God of Destruction

Chapter 4550: Festival waiting

Four thousand five hundred and fifty-six chapters waiting

Looking at the enlightened Twelve Ancestral Witch, the King of Karma sighed, shook his head, and continued: "Don’t underestimate the catastrophe of the world, and don’t think that the catastrophe of the Netherworld is over. There is no danger. This is not an ordinary catastrophe. This catastrophe has exceeded the limits of all the rules. No matter the way of heaven, the way of tunnels, or the way of humanity, they cannot limit this catastrophe of heaven and earth. Hongjun Daozu dares to be so crazy. It is precisely because he saw the ruin of the rules that he wanted to forcibly spawn a new heavenly saint, breaking the original rules of heaven in one fell swoop, and thinking about it, he would understand how powerful the heavenly saints would be. No matter how much damage the Heavenly Dao has suffered before, it is enough to recover, but we cannot pin everything on the tunnel, because the tunnel at this time is not enough for us to trust!"

"We understand the meaning of fellow Daoists. Our witches have never wanted to place all hopes on the tunnels. Our witches never rely on external forces. No matter how good the authentic temptation is, we can't shake the faith of my witches!" Regarding the instructions of the King of Cause and Effect, Emperor Jiang Zu Wu did not hesitate to express his own heartfelt voice. He represented the entire Wu Clan and assured the King of Cause and Effect that the Wu Clan and the tunnel would not stand together and would not become Enemies of the Netherworld.

"It’s good for you to understand. This is not a trivial matter. It is related to the life and death of everyone, and even the changes in the prehistoric world. There is one sentence I want to warn you. Once Hongjun Daozu’s plan is successful, no matter what happens, No matter what changes occur in this world, you should not resist, when you should give up, you must give up, especially the Hou Tu Zu Wu and Di Jiang Zu Wu, you have the heaviest involvement with the tunnel, and it is the most dangerous! "When I said this, the King of Karma couldn't help but sighed slightly, and a faint unwillingness flashed in his eyes. Time waits for no one. There is not much time for himself to slowly accumulate strength. The enemy is gradually moving forward. When you approach yourself, whether it’s the way of heaven, the way of the earth, or even the way of humanity, they are putting pressure on the world of the netherworld. If there are nine saints in the way of heaven, the way of heaven will be perfected, and the way of heaven will also be in charge of the entire prehistoric situation. Appearing is a qualitative transformation for the Dao of Heaven. Even if the last saint of the Dao of Heaven was forcibly spawned, it is still enough to complete the transformation of the Dao of Heaven. The King of Causality is sure because his own deity feels the danger, and the land is also changing. .

No one can fight against the general situation of the heaven and the earth. If the heavenly path can really complete the testimony of the nine heavenly path saints, naturally the entire prehistoric land will be controlled by them, and no one can fight against it. Although it is not possible now, if you let Hongjun Daozu's The plan is successful, forcibly spawning a new heavenly saint, this will have a huge impact on the entire prehistoric world.

"Thank you for your guidance. We understand that if things cannot be done, we will naturally know how to choose, and we will not blindly fight. We have all seen the end of the monster clan. Our witch clan is unwilling to follow in their footsteps. The day has come. You have to bow your head!” It’s enough to let Di Jiang Zuwu say such a thing, which is enough to prove how much the destruction of the monster clan had affected him and how much the impact on the whole witch clan was, Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao’s The threat has been deeply imprinted on their hearts!

The situation in the prehistoric world has changed again and again, making the King of Cause and Effect feel extremely heavy, and the vigilance in his heart is also rising, otherwise he will not say such a thing, and will not give a reminder to the Witch. Knowing that the King of Causality is not a generous person. The Twelve Ancestral Witch has betrayed himself, even if this cause and effect is over, but the King of Causality will not forget the betrayal at the beginning, but the current situation brings the King of Causation There was too much pressure, forcing the king of cause and effect to have to use the power of the witch clan to disperse the pressure of the tunnel, reduce his own pressure, and give the deity more time!

