God of Destruction

Chapter 4552: Chaos Beast

Chapter 4558: Chaos Beast

"It's those **** bastards. They didn't even die. The previous self-detonation was just for Jin Chan to get out of the shell. If it weren't for this star storm, if it weren't for the restart of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array, no one would know that these **** were still alive. !" When he saw the ancient powerhouse who suddenly appeared in his sight, Daozu Hongjun couldn't help being shocked in his heart!

"Hongjun, you **** **** won't even give us the last chance. If that's the case, then we'll all die together. I want to see if the ancient star realm is destroyed, can you keep your place as a **** saint of heaven!" Pulled out of the gap between the chaos and the ancient star realm, and dragged into the wilderness bit by bit, those ancient powerhouses burst out with the most vicious and craziest killing intent in their hearts. Desperate and madness to die together!

"Damn it, how can these **** **** still live? If you let this group of lunatics explode in the Ancient Star Territory again, the consequences would be really disastrous!" Facing a group of crazy enemies who want to kill themselves, Hongjun Daozu's The heart couldn't help but flustered a lot, because all of this had gone beyond his own plan, and even more so than his own imagination.

prevent? Daozu Hongjun wanted to do this very much, but the current situation made it impossible for him to do it. It is useless to reason with a group of lunatics, and it would not work to threaten them with their lives. These lunatics are not afraid of death at all. The moment the situation broke out, Daozu Hongjun was plunged into crisis, and the star grass that was proving to be sanctified was in a desperate situation. If the ancient star field was destroyed, even if he was proving to be sanctified, there would only be a dead end. Who made him an ancient star? Lord of the domain!

Fortunately, Hongjun Daozu was very knowledgeable and experienced endless storms. He quickly calmed down and quickly found a way to solve it. Shen Sheng shouted at the star grass proving Dao, "Quick, push this group of lunatics into the chaos. , As long as they can’t return to the Primordial Star Territory and enter the Ancient Star Territory, they will not be able to pose a threat to you, to the Ancient Star Territory, or even to the Primal Star Territory!"

There is another sentence Hongjun Daozu did not say. He wanted to use the power of chaos to wipe out the souls of these ancient powerhouses. Without the source of the treasure, even his own source has been exhausted, and only the souls of this ancient power are left. After being sucked into the chaos, the person will not regenerate the machine at all, and will be eroded by the power of the chaos bit by bit and become a part of the chaos!

"I am the stars, in charge of the ancient star field, the power of the stars is condensed, and the eternal exile!" With a deep cry, the law of the stars condenses, and the power of the stars appears in the hands of the star grass, and the entire ancient star field is completely in his hands. At a moment, he is the real master of the ancient star field, he has mastered the entire ancient star field, is the real master of the star field, can mobilize all the power of the entire ancient star field, all the power of the original rules, the power of exile, is being Those ancient powerhouses who dragged into the prehistoric land were instantly shrouded in endless star origin, and only terrible thrust appeared on them, pushing them out of the star storm, and directly thrown into the chaos. Under the authority of the stars, they had no chance to resist. !

Of course, for these ancient powerhouses, they will not resist at all. This is exactly the result they want, but they are happy a little early. Although Star Grass is indifferent, it is suddenly bad for this group of self proving, bad. The enemy of his own life, he will not be soft. When the power of the stars is activated, the power of the stars is wiping out the defense of this group of ancient powers bit by bit. He wants to send this group of **** into the chaos at the moment, with the help of The power of chaos will strangle it!

"Damn, this **** wants to wipe out the light of our souls, to destroy our last defense, Hongjun, you **** is too vicious, we will never die with you!" For these ancient powerhouses, they did not take all responsibilities. All the cause and effect were placed on the body of the star grass, but placed on the body of Daozu Hongjun, thinking that all this was done by Daozu Hongjun!

Although they have the power of the fierce beast, for these ancient powerhouses, they did not want to completely integrate with the power of the fierce beast, but now they have no choice, and they are constantly being stunned by the light of their souls. When their authority is obliterated, they want not to be destroyed by the chaos, they can only integrate everything they have with the power of the beast, and in doing so, their previous practice will be turned into nothingness, become the nourishment of the power of the beast, and no longer innate. God, but beast!

