence, at this time, a big shot, the pressure of the six reincarnations will inevitably fall on the Houtu ancestor witch, which is very detrimental to the six reincarnations!

"Wait, we don’t need to care about the temptation of the authentic. Even we are affected by the authentic. I believe that the Lord of Nether’s King of Cause and Effect is also affected by the same influence. Even he has no reaction at all. Why should we care about this? Temptation, no matter how good the authentic temptation, but can its promise really be fulfilled? How important is the Six Paths of Reincarnation to the prehistoric world, and how important is the heaven to the prehistoric world? The reason why Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao paid such a heavy price to give birth to a heaven What the saints do, they are not trying to restore the heavens. If we fight against it, what kind of causation will this be. The authenticity is so true that it can protect us. The huge causal authenticity will really be able to bear it. I don't think so!"

Facing the temptation of authenticity, the Houtu ancestor witch was not moved at all, because the more it was, the more it showed how terrifying and terrifying the cause and effect behind all this. If their twelve ancestor witches really can do it, I'm afraid the whole witch The clan will be in desperation because of this, and the Houtu ancestor witch, who is the lord of the six reincarnations, is also hard to escape. How could the ancestor witch get away? In her opinion, no matter how beautiful the authentic temptation is, it is just false. Once the twelve ancestor witch is really able to do it, he will definitely be abandoned by the authentic, become an authentic abandoned child, and carry endless causes and effects. Karma will cause the entire witch clan to fall into the disaster of death. Although the witch clan is an authentic Pangu and has the protection of Pangu's open weather, it has such a large cause and effect to wipe out all merit and luck!

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