God of Destruction

Chapter 4562: Festival Avenue Oath

Chapter 4568: Great Avenue Oath

When the king of cause and effect has all the power of the origin, Emperor Yan Luo is accelerating and strengthening himself, and is accelerating the integration with the authority of the Netherworld. Although Emperor Yan Luo is only the king of cause and effect created to assume the authority of the Netherworld for himself, when all this After the beginning, Emperor Yan Luo could feel the terrible danger and understand the crisis faced by the yin and yang Taoists and the king of curses. The key to resolving all these crises lies in himself. Only himself can quickly digest and absorb everything that the king of cause and effect has given. The origin, thoroughly mastering the authority of the Netherworld, and taking over the rules of the entire Netherworld, can truly end this crisis!

"Swear an oath, swear an oath to the great road, only by crossing the prehistoric world can we directly succeed, and then we can truly nurture the Emperor Yan Luo, free from the fetters of the prehistoric world!" Soon the Yin Yang Taoist realized the key to the problem and wanted to nurture it quickly. Emperor Yan Luo, the prehistoric world is difficult to recognize in a short time, after all, it takes time, but if you really take an oath to the Dao to improve the rules of the Netherworld, you can cross the predatory world and pass the tunnel to get the recognition of the Dao directly! Of course, if you do this, you will be rejected by the tunnels, and will attract the wrath of the tunnels in the future, but this is nothing to the Taoists of Yin and Yang and the king of curses. They have already contradicted the tunnels, and no more. What, let alone doing this, in the end all the cause and effect will be borne by Emperor Yan Luo, and he, the lord of the Netherworld, will be completely recognized by the Dao, and no one can shake his position!

Upon hearing this deity’s words, the King of Cursed realized instantly, and immediately passed all this to Emperor Yan Luo who was gestating. Even Haotian and Yaochi can swear to be recognized by the heavens and take over the authority of the heavens, and he will do the same. Can do it!

A low voice suddenly resounded from the Netherworld: "The great road is up, I am the Emperor Yama, I feel the disasters of the wild world, and the resentment is endless. I should improve the rules of the world and resolve the catastrophe. All the causal resentments belong to me. I am the lord of the nether world, and I am in charge of the rules of the nether world. All cause and effect are in my body, and the rules of cause and effect come!"

As soon as Emperor Yan Luo's voice fell, the two innate spiritual treasures, the judge's pen and the book of life and death, flew out from the nether world, and the causal lotus platform, which was originally the king of cause and effect, was re-bred by Emperor Yan Luo and turned into his own original treasure. , Carrying all causal avenues, all causal karma, even the endless resentment between heaven and earth!

As soon as this voice came out, the entire prehistoric world was shocked. This is the Great Dao's oath. No one can stop it. Even the Dao, even if the tunnel has Hongjun Daozu, can’t stop it. Whoever dares to stop is to be the enemy of Dao and Honghuang. For the enemy, Emperor Yan Luo's great oath is to perfect the order of the prehistoric world and to eliminate the endless causal karma of the prehistoric world!

"Crazy, the king of cause and effect is crazy, he even made such a great oath to attribute all karma to himself, what he wants to do, he is not afraid of the backlash of the great road of cause and effect?" Countless powerful people are crying out, in They seem to be too crazy and unacceptable. This is simply a gambling on life, and it is not very good for him. You must know that the original king of cause and effect is the lord of the nether world, and masters the nether world. Authority, there is no need to do this at all!

At this moment, Hongjun Daozu was also a little shocked. Such an emergency had a huge impact on him. He didn't understand what the king of cause and effect wanted to do, what he wanted to pay such a high price, if it was just to resolve it. This is something Hongjun Daozu can't believe with his own cause and effect, and there must be reasons that he doesn't know!

"Quasi!" Under the shock of the endless sentient beings, Dadao responded to Emperor Yan Luo, with the word "quasi" falling. Same as Haotian and Yaochi, Dadao gave Emperor Yan Luo a huge merit. This is the real Dajun merit, not It is derived from the great merits of heaven, and this result has attracted many people's eyes. You must know that this is great merit.

"Damn it, is this madman doing this for his great merits. Being in the midst of a great calamity, this is indeed an opportunity to obtain great merits. If you think of all this earlier, you shouldn't trade with this madman. It's a vain bargain. Bastard!" Hongjun Daozu was secretly sighing, Dadao merit, even if he is a sage who fits in with the heavens, he is a little jealous!

