God of Destruction

Chapter 4553: Jie Liwei

Chapter Four Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty-ninth Chapter Liwei

Suyin frowned and thought about it carefully, nodded lightly and sighed: "That's right, now the primordial world has been stared at by the chaotic beasts transformed by the ancient powerful, if you anger the king of cause and effect and Yin and Yang again Daoists will be a greater disaster for the prehistoric world. If the Netherworld is turbulent and the six reincarnations happen, no one can bear the serious consequences. Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao are no exception. They don’t need to take such a big deal. Dangerous, the situation is far from the point where a decisive battle!"

Yes, although the situation in the prehistoric world is a bit bad, it’s really not enough to make a final fight. Whether it’s the way of heaven or the ancestor of Hongjun, there is no need to risk such a danger, there is no need to provoke fire, the king of cause and effect is The yin and yang Taoists are ruthless **** who do everything, irritating them, it is not good for the world! No one will do things that are not good, and Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao are no exception, nor will they do such stupid actions!

There is a group of chaotic beasts who have endless hatred for the prehistoric world, and they have already focused on the prehistoric world. This is a great disaster for the entire prehistoric world, even beyond the fragmentation of the previous heavens, and it is Hong who caused all this. Jun Daozu is also the star saint of the new Dao, and it is precisely because of them that there will be the transformation of the chaotic beast and the appearance of the great enemy. Fortunately, these chaotic beasts are only focusing on the ancient star realm. They just don’t want the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array' to transform the origin of chaos and increase the vitality of the primordial world. If they are focusing on the small world attached to the primordial world, The trouble is even greater, no matter whether it is the Master of the Heavens, the Witch Clan, and the Paradise of Bliss, neither can resist the attack of the Chaos Fierce Beast.

With the restraint of the chaotic beasts, the star sage's complete destruction will not have any effect on the prehistoric world. If it has any effect, it is only to resist the invasion of these chaotic beasts. It takes endless years to repair the ancient star field. , It can even be said that if the chaotic beasts transformed by the ancient powerhouses are not removed, the ancient star field cannot be restored, unless Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao fight again to give him a powerful boost, or else rely solely on his own strength It is almost impossible to get out.

Fortunately, the star saint’s mood is calm. It is not that other saints can’t stand the shackles. Even if he knows that he will always be trapped in and trapped by the ancient star field, he is not angry and does not care. This restraint also made Hongjun Daozu a sigh of relief, otherwise the consequences would be really disastrous if he was replaced by a grumpy saint!

"Hehe, proving the Dao to become sacred but trapped in the ancient star realm, not free, such a saint has any good proof, if it is such a proof, it is better not to prove, at least you can have freedom if you do not witness the saint!" The venerable predecessors are all sneered again and again. Before they were eager to prove the Dao, and even wanted to replace the star grass, but now they no longer have such an idea. Although the saint is immortal, they have been trapped in the ancient star field. , What's the use of immortality?

Seeing the ending of Stargrass, Empress Nuwa feels the most. Fortunately, she did not agree to Daozu Hongjun’s request. Otherwise, she would fall into the same predicament. She didn’t have the moist temperament of Stargrass, if she was trapped. In the heavens or the ancient star realm, it is absolutely impossible to persist, even if the saint no longer cares about the loss of years, but has been trapped in the corner of the world, the cultivation base is restricted, and there is no possibility of improvement. This is a female Wa Niangniang couldn't accept it.

"Perhaps after this great catastrophe is over, and after the fragmentation of the heavens is repaired, I should also learn from the master of the heavens and give up the identity of the saint of the heavens, without the cause and effect of the heavens, maybe I will be more relaxed, after all, the previous rejection has made Hongjun Daozu is dissatisfied and can no longer be recognized by Hongjun Daozu. Instead of always being so careful and guarding, it is better to let go and give up the position of this heavenly Taoist saint!" The Nuwa Empress still had some dissatisfaction in her heart before, but look at it. At the end of the Star Grass, the unwillingness in Nuwa Empress’s heart has completely disappeared, and she has really made up her mind, but the time is wrong. If she jumps out to make trouble at this time, even if she pays the heavier price, Hongjun Daozu will He killed himself and used himself to demonstrate to the predominant sentient beings, so as to stabilize the general trend of the heavenly path and stabilize the source of the heavenly path!

