God of Destruction

Chapter 4557: Injustice

Chapter 4,563: Unfair

Said that he was given a chance, but this opportunity did not exist. The ancestor Hongjun said that he was only the lord of the heavens, and there was no heavenly emperor. After all the saints refused, the position of the heavenly emperor would be revealed. How about this? I can keep all the saints from getting angry, but they don't dare to resist, so they can only deeply suppress this anger in their hearts.

Compared with the anger of all the saints, the boys of Haotian and Yaochi were very happy. They originally thought that what they had received was a catastrophe and a big trouble, but they did not expect that things would be reversed in an instant. The lord is not disaster, not trouble, but right and benefit. How can this not please them.

"Okay, things are set in this way. After you go back, you must take the order of the prehistoric world as the most important thing, and you must not lighten the dispute!" This is Hongjun Daozu's warning to the heavenly sages, so that they should not think carefully. , Don’t affect the development of the heavens, don’t stop Haotian from grasping the prehistoric world, this shows that you are supporting Haotian!

Without waiting for the sages of the heavens to answer, Hongjun Daozu waved his hand to send the sages of the heavens back to the wilderness, and sent them back to their respective dojos, so that they did not even have time to communicate, and cut off their final fantasy for Haotian. Clear the way with Yaochi!

"Unfair, unfair teacher!" Yuan Shi Tianzun, who was thrown back to Hong Huang, was very angry, and this result made him unacceptable!

"Junior Brother Yuanshi, don’t have that ridiculous illusion. Although you are practicing the Taoist Way of Sun, this does not mean that you can be recognized by Dao Zu Hongjun. When Junior Brother Tongtian escapes from the Way of Heaven, we will not be affected by the teacher. I like it, and it’s not even recognized by the teacher. You have seen all the things about Junior Sister Nuwa before. Do you still have that ridiculous fantasy? This thing should be able to wake you up. For Hongjun Daozu The most important thing is the self-interest of Tiandao, not our disciples. Now you should wake up. It doesn't matter to us whether there is an Emperor of Heaven or not, but we need to prepare for the worst now. We need to discuss countermeasures with Junior Brother Tongtian. !" When talking about this, a light flashed in the eyes of Taishang Laojun!

The Three Pures are one. At this time, Taishang Laojun doesn’t want to fall into desperation because of his own carelessness, because Yuanshi Tianzun, who still has a little illusion about Hongjun Daozu, will plunge himself into desperation, so he needs to prepare for the worst. In fact, when he began to use the name Hongjun Daozu, it was enough to prove his determination, and it also proved that he was completely devoted to Heaven and Hongjun Daozu!

Not only is Taishang Laojun making the worst preparations, Nuwa Empress is also preparing for the worst, being regarded by Hongjun Daozu as the object of Liwei, this makes Nuwa Empress also unacceptable, not to mention the current Hongjun Daozu He is also using the power of the Emperor of Heaven to encroach on humanity, and this will inevitably take action on the Human Race. Anyway, the Nuwa Empress has the luck of the Human Race, and she is the Virgin of the Human Race. Without her consent, Hongjun Daozu did it directly. With such a decision, this is unacceptable to Empress Nuwa!

In a word, with Hongjun Daozu’s calculations and defenses against the heavenly saints, he also directly lost the trust of Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Nuwa Empress. The disappearance of this trust means that between them and the heavens, and There is only the connection between the ancestors of Hongjun Dao. If they are willing to abandon their sacred position, they will instantly part ways with the Dao of Heaven. This is not their betrayal of the Dao of Heaven, but the Dao Ancestor of Hongjun and the Dao of Heaven do not treat them. The result of trust!

Responsibilities are two-sided, and there has never been a unilateral responsibility. Although Hongjun Daozu granted Nuwa Empress and Taishang Laojun their holy status, this cause and effect will not always exist, not to mention Sanqing has the merits of opening heaven, and The Nuwa Empress has the virtue of creating human beings. Even if there is no way of heaven or the help of Daozu Hongjun, they will have the opportunity to prove the way. It is only sooner or later, and with the disappearance of love, the cause and effect will gradually disappear. The influence of heaven on them Naturally it gets smaller and smaller!

It’s still a catastrophe, and the situation in the prehistoric world has not stabilized. Whether it is the Taishang Laojun or the Nuwa Empress, they dare not act rashly. They dare not fall into the catastrophe. They are calculated by Hongjun Daozu. They don't want to be burdened with endless cause and effect for a moment, fall into the footsteps of the star grass, and have been trapped in the ancient star field!

