God of Destruction

Chapter 4554: Festival transaction

Chapter 4560 Trading

Nowadays, the prehistoric is more and more chaotic, more and more crazy, and it is no longer the prehistoric world that the Yin and Yang Taoists are familiar with. Although all the Yin and Yang Taoists have thought about it for a long time, when they really face this moment, they see this chaos. In the situation, there are still some sorrows in the hearts of the Taoists of Yin and Yang. Only in such a wild world can there be endless possibilities and an endless future, and the endless future is also accompanied by endless dangers, and the current chaotic beasts appear. It's proof!

A great catastrophe broke out. Originally everything was in the grasp of Dao Ancestor Hongjun and Dao Dao. However, as accidents appeared bit by bit, the situation finally became like this. Dao Zu Hongjun and Dao Dao not only did not get what they wanted. All of them, on the contrary, paid a heavy price, which puts huge pressure on them and shakes their minds!

Nothing can be done. At this level, regardless of the way of heaven or the Daozu of Hongjun, they can no longer continue to insist, or the price will be heavier, and it will be more detrimental to themselves. Perhaps this is the warning and warning of the Dao again. They don't want to manipulate the destiny of the prehistoric sentient beings, and don't want to grasp the general trend of the prehistoric world, this is the result that the Dao cannot accept!

With the return of the heavenly saints, and with their full effort, although there is no way to restore the original source of the loss of the heavens, with their concerted efforts and their joint efforts, the gap in the heavens has been filled. , The water of the Tianhe River was finally blocked, no longer pouring down to the wild land, but after so long, the whole wild land has been wrapped in a flood, and countless creatures fell in this natural and man-made disaster, endless Resentment is permeating the wild land, endless causal karma is condensing, no matter what the result is, someone is always required to take responsibility!

It’s said that saints don’t touch on cause and effect, but such a huge cause and effect makes the entire prehistoric sentient beings feel terrible pressure, and makes those saints of heaven and earth feel the wrath of heaven and earth, the resentment of sentient beings, if they are responsible for this causal karma, then I am afraid that only a small part is enough to knock them off the holy throne, so that they will no longer be the gods of the heavenly saints!

Facing such turbulent causal karma, Hongjun Daozu's expression became extremely solemn. If he was responsible for this cause and effect, even if he fits the heavenly way, he will be affected by this endless cause and effect, and he cannot eliminate this cause and effect. His practice will end here, and there will be no chance to go further, let alone transcend the prehistoric world!

Originally in the plan of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu, as long as the plan is successful, no matter how great the causal karma can be resolved through the nether world, through the six reincarnations, but now the tunnel is not mastered by the heaven, and the lord of the nether world is still the cause and effect. The king, the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation is still the Houtu Ancestor Witch, and Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao Ancestor can't intervene at all.

"King of cause and effect, do you want to avenge your private vengeance? Do you want to violate the prehistoric rules? Now that the prehistoric world has suffered such a catastrophe, you have stopped moving forward and ignored the grievances of the death of prehistoric sentient beings. What do you want to do?" Under tremendous pressure, Daozu Hongjun still chose to take the initiative to attack, directly facing the king of cause and effect, the lord of the nether world, the emperor of Yama!

"Haha! Is it necessary for me to do this, avenge my personal vengeance, I am not so ignorant, it's not that I stopped moving, it's not that the Netherworld and the Six Paths of Samsara were inaction, but that the trouble you caused was too great, wave after wave , There are countless deaths and injuries in the entire prehistoric world, endless resentment impacts the Nether World and the Six Paths of Reincarnation. If we don’t stop it, I’m afraid that there is no Nether World or the Six Paths of Reincarnation. We can’t take responsibility for your madness. The Netherworld and the Six Paths of Reincarnation should not be held responsible for your ignorance and stupidity. Who should bear the new responsibilities. Don’t try to transfer cause and effect. This is impossible!” The king of cause and effect did not care about Hongjun Daozu’s identity. , Directly counterattack, wanting Netherworld and Liudaolun to come back to bear this huge pressure, this is impossible.

"This is your duty. The Netherworld is the land of the dead. The Six Paths of Reincarnation is the place where all sentient beings reincarnate. This is your responsibility!" Facing the ridicule and ridicule of the King of Cause and Effect, Hongjun Daozu continued to exert pressure. , Wanting to force the king of cause and effect and the Houtu ancestor witch to eliminate the endless grievances of the prehistoric world and restore the peace of the prehistoric world!