When Hongjun Daozu was frantically spawning a new heavenly saint, those ancient powerhouses who crazily destroyed the heavens were cast a shadow, because their plan was blocked and they did not succeed in getting out of the predicament. , They did not break out of the game and entered the chaotic world. They were caught between the emptiness and the chaos. If Hongjun Daozu’s plan is succeeded, a new heavenly saint will be born, which will bring them to life. A huge disaster, they don't know what effect this will have on themselves, after all, they are now in the void at the junction of the ancient star field and chaos!

A new heavenly saint appears, and he is the saint who is in charge of the avenue of stars proving the Dao. It may cause the entire ancient star field to tremble when proving the Dao, causing a storm to form between the primordial chaos and the chaos, so that they can take advantage of the momentum to get rid of the desolate world. It’s the best result, but there will also be disasters. The formation of a terrifying storm may sweep them back to the ancient star realm and pull them back to the prehistoric world. At that time they were Ten dead but no life!

"Everyone, prepare for the worst. If there is a chaotic storm, we will have a ray of life. If it is a stellar storm, we will die without life. Once the stellar storm appears, we need to complete the final blow, which is the ultimate life. Even if it’s death, we can’t make Hongjun this **** succeed, nor can we make God’s way easier!"

For a group of ancient powerhouses, they now only have the primordial spirit, and the primordial spirit is pinned in the power of the beast. Once they are swept back by the stellar storm to the ancient star realm, they will inevitably be punished by heaven. Endless causal karma will cause devastating damage to them. No one can escape this killing. Instead of dying under heaven's punishment and causal karma, it is better to make the last madness. The plan of Hongjun Daozu was shattered and their calculations were broken by pulling the heavens into the water!

"Well, if things really get at the moment, we have no choice. No one wants to let Hongjun and the heavens take our power. No one wants to see the heavens resurrect. Even if they die, they will kill Hongjun together. They broke their plan, just hope that this moment will not happen, and it will be the Chaos Storm, not the Star Storm!"

"It's a pity that we have paid all the price before, and we no longer have the power to stop, otherwise we will not fall into such an embarrassing state. We knew that this would happen before. Everyone will slow down and do more. Just be prepared. If we have a little more power, we will be able to enter the chaos instead of sinking into the void between the two worlds!"

The idea is good, but the reality is cruel. If these ancient powerhouses really had to delay a little longer and make more preparations, I'm afraid there will be more changes in the situation, and even they don't even have the current situation!


"Enough, don't complain, let alone this ridiculous statement, will the enemy give us time to prepare? Is Hongjun a fool, is God a fool, and prepare more. We don’t even have the current situation. Being swept away by that **** Hongjun, don’t think of the enemy too stupidly, don’t think it’s just that our luck is a little bad, if you think like this, you will only plunge yourself into despair, and will only make yourself die faster. It is the result of our full effort. If we delay any longer, no one will be able to survive. At least we still have a glimmer of life. Although this is not in our control, we need to look at God’s will, destiny, and our own destiny, but we still have it. There is a silver lining, this is the greatest good thing!"

"Well said, when we choose this path, there is no retreat. The decision we make must bear all the consequences. No matter how serious the consequences are, this is something we must accept, not to mention that it has not yet arrived. In the worst case, we still have a chance. Although everything needs to be handed over to fate and decided by fate, we still have a silver lining to stabilize our minds, waiting for the last chance to arrive, and waiting for the moment when the enemy proves that they are paired. It is the moment that determines our destiny!"

Yes, for these ancient powerhouses, the moment that determines their fate is the testimony of the new heavenly saints, whether it is a chaotic storm or a star storm, which will determine their survival, and also determine the general trend of the prehistoric world.

Although there are still some ancient powerhouses who are unwilling, but now they don’t have Yiyou, they only have a mere primordial soul, and they have no power to fight back. In this case, they only have to wait and only endure. , If they don’t even have this little bit of patience, even if they don’t even have the slightest sexuality, they are not qualified to survive this catastrophe!

Waiting, I don’t know how many creatures are waiting in the entire prehistoric world, waiting for the testimony of the newly born saints of the Heavenly Dao, waiting for the descendants of the Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestors, as to what will end in the end, no one knows, after all, this It was an unprecedented madness, with one's own power and the origin of the heavens forcibly spawning a heavenly saint.

