God of Destruction

Chapter 4565: Humane Inspiration

Chapter 4571: Humane Inspiration

Yes, this is the power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. This is the power of the Nether World. The existence of the Nether World and the Six Paths of Reincarnation is to give vitality to all living beings. No matter what kind of creature it is, there is a line of vitality. When the Six Paths of Reincarnation are perfected, this way The vitality was stimulated, and the entire prehistoric world ushered in an unprecedented shock!

"No, the power of humanity has been stimulated. How can the Six Paths of Reincarnation and the Nether World inspire the power of humanity?" When the vitality radiated from the Six Paths of Reincarnation and the Nether World, Hongjun Daozu, who was in harmony with heaven, instantly felt it. In this earth-shattering change, I felt the anomaly from humanity, and felt the inspiration of humanity's original power!

why? In fact, it’s very simple. The prehistoric world is never scattered. The three realms of heaven, earth and human have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the three realms are also dependent on each other. It’s just that the heavens are too insidious. Primordial World is leading in the wrong direction, because he has selfish intentions, and just because of this, there will be time after time of great calamities, so many crises will cause Primordial World to have a series of great disasters, it can be said that Honghuang is now The changes in heaven and earth are caused by heaven!

The Six Paths of Reincarnation are perfect, the Nether World is perfect, but this Nether World and the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation are not affected by the tunnels, and not controlled by the tunnels, and their original harmony is to preserve the last ray of vitality for all living beings in the wild world. The imprints of are all stored in the Netherworld and the Six Paths of Reincarnation. They are perfect and natural to activate the original human power.

Opportunity, this is a great opportunity. The natural power of humanity is stimulated. It is a great opportunity for all living beings. If you can seize this opportunity, you will have the opportunity to proclaim and become holy, but this opportunity is not good. Master, after all, humanity is different from heaven. There is no human beings, nor can they fight against heaven. Therefore, it is not so easy for a humane saint to succeed in proving the Tao!

"The origin of humanity is stimulated. It seems that the great catastrophe is about to end. If you don't seize the opportunity to prove the truth, the opportunity of this great catastrophe will really be missed!" Feeling the inspiration of the origin of humanity, I have the will to prove the truth, even Those who are determined to go further can't help but sigh in their hearts. The opportunity cannot be missed, and the loss will never come again. Once this catastrophe ends, it means the disappearance of all opportunities. If you want to prove the truth, it will be even more difficult. , Because the world is improving and the rules are improving.

"No, I can't drag on any longer. If I drag on, I'm afraid the last chance will pass me. What about the threats of Hongjun Dao Ancestor and Heavenly Dao? As long as I can prove the Dao, why should I worry about their threats? He will not succumb!" At this time, the ancestor Styx faced this earth-shattering change, and the thought of proving the Dao in his heart overwhelmed his fear of the Dao Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestor.

The sea of ​​blood is connected to the world of the underworld. As long as the ancestor of the river is willing to make up his mind, he can naturally see Emperor Yan Luo, and he can naturally seize the opportunity in front of him. Jun Daozu's oppression and threat, and now the Styx Ancestor has made a choice, compared to the great opportunity of Zhengdao Hunyuan, the external threat is nothing!

In an instant, the ancestor Styx turned into a **** light, rushed directly to the Netherworld, and entered directly into the Netherworld. Although the Netherworld had a world barrier, it was just against the ancestor Styx that the world barrier did not counterattack, because now The Netherworld of Netherworld is no small thing. As long as there is no malice in itself and will not be countered by the barriers of the Netherworld, this is the change brought about by the birth of Emperor Yan Luo, but if there is malice, the first time after entering the Netherworld, you will suffer from The suppression of the origin rules of the Netherworld, even the heavenly saints can hardly escape the suppression of the origin rules of the world.

"No, it's the **** of Styx!" When the ancestor Styx moved, Daozu Hongjun was immediately aware, and the killing intent in his heart broke out in an instant. Before, Daozu Hongjun and Tiandao used the original power to suppress the entire predecessor. , To restore the dignity of the Heavenly Dao, but now Styx’s move immediately disrupted their plan. Styx’s daring action means that the coercion of the Heavenly Dao is not enough to deter everything. It proves that the power of the Heavenly Dao is lacking. If the old Styx cannot be killed Ancestor, the awe of Heaven will turn into nothingness!

"What a Styx, really powerful, dare to challenge the bottom line of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu in this situation, it seems that he really doesn't care about anything in order to prove Dao Hunyuan!" It's not just Hongjun Daozu's feelings! When it came to the change of blood, Empress Nuwa also felt it, and she admired the ancestor Styx who dared to be the first to escape to challenge Daozu Hongjun and the Dao of Heaven.

"Okay, that's great. Finally someone couldn't bear to jump out to challenge Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu, hoping that Styx could succeed. As long as he succeeds, more people will not be oppressed by Heaven and Hongjun Daozu. At that time our opportunity came, brother, we are finally equal to this moment!" Zhun Ti was delighted in the world of bliss, and there was endless desire in his eyes.

I saw, the leader gently shook his head and said: "No, you are too happy now, Junior Brother, Styx's attack is only the beginning, it is still unknown whether Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao Ke Pavlov are like that. It’s easy to fight. Even if Styx has a sea of ​​blood to protect him, he will have to pay a heavy price this time. After all, he has touched the bottom line between the Dao of Heaven and Dao Zu Hongjun. This is a great opportunity for Dao Zu Hongjun to use him. It is impossible to fight against Hongjun Daozu by relying on Styx alone!"

