God of Destruction

Chapter 4556: Jie Tiandi

Chapter 4562: Emperor of Heaven

"No, in any case, the prehistoric world cannot be balanced, and the three realms of heaven, earth and man cannot be truly balanced. Then I will always be trapped in the heaven, no matter how difficult it is to break free from the shackles of the heaven, I am different from other heavenly saints, they are still You can give up the position of a saint of heaven, but I can't do it, fit the way unless you can transcend the way of heaven, otherwise you will always be subject to the way of heaven!"

The balance of the three ways of the prehistoric world and human beings is good for all beings, but it is bad for Hongjun Daozu. When the interests of all beings conflict with their own interests, Hongjun Daozu, who is a wise creature, naturally chooses his own interests. It is not for the benefit of all living beings. He cannot sacrifice himself for the sake of all living beings. He has been trapped in the wild world, waiting for the rising of the wild world. In the eyes of Taoist Hongjun, waiting for the rising of the wild world, I am afraid that he will not see the end. Serious damage!

"Netherworld and tunnels are clearly in conflict. With the mind of the king of cause and effect, it is impossible to be controlled by tunnels. The threat of tunnels to heaven is much smaller. As long as no one fits the tunnels, there will be no rapid growth of tunnels. Opportunity, but humanity is different. After this catastrophe passes, when the prehistoric land returns to calm, the human race will usher in a period of rapid growth. At that time, the power of the human race will completely burst out, and the power of the humanity will follow the human race. To grow stronger and stronger, humanity is the one that needs to be suppressed the most. To do this, relying only on the saints of the heavens will not work. The Sanqing is unreliable, and Nuwa cannot believe it. There are no saints who proclaim the Dao. How majestic, it seems that the origin of the heavens must be restored, and a new Lord of the heavens must appear, and this is not only the Lord of the heavens, but also the Emperor of Heaven, the Emperor of Heaven!"

Feeling the threat of the human race, Hongjun Daozu had to once again regard the heavens as the focus of restricting the human race, just as he used the monster race to restrict the witch race, but in the Lich period, the witch race received the help of the king of cause and effect, and stepped out of the key. One step opened up the world belonging to the Witch tribe, and directly made the Witch tribe out of the predicament. This time Hongjun Daozu didn’t want to see the same mistakes, and no accidents would happen again. Or just don’t do it, just do it. To do it satisfactorily!

It is impossible for a saint disciple to become the emperor of the heavens and become the lord of the heavens. This will cause battles between the saints of the heavens, and even wars. The most important thing is that if there is another war between these saints of the heavens, the catastrophe of the heavens and the earth will be even more difficult. end! The saint’s ambition is to have to guard against, lead and quasi-promote, as well as the Lord Tongtian betrayed the heavens because of ambition. In this case, how can Hongjun Daozu believe that other saints have no ambitions, as long as they have ambitions, there is a threat.

When Hongjun Daozu once again looked for someone worthy of trust in the heavens, he found that he still couldn't find someone to trust. The heavens were not trivial, and this could not be entrusted to the hands of the problematic, otherwise he would have a greater impact on himself. The troubles will make the prehistoric world become more crazy and dangerous, and even make the entire prehistoric situation out of control again!

At this time, Hongjun Daozu once again felt the shortage of manpower. If it is an ordinary world, Hongjun Daozu can slow down the processing, but the heavens cannot. If you want to establish a prehistoric emperor, it is not only a question of fate, but also a question of loyalty. In desperation, Daozu Hongjun had to choose the boy next to him as a candidate. This was the last person Hongjun Daozu could trust.

However, this matter is not trivial. If only the Lord of Heaven is no problem, Hongjun Daozu can decide alone, and no one will object, but it is completely different to establish the Emperor, let alone the Heavenly Emperor, which requires the approval of other saints. If the sage doesn’t approve it, the Emperor of Heaven is just a joke. After all, his boy is not the emperor of the demon clan, he does not have the terrifying strength of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and the demon emperor Jun, and he does not have the huge background of the demon clan!

It’s not that Hongjun Daozu never thought of using the position of the emperor to erode the nether world, but he decisively gave up on this idea. Today's tunnels are different from humanity, and the position of emperor of heaven can influence the humanity. Humanity is because of the wild world. The catastrophe suffered heavy losses, but the tunnels did not. The most important thing is that the Netherworld has a master, and he is still a madman. The anger of this madman will make the prehistoric situation uncontrollable. The tunnels are in conflict with the Netherworld, but that day If the world and the heavens want to encroach on the authority of the nether world, they will inevitably suffer a full counterattack from the underground and the nether world.

