God of Destruction

Chapter 4563: Festival Yama

Chapter 4569: Yama

"Successful, deity, we succeeded!" When Emperor Yan Luo was born, all cause and effect belonged to him, the King of Cursed said loudly, his eyes flashed with endless excitement, although he was in charge of the Nether Orb for not too long, But there is still too much pressure for the King of Cause and Effect. Now that all the pressure is gone, how can this not make him excited, even if there is no one in his strength now, the King of Cursed is still very happy.

Taoist Yin and Yang sighed softly and said: "Yes, we succeeded. I didn't expect things to go so smoothly. The Great Dao would recognize Emperor Yan Luo so easily, so that the karma in the prehistoric world can be swept away so quickly. , So that the primordial world will return to peace, it seems that Dao Dao does not want to let Hongjun Daozu and Tian Dao continue to toss!"

The Yin and Yang Taoists looked at things from a very powerful perspective, and directly saw the idea of ​​the Dao. Everything was just like what he said. The wave of the great catastrophe of the unconventional world has indeed caused the dissatisfaction of the Dao. If it is said that this great catastrophe is for The development of the prehistoric world is favorable, and the avenue will not stop it, but Hongjun Daozu’s calculation failed this time, which put the entire prehistoric world into a crisis, and it caused a group of ancient powerful people to make crazy actions while being angry. Incarnate as a chaotic beast, this greatly affects the security of the prehistoric world, which is unbearable by the heavens, and there is also a scene where the Emperor Yan Luo was easily recognized before.

Of course, the success of this time is also of great benefit to the Taoist Yin and Yang. After cutting off all the causality between himself and the Netherworld, and when he is no longer bound by the predatory world, the Taoist Yin and Yang feels that his soul is much more relaxed, if not The whole tribulation of the prehistoric world has not completely ended. The Netherworld is still under the attention of many powerful people. The Yin and Yang Taoists have the intention to leave the Netherworld, truly let go of everything, and devote themselves to their own practice. After all, strength is the root of everything.

The King of Cursed sighed and said: "Unfortunately, now that Emperor Yan Luo was born, the Netherworld has once again received the attention of everyone. Otherwise, we can get out of the Netherworld. After all, for us today, continue to stay. It is harmful and unhelpful in the Netherworld. Even if Emperor Yan Luo is born and bears all the causes and effects, the source of the Netherworld still puts pressure on us. It always wants to erode our source and pull us into the control of the Netherworld! "

Now that you are in charge of the Soul Avenue and the Curse Avenue, even if you lose your grasp of the Cause and Effect Avenue, you can still feel the changes in the origin of the Nether World. With the birth of Emperor Yan Luo, the origin of the Nether World is more corrosive, and it is more important for survival in the Netherworld. All the creatures in the world are eroding their origin all the time. This is the change in the Netherworld. The most terrifying change. If it is replaced by all the weak beings, it will not be long before it will be eroded by the Netherworld. It can be said that it is today. The world of Netherworld has really changed dramatically, and if someone wants to fight the world of Netherworld, let’s see if they can survive the locust barrier of the origin of the world of Netherworld. Even if the quasi-sage powers fall into the world of the Netherworld, Will also be assimilated.

"There is no pressure, no troubles. I want to retreat from the Netherworld. It’s just time sooner or later. Don’t worry, it’s better to be late. At least you don’t have to face so many crazy attentions, and you don’t have to suffer too much. There are many storms, let alone your own karma. This time of change is not only the rebirth of the Netherworld, but also a major change in the prehistoric world. This time, the great catastrophe of the world is really hard to see. Great opportunity!"

The Taoists of Yin and Yang make a lot of sense, but not everyone is qualified and able to withstand such changes. The transformation of the wild world is a good thing for the whole beings. It is precisely because of the great great merits that come, it will The origin of Emperor Yan Luo is completely concealed, so that people will not be suspected of the safety of the Nether World, and the essence of the Nether World!

"Wait quietly, waiting for those **** to lose their patience, waiting for them to have no energy to continue wasting on the Netherworld, this is our chance to get out, and now we still need to be cautious, especially you, you can't be found by anyone anyway. , Otherwise, the previous plan is likely to be seen through. Once such a change occurs, it is not a good thing for Emperor Yan Luo. Even if he is in an invincible position and is recognized by the Dao, it is still dangerous. For the tunnel, we There can be no slight carelessness, after all, it is the root of the world, and it is the best policy to deal with it carefully!"

