God of Destruction

Chapter 4558: Festival is willing

Chapter Four Thousand Five Hundred and Sixty Four

Haotian and Yaochi are in a dilemma and want to return to the Purple Cloud Palace for help. At this time, amazing changes have taken place in the Netherworld. There is a problem with the calculations between the Yin and Yang Taoists and the King of Causality, and it is a big problem. Be the King of Causation As they continued to cut their connection with the Netherworld, hidden dangers gradually emerged, and this hidden danger was far beyond their imagination!

"How can this be? My origin is completely entangled by the breath of the Netherworld. If you want to cut all connections, you have to cut out the road of cause and effect!" Feeling the real situation of himself, the look of the king of cause and effect became extremely shocked. Even the Taoists of Yin and Yang did not expect that the origin of the King of Cause and Effect would have such a change, and that the origin of their own Dao would be completely assimilated into the Nether World! .

"We all underestimated the Netherworld, and the Majestic Heaven and Earth. The power of the world is not as simple as we thought. The Netherworld is one of the fundamental sources of the Majestic Heaven and Earth. Even if it is the Lord of the World, it is impossible to know the world. All the secrets, after all, this is not a world opened up by us alone, this time we are all arrogant!"

Yes, the Taoists of Yin and Yang were right. They were really arrogant this time. They only saw the opportunity to break free from the Netherworld, and did not see the huge crisis hidden behind this opportunity, and now the king of cause and effect is already on the line. , Can't stop at all, even if they want to stop, this situation makes them more pressure!

"Haha! I am indeed too arrogant. If we didn't want to cut off the connection with the Netherworld in one fell swoop, perhaps we would not fall into such a crisis, but I don't regret it. Since I have done it, I have stopped. If you can’t make it anymore, then do it to the end, cut off all your causal origins, cut off the road of cause and effect, and give everything to Emperor Yan Luo!” At this time, the king of causation has also made up his mind to stop shrinking, even if the origin is damaged. , Even if it is the avenue of cause and effect to be cut, it will not hesitate.

"You have to think about it clearly. Once you do this, it will have a huge impact on you. I don't know what the consequences will be. You must know that this clone of you was cut out from the Great Way of Cause and Effect. The origin of the Great Way of Causality also means that you have lost the foundation of your body. Your true body will collapse directly, and all of the origin will become the nourishment of the Emperor Yan Luo!"

Daoists of Yin and Yang are still worried about the safety of the King of Causality. It is very dangerous to cut off the origin of the Dao of Oneself. If you are not careful, you will die. Even if the King of Cause and Effect is a clone of the Dao of Yin and Yang, it is also dangerous. After all, He is now the lord of the Netherworld, and has a great connection with the Netherworld, cutting out everything, and hurting himself too much!

"This deity, don’t hesitate, this is my only chance to break free from the shackles of the Netherworld. Once I miss it, I can’t get rid of the involvement of the Netherworld. This is our only opportunity for all the connections of the world. Let’s act. Don’t worry about my life or death. It’s a big deal to give up everything and start again!"

"No, the more at this time, the more we must be cautious and not too impatient. The previous lessons have taught us to be cautious about everything. Now that you have made a decision, then we must plan for the worst. Once the origin collapses, you can re-use what origin as your root, this can't be a little sloppy!"

To abandon the Great Way of Cause and Effect and cut off the origin of the Great Way of Cause and Effect, we must prepare for the worst. But the King of Cause and Effect has no such preparations at all, and has never thought about what way he should practice after giving up the Great Way of Cause and Effect!

"Perhaps I can rebuild the Dao of Cause and Effect. After all, this is the Dao practice I am most familiar with!" After a moment of contemplation, the King of Karma said what he thought in his heart. In his opinion, the Path of Cause and Effect is the most suitable for him. I am afraid that all the origins will be cut out, and the perception of the cause and effect road will not dissipate. As long as you rebuild the cause and effect road, the origin that you cut out will soon be practiced again!