"Yes, this is indeed our duty, but you have forgotten one thing. This is not a normal cycle of life and death, but a man-made natural and man-made calamity. If we say that the Nether World and the Six Paths of Samsara have to take on this responsibility, then you and the Dao of Heaven His duty is to destroy the prehistoric world, kill the unconcerned prehistoric creatures, and let the entire prehistoric world fall into this unrestored place. The heavens are destroyed by you, and the ancient stars are directly crippled by you. Now you still want to destroy the Netherworld. The world and the Six Paths of Reincarnation are also destroyed, cutting off the last vitality of the entire prehistoric world?"

Although the tunnel does not act, and has not stood up to resist the pressure of Hongjun Daozu and the heavens, the king of cause and effect will still not shrink. In this matter, the Netherworld and the Six Paths of Reincarnation have done enough, and they are already invincible. Earth, no matter how crazy Hongjun Dao ancestor and Tian Dao were, they would not dare to intervene in the nether world and intervene in the six reincarnations! If the Netherworld and the Six Paths of Samsara collapse because of their intervention, what awaits them is destruction, and the Dao must directly obliterate their existence.

Even those ancient powerhouses are crazy to the extreme, and they can transform into chaotic beasts for revenge. As the king of cause and effect as the lord of the nether world and the Houtu ancestor witch of the lord of the six reincarnations, they can also destroy the netherworld when they are so anxious. The world and the six realms of reincarnation, if such a thing happens, the entire prehistoric world will be plunged into desperation and will be destroyed!

"What do you want? How can you take action to eliminate the grievances of sentient beings?" When he could not oppress the king of cause and effect to accept his orders, Daozu Hongjun had to compromise and had to make an exchange choice, using reality In exchange for the benefit of the King of Causality, in exchange for your own safety, not to be entangled in the endless karma of cause and effect!

"Haha! Trading, yes, but what benefits can you and Tiandao give us? Don't forget that the tunnel is still there. We only have one chance, otherwise the tunnel will inevitably interfere, just like the heavenly way interferes with the heavens!" The King of Karma did not ask. Instead, he kicked the ball back to Hongjun Daozu, and pulled the tunnel out to say something!

auzw.com How can Hongjun Daozu not know the existence of tunnels? If tunnels stand up to block Tiandao and block themselves at this time, this is also normal, just as Tiandao blocks humanity and tunnels before. Since then, the pressure has soared, making Hongjun Daozu involuntarily sigh. There is only one chance, and the consequences of failure will be disastrous!

"Chaos Orb, I exchanged the Chaos Orb for the price. There is the inheritance of the Chaos Orb. You must know the value of the Chaos Orb. As a way of practicing the Chaos Yuan Daluo Golden Immortal, the Chaos Orb should be very important to you and your deity. This It's the ultimate price I can pay!" Although his heart was dripping blood, Dao Zu Hongjun had no choice. The'Chaos Orb' in his hand was the real chaos treasure!

Of course, the "Chaotic Bead" in Daozu Hongjun's hand has been broken. If you want to use it to open up the world, it will not have much effect. Unless it can be completely repaired, Daozu Hongjun will not trade it with the King of Cause and Effect. In Hongjun Daozu's opinion, he couldn't repair the'Chaos Orb' after such a long period of time, and it was even impossible for the King of Cause and Effect to be a mere junior!

"Okay, the word is settled!" Although he did not see the'Chaotic Bead', the King of Causality did not hesitate and immediately agreed to Daozu Hongjun's suggestion. The yin and yang Taoists are very important. With the Chaos Orb in their hands, they don’t have to worry about not having the source of the Chaos as a nutrient for their own practice. Hunyuan Daluo’s path to the Golden Immortal can go further. Such an exchange cannot be rejected by the King of Cause and Effect. .

At the moment when the King of Causality agreed to Daozu Hongjun, a terrifying force was suppressed. It was an authentic power. Dadao felt the transaction between the King of Causality and Daozu Hongjun, and directly shot to stop all of this. The pressure of the tunnel is acting on the soul of the king of cause and effect, warning the king of cause and effect to abandon the transaction with Hongjun Daozu!

Under the pressure from the tunnel, the King of Causality said calmly: "See, this is the authentic choice!"

