God of Destruction

Chapter 4564: Six Ways of Perfection

Four thousand five hundred and seventy chapters six perfection

The Six Paths of Reincarnation itself is in the Nether World. The Twelve Ancestor Witch originally had friendship with Emperor Yan Luo and the Taoists of Yin and Yang. If they communicate with each other, no matter it is the Tao of Heaven or the Taoist Hongjun, they will have no alternative. They cannot affect the Nether World. It can't affect the Twelve Ancestral Witch, even the tunnels can't do this, after all, there have been new changes in the Netherworld today.

What changes? The Netherworld is truly a perfect rule. Whether they are Taoists of Yin and Yang or the king of cause and effect, they have selfishness when they are in charge of the Netherworld. They did not devote themselves to the Netherworld. However, Emperor Yan Luo is different. He is the cause and effect. Wang differentiated from his purest distraction, and truly plunged into the Nether World. It can be said that he is the natural Lord of the Nether, and his birth has supplemented the last point of the Nether World.

As the Lord of the World, Emperor Yan Luo will naturally control the Nether World in his own hands when he is born. As the Lord of the Nether World, he is naturally unwilling to be influenced by the tunnels, even if there is a causal connection between the tunnels and the Netherworld, but the Lord of the Netherworlds is not. The subordinate of the tunnel, the Lord of the World is no small thing, not to mention that the Emperor Yan Luo now has the power of the golden immortal.

Not only did the ancestor Styx give birth to the idea of ​​communicating with Emperor Yan Luo, the Empress Nuwa at this moment was also moved by it, calculating again and again, so that Empress Nuwa has truly given up on the Tao of Heaven and Daozu Hongjun, but she missed it. Given the opportunity of independence, both Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu want to find someone to stand up for their power. At this time, if they jump out by themselves, it will definitely be a dead end. Empress Nuwa understands this, but she is not willing to be suppressed all the time, because she is waiting for the world. After the catastrophe is over, he will completely lose the opportunity to be independent. At that time, the power of the heavens will inevitably recover. The most important thing is that the other heavenly saints will become stronger and suppress themselves!

The Nuwa Empress is different from the Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun. The Sanqing is not a random talk. Even the Hongjun Daozu must be cautious with them, but the Nuwa Empress is only alone, and under normal circumstances, there is nothing major. But in the midst of this great change in the world, the consequences are much more serious. Once targeted by other heavenly saints, I couldn’t find a helper. There used to be a demon clan as a support, but now the demon clan is completely shattered, Nuwa Empress has lost this power!

If the destruction of the Yaozu has the greatest impact on whom, it is actually the Nuwa Empress. There is a difference between the existence of the Demon Race and the absence of the Demon Race. It is a pity that the Demon Race is not respected by the Demon Race. After all, it is the Destruction of the Demon Race. She also took action in Zhong, which greatly affected her reputation and her own luck. If the human race were not still there, the situation of Empress Nuwa would be even more difficult!

In such a difficult environment, the Empress Nuwa saw the breakthrough of Emperor Yan Luo, how could she not be moved, how she did not want to break free from the **** of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestor, but it is still not the time, there are too many people in the Netherworld. , Acting at this time will only give Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao an excuse, and can only plunge oneself into a greater disaster!

"Friend Houtu, what are you waiting for? Don’t let the Six Paths of Reincarnation be perfected!" After Emperor Yan Luo mastered the rules of the Netherworld, his first goal was the Six Paths of Reincarnation, but he was not trying to capture the Six Paths of Reincarnation, but after reminding him. The Tuzu witch completely perfected the six reincarnations. Only when the six reincarnations are truly perfected can the Netherworld truly be free from all external threats!

When the voice of Emperor Yan Luo sounded, the Houtu ancestor witch's heart was moved, and the opportunity instantly rushed to his heart, and the atmosphere of the six reincarnations permeated the prehistoric world. At this time, the Houtu ancestor witch who had the opportunity to shout solemnly: "Each The Lord of Tao returns, and the six realms of reincarnation begin!"