The ancestors of Hongjun Dao were enthusiastic about the great merits that came suddenly, and other heavenly saints were even more eager. It can be said that no one in the entire prehistoric world could refuse this temptation. Dao merits are not trivial. Without great merit, no great wisdom, don’t even think about it. Think, but now everyone sees that Emperor Yan Luo has accomplished this great merit.

"What a king of cause and effect, with such a powerful vision. To many people, the disaster of the wild world is a trouble, but he was able to see the great opportunity in the trouble, and he was able to obtain such a great great merit by this. This is a great way. Merit!" At this time, the Emperor Jiang Zu Wu among the six reincarnations could not help but sigh softly, a little unwilling in his heart.

Yes, if you can discover this opportunity first, you may be able to swear an oath to the Dao, like the King of Cause and Effect, and be recognized by the Dao, you can get this earth-shattering merit of the Dao, and you can take your own practice further!

Hearing the unwilling words of Emperor Jiang Zu Wu, Hou Tu Zu Wu smiled indifferently: "Big brother, you are wrong, even if you can see the opportunity in advance, you can't swear to the great road like the king of cause and effect, no Anyone can bear the grievances of the prehistoric world, not everyone can bear the karma fire of cause and effect, and if you are careless, you will be burned to death by the fire of red lotus karma. Even if I am the master of the six reincarnations, I can’t do it. , Let alone other people, to say that only the king of cause and effect in this world can do it, because he is practicing the path of cause and effect, he has the authority of the world of the netherworld, and is the lord of the world, so he is the only thing that can do people!"

auzw.com Although opportunities are important, they must also have the power to shoulder heavy responsibilities. If you don’t have such strength, you have to forcibly seize the so-called opportunity. In the end, you will die and your soul will die. Strength is everything. Basically, if you don't have the strength, even if the opportunity is placed in front of your eyes, you will get nothing. This is the true idea of ​​the Houtu ancestor witch, and it is also the feeling of the king of cause and effect!

Hearing what Houtu Zuwu said, Emperor Jiang Zuwu quickly woke up from greed. Although the great merits are attractive, in fact not everyone has this opportunity. With this strength, see the opportunity. It's different from seizing the opportunity!

During the dialogue between the Houtu Zuwu and the Emperor Jiang Zuwu, the great merits fell, and a terrible breath erupted frantically from the Netherworld. This was the breath of Emperor Yan Luo. Although he was just born, he absorbed the king of cause and effect. All the origins of, received the blessing of the great merits, and the aura of Emperor Yan Luo suddenly increased crazily, directly breaking through the Daluo Jinxian and directly pointing at the saint.

Yes, it is a saint. Under the recognition of the Dao, this endless karma is absorbed by Emperor Yan Luo, and taken by one person. His Causal Dao is rapidly increasing, and the breath of the saint is surging frantically. This is an authentic temptation. When Emperor Yan Luo was recognized by the Dao and received such terrifying Dao merits, the Dao wanted to share a little benefit, and wanted to seduce the Emperor Yan Luo to become an authentic saint. If he succeeds, the Dao merits and luck of the emperor Yan Luo will naturally be divided into part of it!

"Hmph, let me go!" Facing the temptation of the tunnel, Emperor Yan Luo didn't care at all. Although the holy man was good, this was not what Yan Luo Emperor wanted. He didn't want to be trapped by the tunnel and restricted by the tunnel. Knowing that the oath I made is a great oath, not an authentic oath, there is no need to care about the authentic feelings, and there is no need to accept the authentic temptation!

With a deep drink, the aura of an authentic saint dissipated, and a trace of aura of origin appeared from Emperor Yan Luo. This was the aura of the golden fairy of Hunyuan, the aura of the chaos **** and demon, and everything about the king of cause and effect was inherited by him. Today's Emperor Yan Luo is a real chaos **** and demon, and also a golden immortal. And because of the recognition of the great avenue, the shelter of the great avenue, and this earth-shattering great merit, even the primordial world can't repel Emperor Yan Luo!

"Asshole, what a king of cause and effect, dare to count me!" At this time, Hongjun Daozu was furious, and he finally saw through the intentions of the king of cause and effect, which made him angry. He originally thought he was handing over the big trouble. After the King of Karma, it will greatly delay the speed of the King of Karma, but he did not expect that the King of Karma has already calculated everything and instantly turned this great trouble into a great opportunity, great merit, and directly further became a golden immortal. Get directly recognized by the Dao and master the rules of the Netherworld!