The way of heaven can force the birth of a saint of heaven, but can humanity and tunnel do it? It can be said that once Hongjun Daozu’s plan is successful, the entire prehistoric world will usher in a crazy upheaval, and even another **** storm will be set off in the predominant world, which will make this world catastrophe change again. It will even continue to spread.

"Quick proof, the light of that star grass is getting stronger and stronger, and the fluctuation of the origin of the stars is getting more and more terrifying! I hope that everything will not be accidental, and the heavens will be able to recover smoothly and be repaired, or else there will be no heaven and the entire predicament. The situation on the earth will continue to be impacted by it. I don’t know how many creatures will fall in this natural and man-made disaster!"

"Proving the Dao, I'm afraid that the sage of the Heavenly Dao who was forced to be born cannot change the general situation, and cannot repair the origin of the heaven. After all, it is not a proving Dao under normal circumstances, nor is it a sage who has realized the Dao of Heaven and Earth and attained the fruit of the saint's Dao by Hongjun. Dao ancestors and Tian Dao forcedly spawned pseudo-sages, and his mastery of the origin of Tian Dao must be flawed!"

For the primordial beings, it is to look forward to the emergence of new heavenly saints, even those who have been forced to give birth. After all, there are new heavenly saints, and for them there is a new way, but there is another point in their hearts. Resist, after all, this newly born saint of Heaven will bring an extraordinary impact to the prehistoric world, and may intensify the changes of the prehistoric!

It’s a pity that no matter what these prehistoric creatures think in their hearts or look at all of this, they can’t change it. They can only wait silently. For them, all of this is too terrifying. It is not something that weak people like them can touch. It’s crazy about this madness. In the drastic changes, all living beings in the entire prehistoric world can clearly be caught, but since this heavenly saint was forcibly spawned, no one has stood up to stop him, even if there is an enmity with heaven and Hongjun Daozu, there is no king of cause and effect. If you shoot, you can imagine how amazing the crisis hidden behind this is. As for what changes are happening in the dark, this is simply not something that ordinary primordial creatures can understand.

"Brother, do you think Hongjun Daozu’s plan is really possible to be successfully realized? A heavenly saint can really be forced to be born? Is such a saint still a saint? At the beginning, although we were pretending to be tricky, this time, it appeared one after another. The sages of the Heavenly Dao are all crazier, none of them come from their own practice. Behind them are the shadows of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu. Are such sages still saints?" I can’t help mentioning the changes that are getting closer and closer. He asked softly, there was a faint uneasiness in his heart, uneasy about this time the saints of the Heavenly Dao witnessed the Dao!

The linker shook his head slightly and said: "I don't know, no one knows what the ending will be in this situation. Even Dao Zu Hongjun is not sure about it. This is a crazy gamble, and the situation has reached this point. For a moment, Hongjun Daozu or Heavenly Dao had no way of retreat, Nuwa Empress’s refusal broke their illusions, and the pressure of Heavenly Dao was too great!"

Yes, the pressure of Heaven’s Dao is too great. The betrayal of three sages of Heaven’s Dao in a row is a huge loss for Heaven’s Dao. Don’t look at the new Heaven’s Dao saint’s testimony now that makes up for the position of Heaven’s Dao saint, but this new heavenly Dao The strength of the saints is too great, they are not enough to support this earth-shattering change, and they are not enough to make up for the flaws of the way of heaven.

If it is not under the general trend of heaven and earth, there is a ray of vitality. It is impossible to eliminate the position of saint lost by the previous one in one fell swoop, and even if the plan of Tiandao and Hongjun Taozu succeeds, the power of Tiandao is still lacking, and it is newly born. There is a big difference between the saints of the heavens and the master of the heavens, the reception, and the quasi-promotion. There is also a gap in the strength between the saints and the saints. What's more, these saints are not based on their own strength. willing. It’s just that Heaven and Earth don’t think so. Since they are sanctified, they must assume their own responsibilities and bear the impact of this natural and man-made disaster on the prehistoric world, but these saints can’t do it, so they have. Appear at this moment now!

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