"All the saints come to Zixiao Palace to discuss matters!" With a deep cry resounding through the wild world, all the saints of the heavens heard the decree of Daozu Hongjun, and even the sage of the stars of the ancient star field received this decree. In order to achieve his wish, Dao Ancestor Hongjun had to pay a little price and temporarily summoned the Lord of the Ancient Star Territory to the Purple Heaven Palace!

When Hongjun Daozu gave an order, the heavenly sages instantly felt the suction from the chaotic void, pulling them to the chaos. For old-school saints like Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Nuwa Empress, naturally there is Ability to resist this suction, but they didn’t do it, because they all understood that this was Daozu Hongjun’s power, as for the newly born Saints of Heaven, they did not have the power to resist, they were directly drawn into the chaos. Appeared in the Zixiao Palace!

When he saw Hongjun Daozu's method, the King of Karma snorted disdainfully, because this time Hongjun Daozu's pressure had penetrated into the Nether World, which was obviously a trial of the Nether World and the tunnel, so he coldly snorted: " Hmph! Good means, good magical powers, directly use the origin of the heavenly path to open a void passage to pull the heavenly saints into the Zixiao Palace, and use this method to stand up to the predecessors. It really is Hongjun's sect, but it is a pity that even you No matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to subdue the hearts of the great powers. Today's world has changed. The heavens cannot suppress the entire great world, and the sages of the heavens are not the great powers!"

"Well, don’t care what Hongjun thinks, what he wants to do, that has nothing to do with us. Our biggest enemy is not it, but ourselves. We are on the road of Hunyuan, and we have time to be angry. It is better to focus on In terms of yourself, Hongjun now summons all the heavenly saints. This is your opportunity to separate yourself from the Netherworld. At this time, the tunnel must pay attention to the reactions of the heavenly saints. You will not notice the Netherworld. If you miss this opportunity, you want to hide it again. It’s even more difficult to cross the tunnel! Meditation!"

The Taoist Yin and Yang is right. This is indeed a great opportunity. After hearing the words of the deity, the King of Karma immediately gathered his mind and no longer paid attention to the calculations of the Dao Ancestor Hongjun and the Dao of Heaven. No matter what the other party had calculated, his own talent It is the most important thing. The opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss is not to come. When everyone's energy is attracted by Hongjun Daozu, it is just right to liberate oneself!

auzw.com "Cut!" A deep shout sounded, and the King of Karma was severing the connection between himself and the Nether World frantically, cutting out the breath of the Nether World that he had contaminated. In the sound, not only is he acting, but the Yin-Yang Taoist is also cooperating, cutting off the connection between the King of Cause and Effect and the outside world with the origin of the Yin-Yang Dao, and is also wiping out the breath of the Nether World and resurrecting in the body of the King of Cause and Effect. Both the King of Cause and Effect and the Taoists of Yin and Yang are under great pressure!

When the king of cause and effect cooperated with the Taoist Yin and Yang to cut the first connection to the Netherworld, the Houtu Ancestral Witch in the Netherworld was a little aware, but the change came too fast, and it went too fast, she herself I just felt a little bit and didn’t know what happened. I just thought that it might be related to Daozu Hongjun’s temptation of the Netherworld and the tunnels before. So I didn’t pay attention to it, and didn’t explore the root cause, so I missed it. The opportunity to learn about the king of cause and effect!

Every time a source is cut out, it is absorbed by the causal source divided by the king of cause and effect, and merged into it, strengthening this new life, this true Emperor Yama, and every time a source is cut out, it is once for the king of cause and effect. The damage, the loss of the source, if it were not for the King of Cause and Effect to prepare before, I am afraid that the entire Netherworld will be shaken by it.

The Houtu Ancestral Witch Shangchee can feel a trace of the changes in the Netherworld. As a tunnel, he can also feel this change. After all, the Netherworld is an important part of the tunnel. Just like the Houtu Ancestral Witch, the tunnel will also This change was regarded as the previous temptation of Daozu Hongjun on the Netherworld, and did not investigate deeply, and also missed the opportunity to restrict the King of Cause and Effect and the Taoist Yin and Yang!

As for the human beings and the heavens, they are not deeply connected with the nether world, they cannot detect this subtle change in the nether world, and even if they detect it, it is useless, their power cannot penetrate into the nether world, and they cannot stop all of this. !