With the deep cry of the Houtu ancestor witch, the sea of ​​blood closest to the Netherworld boiled for it, and a stream of light flew out of the sea of ​​blood directly through the Netherworld into the six paths of reincarnation. This is the return of the master of the Asura Dao. The human race is no exception. It’s just that the human race is not living in the six reincarnations, but death. It is those who died in the catastrophe. His soul directly enters the six reincarnations to perfect the humanity, and the other six reincarnations. The Lord of Samsara also returned in an instant. This was not the power of the Houtu Ancestral Witch, but the power of the six reincarnations, the power of the Netherworld, and the power of the prehistoric world!

This time, those Dao masters who did not have the perfect Six Paths of Reincarnation were not chosen by man, but the world chooses themselves. The Dao Master who is most suitable for the Six Paths of Reincarnation appeared in such a shocking change, which shocked the ancestors of Styx. The human race was horrified, and the monster race was horrified, because they couldn't get in at all, especially the human race and the ancestors of the Styx. The manpower planned in their hearts could not be recognized by the six reincarnations. All this happened. Upset their original plan!

When feeling the changes in the prehistoric world and the six reincarnations, Houtu Ancestral Witch couldn’t help but sneered: “Originally, I gave you the opportunity, but unfortunately all of you are too selfish and want to get more benefits. We need more calculations. It’s all right now. It’s up to you to decide everything. The Majestic World and the Six Paths of Samsara have made their own choices. Are you "happy" now? With such a change, it depends on what you do next and how to adapt. This shock!"

When the Houtu Zuwu said this, there was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes. This was a ridicule of the forces of all parties who had reached an agreement with him but had not acted. It was also a contempt for them, but it was ridiculing. In addition to contempt, Houtu Zuwu was shocked in his heart. Although he is the master of the six reincarnations, the six reincarnations are not as simple as he thought, nor can he control it at will. The six reincarnations also have their own choices!

When he felt that the great world had made its own choice, when the six reincarnations were completely perfected, Emperor Yan Luo could not help but smiled indifferently: "Return, the six reincarnation masters have finally returned to their place, the six realms are perfect, the nether world is perfect, and the tunnels are perfect, but The perfection of the tunnels will no longer affect the Netherworld, or the Six Paths of Reincarnation. The Nether World will run on its own. No external force can stop the power of order in the Nether World. The power of rules will prevent all external forces from affecting the Nether World and the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Interference!"

auzw.com From this moment on, the Netherworld really has no fear of all external forces. Even if a saint descends on the Netherworld, it will only be suppressed, whether it is a heavenly saint, an authentic saint, or a human saint As long as you dare to provoke the order of the Netherworld, you will inevitably be suppressed by the Netherworld. A perfect world has no defects.

Under the power of rules, it is impossible for any external force to affect the Netherworld. When the six reincarnations are perfected, the Netherworld is truly the most perfect world in the prehistoric world. Even the prehistoric land and the heavens cannot be compared with it. The prehistoric land experience After countless years, I have also suffered from the destruction of one era after another. I have already lost the strongest power. Not to mention the heavens. The previous disaster completely broke the origins of the heavens. Today's majestic world, the strongest world. It's the Netherworld.

"Damn it, how could this be? How could the Netherworld suddenly become so powerful, capable of shielding all external forces from erosion, what happened, is it just because of the perfection of the six reincarnations?" As the Hongjun Daozu who fits the way of heaven, For the first time, I felt the changes in the Netherworld, the growth of the source of the Netherworld, and the tunnels were also strengthened by the changes in the Netherworld. This was a disaster, an impact, and a threat to Hongjun Dao Ancestor and Heavenly Dao!

Although the tunnel is not reconciled, but it has no way to take the Netherworld, and the power of the Netherworld also gives the tunnel backfeed, so that the origin of the tunnel is strengthened. If the tunnel dares to stop the Netherworld, the first unlucky thing is itself, not only It will only hurt its own potential, and it will also attract a counterattack from the Netherworld.

"Sister, what's going on? Suddenly, how could there be such a big change in the six reincarnations, and the changes in the six reincarnations are faintly affecting the witch world, making the atmosphere of the witch world growing, even The atmosphere of the witch clan is growing?" As the head of the witch clan, Emperor Jiang Zu Wu can clearly feel the changes in the witch clan world and the changes in the witch clan, and all these are due to the six reincarnations. The shocking change worries Emperor Jiang Zuwu.

