God of Destruction

Chapter 4549: Tunnel interference

Chapter 4555: Authentic Interference

"Sister, but if we refuse like this, we will also be extinct in the tunnel, and the witch world we opened up is pinned in the tunnel, and you, the lord of the six reincarnations, are also part of the tunnel. Once we refuse, Regardless of whether it is the Wu clan, you will have to endure a great impact and suffer a great impact?" Di Jiang Zuwu said worriedly. It is not that he is not clear about the calculations, but the Wu clan has too many problems. , The most important thing is that the Wu Clan is now protected by the authentic!

The Houtu Zuwu sighed and said: "I understand all of this. Although we refuse to be extinct in the tunnel, we will be suppressed by the tunnel in the future. However, no matter how much the tunnel hates us and how much it suppresses, there is one thing. What it dares not to do, that is, it does not dare to shake the foundation of the Wu clan, the six reincarnations, whether it is the Wu clan or the six reincarnations, they are all authentic foundations. It can’t destroy the foundation by itself, so we don’t. You must be concerned about this threat."

In fact, there is still one thing in the heart of the Houtu Ancestor Witch that hasn't been said. The authentic temptation and warning are not unreasonable. The thick soil proving to be holy before has affected the Houtu Ancestral Witch, and even weakened the Houtu Ancestral Witch. Qi Luck, Hou Tu Zu Wu is the ancestor witch of the earth, mastering the great avenues of the prehistoric land, and the Hou Tu proving the Dao to become a saint of heaven, not only won a trace of the great luck of the earth, but also has the same name as the Hou Tu ancestor witch Suspect, this had a great influence on the ancestral witch of Hou Tu!

"Sister, maybe we should talk to the King of Causality. After all, this is not our own business. If the tunnel also affects the King of Cause and Effect, we should discuss the countermeasures with him. At least we should listen to his thoughts. When new crises emerge, we can also use the power of the King of Cause and Effect, and we can have more room for relaxation!" At this time, the Emperor Jiang Zuwu still wanted to fight the idea of ​​the King of Cause and Effect, and wanted to use the power of the King of Cause and Effect. .

Is the power of the King of Cause and Effect so easy to borrow? No, Di Jiang Zu Wu knows the difficulty of the King of Cause and Effect, but facing the terrible pressure of the tunnel, the Di Jiang Zu Wu has to think so. After all, the King of Cause and Effect is the Lord of the Nether World, let alone behind the King of Cause and Effect. There is such a terrible existence as the Yin and Yang Taoist. If you can join forces with the King of Cause and Effect, the pressure on the tunnel will be much less, and the pressure on the Wu Clan will be much less, so there is no need to have so many worries!

How could Houtu Zuwu not know the thoughts of Emperor Jiang Zuwu, she also understood that once she did this, she would owe the favor and cause and effect of the King of Cause and Effect, and all of this needs to be repaid, but she does not do this. The witch clan alone bears the pressure of the tunnels, which has too much influence on the witch clan, and even affects the cultivation of the Houtu ancestor witch himself.

"Well, let's meet the king of cause and effect, and listen to his opinion. The tunnel is so crazy at us. As a member of the Netherworld, we should also tell the Lord of the World!" I have to say Hou Tu The ancestor witch’s wisdom was so good that he used such an excuse. Although it was lowering his identity, it was able to divert his own troubles and relieve his pressure. This was for the Houtu ancestor witch himself and the witch clan. Said it is the best choice!

When Hou Tu Zu Wu and Emperor Jiang Zu Wu had such thoughts, the King of Karma, who was the lord of the Netherworld, immediately felt it. The tunnel is no exception. The King of Karma does not care much, after all, as Netherworld. The lord of the world, it is his responsibility to protect all the creatures in the netherworld, but to the tunnel, the Houtu witch and the Emperor Jiangzu witch’s move is betrayal, at least in its view this is betrayal, the witch race and the Houtu The ancestral witch betrayed himself, betrayed the tunnel, and deserved punishment.

punishment? Although the tunnel wanted to do this very much, but when thinking about its own situation, it had to give up this idea and punish the Witch tribe and the Houtu ancestral witch, it was it that was most affected. After all, the Witch tribe and the Six Paths of Reincarnation were both important parts of the tunnel. Ring, if the tunnel punishes the Witch tribe and the Houtu ancestor witch, it will only damage one's own strength, will only make the Witch tribe and the Houtu ancestor witch hate the tunnel even more, will only make heaven and the king of cause and effect happy, for the tunnel There is no benefit at all.