When Emperor Yan Luo was born and the breathtaking chaotic golden celestial aura appeared, Haotian and Yaochi were dumbfounded. When they thought they were famous and famous, they didn’t expect that they had not had time to be happy, so they were robbed of the limelight by Emperor Yan Luo. When he was annoyed, he couldn't help thinking in his heart, if he didn't sacrifice to the Dao of Heaven, but what the result would be if he sacrificed to the Dao of Heaven, would he also be recognized by the Dao, and he would also get the merits of the Dao, and let himself go further!

As if seeing through Haotian's mind, Yao Chi said in a deep voice: "Haotian, don't think too much, we need to quickly restore the origin of the heavens now, everything else is not important, don't compare yourself with Emperor Yan Luo, he has The entire Netherworld as a support has great opportunities and backgrounds, which are not comparable to us. What we need now is accumulation!"

Hearing Yaochi’s words, Haotian couldn’t help but smiled bitterly: “I understand that I’m just not reconciled. I am also the Lord of the World. He is the Lord of the Nether World, and I am the Lord of the Heavens. I am the center of gravity of the Three Realms. Why? He can be recognized by the Dao, able to obtain such a huge Dao merit, and more able to master the power of the rules, and be able to resolve the amazing resentment of the prehistoric world, and I can't do anything as the emperor of heaven, even the saint of heaven is not willing to recognize me? "

No wonder Haotian has such an idea. If anyone stands in Haotian’s position, he will suffer such an impact, and he will be unwilling to do so. But this is fate. When he chooses to stand on the side of Heaven, he chooses to be with Hongjun. When Dao Ancestor stood together, Haotian and Yaochi were destined not to be recognized by Dao Zu, and they could only move forward step by step according to Hongjun Dao Zu’s plan. It was impossible to cross Heaven Dao and directly contact Dao Dao. They did not have such strength and did not. Such an opportunity.

If Haotian and Yaochi dared to go against Hongjun Daozu’s plan and dared to give up offering sacrifices to the heavens, there is only a dead end waiting for them. With the betrayal of the leader, Zhunti and Tongtian, Hongjun Daozu can no longer tolerate the betrayal of others. , If these two little boys dared to make a betrayal, they would inevitably suffer the death blows of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu!

Yaochi smiled indifferently and said: "This is our destiny. Actually, compared to the creatures of the prehistoric world, we have already had good luck. Not everyone can have our status, and not all creatures of the prehistoric world can be recognized by heaven. With the approval of Teacher Hongjun, we only need to move forward bit by bit according to the teacher's intention, and one day, like Emperor Yan Luo, we will become the real powerhouses in the prehistoric world and truly control our own destiny!"

Yaochi’s idea is good, but this is destined to be difficult to achieve. If you want to break free from the heavens, from the hands of Hongjun Dao ancestors, their strength is far from enough, and the heavens are no better than the nether world, the heavens are damaged seriously, nether The world is very perfect. This is the gap. As time gets longer and longer, the difference in strength between Haotian, Yaochi, and Emperor Yan Luo will become larger and larger. They are also accumulating power and master the power of the rules of the Netherworld. Far higher than them!

Although there is still too much unwillingness in his heart, Haotian understands that this is not the moment for his performance. If he acts excessively at this time, he will only suffer in the end. After all, the position of the emperor of heaven is the master of the heaven. Given by Hongjun Dao ancestor and Heavenly Dao, he is not like Emperor Yan Luo. He is the real natural master of the Netherworld. He does not need to be restricted by the tunnel, let alone accept the approval of the tunnel. You can directly give up the honor of the authentic saint in hand. !

The position of a saint was thus abandoned by Emperor Yan Luo. This had a great impact on the entire primordial sentient beings. They were extremely enthusiastic, but they could only be enthusiastic, and there was no way at all. They were not Emperor Yama, so they could not get the authenticity. But this time things also gave them hope, the hope of preaching, the position of the authentic saint can appear once, and it can appear more times. As long as you work hard, you will definitely have the opportunity to be recognized by the authentic. The chance of becoming holy does not necessarily have to be strictly limited to the saints of the heavens. There are still authentic saints and human saints in the prehistoric world!

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