As for the other newly born saints, although they were somewhat dissatisfied with Daozu Hongjun’s decision, they could not resist. After all, they all benefited from the help of Daozu Hongjun, and they were all tricks. , I just want them to recognize Haotian, recognize this emperor, this is impossible, they are saints and won't recognize an ant!

Unsanctified will end up as ants. In the eyes of these saints, even if Haotian has the authority of the lord of the heavens and the position of the emperor of heaven, he is still an ant. The heavens under the great damage can't make the heavenly saints be afraid, and Haotian is not such a powerhouse as Eastern Emperor Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun!

Honghuangtiandi respects strength, even if Haotian and Yaochi are backed by Daozu Hongjun, but their own strength is still not recognized by the sages of the heavens, if they have a battle like Demon Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi Power is another matter. Even if they don't have the power of the two demon emperors, they can still have the power of the twelve ancestor witches, but they still don't!

"Hehe, Emperor of Heaven, what a Hongjun Dao ancestor, in order to calculate the humanity, in order to suppress the primordial beings, in order to grasp the general situation, even the two boys, Haotian and Yaochi, were used. The position of the Emperor of Heaven was given, but their strength Is it really capable of suppressing the primordial world?" Zhunti was also shocked by Daozu Hongjun's operation at this time, and was also shocked with endless anger, because once Haotian succeeds, it will be a huge threat to humanity. Their Elysium is also a huge threat!

"Let them go, what if the name of the emperor of heaven is given to Haotian, as long as the origin of the heavens is not restored in a day, the name of Haotian's emperor is only a display, no one will take it seriously, and even if Haotian wants to The first thing humanity has to deal with is the Taishang Laojun and Nuwa Empress. One of them is the leader of the human religion and the other is the Virgin of the human race. Haotian wants to use their interests. Will they agree? It's just because of Hongjun Daozu's One sentence can make them surrender their human luck, is this possible?"


As the quote said, it’s impossible for the Taishang Laojun to compromise with Nuwa Niangniang with just one sentence. Nuwa Niangniang has already rejected Hongjun Taoist ancestor once before, and it is not a big deal to refuse again. What's more, Nuwa Empress has ample reasons. The most important thing is that she can completely escape the shackles of heaven and devote herself to humanity!

"Wait, we just need to wait quietly. Even if there is an outbreak of battle, we will not appear in our bliss. We don't need to care about this so-called emperor. From the beginning to the end, the predecessor is respected by the strong, and today's prehistoric world. It's no longer the confucianism of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestor, both humanity and authenticity have their own power!"

The twelve ancestor witches of the Witch tribe didn’t care about the appearance of the emperor, because they had already left the prehistoric land. Even if the ancestor Hongjun established the emperor, the Witch tribe couldn’t help it unless Haotian was so arrogant that he wanted to challenge the Witch tribe. Challenge the tunnel, or else the Wu Clan will not be affected by it. They believe that as long as Haotian is not stupid enough! The most important thing is that Haotian and Yaochi are lonely and widowed. The entire heaven world can't be played with them. Nowadays, there are not so many people eager to go to heaven!

A celestial realm whose origin is damaged is naturally much less attractive to the primordial sentient beings. Even if there are treasures bestowed by Daozu Hongjun, there will be no real strong people tempted, at most only some low-powered races, and they are in the primordial land. The eyes of the strong are only ants. Under this circumstance, the name of the emperor is naturally not worth mentioning!

Only if there is strength is the emperor of heaven, and if there is no strength, he is only the lord of the heaven. This is the view of the prehistoric sentient beings on Haotian and the view of Daozu Hongjun who bestows the position of the emperor of heaven. This is something Hongjun Daozu did not expect. After all, Hongjun In the eyes of the ancestor Tao, only the saints of the heavens, only the powerhouse like Zhun mentioning and receiving, the root does not care about other prehistoric creatures!

In the great calamity of heaven and earth, how can an incapable heavenly emperor be convinced, how can he be recognized by the primordial sentient beings, follow a heavenly emperor who can’t protect himself, and a fool would do this. You have to know everything in the great tribulation. It will happen, if it is not for the particularity of the heavens, I am afraid that even Haotian and Yaochi will not be able to keep the Lord of the heavens!

