God of Destruction

Chapter 4551: Festival

Chapter 4557 The Sermon

"I don’t know when to wait for the Dao, fit the stars with your body!" Just when the prehistoric sentient beings were a little impatient, the voice of Daozu Hongjun sounded again, and the sound of this shout fell, letting the hearts of the predominant sentient beings feel a little impatient. He couldn't help but lifted it up, and involuntarily cast his gaze to the starry sky, to the ancient star field, a light of stars flickered in the starry sky.

Proving the Dao, Star Grass began proving the Dao, following the guidance of Hongjun Daozu, to conform to the Star Avenue and to the ancient star field. As for the restoration of the origin of the heavens, many people do not understand. I understand why Hongjun Daozu wanted to abandon the heavens, and why the newly born saint did not restore the heavens by proving the origin of the Dao!

This is the strength and the lack of the origin. The saint forced to give birth is not a true saint. Just as everyone is worried, this is a hypocritical saint. Although Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao do not hesitate to do anything, a saint is not a saint whose origin can accumulate. To get up, you still need an understanding of the Dao, and for the sage of the Heavenly Dao who was forcibly spawned, all the insights of the Star Dao originated from the Hongjun Daozu, from the Heavenly Dao, and there are not many insights that truly belong to it. Under this situation, What does it use to repair the heavens and the ancient star fields, so there must be a trade-off, and in the hearts of the heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestors, the ancient star areas are more important than the heavens!

Of course, the most important link is wisdom. The wisdom of Star Grass has serious shortcomings. Even with the guidance of Dao Ancestor Hongjun and Dao of Heaven, there is still no way to complete the final transformation, and there is no way to truly master the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Array'. The original rules of', how can it be possible to take into account the restoration of the heavens and the ancient star realms in this way!

"What are you waiting for? I haven't tried to repair the heavens yet!" Seeing all the saints of the Heavenly Dao are all surprised, Hongjun Daozu's mood is extremely troubled. He has paid such a big price and has not fully achieved his goal. It is unacceptable for Jun Daozu and Tiandao, but now all of this has happened. It cannot be changed. It is impossible to have absolute control and restore all losses. There is no such perfect result in this world. What's more, this sage of heaven was born out of them forcibly, and it is inherently flawed, how can it be possible to achieve all the goals!

After Hongjun Daozu’s scream, a group of heavenly saints reacted and quickly started repairing the gaps in the heavens to eliminate the continuous spilling of the water from the Tianhe River on the prehistoric land, but this time the forced proof also made them understand a truth. , Hongjun Taoist ancestor is not omnipotent, and heaven is not omnipotent, all saints have a faint loss left in their hearts, the saints of heaven are not as powerful as they thought, and they cannot have absolute mastery of the primordial heaven!

It is true that the power of Heaven’s Dao can’t achieve absolute mastery of the primordial world, let alone a saint, especially to force the birth of a Heavenly Dao saint. Both Hongjun Dao ancestor and Tian Dao paid a huge price. At this time, it is Tian Dao and Hongjun. When the Taoist ancestor was weakest, it could even be said that this was the best time for the prehistoric sentient beings to resist the heaven and Hongjun Taoist ancestor, and it was also the best time for a three-way confrontation between heaven, earth and man, but because of the turbulence of heaven and earth, no one dared to take this vital step. No one dares to bear the endless cause and effect. If the great world and all living beings are affected by the war, there will be endless cause and effect.

In fact, all the predecessors are afraid that they will be calculated by Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao when they make a move, and that the endless cause and effect of the collapse of the heavens by Tian Dao and Hongjun Daozu will be poured out on themselves. If at this time Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu deliberately retreat, endless The cause and effect of will directly fall on the person who initiated the war, and this terrifying cause and effect can directly destroy all living beings.

"Oh! Sure enough, no one took action, not even the tunnel and the humanity. It seems that they have seen through our layout!" Facing the calm situation, Hongjun Daozu could not help but sighed in his heart. The cause and effect cannot be smoothly thrown out.

When Hongjun Daozu sighed secretly, the Twelve Ancestor Witches who were in the Netherworld looked angry. At this time, they all saw through the authentic calculations, although they are all members of the authenticity, and they are all authentic. Characters, but they were all abandoned by the tunnel during this change of heaven. The tunnel tempted them to take action in order to attack the heaven. If you really want to do this, I am afraid that the entire Wu tribe will be destroyed because of this. Although the Wu tribe has Pangu opened the heavens for protection, but could not bear the endless cause and effect of the collapse of the heavens!