The Taoist Yin and Yang shook his head slightly and said, "No, this is impossible. Although the Great Way of Cause and Effect is the Great Way of Origins you are most familiar with, you can cut out the roots of cause and effect, and everything will become the nourishment of Emperor Yan Luo. This means the cause and effect of your practice. The Dao will be occupied by Emperor Yan Luo. If you want to prove the Dao, you will eventually have to face Emperor Yan Luo. Instead of fighting for the Dao, do you think this is feasible? The most important thing is that since you let go of the Dao of Cause and Effect, you have cut off the past. Everything, if you re-practice the path of cause and effect, will you be connected with the Netherworld again? The power of the world is not as simple as we imagined. If there are new problems again, you will still have the opportunity to sever the Netherworld again. Is everything connected?"

If you can’t do it, the King of Karma can’t do it. This opportunity is already very rare. It’s almost unrealistic to think about having such another opportunity. If there are problems again, you will be connected with the Netherworld, and it will be difficult for you to break free from the Netherworld. The **** of the world! Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just in case. There is no room for carelessness in Dao practice. If you make a slight mistake, you will ruin your path of practice and your future. This heavy consequence is the king of cause and effect. unacceptable!

"According to the deity, what should I do, which kind of avenue is suitable for me?" Taking a deep breath, the king of cause and effect raised his head and asked the Taoist Yin and Yang. Regarding the deity’s concerns, the king of cause and effect also I think it makes sense. You can't take this danger yourself, and you can't take your own practice to risk it. Even if it's only one in ten million possible, you can't take this danger yourself!

Daoist Yin and Yang shook his head slightly again and said, "It depends on your own choice. This is your practice. Only you can decide, not me. In fact, no matter what path you choose, you can do it. What road do you think suits you, then choose, we have enough time to adjust!"


"Five Elements Avenue, I still choose the most basic Five Elements Avenue. Compared with time, space, and destiny, the Five Elements Avenue has greater advantages and is the easiest to master, and it can be easier to hide from the tunnels and the predicament of the world! "

The Taoist Yin and Yang frowned slightly, a little surprised at the choice of the King of Cause and Effect. The Five Elements Avenue is indeed easy to master, but the more basic it is, the more difficult it is to reach the top. Because there are too many people to choose, it is inevitable to practice the Five Elements Avenue. Contending with more powerhouses, it can be said that this is a choice full of endless battles.

"You have to think clearly. Although the Five Elements Avenue is very suitable for you, it is not a smooth road. There are too many enemies on the Five Elements Avenue, and the Five Elements Avenue needs to be cultivated together, which means that you need to It’s not a good choice to go to the end of a avenue. I think you should give it up and make a new choice. Although we are not afraid of fighting or fighting, we don’t have much time to accumulate. The Five Elements Avenue needs huge accumulation to be able to. Effect!"

The Taoists of Yin and Yang are right. The Five Elements Avenue requires too much accumulation. If you want to achieve something, it will take too long. Time is a big problem for the King of Cause and Effect. If you waste too much time, eventually The king of cause and effect is still difficult to prove!

Seeing the thoughtful look of the king of cause and effect, the Yin and Yang Taoist thoughts and said: "Actually I think you can choose the world road, as the master of the nether world, master the authority of the nether world, and truly pass the world once. The Great Tribulation, it can be said that you have a deeper understanding and understanding of the World Avenue, and now you have the Chaos Orb, the Chaos Spirit Treasure, in your hands. If you use it to assume your own origin avenue, you will have endless potential, nothing more than The previous causal avenue was weak!"

"Re-walking the World Avenue, is this something wrong? You gave up the World Avenue initiatively before, how come you feel that it is suitable for me now?" The King of Karma is somewhat unable to understand the idea of ​​the deity, although he does understand the World Avenue. However, my own mastery of the World Avenue is still insufficient, after all, the World Avenue has unlimited possibilities!

The Yin and Yang Taoist smiled calmly and said: "It used to be before. At that time, the World Avenue was a trouble and a drag for us. After all, the World Avenue is extraordinary. To practice the World Avenue requires sufficient foundation. The seeds of the world are not so easy. It’s done. Past experience shows that there is no strong enough world seed to practice the World Avenue. It’s different now. The most powerful seed of the World Avenue is in your hands. If the World Avenue is the most suitable The seed is the "Chaos Orb", even if it is now incomplete, it is still the most suitable Dao seed!"