Just let the tunnel let go of the Wu clan, it is a bit unwilling, after all, there is already a big "rebellion" of the king of cause and effect, if the Wu clan also betrays itself, it will be a disaster for the entire tunnel, and the tunnel will be impossible. Completely in your own hands, this is the tunnel after the wisdom is born. The tunnel with wisdom first thinks of absolute control, not the development and growth of the tunnel. It can instinctively want to control everything in the tunnel. , No matter who it is, it should be in their own control!

Unwilling to reconcile, the tunnel gave birth to the idea of ​​interfering in the Netherworld, once again attacking the Netherworld, and this time its actions aroused the anger of the King of Cause and Effect, as the lord of the Netherworld, the cause and effect Wang also didn’t want to see tunnels interfering in the development of the Netherworld. For the first time, he could still endure and might not counterattack, but tunnels once again made a move. This has already touched the bottom line of the king of cause and effect. I was very dissatisfied, and at this moment this dissatisfaction broke out completely, allowing the King of Karma to unabashedly use the power of the world to shield the authentic power!

"Hmph, don't overdo things. Although the Netherworld is part of the tunnel, the Netherworld can't be controlled by the tunnel. As the Lord of the world, I don't allow any power to interfere with the Netherworld!" A low voice sounded, the King of Karma unabashedly countered the tunnel, making the creatures of the Netherworld feel the anger of the King of Karma, the fluctuations in the Netherworld, and the changes in the world. !

For ordinary creatures, they don’t know the influence behind all this, and they don’t know who the king of cause and effect is aimed at, but for a strong man like the twelve ancestor witch, they instantly feel the anger of the king of cause and effect. Refers to the source! When feeling such a change, Hou Tu Zu Wu, Emperor Jiang Zu Wu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. There was a relaxed look in his eyes. Many worries in his heart completely disappeared, and most of the pressure was instantly dissipated. !

auzw.com The pressure belongs to the pressure, but the twelve ancestor witches knew in their hearts that no matter what the King of Causality chooses, they can’t really trust everything they have on the King of Causation, only their own power. It is the most real and reliable. Right now they just need the help of the King of Causality to help them overcome difficulties with the Witch Clan, instead of trusting themselves and the entire Witch Clan on the King of Karma, and at the same time the emperor Jiang Zu Wu and Hou Tu Zu Wu also have new ideas.

The transformation of the Twelve Capital Tianshen Array allowed them to see the power of Pangu’s heritage, and made them understand the power of Pangu’s bloodline. Although it was only a preliminary understanding, it was also a very remarkable achievement for them, allowing them to see themselves. The prospect of cultivation, so in any case, they will not let go of their own practice. The king of cause and effect is only a reference for their practice, not everything they practice. The practice is their own, and only the best for them is the best.

What is most suitable for you is naturally the way of Father Pangu! This is the unshakable belief of the twelve ancestor witches. What they want to learn from the king of causation is the clone. They long for the method of obtaining the clone of the king of causation, can change their own defects, have their own soul, and can Let yourself have no weaknesses!

The idea is like this, but whether it can be realized, this is another matter. Even if the king of cause and effect is willing to help them, it is difficult to say whether they can accomplish everything in the end. After all, the Witch tribe is different from other creatures, and the Witch tribe is born with a lack of primordial spirit.

With all kinds of emotions, the Twelve Ancestral Witch came to the center of the Netherworld and came to the dojo of the King of Causality. Regarding their arrival, the King of Causality was very indifferent, as if he knew they would appear for a long time, and he was not surprised at all!

Facing the indifferent expression of the King of Cause and Effect, the Ancestor Witch Hou Tu sighed involuntarily, and said: "The King of Cause and Effect, you must be aware of the threat of the authenticity, as today's Great Tribulation has just been a little calm, netherworld. The world is not impacted by external forces, but the tunnels affect us again. I don’t know what your friends think and decide on this. As the lord of the six reincarnations, a part of the nether world, I hope to get your help. You agree!"

