God of Destruction

Chapter 4555: Day wish

Chapter 4561: Great Aspiration

There is only the Chaos Orb, which is a chaotic spirit treasure. To eliminate the endless resentment of sentient beings in the prehistoric world, even the king of cause and effect, the lord of the nether world, needs external help. The king must owe the favor of the Houtu ancestor witch, who should be in charge of this chaotic spirit treasure? Hongjun Daozu believes that no matter how generous the Wu Clan is, it is impossible to ignore the Chaos Spirit Treasure like'Chaotic Bead', and that the'Chaotic Bead' is also good for the Wu Clan!

If the'Chaotic Bead' is integrated into the world of the Wu people, it may be possible to make the Wu people world break the limits of the middle thousand world in one fell swoop, and become a real big world. The temptation of a big world is a huge attraction for any race. As long as there is a chance, he will not give up, and Hongjun Daozu just wants to use this to re-cause the conflict between the king of cause and effect and the Witch clan, to create enough time for Tiandao and himself, as long as there is enough time, Hongjun Daozu believes that he can solve all the troubles!

In fact, Hongjun Daozu didn’t know that when he was calculating the King of Causality, the King of Causality was also calculating him. The King of Causality not only wanted to benefit from this transaction, but also wanted to take advantage of this great world. Natural disasters and man-made disasters have completed their own stripping, and now the world has such a huge grievance and such a terrifying cause and effect, if it is used to cultivate the original soul that has been divided by itself to replace itself, this is definitely the best opportunity, also The most suitable opportunity is not only the king of cause and effect can retreat with his whole body, but the soul created by himself can also take this opportunity to gain huge merits, complete the mastery of the nether world in one fell swoop, and let the nether world successfully complete the handover, and he can smoothly Hidden in the dark!

For a thousand years, it is just a method used by the King of Causality to confuse Daozu Hongjun, just to successfully complete this transaction, and if the King of Causality really has to make up his mind, it will only be a matter of one thought to resolve the grievances of all living beings in the world. ! Of course, the King of Cause and Effect successfully confuses Hongjun Daozu by doing so, allowing him to expose more sinister intentions, allowing the King of Cause and Effect to see Hongjun Daozu calculating his own direction once again, and see Hongjun Daozu's true thoughts!

"Order? It only takes a thought to restore the order of the prehistoric world. In the past, the introduction and quasi-quotation can make great aspirations in order to prove the way, and this time the world catastrophe, the natural and man-made disasters of the prehistoric world can also be solved by the power of aspiration. , And as the master of cause and effect, I can take this opportunity to go further in the practice of the great cause and effect. Great cause and effect is also a great opportunity!"

Back in the Netherworld, the King of Causality began to prepare. Since he wants to take this opportunity to get rid of the influence and shackles of the Netherworld on himself, the King of Causality must be foolproof. The most important thing is not to let anyone notice and separate himself. Once the primordial spirit has completed its transformation, it can naturally blend into the nether world, take over the identity of the lord of the nether world and become the true emperor of Yama. The name of the king of cause and effect will gradually disappear from the nether world, and the king of cause and effect will himself Get rid of the nether world!

For the King of Cause and Effect, the biggest problem is how to confuse the tunnel and make the tunnel unaware. As long as he can hide from the tunnel, he can truly escape from the nether world and no longer be bound by the nether world. Those many worries, let alone so many troubles and sorrows, the Netherworld will be completely separated from itself, from the deity of Yin and Yang Taoist!

Without the shackles of the Netherworld, it would be a great advantage for the Yin and Yang Taoists. They can truly be independent of the prehistoric world, can ignore the predominant shackles, truly break free from all constraints, and walk out of their own Hunyuan Dao.

To do all of this, timing is also very important. Fortunately, the King of Cause and Effect has enough time to prepare. A thousand years is enough for the King of Cause and Effect to have sufficient time and energy, but the King of Cause and Effect does not want to delay too much. For a long time, after all, everything can happen over time. Now the great catastrophe has not really ended. As long as the great catastrophe is not over, everything is possible, all crises will appear, and all accidents may happen!

For the King of Cause and Effect, the most important thing now is to divide the authority, to completely separate the authority and power of the Netherworld from itself, leaving no trace. Only by doing this, can I get out of it smoothly, just to do this. The king of cause and effect will inevitably pay a greater price. Who makes the king of cause and effect eager to get out of fear of accidents?