"It's a shameful calculation. Heaven and humanity can't tolerate our witch race, they are repelling us, and the tunnel is the same. Even if we take the initiative to plunge into the tunnel, we still can't get its approval, and we are still jealous of it. In its eyes, we are just abandoned children. No wonder the king of cause and effect will repeatedly warn us that the three ways of heaven, earth and man are unreliable, and the primordial world cannot tolerate the witch!" At this moment, the Emperor Jiang Zuwu finally understood everything, the witch Although it is the authentic Pangu and inherits the Pangu bloodline, they are really not recognized by the prehistoric world, and the entire prehistoric world is repelling them.

"Brother, we must prepare for the worst. If possible, we need to meet the Master of Tongtian and learn the secrets of the world from him. Among the three ways of heaven, earth and man, there must be secrets that we don't know. If we can get useful information from him, we may be able to separate the witch world from the tunnel. This time we really can't believe in the tunnel anymore!"

As soon as Houtu Ancestral Witch's words fell, the other Ancestral Witches all nodded solemnly. At this moment, Hongjun Dao Ancestor and Heavenly Dao's calculations were completely exposed to everyone, and the Twelve Ancestors in the Nether World Wu naturally understood the insidious intentions of authenticity, and understood that from beginning to end, the Majestic World could not tolerate the Wu Clan and Pangu bloodline, even if the Majestic World was developed by the Great God Pangu, but he couldn't tolerate his bloodline inheritance. What a joke.

"Why, what on earth is it, the world created by God the Father can't tolerate the blood of our Father God? The unfairness, the unfairness of the world!" Zhu Rong Zuwu couldn't suppress his excitement and roared in anger, venting in his heart. Dissatisfaction!

auzw.com"Shut up, you want to die, don't pull the whole witch clan, is this what you can say?" Di Jiang Zu Wu immediately stopped Zhu Rong Zu Wu from continuing his anger Drink, being in the prehistoric world, as the lord of the world, Emperor Jiang Zu Wu fully understands the consequences of being rejected by the world. Once Zhu Rong Zu Wu’s words come out, the whole Wu clan will be affected by him. Being punished by the heaven and the earth, the injustice of the heaven and the earth cannot be told from their mouths. The Wu Clan is only the weak among the prehistoric heaven and earth.

When he saw the angry face of Emperor Jiang Zuwu, Zhu Rongzuwu instantly understood that he had committed a big mistake, and almost dragged the entire witch clan into the water. Because of his ignorance and stupidity, he fell into desperation and destruction, unable to help. He lowered his head ashamed!

"Big brother, don't worry, this is the six reincarnations. Even the three realms of heaven, earth and humans cannot sense what is happening here. Moreover, the six reincarnations are in the nether world, and the king of cause and effect as the lord of the nether world has always been the king of cause and effect. While shielding the detection of external forces, these remarks can be said here, but it is best not to mention the six reincarnations, otherwise we cannot bear the serious consequences, who makes us weak, the weak have no right to speak, more There is no such thing as fairness, or it can be said that fairness has never existed. Without sufficient power, we can only be silent!"

Power determines everything. The Witchs do not have enough power. They can only bow their heads in front of the Three Ways of Heaven, Earth and Man, and the Majestic Heaven and Earth. Otherwise, they will only step into the footsteps of the demon master pen, even if they understand that the Majestic Heaven and Earth is repelling themselves, but they Nor can it be said, because they are weak, the weak must surrender to the strong.

The Houtu Zuwu sighed and said: "Now we have obtained the secret of the King of Cause and Effect. If we can learn the secrets of the world from the Master Tongtian, perhaps we have the opportunity to get rid of the shackles of the prehistoric world and walk out of our own way. , The avenue belonging to the Witch clan! Now we need to be cautious, we need to accumulate strength, and wait for the time to come. The world is calculating us, the three realms of heaven, earth and man are calculating us, the cycle of cause and effect, they will have to pay for it one day, just Before that, we must be careful! Now is our chance to understand the ways of heaven and the prehistoric!"

This is indeed an opportunity, but how much they can get depends on the abilities of the Twelve Ancestral Witches themselves. They can see this. How could heaven, tunnel, humanity, and even the prehistoric world be unclear, how could they not be prepared!