For Hongjun Dao Ancestor and Tian Dao, at this time, no one can tolerate provocations. At this time, if there is a heavenly saint who dares to jump out and make troubles and betray Tian Dao, it is definitely a dead end. Even if it is to stabilize the overall situation, Hongjun Dao Zu and Tian Dao must also To kill the killer is the most important thing for them, and they cannot tolerate provocations, especially at this critical moment, let alone accidents!

Liwei, at this time Hongjun Daozu’s heart is indeed full of thoughts of wanting to make people stand for power, and want to find a strong man to stand for power, but unfortunately everyone has seen all this, and no one has stood up to provoke heaven. To provoke Hongjun Daozu, if you have to say that there are people, then only the group of chaotic beasts that are frantically attacking the ancient star domain, but this group of chaotic beasts cannot be eliminated, at least in a short time, Hongjun Daozu can’t do it, you need to know Forcibly spawning a Heavenly Dao saint made him pay too much, and the original source was seriously consumed. If this time left the flood and entered the chaos to hunt down these chaotic beasts, Hongjun Daozu could not do it.

Chaos is different from the primordial world. Being in the primordial world, Hongjun Taoist ancestor who fits in with his body can fully mobilize the power of Heavenly Dao and can obliterate all living beings. Even the sages of Heavenly Dao are no exception. They just need to pay some price, but entering the chaotic world Different, the power of Heavenly Dao will be infinitely weakened. Hongjun Daozu, who has a serious source of consumption, is not the opponent of that group of chaotic beasts, and even a group of chaotic beasts will accidentally be killed by these chaotic beasts, and the body and soul will disappear in the chaos!

Chaos can obliterate everything, and the saints of heaven are no exception. Hongjun Daozu naturally knows all this, and the group of chaotic beasts that have been transformed from ancient powerhouses also knows. That's why the situation like this will appear. This group of chaotic beasts They will madly attack the ancient star regions, constantly obliterate the origin of the ancient star regions, and obliterate the origin of the prehistoric world. They know that Dao Ancestor Hongjun dare not stand up to a **** battle with them. They will use this method to humiliate Dao Ancestor Hongjun and suppress them. The prestige of Hongjun Daozu in the prehistoric sentient beings!


"Hongjun, have the ability to come out to fight us to death, as long as you can defeat us, the previous cause and effect will be undone!" The group of chaotic beasts constantly provoked Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao outside the ancient star field, but Hongjun Dao Ancestor didn't react at all, as if he didn't know the provocation of this group of chaotic beasts, he didn't have the slightest idea of ​​going out of the wild world and fighting the other side, letting the other side clamor frantically outside the wild world!

"Interesting, this group of chaotic beasts is really interesting. It seems that they have transformed from the ancient innate gods and demons into chaotic beasts. They have got the inheritance of chaotic beasts, so they have been provoking Hongjun and heaven. Unfortunately, they still suffered from chaotic beasts. The influence of the beast, the mind has a problem, otherwise they will not keep staring at the ancient star field. If they target the bliss world, the result will be completely different, and the entire prehistoric world will be shaken!" As the Nether World Lord, the king of cause and effect can clearly see the situation outside the ancient star field, and see the impact of the group of chaotic beasts.

If this group of chaotic beasts shift their target, Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao will be in great trouble. If they sit on the sidelines, they will be directly judged by the prehistoric world, cause and effect are added, and even if the small world collapses, they will suffer from The backlash of the origin of the primordial world will be severely damaged. Unfortunately, this group of chaotic beasts has a mental problem, so they can’t see this. As a predecessor, the king of cause and effect cannot point out these chaotic beasts, or he himself Also suffer a backlash from the prehistoric world!

"If there is gain, there must be loss. These ancient powerhouses can escape the crisis of death and transform into chaotic beasts, but the price is too great, unless they can really swallow a saint-level existence, or can get rid of obsession, otherwise It will always stop at the present, the price is a bit high, but the price is worth it, after all, they have escaped the fatal killing! I just don’t know the difference between the inheritance of the chaotic beasts and the chaos gods and demons. Will they have a chance to evolve in the future Become a chaotic **** and demon?" When the chaotic beast appeared, the Yin and Yang Taoists who had been practicing in retreat were also alarmed!