The Taoists of Yin and Yang were worried that the King of Cursed would not be able to stand the long wait for a while, and would impulsively perform unfavorable actions, so they continued to persuade, to minimize the danger, and the Taoists of Yin and Yang did not dare to be careless about the changes in the prehistoric world. Even if all the causes and effects of the predominant world on the surface have already broken out, and even those ancient powerhouses have been forced out, the Taoists of Yin and Yang still dare not be careless and dare not look down on any power!

"The deity doesn't need to worry that I will act rashly. I am not a fool. I understand how dangerous the situation is. The more calm the surface looks, the more dangerous it becomes. Especially the birth of Emperor Yan Luo has caused such a big storm. It has shocked the entire prehistoric world. If you act carelessly at this time, you will only be seized by the enemy. Not only I will be cautious, but the entire Nether World will be like this. Now the Nether World is in this big storm, in this world of catastrophe. China has the advantage, there is no need to continue to rise, now is the time to shrink the strength and gradually fade out of everyone's vision!"

Seeing that the King of Cursed has such self-knowledge, the Taoists of Yin and Yang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The more they practice, the more they understand the horror of the prehistoric world, and the more they understand how terrible the danger of preaching is. The emperor gave a testimony to the golden immortal, but this is still just the beginning. Next he will face more dangers. Heaven, tunnels, and humanity will all target him. After all, his existence breaks the rules of the prehistoric world and allows all beings to see. When it comes to the future of Hunyuan Avenue, even if this Hunyuan Way is a bit tricky, it has not really gotten rid of the shackles of the prehistoric world, but he has indeed taken a crucial step.


If someone had doubted the feasibility of Hunyuan Dao before, now Emperor Yan Luo has proved the existence of Hunyuan Dao, which makes many prehistoric powerful people be moved by it. Although everyone does not know how strong the real strength of Emperor Yan Luo is, they don’t know. Does Hunyuan Jinxian have the ability to fight against heavenly saints, but the move of Emperor Yan Luo to give up the authentic saints is enough to show that Hunyuan Jinxian is more reliable than Saints Avenue and has potential, or Emperor Yan Luo would not make such a choice!

"Hahaha! What a king of cause and effect, what a king of Yan Luo, it is really amazing, with the help of the world to break through the boundary, and to be directly recognized by the Dao, it is crazy enough, but his success does prove the feasibility of the Hunyuan Dao. , Emperor Yan Luo can take this crucial step with the help of the power of the Great Dao, and I can also do it. The sea of ​​blood is not weaker than the Netherworld. Whether it is to prove Dao Hunyuan, or to prove Dao saint’s respect to become an authentic saint, It works, but from the performance of Emperor Yan Luo, Hunyuan Dao is obviously more reliable!" As the lord of the sea of ​​blood, the ancestor of Styx had a deeper understanding of Emperor Yan Luo’s strength and saw that Emperor Yan Luo successfully broke through. His heart was shaken by it, and he also had the idea of ​​letting go!

Although Emperor Yan Luo only achieved Hunyuan Golden Immortal, he did not step up to the sky and directly proved Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but the appearance of Hunyuan Golden Immortal really perfected Hunyuan Dao and made the ancestors of Styria moved by it, perhaps Hunyuan. Jinxian is not as good as a saint now, but compared to the **** of a saint, Hunyuan Jinxian is obviously much less. The heart of the ancestor of Styx is still biased towards Hunyuan Avenue instead of Saints Avenue, so relying on the power of the sea of ​​blood His thoughts were once again suppressed by him.

With the help of the power of the sea of ​​blood, a world can be opened up. Although it is possible to obtain great fortune, great merits, and even directly achieve the respect of authentic saints, the ancestors of Styx are still reluctant to follow the way of saints, especially now. Hopefully, not to mention that he felt the existence of the chaotic little world before, but the situation is a bit subtle now, the ancestor of Styx did not dare to act rashly, worried that if he acted, others would be aware of the location of the chaotic little world. , Will be taken away by others, you must know that there are many people in the predicament, and the chance of a chaotic little world will make countless people go crazy.

