God of Destruction

Chapter 4561: Festival Sacrifice to Heaven

Chapter 4567: Sacrifice to Heaven

Although, repeated failures, for Hongjun Daozu, this is not enough to let go of the thoughts in his mind, not enough to let himself give up the lofty goals, I just need to make adjustments and make new plans for the prehistoric world. As long as everything is still in my control, as long as I still have the advantage of taking the initiative, Hongjun Daozu believes that he can succeed. For Hongjun Daozu, he has never lost his confidence, and has never been caused by repeated failures. It means to shrink!

After Haotian and Yaochi left, Hongjun Daozu's heart was also much calmer. With his own support, if they still can't stand in the heavens, there is no need to waste time and energy. Now Hongjun Daozu needs to put his energy Putting it above the general trend of the predecessor and the master of oneself, for Hongjun Daozu, he also understands that the great changes in the predecessor have seriously affected his own practice, and even his own strength, especially the group of **** chaotic behemoths. , As long as they exist for one day, they will pose a huge threat to Dao Ancestor Hongjun, and even their threat is far above all the saints, because they truly have endless potential. If they can’t be eliminated earlier, with With the passage of time, this group of chaotic beasts will become more terrifying, and the prehistoric world will face terrible disasters. Over time, the ancient star field cannot withstand the impact of chaotic beasts!

Sacrifice to heaven, Hongjun Daozu is waiting for Haotian and Yaochi to sacrifice to heaven and sacrifice to heaven. This is Hongjun Daozu’s last message to Haotian and the last assistance. Only Haotian and Yaochi can inspire sacrifices to heaven. The origin of the heavens can inspire the authority of the heavenly emperor, be able to become the lord of the heavens, be recognized by the heavens, and also receive the virtues of the heavens. With the added virtues, you can truly have the power of the supreme authority, the power of the world!

After a conversation with Yaochi, Haotian finally remembered Hongjun Daozu’s last offer. After he carefully inspected it, he realized that he was really careless. Hongjun Daozu arranged everything for himself, but Because of the suppression of the Dao, there are many things that Dao Zu Hongjun could not do, let alone say it. Only then did Haotian understand the painstaking efforts of Dao Zu Hongjun!

"Jade Lake, we want to master the heavens, to become the real masters of the world, to master the authority of the heavens, and to master the power of the world. We need to sacrifice to the heavens. Only when the heavens approve us can we truly stand on the heavens and master the heavens. Only in this way we Only then can we have the ability to fight against senior brothers and sisters, and be qualified to gather our own forces!"

Hearing what Haotian said, Yaochi was stunned at first, and then suddenly realized that this must be a gift from Daozu Hongjun, so he nodded gently, since Teacher Hongjun had already arranged everything, he and Haotian just have to act according to the instructions. That is to say, offering sacrifices to the Way of Heaven, as long as it is recognized by the Way of Heaven, even if the Sages of the Way of Heaven are unwilling to act rashly.

"The way of heaven is above. Today there are Haotian and Yaochi in order to restore the origin of the heavens and protect the primordial sentient beings. They are willing to assume the responsibilities of the heavens, and hope that heaven will agree!" The heaven and the earth were shaking, and the originally peaceful world once again set off a huge storm. The aura of the heavens instantly permeated the entire desolate world. The eyes of the heavens appeared in the heavens, and the heavens came, just a sacrifice to the heavens, and the heavens were moved. Coming!

"Quasi!" A response that resounded from heaven and earth appeared. This is the voice of Heavenly Dao. Heavenly Dao recognized Haotian and Yaochi. Although there were acts of play in this, Heavenly Dao must respond to sacrifices to Heavenly Dao. It is only the momentum of Heavenly Dao this time. It was a bit big, and as the response fell, the boundless Xuanhuang merits appeared above the heavens. This is the reward given by the heavens to Haotian and Yaochi. With this huge heavenly merits coming down, anyone who wants to hit the heavens again has the idea You need to think more about it, and think about whether you can withstand the backlash from the Heavenly Dao, and whether you can withstand the anger from the Heavenly Dao!

"It's too much. Haotian and Yaochi just acted like this. The teacher and Tiandao gave them such a big support. This is too partial. Even if we are not treated anymore, we should not make such a loud noise. Isn’t this hitting us in the face?” Yuan Shi Tianzun couldn’t help complaining when he saw the huge Heavenly Dao merits appearing above the heavens. He was very dissatisfied with this situation. This is not just for Hongjun Daozu. It's even more to heaven!