As a yin and yang Taoist who owns the real body of the Chaos God and Demon, I really want to know the gap between the Chaos Fierce Beast and the Chaos God Demon, and I want to know whether the origin of the Chaos Fierce Beast can strengthen his real body of the Chaos God and Demon, and whether it can enhance his own background. , Can his own Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Dao digest the origin of the Chaos Fierce Beast, it is a pity that the Yin and Yang Taoists can't take action now, facing such a group of crazy Chaos Fierce Beasts, the Yin and Yang Taoists have no confidence to retreat!

At this moment, it is not only the Yin and Yang Taoists who are alarmed. When the chaotic beasts are constantly attacking the prehistoric world and the ancient star field, making the entire prehistoric world turbulent, the eyes of the ancestor Styx in the sea of ​​blood become Somewhat crazy, when these chaotic beasts attacked the world, he felt a trace of chaos, and this trace of chaos was exactly the chaos small world he had entered, but this aura was too weak, the ancestor of the river. It is impossible to completely lock its existence for a while!

Such intermittent induction made the ancestor Styx very annoyed. He had seen the amazing opportunities in the chaotic world. If he gave himself a chance to enter the chaotic world, the ancestor Styx believed that he could step on without the help of external forces. On the road of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, or on the road of chaos gods and demons, as for heavenly saints, authentic saints, and humane saints, this has been completely abandoned by the ancestor of Styx. Hongjun Daozu’s failure made him deep. Deeply understand the deficiencies of the saints.

Compared to the position of a saint in the prehistoric world, the ancestor Styx is more eager to get the way of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. As for opening a small world and attaching to the prehistoric world, the ancestor Styx has no interest. Who made him see the star grass The tragedy, as the master of the ancient star field, because of the calculations of Hongjun Dao ancestor and the heavens, as well as the damage of the ancient star field, he was directly trapped in the ancient star field and became a tool for repairing the ancient star field. Such a world Lord, the ancestors of the Styx don’t want to be, the prehistoric world also has a world catastrophe, if there is a big problem in the prehistoric world, and if you create a small world, will you also be subject to the prehistoric world!

"Damn Hongjun, **** God, if you have the opportunity to communicate with the King of Causality at this moment, you may be able to use the power of the King of Causality to lock in the chaotic world. Now because of your madness, I have missed this opportunity in vain! "Yes, the ancestor Styx did not dare to jump out at this time, even if it was not a disturbance, but he did not dare to communicate with the king of cause and effect normally. He did not dare to offend the anger of Hongjun Dao ancestor and heaven. Reckless action is regarded as the object of Liwei!

In the entire prehistoric world, only the ancestor of the river Styx is secretly scolding Hongjun Daozu and Heaven? No, many powerful people are swearing in secret, but no matter how angry it is, no one dares to jump out. No one dares to risk his life, dare not to touch the bottom line of Hongjun Daozu and Heaven. It is the fear in everyone's heart that makes the prehistoric world calm, even if the great catastrophe is not over, no one dared to jump out and make trouble at this time.

Such a change makes Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao have no goal when they want to find someone to build their power. Even if they have endless anger in their hearts, they can't get vent. After all, Hongjun Daozu fits the way of heaven, even if the way of heaven is private, they Nor can it take a big shot at the primordial creatures for no reason. That will only lead to great punishments, and will only harm others and yourself!

He didn’t even have a goal to stand up for. Daozu Hongjun could only endure the anger in his heart. He could only give up the idea of ​​killing others and put his energy into the restoration of the heavens, no matter how the great world changes, no matter what. How big an accident happens, the heavens must be repaired. If the heavens are not repaired for a day, it will be a huge disaster for the prehistoric world. Hongjun Taoist ancestor will have to carry a huge karma, even if he has already fit the way. Dare to let the causal karma continue to grow, once the causal karma exceeds the limit that one can bear, the great punishment will come, and Hongjun Daozu may also die.

Dao Tianpu can be wiped out even if it is a saint of heaven. If the desolate world continues to suffer damage, once the desolate world falls to the stage, Hongjun Dao ancestor will be dead, and heaven will even be obliterated by the great road. The existence of the great road is not a display. Once the bottom line of the avenue is touched, death is only a momentary thing! No matter how arrogant Hongjun Daozu is, no matter how arrogant he is, he dare not risk his own life, nor dare to challenge the bottom line of the avenue!

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