Under the gaze of everyone, Star Grass began to preach. Unlike the previous sermons, Star Grass did not have an amazing vow. Everything was going on silently. No one knew how far it had come. I don’t know this. To what extent the Heavenly Dao Sage, who was forced to give birth, has achieved such a degree that it is difficult for people to understand its progress even if it is deliberately blocked.

For Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao, although they yearn for someone to stop them and get rid of their huge troubles, at the same time they don’t want to see such a situation happen. They hope that this time the plan can be implemented smoothly. After all, this is A crazy testimony, if it succeeds, it means that Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao are at the pinnacle in the mastery of the prehistoric world, which means that no matter whether it is humanity or underground, it is difficult to compete with it, and it will be suppressed by Heaven!

"Sure enough, it is Hongjun, insidious and cunning. He has calculated everything. All changes are under his control. No matter what happens, he can get the most benefit for himself, but is everything really going to be what you want?" Feeling the changes in the avenue of stars, feeling the changes in the prehistoric world, the king of cause and effect sneered again and again. This is not an ordinary testimony, nor is it an ordinary change in the world, but a change related to the great future, the entire predicament All sentient beings are involved, and even the avenues will not stand idly by. Everything is unknown. No matter how good calculations are, there will be loopholes and accidents.

"He Dao!" The low voice of a pumpkin sounded from the land. This is the voice of the star grass. As the sound fell, the endless starlight burst from the ancient star field, and with the appearance of the endless starlight, a powerful suction When it broke out, the Star Grass was directly pulled into the ancient star field, as if being taken away by the ancient star field, becoming the master of the star field!

"He Dao? Damn, we were all wrong, and we were all teased by Hongjun and Heavenly Dao. This is not a normal Proving Dao at all, but a combination of Proving Dao and the Lord of the World. Hong Jun and Heavenly Dao not only gave birth to a Heavenly Dao. The saint is even the lord of the ancient star field. They want to use this combination to stabilize the ancient star field!" As the lord of the world, Emperor Jiang Zuwu instantly felt the power of the world in the star grass, although the ancient star field Destroyed by the ancient powerhouse, but it is still the source of Zhou Tian's stars!

"A good method, it is indeed the Dao Ancestor who fits the Tao, and he came up with such a method. Although this is a false saint born out of force, but with the authority of the Lord of the Ancient Star Territory, his power is not weaker at all. Ordinary sages of the Heavenly Dao, even have more development above their potential, what a Hongjun Dao ancestor, such a powerful method!" At this moment, the king of cause and effect is also shocked by the calculations and calculations of Hongjun Dao ancestor and Heavenly Dao. , It is also a trick, the heavenly saints spawned this time are really amazing!

Of course, there are gains and losses. Such tricks are not without cost. First of all, the price paid by the Dao Ancestor Hongjun and the Dao of Heaven is staggering. Similarly, the star grass for proving Dao is also limited to the ancient star field, as long as the ancient star If the domain is not repaired in one day, it will not be able to escape from the star domain. Not to mention the improvement of the cultivation base. All the power of the saint will become the source of repairing the ancient star domain. It can be said that this hypocritical saint is a The power bank continuously recharges the ancient stars!

With the success of the sermon, a terrifying storm appeared, and this was the situation that the ancient powerhouse most worried about. Yes, what the sermon brought was a stellar storm, and the origin of the entire ancient star field was stimulated. The Array was restarted, and the indecent source of chaos was transformed into the origin of stars, and began to nourish and repair the ancient star field!

"No, our most worried thing happened!" At this moment, those ancient powerhouses who were trapped between the ancient star field and the chaos were terrified, and the breath of death was rushing towards them frantically, the star storm As soon as they moved, they were being pulled towards the prehistoric and ancient star regions bit by bit, and they were about to be swallowed by the power of the Zhoutian Star Dou Great Array and turned into the nutrients of the prehistoric world!

When a group of ancient powerhouses were in fear, with the restart of the'Zhoutian Star Fighting Array', and with the outbreak of the storm, the whereabouts of these ancient powerhouses were directly exposed to the sight of the primordial beings, exposed to the heavens and the grandeur In Jun Daozu's sight, the entire prehistoric man was shocked, and no one thought that the ancient powerhouse would not die!

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