"Okay, don't care about all of this. When the teacher gives the lord of the heavens and the position of the heavenly emperor to Haotian, we should have such psychological preparations, but this moment comes a little bit quickly, and the reaction of heaven is a little big, thinking We must use this to cheer Haotian and Yaochi so as to deter sentient beings in the prehistoric world and contribute to Haotian's establishment of the heavenly court!"

Heaven! Although Taishang Laojun didn’t want to see it appear, he couldn’t help himself to make the decision. Under the guidance of the power of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestor, even if he was unwilling, he could not stop it, and would not dare to stop it, if not. To say that there is power to prevent all of this from happening, there are only tunnels and humans that are equivalent to the heavens, but it is obvious that the tunnels and the humans did not take action. The renewal of the heavens is the result of the prehistoric world, and they dare not stop it.

"Huh, as expected, Hongjun and Heavenly Dao really have a conspiracy. Act causally. This is your opportunity. When Heavenly Dao grants the heavenly recognition, taking advantage of the opportunity of the authentic watchfulness to disappear, you can cut yourself from the Netherworld in one fell swoop. All connections allow Emperor Yan Luo to truly appear in this world and allow himself to retreat!” When he felt the changes in the heavens and heard the voice of the heavens, the Taoist Yin and Yang immediately reminded the king of cause and effect that there is no opportunity to lose, and the loss will never come. If you miss this With this opportunity, it will be difficult to get out again!

"Cut!" A low voice fell, the King of Karma did not hesitate, cut off his Wisdom Sword, and directly cut out everything about himself and the Netherworld. The origin of cause and effect, the great insight, all cut out in an instant, and blended into it. Among the seeds cultivated by yourself!


When the King of Karma cut this blow, the Taoists of Yin and Yang did not hesitate. The Dao of Yin and Yang burst out with a powerful force instantly, protecting the soul of the King of Karma from the erosion of the source of the Nether World, and truly cutting it from the Nether. All connections in the world!

"Soul Dao Gathering!" With the moment when the Wisdom Sword was cut out, the King of Karma seized the opportunity to sacrifice the "eighteen layers of hell" to guard his soul, and frantically began to condense his new Dao origin, the soul avenue, eighteen. The power of the soul in the **** madly aligns with it, and the essence of the soul avenue is successfully condensed, allowing the king of cause and effect to get rid of the crisis in an instant.

Yes, when he cut out his own origin avenue, just as the Yin and Yang Taoists had worried before, the king of cause and effect felt the crisis of death, the origin avenue was cut out, his own **** and demon body collapsed, and he lost the **** and demon body. , Lost the Origin Avenue, and directly caused the King of Karma’s soul to begin to collapse. If it weren’t for the timely suppression of the “eighteen layers of hell”, it wasn’t the huge soul fusion, as long as there was a slight pause, The king of cause and effect will be completely lost.

Fortunately, the King of Karma and the Yin-Yang Taoist are connected by origin and soul. The integration of the "eighteen levels of hell" is not delayed, and it is completely integrated with it, so that it can be so easy to escape, or it will really be true. Unimaginable, the king of cause and effect’s plan has a huge crisis, far beyond the imaginary crisis. This is the rejection of the prehistoric world, this is the counterattack of the prehistoric world, and the prehistoric world is unwilling to see such things happen, then I'm afraid that the King of Karma has repeatedly repaired hidden dangers and did not cause harm to the Nether World, but this is still heresy.

Just condensing the soul avenue is not enough to make the king of cause and effect really get rid of the crisis, nor is it enough to make the king of cause and effect complete the rebirth. Although the power of the soul avenue is very powerful, it is also very suitable for the king of cause and effect, but the soul avenue is also flawed. The soul road does not focus on the physical body. If you want to rebuild the true body of the gods and demons, the power of the soul road is not enough to accomplish this. This is why the Yin and Yang Taoists choose to curse the road, and it is to make up for the soul with the curse road. The lack of avenue!