At the moment when the tunnel came, Hongjun Daozu naturally felt the deep malice, understood how amazing the pressure the king of cause and effect was subjected to, and also understood that if he did not complete the transaction, perhaps this matter would change. The king of cause and effect, who is the lord of the netherworld, may make changes under the pressure of the real, and make the situation change!

"This is the Chaos Bead, you are ready!" Without hesitation, Dao Zu Hongjun instantly took out the Chaos Bead, the Chaos Spirit Treasure. Yes, the current Chaos Bead is no longer the Chaos Supreme Treasure, it's just chaos. Lingbao, and this is what Hongjun Daozu has done with endless years of repair. The original'Chaotic Bead' is just the innate treasure!

When the'Chaotic Bead' appeared, the pressure of the tunnel increased again, and it was heavily pressed on the King of Causality, preventing the King of Causation from receiving the'Chaotic Bead' to complete the transaction with Hongjun Daozu, so Heaven and Hong All Jun Dao ancestors will break free from their shackles, and this opportunity to suppress Heavenly Dao and Hong Jun Dao ancestors will completely disappear!

"Hmph, my affairs are up to me, even if you are a tunnel, you can't interfere!" Under the tremendous pressure from the tunnel, the king of cause and effect is angry with it. No one wants to be threatened or oppressed by others, even if it is tunnel. .

When he saw the king of cause and effect clash with the tunnel because of the chaotic spirit treasure, Daozu Hongjun, a faint smile appeared in his eyes. This is exactly the result he hopes to see. With this time of evil. , No matter how the tunnel wants to fight against the heavens, it will be restricted. The existence of the Netherworld will be a resistance to it, and it will contain a part of the energy of the tunnel. Similarly, the king of cause and effect also needs to be cautious and guard against tunnel raids. There will be a serious rift between the world and the tunnel!

There is a rift between the Lord of the World and the tunnel, which cannot be repaired. Because of different positions and different interests, once such a situation arises, whether it is the Lord of the World or the tunnel will be restricted by the other party and needs Guarding against each other’s calculations, this is not a random talk. There was a great kindness between the king of cause and effect and the tunnel. When the tunnel cannot be repaid, this kindness has naturally become hatred. Now because of Hong Jun Daozu's shot intensified this change!

The King of Causality knows what Hongjun Dao Ancestor is thinking about. This situation has been predicted by the King of Causality. Even if there is no Dao Zu Hongjun's shot and the transaction of'Chaotic Bead', the King of Causality and the tunnel. There will be no peace at all, unless the king of cause and effect can fit and authentic as Hongjun Daozu, but the king of cause and effect follows the path of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, which is destined to be not the same passer-by, and the ways are different. Conspiracy, disputes will inevitably erupt!

Taking the Chaos Orb from Hongjun Daozu, the King of Causality nodded gently and said: "Okay, the transaction is completed, in a thousand years, I will definitely complete the cleaning of the prehistoric world, no Let the resentment of sentient beings continue to spread, but if someone makes trouble at this time and causes new changes, it is not my problem!"

Although the transaction is completed, the king of cause and effect still has to make things clear. Today's great world has too many changes, and no one knows whether there will be new madmen in the next moment, and whether it will be big in the great world. The killings have made this already very difficult situation even more terrifying, and made the situation even more out of control!

Dao Zu Hongjun nodded and said: "Yes, you only need to clean up the grievances that exist in the wild world now. If there are people who don't know the heights of the sky and dare to jump out and make trouble at this time, I will be responsible for all the consequences! Time, I hope you and Houtu can do all this and complete the restoration of order to the prehistoric world!"

I have to say that Hongjun Daozu is really insidious. After completing the transaction, he left a trap for the king of cause and effect, and pulled the ancestor witch of Hou Tu in, in order to cause a contradiction between the king of cause and effect and the ancestor of Hou Tu. Perhaps in his heart he never wanted to see a peaceful nether world appear, which would greatly affect the development of the heavenly path, and even restrict the development of the heavenly path, and this harmony is unacceptable to Hongjun Daozu, in the heart of Hongjun Daozu He still has the idea of ​​being in charge of the prehistoric world. Whenever he has the opportunity, he will secretly lay out and take the opportunity to calculate other existences that may become his own enemies. The king of cause and effect is naturally on the list of Hongjun Daozu’s “enemies”. That's why I have these words and this sinister move!

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