God of Destruction

Chapter 4560: Knot pointing

Chapter 4566

When he took over the heavenly treasure, Haotian instantly felt the power of the heavenly treasure, and the power of the heavenly emperor's authority in the heavenly palace. This made him happy, and said quickly, "Thank you, teacher, for giving me this heavenly treasure. , We must do our best to restore the origin of the heavens, reinvigorate the authority of the heavens, and let the teachers and the light of heaven envelop the desolate world!"

"Well, the most important thing for you is not to restore the origin of the heavens. The requirements of your teacher are not like this. The heavens have been severely damaged by the previous world catastrophe. This is the heaven's catastrophe, and it is inevitable. The catastrophe that the world is facing, the heavens are no exception to me. It is only because the teacher believes that your brothers and sisters do not respond in time when the disaster strikes, which leads to disasters in the heavens and damages the predecessors and the heavens. The recovery is not at a time. The most important thing you have to do is to gather your own strength quickly, master the primordial heaven and earth, and truly become the emperor of the heavens, instead of making a name for themselves. If you want to become the true celestial emperor, you need to complete the battle against the land. Master, that means you need to gather humane authority and human power!"

When Hongjun Daozu's words fell, Haotian and Yaochi were shocked. This was something they did not expect. Originally, in their opinion, Hongjun Daozu needed them to quickly master the heavens, restore the origin of the heavens, and rejuvenate the heavens. The majesty, but now things are completely different from what they think in their hearts. In the eyes of Hongjun Taoist ancestors and Tiandao, the most important thing is the human race above the wild land. It is the authority of humanity. This makes Haotian and Yaochi was shocked!

Daozu Hongjun also knew how much his words had impacted Haotian and Yaochi. After all, seeing their shocked faces was not disappointed, but said flatly: "Haotian, Yaochi, you have not finished yet. To adapt to your own identity, you are now not the boy in the Purple Heaven Palace, but the Emperor of Heaven, the Queen of Heaven, the Lord of the Primordial Heaven Realm. With different identities, the way you look at things is different. You have to adapt quickly to this change of identity. Otherwise, it will have a huge impact on your future practice. If you have not completed the transformation of your identity, how can you be recognized by the prehistoric world? The **** of heaven is not only a gift from the teacher and the heaven, but also needs your own. Efforts will lead to gains only if you have paid, just put all your hopes on the giving of being a teacher and the way of heaven, you can't be the emperor of heaven!"

After hearing the guidance of Daozu Hongjun, Haotian and Yaochi suddenly realized that they understood their shortcomings, and they also understood that the respect of the emperor was not as simple as they thought. What Daozu Hongjun and the Dao of heaven gave were only opportunities, can they? To seize the opportunity, master the heavens, and bear the emperor of heaven, this requires one's own efforts, success or failure lies in oneself!

"Teacher, we understand!" Haotian and Yaochi hurriedly said. At this time, they no longer felt unwilling. They were truly subdued by Hongjun Daozu and followed Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao wholeheartedly.

Of course, this is just for the moment. As for whether they will change due to the passage of time and the changes in the world, no one knows. After all, the future is changeable. Now the loyal Haotian and Yaochi are not. It means that they will continue like this, just like the Six Sages of Heaven at the beginning, the passage of time will change everything!

"It’s good to understand, the power of the Emperor of Heaven is your own struggle, not for the teacher and the heavens. What is given to you is only an opportunity for the teacher and the heavens. In the end, whether you can master it depends on your own efforts. Earth disasters continue. This is your opportunity to seize the humane power. If you can gain the power of the human race, you will surely be able to speed up your own practice and speed up the recovery of the heavens. Only when your own power becomes stronger can you get the power of others. respect!"

Haotian and Yaochi naturally understand the importance of strength, but compared with the Saints of Heaven, their power is far from enough. What's more, it is impossible for the saints of Heaven to see all that Dao Ancestor Hongjun can see, Master Tongtian. It is also impossible for them to fail to see it with the introduction and quasi-mentioned. If they want to seize the power of the human race, the authority of humanity, they still cannot wait!