At this moment, in the Zixiao Palace, the heavenly sages converge, and to Hongjun Daozu's direct call, everyone has a different reaction in their hearts, but none of them dared to show it! Of course, Dao Zu Hongjun didn't care about the thoughts of these saints at this time. As far as Dao Zu Hongjun was concerned, it was only necessary to achieve his own goals, and everything else could be ignored.

"To call you here today is an important matter that requires you to make a choice. Lord of the heavens, who is willing to take this responsibility, originally I hoped that Nuwa would take it, but she chose to refuse, now some of you are willing Take on the responsibility of the heavens and maintain the order of the prehistoric world?" Daozu Hongjun relentlessly spotted what Nuwa Niangniang had previously rejected. In the face of so many sages, this question was asked. It can be seen that Daozu Hongjun was treating Nuwa Niangniang. Dissatisfaction!

However, there are terrible calculations behind this dissatisfaction. Even the Empress Nuwa refused. This is a warning to other saints to prevent these heavenly saints from taking over the position of the lord of the heavens. If there is really a heavenly saint to accept this This'heavy duty' would break Hongjun Daozu's calculations and hinder Hongjun Daozu's plan again!

"Why, you are not willing to take responsibility for the prehistoric world, and are not willing to maintain the stability of the predecessors?" When no one answered, Hongjun Daozu's voice was repeated several times, and these heavenly sages in the Zixiao Palace felt it. More pressure.

Under the heavy pressure, there is still no sage of heaven to stand up to take this heavy responsibility. Everyone is unwilling to be entangled by the cause and effect of the heavens, and all the sages of heaven are involved in the restoration of the heavens. They all deeply understand the current situation. How miserable the heaven is, even if the loopholes are fixed, but the origin of the heaven has been greatly weakened. If you take over at this time, unless the origin of the heaven is completely restored, otherwise everyone will be constrained by the heaven and it will be difficult to get out of the heaven!

"Well, you are too disappointed to be a teacher. Since you are unwilling to bear this heavy responsibility, Haotian will sit on the lord of the heavens, and Yaochi will also go to the heavens to help Haotian maintain order in the heavens. You are different. meaning?"

At this time, who would dare to disagree, even if Haotian and Yaochi were unwilling in their hearts, but they are just boys, not saints of the heavens, and they have no right to refuse. For all the saints of the heavens, this'heavy responsibility' is from Hao Tian and Yaochi bear it, and it has nothing to do with them, so naturally they will not stand up against it, otherwise this'heavy responsibility' will fall on themselves!

"Everything is subject to the instructions of the teacher! I have no opinion!" This is the answer of the people, but these heavenly saints don't know. When they said these words, they have completely fallen into the calculations of Hongjun Daozu, and they have been lost. Go ahead!

"Well, if you have no opinion, Haotian, the authority of the heavenly realm is given to you, and the order of the heavenly realm is entrusted to you. In order to enable you to grasp the origin of the heavenly realm and accelerate the recovery of the heavenly realm, the heavenly Lord is the emperor of heaven. In charge of the order of the prehistoric world, Yaochi is the Queen Mother of Heaven, and I give my father Haotian Tower, Juxian Flag, Peach Tree and other heavenly treasures!" Soon after, Hongjun Daozu bestowed many treasures to Haotian and Yaochi, letting heaven do All Saints have no chance to object!

"You got fooled!" For a moment, Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Nuwa Empress were all shouting in their hearts. They all understood that they had been tricked by Dao Zu Hongjun. Dao Zu Hongjun had never thought about it. To hand over the Lord of Heaven to them, these heavenly saints, the reason why they were summoned to come to the Zixiao Palace was first to establish their prestige, and the other was to prevent them from opposing opportunities. They had been asked repeatedly before, but they did not accept it. Is there any reason to object.

If you know that the lord of the heaven will be with the position of the emperor, the old monarch may not care, but the Yuanshi Tianzun and the Nuwa Empress are different, the position of the emperor still has a lot of temptation for them, and the position of the emperor is obviously Hong In order to restrict the sentient beings in the primordial world, Jun Daozu is not only to maintain the order of the celestial realm, but also the order of the primordial land. This is to seize the authority of humanity. If their saints get the position of the emperor of heaven, they will have the opportunity to encroach on the authority of humanity. , It's a pity that now this opportunity has passed by them, which makes the hearts of many heavenly saints inevitably a little angry.

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