"My deity, I need your help, I need you to help me, with the help of your yin and yang origin power, cut out everything between myself and the nether world!" After some meditation, the king of cause and effect made a crazy The decision, a crazy decision that even the Yin and Yang Taoist did not expect was to cut out all the power connected with the Nether World with the origin of Yin and Yang.

"You are crazy, do you know what you are talking about? If you do this, your strength and origin will be cut out by 90%, and even your origin may be severely damaged!" Yin Yang Taoist fell silent, The look is unusually solemn. Although the King of Causality clone is only the yin and yang Taoist to bear the heavy responsibility of the Netherworld, but he does not want to see the King of Causality act so crazy, doing so almost abolishes all of his own cultivation base and restarts his practice. !

"I know this is a bit crazy and a little unreasonable, but this is my choice. If I can't cut all the entanglements in one fell swoop, and can't cut all the connections with the Netherworld at once, it will be difficult for me to prepare for the ultimate. The fusion of, to become the real Emperor Yan Luo, don’t let the tunnels have the slightest awareness, only by doing this, I can really get out of the way, and be able to truly have freedom! Don’t hesitate to this deity, this is my choice, just like the original choice of the deity. same!"

The Taoist Yin and Yang was silent for an instant. At the beginning, he chose to use the King of Causality to bear all the causes and effects of the Netherworld. Now the King of Causality is also learning from himself, and he is even crazier, and he is even better than himself, not only taking advantage of the great calamity of the world, but also Using Hongjun Daozu, although the price is a bit high, once it succeeds, the final hidden danger of oneself will completely disappear!


"Well, since you have made such a decision, I can only accept it. After all, it is your own choice. Your practice needs to go out of your own way. Perhaps breaking and standing on top of the path of cause and effect is more beneficial for you. , Just by doing this, the pain you need to endure is unimaginable. Although you have not taken over the Netherworld for a long time, the origin of the Netherworld, and even the authority and power of the Netherworld, have already eroded your whole body!"

The king of cause and effect smiled calmly and said: "The deity, I know, no matter how painful I am, I can persevere. If I want to be free, a little bit of pain is nothing, and if this feat is completed, the deity and the entire world of cause and effect will be cut. Broken, Hunyuan Avenue is more promising, I have no reason not to do this, no reason to give up!"

"Okay, from now on, let's retreat and remove all entanglements, all cause and effect!" At this time, the Taoist Yin and Yang only agreed, and he can understand the worries of the king of cause and effect. Time does not wait for anyone, although there is a thousand years of time available, But in fact, no one knows what changes will happen to the world in the next moment, whether there will be accidents, complete the division earlier, get rid of crises and hidden dangers, and get freedom one day sooner.

With the appearance of the yin and yang Taoist, and then retreat with the king of cause and effect, this made Hongjun Daozu who had been secretly monitoring everything in the nether world unconsciously relieved. In his opinion, this is the most normal. If yin and yang The Taoist did not appear, only the King of Cause and Effect retreats. Hongjun Taozu needs to be cautious to prevent it from appearing intentionally, and now he can completely rest assured that in his opinion, the Taoist of Yin and Yang and the King of Cause and Effect are going to join hands for refining.' Chaos Orb', in case you have a back hand, an accidentally'Chaos Orb', this chaotic spirit treasure, will be taken back by yourself!

"Hmph, be careful, the ant is the ant, even if I have the inheritance of the Chaos Gods and Demons, it is still not worth mentioning, how can I do such a low-level thing, the Chaos Orb is good, but it is not worthwhile compared to the general situation of the world. Mention, it’s not worth mentioning compared with my preaching. If I don’t even have this little breast, how can I fit the way of heaven with my body!"

Contempt and despise. After seeing that everything is okay, Hongjun Daozu can rest assured that he can take back his energy and place it above the heavens, and find a way to restore the origin of the heavens, so that the three realms of heaven, earth and man can return to balance instead of the imbalance of the heavens, as for the ancient stars. Territory, Hongjun Dao ancestor gave up directly. There is the saint of Star Grass, even if it is only a false saint, but with the authority and blessing of the Lord of the Star Territory, the group of **** chaotic beasts cannot cause damage to the ancient star Territory. If the ancient star field cannot be restored, the star grass will not be able to withdraw from the ancient star field, and it will not even be able to separate a little energy.