Under the threat of death, under this only vitality, these ancient powerhouses can only make this only choice, because they do not want to die. When they make the final choice, the authority of the stars pushes them into the chaos. Among them, endless chaotic origins rushed into their souls madly, and at this moment, these ancient powerful men have completed the thorough integration with the power of the fierce beast!

"Roar!" An angry roar resounded through the chaos. In an instant, chaotic fierce beasts appeared. This is the evolution of those ancient powerful people, under the influence of the origin of chaos and the fusion of the power of fierce beasts. , They relied on the power of the origin of the chaos to transform into a new generation of chaotic beasts, each looking evilly at the prehistoric world.

"Hongjun, we never die, you can't think of transforming the origin of stars from the chaos to repair the ancient star field, and swallow it for me!" The group of chaotic beasts transformed by the ancient strong are frantically attacking the ancient star field The barrier is attacking the Zhoutian Xingdou Array, and will not give it any chance to transform the origin of the chaos. If there are only one or two chaotic beasts, it will naturally not be able to shake the Zhoutian Xingdou Array, and it will not be able to shake the ancient star field. However, outside the Primordial Ancient Star Territory, there are not one or two chaotic beasts, but dozens of them. Those who can transform into chaotic beasts alive are the peerless ones among the ancient powerful. Jun Daozu also had a headache, and he didn't dare to act rashly. After all, Chaos was the home ground of Chaos Fierce Beast.

auzw.com "Trouble, this group of **** **** have such a back hand, maybe this is their ultimate escape, they have always wanted to enter the chaos since the beginning, but their own strength is too strong. I’m weak, and I’m stuck in the gap between the chaos and the ancient star field!” Hongjun Daozu figured out the root of the problem in an instant, but it’s too late now, because the attack by the power of the stars has forced this. The ancient powerhouse had to transform into a chaotic beast. This is the catastrophe of the prehistoric world, and this is the cycle of cause and effect.

Blame the star saint? Blame him for doing things absolutely? No, it's no wonder that the sage of stars would make the same choice when replaced by anyone. It can only be said that the calculations of these ancient powerhouses are too crazy, their background is too deep, even if they are forced into a desperate situation, they still turn over. With such a group of chaotic beasts as enemies, Hongjun Daozu’s plan was completely shattered. The cause and effect of the ancient star field was taken by the star saints alone, but it was very difficult for the ancient star field to recover, that group of **** chaos The fierce beast will always stop it, and will not give the ancient star field a chance to recover.

"Hahaha! Hongjun missed it. He had a thousand plans, but he failed in the end. He would never have thought that such an abnormal change would happen. He was conspired by the group of ancient powerful men who originally thought to be dead. There is such a group of chaotic evildoers. The beast stared at the prehistoric world, to see if he still has the energy to liquidate us!" Seeing such an astonishing change, I must be overjoyed. The original pressure on his body instantly dissipated. In contrast, the external pressure is the most. Importantly, as long as this group of chaotic beasts were there, Daozu Hongjun would not be able to liquidate himself and still have access, so the so-called cause and effect would inevitably be put down.

"Junior, don’t be too happy too early. As long as the cause and effect are still there, we will always be restricted by the cause and effect, and if the cause and effect are not eliminated, it will always be a hidden danger for us. Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao will always be secretly staring. We, as long as we reveal a little flaw, they will be turned into a fatal blow!" Although the mutation in front of us is beneficial to us and the world of bliss, but the lead is not as happy as Zhun Ti, the occurrence of such a mutation can only be said The danger is delayed for the time being, not completely eliminated!

Regarding the warning, Zhunti didn’t care, and smiled indifferently: "Brother, I understand what you said. The most lacking thing for us right now is time. Now Hongjun Daozu’s failure is in good agreement. With our time and plenty of time, we can definitely resolve all crises before the danger comes. Originally, I was prepared for the worst. I didn’t expect the situation to reverse in an instant. I didn’t expect that group of ancient powerhouses would act like this. Means to survive!"