Without the recognition of the primordial beings, the name of the emperor of heaven is just a joke. The road between Haotian and Yaochi is still far away. It is easy for them to truly master the heavens, but it is difficult to become a true emperor. It can be said that it is almost impossible. Realization, at least for the moment, what is in the eyes of today's primordial sentient beings is only benefit and safety, but Haotian can't give them this rapport!

After taking over the heavens from the heavens, Haotian and Yaochi were also a little dumbfounded. The situation in the heavens was worse than they thought. Although the thousands of creations and holes in the heavens were repaired, the origin of the heavens was seriously damaged, and there was no After the ancient star field transforms the origin of chaos into the origin of heaven and earth, the heaven is even more dilapidated, even if there are treasures bestowed by Dao ancestor Hongjun, it is useless. It takes a long time to restore the vitality of the heavens, and it requires endless efforts. !

"Without the ancient star field, without the Zhoutian Stars Array, the heavens are really too dilapidated. Such heavens cannot attract the strong at all. If you want to restore the origins of the heavens, you first need the Zhoutian Stars Array to inspire the Zhoutian Stars. Power!" After seeing the dilapidated heaven, Haotian's first thought was the idea of'Zhou Tian Star Fighting Great Array', the idea of ​​the origin of the starry sky, if it can intercept the spattering to the wild land The origin of the stars, the restoration of the origin of the heavens is possible!

"Jade Lake, we need the help of the teacher. Without the help of the teacher, let alone in charge of the wild world, it would be very difficult to run the heavens. The entire heavens in the battle of the heavens have been looted. We only rely on the strength of the two of us, and even the heavens cannot be repaired. !"

Haotian was right. Facing the dilapidated Demon Race Heavenly Court, it could not be repaired only by the power of the two of them. If it was said that when he took over the Lord of the Heavens and took the position of the Emperor of Heaven, Haotian’s heart Incomparable joy, and now he has endless loss. At this time, Haotian finally understands that the so-called name of the Emperor of Heaven is just a decoration!

In fact, Haotian didn’t know that all of this was in Hongjun Daozu’s calculations. He had experienced several betrayals before. How could Hongjun Daozu have no defense against Haotian and Yaochi? This heavenly emperor’s position is extraordinary, Hong Jun Daozu naturally has to give them enough tests. Only when Haotian and Yaochi can see how ruined the demon heaven is, and after repairing the heaven, they can gain the loyalty of Haotian and Yaochi, and then they can truly master Haotian and Yaochi. In the hands, there is no danger of losing control.

Only when they truly see the difficulties of becoming the emperor of heaven and understand the difficulties of the heavens, can Haotian and Jade Chi understand that their positions are not easy to achieve, and they can understand that all they have obtained are given by Hongjun Daozu, without Hongjun Daozu With the support of Heavenly Dao, they are nothing. To maintain the honor of Heavenly Emperor and the name of Heavenly Emperor, they can only hug Hongjun Daozu's thigh tightly!

"Haotian, why don't we give up. Such a dilapidated heaven is not as safe and comfortable as the Purple Heaven Palace!" Unlike Haotian, Yaochi's first reaction is to give up. After all, she doesn't have the ambitions of Haotian, and she doesn't want to. Endure hardship!

Haotian smiled bitterly: "Give up, do you think we have the ability to give up? We are not Senior Sister Nuwa. We can directly refuse the teacher's order. We cannot refuse the position of the emperor of heaven. For us, we can only go back to the teacher for help. , As long as the teacher takes action, we have the ability to master the heavenly realm, as long as we master the heavenly realm, we can slowly master the position of the heavenly emperor!"

Haotian was right. For them, there was no ability to refuse. Whether they wanted it or not, they had to take it all. Now all they can do is go back to the Purple Cloud Palace and ask Hongjun Daozu for help. Since Hongjun Taoist ancestor arranged for them to become the lord of the heavens and the gods of the heavens. It is impossible not to give them any help, and it is impossible to let them fight on their own. With their strength in this area, when they restore the heaven, I am afraid that the predecessors have already forgotten it. The existence of the heavens, the so-called Emperor of Heaven has long become a big joke, this is not the result Hongjun Daozu wanted!

However, when Haotian and Yaochi returned to Zixiao Palace for help, their destiny was completely connected with Daozu Hongjun and Dao of Heaven. They would never have the opportunity to repent. No matter how difficult it is, they must persevere and recover. Heaven, mastering the prehistoric world will become their mission and their responsibility. This is also a huge pressure on Haotian and Yaochi. After all, they will face all the saints and the powerhouses of the entire prehistoric world!

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