Fortunately, Daozu Hongjun was prepared for the worst before he made a decision, and never thought of using the sage of Stargrass to influence the prevalence. Now this shocking change in the Ancient Star Territory just makes everything Back to the origin again!

"In the final analysis, it was Nüwa's fault. If it weren't for her refusal to assume due responsibility, how could such a sudden change in the situation occur and cause so many troubles? Nüwa can no longer believe it, nor is it worthy of trust. , I didn’t expect that the original six saints have already lost control of four of them. Even Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun can’t fully believe them. After all, they are Sanqing, Pangu authentic!" Dao Ancestor Hongjun was even more embarrassed when he was above the heavens. The six saints he carefully cultivated had gone for the most part in this calamity of heaven and earth, and none of them could believe it. What a joke.

Unable to find Liwei’s object, Hongjun Daozu thought of Nuwa Empress again, this disciple who dared to reject her, if she did not teach Nuwa a lesson, perhaps these new preaching saints would lose their awe of themselves, just how Dealing with the Nuwa Empress is also a big problem. After all, Nu Wa was not wrong, but just refused to repair the origin of the heavens.

Deprived of the position of a saint? This only makes Nu Wa happier. With the precedents of the introduction, quasi mention, and the master of Tongtian, Nu Wa hopes that she can also be free from the shackles of the heavenly saints and let go of the position of the heavenly saints! If you do so, this is not to stand up for power, but to encourage other heavenly saints and let them see the hope of breaking away from the fetters of heaven!

When Hongjun Daozu was thinking about how to deal with Nvwa Empress, as a heavenly saint, Nuwa Empress instantly felt the spiritual warning and could give herself such a threat in the catastrophe of heaven and earth. Only Hongjun Daozu, it is obvious that Hongjun Daozu After getting out of the crisis, she wanted to settle the bills, and wanted to start with herself, which made Empress Nu Wa nervous!

Although she was psychologically prepared, when the real moment came, Empress Nuwa was still nervous and worried. After all, what she had to face was the Hongjun Daozu who fits in with heaven, who holds the power of life and death. Master.

Nuwa Empress is worried, while Hongjun Daozu is distressed, can’t find a good excuse, and can’t find a way to punish Nuwa Empress, if it’s too heavy, it will only force Nuwa Empress to give it a go, just like today’s catastrophe. It is not over, anything can happen, and Nuwa is not only a demon saint, but also the mother of the human race, and the Qiaqia human race is the protagonist of the world, and it is easy for Nuwa to defect to the humanitarian side. After all, the human race is already the world. The protagonist, but there is no effect when it is lightened, and it is not scary at all!

"Perhaps I can punish Nuwa to go to the Ancient Star Territory and help Xingchencao to face the attack of the Chaos Fierce Beast. I just don't know how long this world catastrophe will end. If it is too early, it will not be able to get up. To the effect of Liwei!” After thinking about it, Hongjun Daozu thought of the ancient star domain, and thought of the **** group of chaotic beasts. If Nuwa Empress helps, perhaps he can give the saint of Stargrass time to repair it. The origin of the ancient star field, strengthening the power of the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array', can give a little bit of backfeeding to the great world. After all, the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array' can transform the origin of chaos into heaven and earth vitality!

After some thinking, Hongjun Daozu's mood is still very heavy. Even Liwei needs to think carefully, for fear of intentional occurrence. This is too big for Hongjun Daozu. Nuwa is still so, and Sanqing is even more serious. , If Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun also gave birth to a heart of betrayal, how should they punish themselves, can it be said that the majesty of heaven really has to end with this great catastrophe, and the great world will really return because of this great catastrophe. Balance, the three ways of heaven, earth and man have completed the transformation of balance, and there is no longer the possibility of a single one? If this is the case, how should one behave well? If you fit the way of heaven, you will inevitably be bound by the great world. This is not what Hongjun Daozu is willing to accept. Once the three ways of heaven, earth and man are balanced, Hongjun Daozu's practice will It will be restricted by the world, and it will be more difficult to think further!

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