God of Destruction

Chapter 4559: Festival authority

Chapter 4565 Authority

"Okay, I'll give you the Chaos Orb, it's just the deity. You have to think about it clearly. Although the Chaos Orb is good, it also has huge hidden dangers. A slight difference will cause irreversible consequences. Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu are nothing. The kind person!" The King of Karma did not care about the deity's request, and did not hesitate to hand the Chaos Orb to the Yin Yang Taoist.

The Taoist Yin and Yang said disapprovingly: "You may have forgotten that you have personally experienced the Chaos Little World. You said that if you use Chaos Beads to swallow this Chaos Little World, what will be the result? It is the crazy murderous intent in the Chaos Little World to destroy the Chaos Bead. Zhong Tian Dao and Hong Jun Dao Ancestor’s calculations, or is the Chaos Orb capable of refining the chaotic little world?"

Hearing this, the King of Cause and Effect’s eyes lit up and said in surprise: “Yes, why didn’t I think of this question. If you use the'Chaos Bead' to swallow the chaotic little world, you may have a good harvest, no matter what the result is. , Are all beneficial to us! But now that chaotic little world has disappeared in the chaos, how can the'Chaos Orb' be handed over to the end!"

The Taoist Yin and Yang smiled calmly: "I feel the breath of Chaos Little World, and I feel the existence of the King of End. Just when the group of chaotic beasts attacked the wild world, the group of ancient powerful beasts transformed the chaotic beast to the land of the wild. It is not only a threat, but also a change. I can perceive its existence. Presumably the ancestor of Styx can also do it, but he can’t do the precise positioning like me. He can only feel the aura of Chaos Xiaotiandi. !"

"My deity, do you want to use Old Ancestor Styx again? Want to use his power to trigger this storm?"

Taoist Yin and Yang shook his head lightly and said, "No, there is no need to do this. The ancestor of Styx is also a strong man. We don’t have to cause trouble for ourselves. After all, we are not Hongjun. Without his ambitions, we only want Proving Dao is just detachment. If I can, what I want to see most is the explosion of the small chaotic world. I want to really understand the reality of the small world. If it is really a battleground between the Great God Pangu and the three thousand chaotic gods and demons. , The emergence of the Chaos Orb may provoke all laws. Then it will be our chance. The entire chaos will be shaken by it, and the primordial world will be shaken by it!"

Chaos and turbulence will naturally lead to chaos and fierce beast riots, and the quake of the wild sky will cause all the strong to devote their energy to this panic. At that time, the yin and yang Taoists, the king of the end, and the king of cause and effect, Even the king of good fortune can make rapid changes, and even take advantage of the situation and take the initiative!

"The plan is very good, but the previous question is that the Chaos Orb really has such power and can really induce changes in the chaotic little world. The deity made such a choice, do you want to see the destruction of the Chaos Orb, the chaotic spirit treasure? In other words, you want to use that Fang Xiaotiandi’s original power to destroy the Chaos Orb, the most perfect world seed destruction, which will not only bring a fatal blow to the Dao of Heaven, but also to the Dao Ancestor Hongjun, but can also evolve. The true power of ending and the power of destroying the world allows the King of Ending to go one step further on the road to the end, and perhaps its destruction can truly complete the'Great Mill of Destroying the World'!"

The Taoist Yin and Yang nodded gently and said: "Yes, I just meant it. Even if I fail, there is nothing to do. At most, I will waste a Chaos Spirit Treasure. What's more, failure is also rewarding. At least we can get a more complete "Chaos". Beads can even evolve into a real chaotic world, and a chaotic world is of great benefit to our practice!"

"But my deity, have you ever thought about it? The prerequisite of all this is that we can quietly send the'Chaos Orb' into that chaotic little world without disturbing anyone, and now we can't do it, or heaven? , Hongjun Daozu, they are all staring at us, let alone entering the chaos, even if they leave the world of the underworld, they will be aware of it! And now my situation is even more dangerous, and a little carelessness may be true. Into extinction!"