"Teacher, we also want to seize the faith of the human race and get the recognition of the human race, but the human race has a religious leader, brother Taishang, and a human race mother and sister Nuwa, we have no way to start, and we don’t have enough power to complete the mastery of the land. We are even weak in the heavens, so it is difficult to guard it?" Haotian also wants to speed up his own development, but he is powerless. He wants to get some extra help from Hongjun Daozu and get some manpower!

Hearing what Haotian said, Daozu Hongjun shook his head slightly and said, "Haotian, what a teacher can give you is only the power of authority, only treasures, not manpower. If the teacher gives you enough manpower to master the heavens, Do you still need to work hard to master the wild land? Do you think such a subordinate can fully control it? Only the forces you have established can be handy and able to control freely. Don't trust everything to be a teacher Help! Think about today's wild land, think about the difficulties of sentient beings, and think about the resources and strengths you have at your disposal, and you will be able to find your own way out of it!"

For Haotian, Daozu Hongjun spared no effort to guide him and guide him on the right path. As long as Haotian grows up, he will definitely be able to contain the saints such as Sanqing and allow Hongjun Daozu to have more thoughts on targeting. Authentic, above humanity, truly regain control of the prehistoric world. After all, for today’s Hongjun Taoist ancestor, everything has been out of control, and the heavenly saints have become their own resistance. If the development of the heavenly saints is not restricted, they will be restricted to the prehistoric The change will inevitably affect the grand plan of Hongjun Daozu, the grand plan of the Dao of Heaven, and their mastery of the prehistoric world!


"Haotian, remember, the human race is the foundation for you to become the emperor of heaven. As long as you can master the human fortune, you will truly master the general situation, without fear of your brothers and sisters. The human race is your key. The heavens regard you and It is indeed difficult for the two of Yaochi to master, and it takes time to build up your own power. This is the Conferred God List. You take it, and it will help you at a critical moment!” Said Hongjun Daozu will also hand in the innate spirit treasure of the'Feng God List'. To Haotian.

What is the Conferred God List? This is an important force for the establishment of the Heavenly Court. For example, the Great Tribulation is not over. Hongjun Daozu handed over the Conferred God List to Haotian naturally for the purpose of targeting all the saints of heaven, human race, and all forces in the prehistoric world. Hongjun Daozu is here. At this time, the innate spirit treasure was handed over to Haotian. Obviously, he wanted to promote the Conferred God, and he wanted to use the power of Conferred God to restore the heavens, and use the power of Conferred God to make Haotian the real Emperor of Heaven.

As soon as the Conferred God List was in hand, Haotian immediately felt that his emperor’s authority was in joy, and he felt the authority of the celestial world around the corner. It was obvious that this congenital spirit treasure was born the celestial treasure, the celestial emperor’s treasure, with this treasure in hand, he has a great deal of the celestial realm. The mastery will go further, but this innate spirit treasure is obviously not consummated, and it needs to be completed to be able to truly consummate!

Fengshen, for an instant, Haotian had such a crazy idea in his heart. This is the influence of the Fengshen Bang. As a new-born Emperor, he has not yet grasped the power of the Heavenly Emperor. There is only a false name, and Haotian naturally cannot resist the power of the Fengshen Bang. Naturally, he will be tempted by the power of the Conferred God List. This is a manifestation of lack of xinxing, and this is a manifestation of insufficient will. Even if Haotian has the name of the Emperor of Heaven, he cannot grasp the power of the Conferred God List without sufficient power. This is far behind the cause and effect. The King is also the treasure of the origin of the world, but Haotian as the lord of the world has not mastered his own treasure of the origin of the world!

"Well, you will have enough time to get to know him in the future. Now you can give you all the help you can give to your teacher. In the future, the development of the heavens will depend on your own strength. It is impossible for a teacher to directly focus on the heavens. Focusing on your performance, you have your own things to do as a teacher, go back, and be your Lord of Heaven, and be your Emperor of Heaven. I hope you don’t let your teacher down!" Later, Hongjun Daozu felt the pressure from Dao Dao, the pressure of the prehistoric world, because he did so seriously interfered with the development of the prehistoric world. The "Feng Shen Bang" was not born at this time, and Hongjun Dao Zu was born on his own. Private hastened the birth of the'Fengshen Bang', and attracted the dissatisfaction of Dadao and the prehistoric world!