"Brother, this is a normal change. You don't need to worry about it. The breakthrough of Emperor Yan Luo and the growth of the Netherworld order affect the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and the improvement of the Six Paths of Reincarnation also indirectly affects the Wu Clan world and the entire Wizard Clan. At this time Not only the Wu Clan is changing, the Human Clan, Asura Clan, Monster Clan, etc. are all changing. This is the transformation of the Primordial World, and the transformation of the Netherworld is the feedback of the Primordial World. This time the Primordial World has a new one. The change, the change of the demon race's luck, will make those heavenly saints horrified once again, and will also be horrified and uneasy!"

Speaking of this, there was a faint sneer on Houtu Ancestral Witch’s face. The monster race was originally shattered because of the previous war, but everything has a ray of life, and it has been suppressed to barely see any vitality. Monster Race, now because of the perfection of the Six Paths of Reincarnation and the perfection of the Netherworld order, there is a chance of resurrection from the dead!

The revival of the demon clan has no effect on the witch clan. After all, the witch clan has already left the prehistoric land. However, the recovery of the demon clan worries other heavenly saints, especially Hongjun Daozu. If the demon clan recovers, the demon Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi pulled back from the long river of time and space. This is a terrible disaster for the entire prehistoric world!

"Little sister, will the revival of the demon clan allow the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi to return? If they return, what will happen to the entire prehistoric world?" As the leader of the witch clan, Emperor Jiang Zuwu was worried for the first time. Changes will bring disasters to the witches, affect the development of the witches, and even plunge the witches into war.

The Houtu ancestor witch smiled calmly and said: "I don't know whether Eastern Emperor Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun can return. After all, we don't know what kind of back-hands they two demon emperors have left, but one big brother can rest assured, this time. It is not just the revival of the monster race, but the revival of all ethnic civilizations. The perfection of the Six Paths of Reincarnation and the perfection of the Netherworld order have added vitality to all creatures in the prehistoric world, even those ancient creatures. Maybe, it’s just the length of time!"

"What? Little sister, do you know what you are talking about? Ancient creatures have the possibility of recovery, how is this possible, they have been destroyed in the endless years?" At this time, the other ancestral witches all lost their voices. All were shocked by this sentence!

"Yes, the ancient creatures are also recovering, just for a short period of time. After all, their origin has been buried in endless years, but the perfection of the six reincarnations and the perfection of the nether world order are of great help to the entire primordial creatures, as long as There is still their mark between the world and the earth, and they have the possibility of recovery, only the length of time, but even if they can recover, everything they have lost will not be restored. They are only the return of life, not the luck of luck. Come back!"

As the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the Houtu Ancestral Witch can feel that the resurrection of living beings is only a vitality given to all beings from the wild world. As for the power and luck they lost, they will no longer return, and even the resurrected ancient creatures have also been lost. The ancient origins have lost their powerful power, and they will only be born after they are revived.

This is the case, but such a earth-shattering change, which has a profound impact on the entire prehistoric world, especially Hongjun Daozu, with a heavy expression. With the emergence of this vitality, it is the most important to heaven and Hongjun Daozu. It’s not good, because they don’t know whether the return of these creatures will affect the Dao of Heaven and the general trend of the primordial world, and will they even remember all the causes and effects of the year, whether they hate the Dao of Heaven, hate the Dao Ancestor Hongjun, and report back to the past. hatred!

"It has changed, the sky has changed, and all living beings in the entire prehistoric world have a glimmer of life. This is the rule of the Netherworld. This is the power of the six reincarnations. Haha, I am afraid that Hongjun Daozu did not expect this change. The earth-shaking changes will take place in the entire prehistoric world, it will break all cause and effect, and will change the rules of the world!"

At this time, there are countless creatures worrying, and countless creatures joying. Because of different positions, many creatures react differently. They are naturally happy when thinking about ancient beasts, dragons, and phoenix races, which have fallen in ancient times. The emergence of this vitality gave them hope, but they were worried about the human race and other races in the primordial world. Will the revival of the civilization of these ancient races impact on themselves and the civilization of their race? It will make the world turbulent once again, and it will cause new changes and new accidents to occur in this great catastrophe that has come to an end!

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