"Quick, time is limited, hurry up to condense the curse avenue, transform all cause and effect, complete the final transformation, and completely cut off the name of cause and effect!" Under the pressure of the prehistoric world, the Yin and Yang Taoists quickly issued a warning to the king of cause and effect, when the cause and effect When the king completed his first transformation and cut out his origin, he forgot a more important thing, his real name, his real name is still still unable to really get rid of everything, and without the causal origin, the king of causation cannot be controlled. The real name of the King of Cause and Effect, once Emperor Yan Luo is born, a terrible Dao dispute will inevitably form, and the King of Cause and Effect will face a more dangerous crisis at that time!

"My real name, how did I forget this most important question? I have lost the root of cause and effect. What qualifications do I have to call myself the'King of Cause and Effect'? This real name no longer belongs to me. I need to have my real name and I need to condense myself. The real name of the soul road is not suitable. This time I can’t make the same mistake again, can’t fully expose the hole cards to the enemy’s sight, I understand the purpose of the deity, curse the road condensed, I am the king of curses!" With a deep voice When the shout fell, the real name of the King of Karma dissipated with the sound, and the power of the Karma Dao was completely eliminated, turned into the source of the curse, and the source of the power of the cursing Dao was condensed. The king of the curse became his real name. There is no king of cause and effect anymore!

"Okay, quickly gather your breath and let Emperor Yan Luo live. Only Emperor Yan Luo can take over all responsibilities, hide your existence, and eliminate the disappearance of the real name of the king of cause and effect!" Yin Yang Taoist is quickly guiding the curse The King, guiding the development of the situation, has to admit that all this is really too dangerous. Before, both the Yin and Yang Taoist and the King of Causality underestimated the dangers that must be faced behind this calculation, and underestimated the terrible crisis. .

From the time the King of Cause and Effect began to cut off the connection with the Netherworld, everything was out of control, and everything was developing in a direction that they did not expect. The counterattack of the prehistoric world was terrifying, although they had made many preparations to hide everything. , But the origin of the prehistoric world still felt the change of heaven and earth, and attacked their heretical actions, and there was a series of changes. With this terrible crisis, one after another, there is no way for Yin and Yang Taoists and cause and effect. A chance for Wang to breathe!

Yes, when the king of cause and effect gave up the real name of cause and effect and became the new king of curses, the origin of the great world still did not let him go. If it weren't for the Yin and Yang Taoists had been guarding, resisting the impact from the origin of the great world, cursing him The king is still a dead end, because at this time Emperor Yan Luo is not born, only the real Lord of the Netherworld, Emperor Yan Luo, is born, this catastrophe is truly passed, as long as Emperor Yan Luo is not born, there is no return, the king of curses must bear it Terrible consequences!

The cursed king is also very urgent. He can feel the pressure from the source, and can understand how ridiculous and ignorant his previous plan is. If it is not for the deity’s full assistance, if it is not for the deity’s guidance, I am afraid that he has already The body is dead and the soul disappeared. I was killed by the predecessor. I want to truly get rid of the shackles of the nether world and cut off all the cause and effect. This is not as simple as I imagined. There are too many causes and effects behind it. undoubtedly!

Time is pressing. Although the King of Curses needs time to stabilize himself, he cannot help him make a choice at this time. Even if he loses a little source, or even bears a little price, he must quickly gather his breath to let his breath from the wild. Only in this way can I relieve the pressure of the deity, and allow the Emperor Yan Luo to have enough time to complete the final transformation, and be able to truly assume the authority of the Netherworld and become the true Lord of the world!

Yes, as long as the breath of the cursed king is still there, as long as his breath can be sensed by the Nether World, even the Majestic World, the Emperor Yan Luo that he finally separated cannot quickly grasp the Nether World, and cannot take over the authority of the Nether World. Because his breath will affect the decision-making of the Netherworld, only when the breath of the cursed king dissipates and allows the Netherworld to confirm that the original world lord no longer exists, will he completely let go of everything and allow the rebirth of Emperor Yan Luo. The Lord of the Netherworld will take over everything, become the true Lord of the Netherworld, and be in charge of the rules of the Netherworld!

This is the unspoken rule of the world. As long as the original Lord of the World still has a trace of breath, it will be very difficult for the new Lord of the World to control the power of the rules. Unless the final breath is refined, it will be difficult to grasp the origin of the entire world. , In charge of the rules of the world, and become the real master of the world, no one can break the constraints of this rule!

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