Although the ancestor of Styx is also a strong man in the prehistoric world, he still has some shortcomings compared with the sage of the heavens. Even if the sage of the heavens is bound by the sage of the prehistoric, there are still Zhunti, the lead and the master of the heavens to get rid of the **** The existence of, even if they gave up the respect of heavenly saints, but everyone knows that their strength is still strong. If they perceive the existence of Chaos Xiaotiandi, the ancestors of Styx do not think that they have the strength to compete with them for opportunities.

"Perhaps I should talk to the King of Cause and Effect. I can perceive the existence of Chaos Xiaotiandi. He has also entered the Chaos Xiaotiandi. There is no reason not to notice. If he can join hands with him again, he may have even greater gains, and even Able to establish a coordinate in the chaotic world, after all, he is now a golden fairy of Yuanyuan!" In the eyes of the ancestors of the river, the king of cause and effect and Emperor Yan Luo are the same person, the lord of the nether world, and the power to control the rules of the nether world. But he was wrong. There is no king of cause and effect in the prehistoric world today. Some are just the king of Yama, and some are just the king of curses.

Although he has such thoughts in his mind, the ancestors of Styx also understand that it is not the time to act. Nowadays, the Netherworld is watched by many powerful people. If you act, you will be immediately noticed by those bastards, and even by some bastards. Regarding the hatred, if these people bear the hatred, the ancestors of the river will suffer a lot of inconvenience and even some trouble.

The ancestors of the Styx are naturally worried about the saints who are proving the Tao this time. They are all saints of the heavens and have an essential aversion to the nether world, not to mention that these saints of the heavens are all clever ways, and they all want to find someone to gain power. Originally, their goal should be Haotian and Yaochi, the two masters of the heavens, but these two were recognized by the heavens, with world authority, and the authority of the heavenly emperor. In the heavens, they are the real masters, even saints. But they can't. Not to mention the Netherworld. Whether it is Emperor Yan Luo or the Houtu Ancestral Witch of the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, none of the newly proving sages can fight against them. They all have the power to shake the sages of the heavens. Wei, can only say that these newly born saints are too ignorant.

The Emperor Yan Luo in the nether world dared to fight even Hongjun Daozu. The Houtu Ancestor Witch not only controls the six reincarnations, but also relies on the Witch Clan. The Twelve Ancestor Witches join forces to open the'Dutian God Sha Great Array' to be able to summon. Pangu's true body, how dare those saints who have just proclaimed the Dao dare to confront them, there is absolutely no hope for a head-on confrontation.

It is precisely because he understands the danger of the current situation, even though the opportunity is right in front of him, the ancestors of the Styx still have to endure, dare not irritate those bastards, let alone give these **** a chance to attack him, unless he can also step out of the criticality. One step can make Hunyuan Golden Immortal, but the ancestor Styx is unwilling to do this. In his heart, if he wants to do it himself, he must do the best, accumulate to the limit, and directly prove Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal. , Not Hunyuan Jinxian!

Not everyone has such an attitude as the ancestor of Styx. Emperor Yan Luo’s success has greatly helped the leader of Tongtian, Zhunti, and the introduction. They look at the problem in a different direction from the ancestor of Styx. In their view, Emperor Yan Luo is perfecting Hunyuan Dao. Hunyuan Jinxian is a new realm of Hunyuan Dao and a new direction of Daluo Jinxian's practice, but they are not Emperor Yan Luo and did not personally experience this state, so yes They don’t understand the power of this realm, but one thing they know is that the Yin and Yang Taoists go farther on the Hunyuan Avenue!

Although everyone’s Dao is different, different Dao can be used for reference. If you can communicate with Yin-Yang Daoists, you may be able to inspire them more. It’s just that in today’s general environment, the Master of the Heavens is good, accurate. Regardless of mentioning and receiving, they dare not act rashly, dare not be targeted by Daozu Hongjun, even if the opportunity is right in front of them, they dare not act rashly, they can't bear the oppression from the Dao of Heaven and Dao Hongjun, and they dare not take it. Take a risk on your own future.

Yes, at this time, whether it is Heavenly Dao or Hongjun Daozu, they are staring at the Netherworld, staring at the great powers. If anyone dares to go to the Netherworld at this time and talk to Emperor Yan Luo, they will definitely be If the gods bear the hatred, they will inevitably be suppressed by the gods in the future. Perhaps only the twelve ancestor witches among the six reincarnations do not have such fear!

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