The king of causality smiled and said: "The threat of tunnels actually existed very early, but you and I did not notice it. In fact, for us, we should have understood this a long time ago. Heaven is selfish. How could tunnels have no reaction at all? , Tiandao wants to master the entire prehistoric world, and how can tunnels not do it? It's just that tunnels are different from Tiandao. It was born too late. Among the three realms of heaven, earth and man, it was the last to be born, and it was because we opened it with one hand. For it, although we have merit, it is even more a threat and a hidden danger, so its first thought is to eliminate us, and there is no problem with cooperation!"

As the lord of the nether world, he holds the authority of the nether world. Although the power of the king of cause and effect is higher than that of the twelve ancestor witches, he does not want to take advantage of the danger at this time to suppress the first ancestor witch, or even the posterity ancestor. Wu, the lord of the six reincarnations, seized the power of the six reincarnations. After all, the king of cause and effect at this time had already ignored the power of the Netherworld!

"Friends of Houtu, I must first remind you that perfecting the six reincarnations earlier is good for you and me. Only the complete six reincarnations have the ability to resist the oppression of the tunnels. An incomplete six reincarnations, even you He is the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. He has the authority of the Six Paths of Reincarnation and has to endure the oppression from the tunnels. The incomplete six Paths of Reincarnation give you no chance to get out. You will always be subject to the Six Paths of Reincarnation. It is also a hindrance to yourself. You have to prepare early as to how to choose. This time the tribulation of heaven and earth is a good warning! The power from the world has never belonged to you, and only the power that you truly obtain from your own practice is yours. !"

Hearing the words of the King of Causality, the Houtu Zuwu couldn’t help but smiled bitterly: “Friends of cause and effect, I also know this, but you should understand that my witch clan has always had hidden dangers, and no soul is our biggest difficulty. , Although we have the intention to learn from fellow Daoists and break free from the shackles of the world, we can’t do it. We don’t have the secret methods of Daoists!"

Speaking of this, the Houtu Zuwu did not hide his intentions, and sighed softly: "Don’t hide from fellow daoists, this time we came here to seek help from fellow daoists. I would like to ask fellow daoists to help us figure out a solution. If there is a solution, To make up for our own shortcomings, we can break free from the shackles of authority and power, and it is easy to gain authority. It is not easy to let go of authority."

"Let go of the power of authority, you also deliberately let go of the power of authority? This is good, but if you want to let go of authority, you have to get authority first. Your own authority and power are incomplete, so you can talk about letting go. You have never gotten it. How could it be possible to let go, first think of a way to perfect the six reincarnations, and then you can let go. Only the secret method is actually very simple. As long as the corresponding source rules are condensed and part of the source is cut off, you can do it. Without the soul, you can cut a piece of truth. Spirit, integrate authority into it, but you must be careful about this, don't be too impulsive, let alone alarm the tunnel, otherwise more accidents will only happen! The power of authority is a restraint to yourself, but it is also a threat to the tunnel. Master it well. A degree will bring you a lot of help in your own practice. You need to judge your own gains and losses. I can't help you."

Speaking of this, the King of Karma waved his hand to point out, and taught his clone secret to the Houtu Ancestral Witch, and one pointed it on the Houtu Ancestral Witch’s head. After all, among the 12 Ancestral Witches, only Houtu Ancestor Witch had it. Ability to accept his own secret teaching methods, the King of Cause and Effect does not want to waste his energy, teaching the Twelve Ancestor Witch secret methods one-on-one.

Facing the help of the king of cause and effect, the twelve ancestor witches were relieved. For them, with this guidance, they have the opportunity to break free from the shackles of authority and power, the shackles of the world, and even become a means of self-protection. But I cultivated my body secret method to carry the power of authority. This is my greatest self-preservation. At that time, the tunnel did not dare to take action against itself. It could not bear the consequences of backlash, so the initiative would be in its own hands. .

Many words cannot be spoken directly, even in the Netherworld. The power of the tunnels can never be underestimated. The king of cause and effect needs to be treated with caution, especially the twelve ancestral witches. For them, it is self-conscious to be cautious. The best choice for protection, everything is possible in the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth. Although the Tribulation of the Nether World has been passed, everything needs to be treated with caution before the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth is over. Otherwise, it will only be yourself who will suffer. Regardless of the way of heaven, the way of humanity, and the way of tunnels, they are both threats and restraints to practitioners like them.

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