Although Haotian still had many thoughts and words to ask, Hongjun Daozu did not give him this opportunity. With a wave of hands, Haotian and Yaochi returned to the heavens, and when Hongjun Daozu waved. , A source of power is integrated into his soul. This is the last assistance that Daozu Hongjun gave to Haotian, and it is also the guidance that Daozu Hongjun left to Haotian!

"Oh! I still have a lot of things to ask the teacher?" After returning to the heavens, Haotian sighed involuntarily, feeling a little unwilling in his heart. After all, he didn't always have such an opportunity!

Compared with Haotian’s unwillingness, Yaochi is much more calm. After all, after entering Zixiao Palace, Yaochi has been watching everything. The others are clear. She naturally understands Hongjun Daozu’s difficulties better than Haotian. Hearing Haotian’s unwilling words, he couldn’t help but persuade him: “Haotian, the teacher has given us the greatest help. If the teacher helps us again, we will be punished by the Dao Dao and be suppressed by the great world. After all, Today’s prehistoric world is not alone in the hands of God! With these gifts from the teacher, we already have the capital to stand up, and the ability to strengthen ourselves, so we should not ask the teacher for more!"

Haotian sighed: "Yaochi, why don't I know this, but with a little more power, we will have more chances of winning. After all, what we have to face is not ordinary people, but the saints of heaven, which are powerful from all sides. Power, the position of the emperor is not as simple as it seems. Although the teacher said that the human race is the key, but the emperor really needs to be consummated. It is only the human luck that is not enough. It also needs the power of the nether world. There are six reincarnations of the luck, without these powers. , The position of the emperor of heaven is not complete!"

"Haotian, I think you are too crazy. If the teacher can give us the power, you will not have reservations, and now you think too much. The Netherworld is the main body of the tunnel, and the six reincarnations are also the main components of the tunnel. You want to get involved in authentic authority, you are too arrogant, even the teacher has repeatedly missed, what qualifications do you have to think so, how crazy the king of cause and effect, how crazy the twelve ancestral witches, you don’t know, you think Is our current power qualified to fight against them, let alone the authenticity, even if it’s the human race, we have to be cautious and cautious, behind the human race there are elders, nvwa empresses, and even other strong people staring at them. We don’t have full confidence in the luck of the human race, so why waste our energy on the nether world. Focusing on the present is the most important thing. If we want to develop, we need to step by step instead of deliberately trying to reach the sky!"

Haotian sighed: "I also know that I am a little crazy, but time waits for no one. We simply don't have so much time to accumulate enough strength to become the real emperor. If the teacher can give us more support, we will succeed. Be more sure of how crazy the world of the Netherworld is, you know, I also know, but this is what we have to face, not only it, but also our brothers and sisters, this is the resistance we can't avoid! "

Hearing this, Yaochi couldn't help but sighed. Haotian said it was true. Now their situation is indeed very difficult. Although they have received the help of Teacher Hongjun, Yaochi understands that this is just the beginning, and they will face it next. The tremendous pressure had previously attracted the dissatisfaction of the heavenly sages because of the position of the Emperor of Heaven. Now that they go to the Zixiao Palace, they will inevitably cause the uneasiness of these brothers and sisters. It can be said that a bad start is a true portrayal of themselves and Hao!

Why is it like this? The main reason lies in Hongjun Daozu's body, everything is Hongjun Daozu's calculations, if Haotian and Yaochi cannot stand on the opposite side of the heavenly saints, how can Hongjun Daozu believe them, only to face the heavens With the endless pressure and threats of the saints, Haotian and Yaochi were able to follow Hongjun Dao ancestors with all their heart, so that they could contain the power of the heavenly saints, and allow Hongjun Dao ancestors to have enough time to make new plans and new plans. The calculation, everything is in Hongjun Daozu’s calculation, everything is controlled by Hongjun Daozu, whether it is Haotian, Yaochi, or even the heavenly sages, they want to jump out of Hongjun Daozu’s grasp, and want The price to be paid for betraying the Tao of Heaven will be staggering and unbearable!

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