After hearing this deity's words, the king of cause and effect thought carefully for a long time, and then gently shook his head and said: "No, deity, you are wrong, the world avenue is not suitable for me, and the'Chaotic Bead' is not suitable for carrying. My Dao, you have forgotten the most important question. This Chaos Spirit Treasure comes from Hongjun Daozu, or more accurately from the Dao of Heaven. If I use it to carry my Dao and practice the Dao of the World, you think Hongjun Will Dao Ancestor and Heavenly Dao be aware of it?"

"Hey!" For a moment, the Taoist Yin and Yang couldn't help but gasped in air. This is indeed something he didn't expect. If the'Chaos Bead' is used as the seed of the world, let the King of Cause and Effect practice the World Path, and he will condense the world. At the time of the origin, it is impossible for Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu not to notice at all, and as long as the origin of the World Dao is condensed, and even the tunnel can detect the problem, everything that was done before that time was wasted. Not to mention, it is impossible for Hongjun Daozu to watch the plan of the King of Cause and Effect succeed, and watch Emperor Yan Luo come!

"Yes, you are right. I was really careless, and I even forgot the most important question. Regarding Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao Ancestor, no matter how careful you are, you can never think that World Dao is indeed not feasible, and'Chaotic Pearl' is indeed It can’t be used to carry your own origin avenue. It seems we need to make a new choice!” At this point, a faint loss flashed in the eyes of Taoist Yin and Yang. It was obvious that the best seeds for practicing the world avenue were in hand, but Unavailable, this is really unwilling!

The world road is also not working. The king of cause and effect should re-choose which road to practice. Yin and Yang Taoists are suffering, and the king of cause and effect is also troubled. Although all three thousand roads are feasible, he does not have enough time to practice. Accumulation, so naturally there are restrictions on choosing the avenue, which becomes the resistance of the king of cause and effect!

Of course, this is also a test. Heaven and earth’s test of the King of Cause and Effect, if you want to cut all connections, and want to take the opportunity to re-practice a new path, you will inevitably face new tests. This is also a test of the King of Cause and Effect. If you choose the right one, your future practice will be smooth sailing. A wrong choice will inevitably affect the speed of your own practice!

"Maybe Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu had no good intentions when they handed the Chaos Orb this Chaos Spirit Treasure to me. They wanted to use it to entice me to take the World Avenue or the Chaos Avenue, and they wanted to take the opportunity to erode the Nether World, and get it. "Chaos Bead" may be a mistake in itself. No matter how I think about it, "Chaos Bead" has become one of the important criteria for my choice!" When these words were said, the King of Cause and Effect looked solemn and his mood became even more serious. heavy!

"It turned out to be like this. What a Hongjun, what a Tiandao. You have made tricks on the transaction. You have taken advantage of your eagerness to trade. This method is sinister enough. It seems that Tiandao and Hongjun have been They didn't want to give up the erosion of the Netherworld. They always wanted to regain control of the prehistoric world. Even if the previous plan failed one after another, they still did not give up thinking about the predominant world, and they still wanted to dominate the predominant world!"

"Yeah, if it weren't for the choice of Dao this time, I'm afraid I didn't know that Hongjun and Tian Dao had been tricked by Hongjun and Tian Dao in the transaction. Just wanting to break the game is not an easy thing. You still need the deity to decide, otherwise it will be difficult for me to get out of the current predicament. The Chaos Orb, the chaotic spirit treasure, cannot be placed in my hands. Other arrangements need to be made. In a short time, Netherworld The world can't make any mistakes anyway!"

"Leave the Chaos Bead to me. I thought of its best use. If the plan is successful, it can definitely make Heaven and Hongjun pay a heavy price!" At this moment, the Yin and Yang Taoist exudes a strong murderous intent, I have to say Daozu Hongjun and Heavenly Dao attacked themselves again, which completely angered the Taoists of Yin and Yang, and caused the murderous intent in the hearts of Taoists of Yin and Yang to erupt again. If it weren't for the great event of the King of Cause and Effect, the Taoists of Yin and Yang had the intention to directly attack and interfere with the world. The calculations of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu broke the layout of Heaven and Hongjun Daozu in the prehistoric world! Not fighting back at a loss is not the style of Yin and Yang Taoists!

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