"Yes, no one thought of such an ending. For us, every ancient powerhouse poses a great threat. Even Hongjun Dao Ancestor and Heavenly Dao have been calculated by them. It can be seen that their strength and scheming are powerful. Although we have enough time now, it’s just in front of us, and no one knows what changes will happen next. For Hongjun Daozu and Heaven’s Dao, we can’t be the slightest carelessness, otherwise we will only suffer in the end. !"

"Speaking of speaking, our background is insufficient. Otherwise, this drastic change is also our chance to resolve the cause and effect. Unfortunately, we have no way to repair the heavens, and there is no way to repair the ancient star field. Now the ancient star field has a master. 'With the master, the authority of the heaven is scattered, the power of the heaven is weakening, and the heaven has become a huge pit. Anyone who jumps in will be trapped in it. I don't know how Hongjun Daozu arranged the heaven!"

Zhunti said with a cold snort, "Hmph, saints don’t need to think about it. There is no chance for a saint to take over in the heavens. As for the Lord of the heavens, it will be contested by many people. Originally, the disciples of the Master Tongtian are most suitable. , But now he has betrayed the Dao of Heaven and Hongjun Dao ancestor just like us. Naturally, such a vital position as the Heaven Realm cannot be controlled by his disciples. The Heaven Realm may fall into the hands of Yuanshi Tianzun, or it may become the site of interpretation and teaching. !"

He took a moment of contemplation, and then shook his head lightly and said: "Difficulty, Sanqing is one, even if Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun did not betray the Dao of Heaven, they did not betray the Dao Ancestor Hongjun, their disciples wanted to master the heavens and become the heavens. The Lord is also impossible. Perhaps Hongjun Daozu will have other arrangements, just like the ancient star field, but no matter who masters the heavens, it is impossible to achieve the level of the demon race, and it is difficult to coerce the living beings in the great world, Hongjun Daozu’s This time it failed and the impact was too great."

Yes, the failure this time has too much influence on Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao, making the entire prehistoric sentient beings begin to doubt their strengths, and today’s prehistoric world is no longer the only one of Heaven’s Dao, it is authentic and humane. This will affect the choices of the predecessors and the beliefs of the predecessors.

"Forget it, brother, we don’t need to think so much. For us, the most important thing now is to stabilize ourselves and stabilize the world of bliss. Because of the appearance of those chaotic beasts, it is obviously impossible to transform the origin of chaos. The prehistoric world will inevitably be affected by it. Without sufficient vitality of the world, the development of the prehistoric will inevitably have an astonishing reversal. This is a good time for us to stabilize ourselves. If we can stabilize ourselves during this time, it may be able to bring more Many changes!"

"Junior Brother’s idea is good, but it’s not easy to achieve all of this. Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao will not forget our existence, let alone give us time to develop and strengthen ourselves, even if the heavens are damaged and the ancient stars suffer. This is not the reason for the compromise between Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu!"

Hearing this, Zhunti frowned, and said in a deep voice: "The brothers are worried that Daozu Hongjun and Tiandao will hit our minds on the heads of the world of bliss, which will trigger the origin of the world of bliss to alleviate the primordial world. vitality?"

The linker nodded and said: "That's the case, Junior Brother, don't forget that we have a cause and effect with Heavenly Dao. If Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao use this as an excuse, we have no reason to resist. The most important thing is our Paradise. There is no master of the world, and the world is dependent on the prehistoric world. Now the predominant world is in trouble. Under this great principle, we cannot resist! As long as Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao want to do this, it’s not just our bliss, witch The world of the tribe and the world of the Master Tongtian will be affected by it, and even the Netherworld will be subject to the calculations of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestor."

Zhunti shook his head lightly and said: "The world of the Lord Tongtian and the world of the Witch Clan may be impacted, and will be calculated by the Dao Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestors, but the Nether World is not good, and the Dao of Heaven does not have such ability. It's not a decoration. They won't let the heavens plunder. Once confrontation occurs, neither the Hongjun Dao ancestor nor the heavens can bear the serious consequences. The ancient powerhouses are crazy, the king of cause and effect and the Yin and Yang Taoists are even more crazy, and they can't do it without them. Once the conflict broke out, both Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu would be greatly impacted!"

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