"I thought about it carefully. There is a good choice for you, Soul Avenue. If you choose to start over with Soul Avenue as the mainstay, you may be able to avoid the most serious backlash. Soul Avenue is the last thing you need to pay attention to. Of course, if you feel that the Soul Avenue is inadequate, you can use the Soul Avenue to merge the Cursed Avenue. The conversion between the causal origin and the Cursed Avenue is not too difficult, and with the Cursed Avenue in hand, you can fully control yourself without being afraid The reappearance of the source of the netherworld, the power of the curse is enough to obliterate its rebirth. If you can fully grasp it and integrate it together, perhaps you can walk out of a fusion road like the King of End, and be able to achieve your own great power. !"

The king of cause and effect pondered for a moment, then nodded and said: "This is indeed a good road, and it does not depend on any source of treasure. The most important thing is to choose this way. There will be no hidden dangers in itself, and it can really be cut off. You can let go of the netherworld connection, but you need to pay a lot of money for the deity. The origin of the soul avenue needs to be endowed by you. This is another big damage to your own soul. You have to think about it!"

Yes, if the king of cause and effect wants to change the soul avenue, it needs the contribution of the Yin and Yang Taoist, and this contribution is the gift of his own soul. This is another heavy blow for the Yin and Yang Taoist. The previous division of the soul has already made the Yin and Yang Taoist. The soul has been greatly traumatized. It is also a dangerous move for the Yin and Yang Taoists to give the gift of the soul again. Although this is not the division of the soul, the harm is still not small. This is a sacrifice to his soul. Give the avenue of soul in one's soul to the king of cause and effect, so that the king of cause and effect can live in desperation.

"Haha! Don't worry about me. I can still bear this price. In fact, if I didn't want to retreat from the Netherworld before, it wouldn't let you fall into such a crisis. Now it's time for me to take responsibility. , This is not only for you, but also for myself. This time there is no room for failure. If you succeed, you and I will retreat from the prehistoric world!"


When talking about this, the Yin-Yang Taoist expression condensed, took a deep breath, and then solemnly said to the King of Cause and Effect: "This time, the plan is not trivial. All I can do is give soul, once I complete the soul. Granted, I not only need time to recover from my own damage, but also need to focus my energy on the King of End. The "Chaos Orb" cannot be delayed for too long, and everything in the Netherworld needs to be borne by you, ten The eighth **** is left to you, guarding your soul, I hope you can achieve what you want, are you ready, I am about to start!"

The king of cause and effect nodded solemnly and said, "Let's start, I'm ready, everything will go well!"

With a heart move, the soul of the Taoist Yin and Yang exudes strong fluctuations. The imprint in the acquired treasure of the eighteenth **** is taken back, the light of the soul is integrated into it, and the power endowed by the soul is integrated into the king of cause and effect with this treasure. In the sea of ​​knowledge, this time the Yin-Yang Taoist has no reservations, and he has given his own insights on the soul road to the king of cause and effect. At the same time, he also has the curse road that he has mastered, and his own perception of the eighteenth hell!

When the Yin-Yang Taoist made this move, the entire Netherworld was trembling, even if the Yin-Yang Taoist and the King of Causality were trying their best to suppress their own fluctuations, but the breath of this great avenue could not be stopped, and all beings in the Netherworld felt it. When it comes to the pressure from the soul, this is the result of the soul avenue, and it is also the change of the eighteenth **** completely moved, even if the eighteenth **** has been separated from the nether world, but this time it is still against the nether world. Had an impact.

The reason is very simple, because now the king of cause and effect is still the lord of the nether world and holds the power of the nether world, and such sudden changes shocked Daozu Hongjun, and shocked the tunnel, even the six reincarnations. The twelve ancestor witch among them also frowned, not understanding what the King of Cause and Effect was doing in this situation, and why it caused the shock of the Netherworld!

Compared with Hongjun Dao Ancestor, Heaven Dao and Tunnel, the Twelve Ancestor Witch did not pursue the cause of the matter. For them, no matter what changes in the Netherworld, as long as there is no harm with them, it is not worthy of their own care, and they also There is no time to care about the changes in the Netherworld, the most important thing for them is to feel their own way.

"What is the King of Causality doing? Why is there such a change in the Netherworld? This is not the shock caused by refining the'Chaos Orb', not the power of the'Chaos Orb', what kind of power is this, can it be said that the King of Causality At the beginning, I was preparing to attack the grievances against the prehistoric world, and I was making the final preparations, but even if the'eighteen layers of hell' were opened, there should not be such a shock, and even if the'eighteen layers of hell' were used, it would not be able to clear all beings from the prehistoric world Resentment!"

Daozu Hongjun could not think of the behavior of the king of cause and effect. He wanted to explore the secrets of the nether world, but he was powerless. The defense of the entire nether world was fully opened. Even if Daozu Hongjun used the origin of the heavens, he could not quietly break through the nether world. His defense, not to mention exploring the secrets of the Netherworld, can only make him secretly sigh.

At this moment, there was a faint uneasiness in Daozu Hongjun's heart, but it was a pity that he did not have time to think about the problem. At this time, Haotian and Yaochi finally made a compromise and appeared outside Zixiao Palace, Xiang Hong Jun Daozu asked for help, which made Hongjun Daozu have to give up his exploration of the nether world and put his gaze on the king of cause and effect.

Daozu Hongjun was very satisfied with how Haotian and Yaochi were able to choose so quickly. At least in terms of loyalty, they were much better than Sanqing and Nuwa. If there was one in the heart of Daozu Hongjun before. A little bit worried that Haotian and Yaochi would be as unreliable as Sanqing and Nuwa, and now he finally let go of this worry, and can completely hand over the heavens to Haotian and Yaochi to control them, which can give them the power of authority in the primordial world. The Emperor of Heaven is more than just a name. When Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao made this choice, they were able to give the Emperor sufficient authority, otherwise the Emperor was just a joke!

As soon as he entered the Zixiao Palace, Haotian directly bowed down to Daozu Hongjun and asked for help loudly: "Teacher, the heavens are so dilapidated, the origin is in a downturn, and the power of me and Yaochi cannot be awakened at all. The origin of the heavens, and there is no way to restore the dignity of the heavens. Please also ask the teacher to show me and Yaochi how to restore the heavens!"

Although Haotian thought about the authority of the Emperor of Heaven and the authority of the Lord of the Heavens in his heart, he was not so stupid that he could raise authority as soon as he opened his mouth. Instead, he was crying to Hongjun Daozu how difficult he was. My own strength is simply not enough to complete the mastery of the heavens. I ask Hongjun Daozu to give myself a little help and a little guidance!

"Well, I know how much pressure you have to face, and also understand how dilapidated the heavens are today. All of this is caused by your brothers and teacher obstructions. If it weren't for their selfishness in repairing the heavens, All of them have some reservations. Without devoting themselves to the restoration of the heavens, the heavens will not be what they are now. Your teacher knows your difficulties. If you force you to repair the heavens and restore the original power of the heavens, this is right. It’s impossible for you. Even if you are a teacher, it is difficult to do all this. It is not because the teacher does not have this strength, but the great road does not allow it. The teacher can give you limited assistance. This is the heavenly palace. It is for the teacher. The heavenly court you re-refined is also the foundation of your body!"

With that, Dao Zu Hongjun waved his hand, and a heavenly treasure appeared in front of Haotian and Yaochi. It seems that Dao Zu Hongjun was prepared for everything in the heavens, otherwise it would not be so easy to come up with a treasure of the day after tomorrow. , It seems that in order to restrain the sages of the heavens, Hongjun Daozu also tried his best. With this acquired treasure, although it cannot be said to immediately restore the origin of the heavens, it can still awaken the origins of the heavens and make Haotian and Yaochi truly become The lord of the heavens holds the authority of heaven.

Yes, this is not only an acquired treasure, but also a sign of the power of the Emperor of Heaven. In order to speed up the recovery of the heavens to the greatest extent, Daozu Hongjun also paid a huge price to control the part of the power of the Emperor of Heaven in his hands. Power is refined into such an acquired treasure, with this treasure in hand, even a saint in the heavens is not an opponent of Haotian! Unfortunately, due to Hongjun Daozu's insufficient erosion of humanity, the power of the emperor's authority can only play a full role in the heavens, and in the prehistoric land, the power of the emperor's authority in the heavenly palace will be much weakened! However, for the current Haotian and Yaochi, this kind of power is enough to protect themselves, as long as they are not stupid enough to challenge the saints on the wild land, there will be no problem!

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