Hearing this, Zhunti was startled, and then he sighed and said unwillingly: "Brother, do you think Emperor Yan Luo will do it? After all, the ancestor of Styx is in the nether world, if Hongjun The appearance of Dao Ancestor will inevitably endanger the Netherworld, and this battle will cause more terrible conflicts and cause a duel between heaven and earth!"

auzw.com"Impossible, it is impossible for the heaven and the tunnel to have a duel at this time. Hongjun Taoist ancestor cannot bear the serious consequences, and Emperor Yan Luo cannot bear it. The most important thing is the tunnel. It may not be possible to protect the ancestors of the Styx River, or even Emperor Yan Luo. After all, they did not build the saint avenue, but the Hunyuan avenue. The existence of Emperor Yan Luo itself is a threat to the tunnel. How can it be for the nether world of Emperor Yan Luo? The best choice is for the Lord to go to war with the Way of Heaven, sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight!"

The quote is correct. For today’s tunnels, it will not help the Netherworld to fight against the Heavenly Dao. Sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight is the best choice. If Emperor Yan Luo, the lord of the Netherworld, can compete with Hongjun Daozu A sage who fits the heavens and fights to lose both. This is the result that the tunnel is willing to see, and it is also the most beneficial choice for itself!

Zhunti smiled bitterly: "Senior brother, I'm still too impatient, and I even forgot the most basic situation. Today's Netherworld and the Six Paths of Samsara are no longer authentic helpers, they have become authentic pressures, and they are eager for authenticity. Emperor Yan Luo and Houtu ancestor witches are dead and souls, and it can take the Nether World and the Six Paths of Reincarnation in one fell swoop.

The linker nodded and said, "It’s good for the younger brother to understand. This is the horror of humanity, authenticity, and heaven. That’s why we dare not rebuild the essence of the saint’s avenue. So, even if the position of a humane saint is right in front of us, we can’t take it. We have to walk along the Hunyuan Avenue like Emperor Yan Luo. The Hunyuan Avenue is our strength to break through the shackles of the prehistoric world and our hope. Where."

Having said that, not everyone can see through, and not everyone can accept it. Although Saints Avenue is flawed and has hidden dangers, there are countless creatures in the wild world that are crazy about it. Hunyuan Avenue is good, but it proves The road is too difficult, even if there is a chance to put it in front of you, not everyone can make up this determination and dare to give it a go!

"Brother, do you think anyone will take this opportunity to continue to challenge the bottom line of the Dao of Heaven and Dao Ancestor Hongjun, Yuanshi Tianzun, Laojun Taishang, and Empress Nuwa, they have been subjected to a lot of calculations and calculations of Dao Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestor before. Oppression, given such a chance, will they give it a go? After all, they deeply understand how insidious the way of heaven is."

In Zhunti’s heart, the Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Nuwa Empress should all have been unable to withstand the oppression of the Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestors. When the time comes, they will definitely act and seize the opportunity to break free from the shackles of the Heavenly Dao. , Get rid of the shackles of the saint of heaven, break the crush of heaven in one fell swoop, and walk out of your own way!

"Difficulty! Now is not the past. Before we were able to get away smoothly, it was the chance and the power of the Great Tribulation that restrained Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao Ancestor, but now, both Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao Ancestor are free and free from the Great Tribulation. Under such circumstances, as long as the Nuwa Empress is a little sensible, she will not attack. As for Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun, it’s hard to say, after all, they are Sanqing, the authentic Pangu, and there is Pangu God. Heavenly merit protection, like the witch tribe, has sufficient background. If the witch tribe were not protected by the Pangu Kaitian merit, how could they have retreated from the great calamity of heaven and earth? They would have suffered the same fate as the demon tribe. It was calculated to death by Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu."

Speaking of this, the introduction was a pause, as if thinking of something, he sighed lightly and said: "Unless someone can make the Great Tribulation strengthen again, only the power of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth can restrain Hongjun Dao Ancestor. With God, I can’t think of any other way. No one wants to risk his life at this time!"

The introduction was too early. Although the situation is indeed the same as what he said, not everyone will continue to endure it. Perhaps the endless years of patience have weakened the spirit of fighting in the heart of the introduction too much, or perhaps it is time to break away from the shackles of heaven. After that, the nature of the lead broke out again, and he began to seek stability again, forgetting how he and Zhunti were betrayed the Dao of Heaven, betrayed the Taoist Hongjun, how to let go and open up the world of bliss, all these victories may have left him gone. Fighting!

"Brother, I don’t think it’s that simple. The prehistoric world today is no longer the prehistoric world we used to know. Today’s prehistoric world has become too scary and crazy, whether it’s Heavenly Dao, Tunnel, Hongjun Daozu, and Yan Luo. The emperor and so on, they all become unborn, they can sacrifice for their goals, and the tribulation of heaven and earth is not over, there may be new changes, after all, as long as the tribulation of heaven and earth is not over, everything is possible!"

Everything is possible. This is really not to say, because this is a catastrophe, because the world is changing, the world is changing, and sentient beings are also changing. Now the inspiration of the origin of humanity, the perfection of the nether world and the six paths of reincarnation, the power of rules The advent of, has brought hope to too many ethnic civilizations, and also caused too many lunatics to give birth to endless greed.

At this time, everyone is waiting for Hongjun Daozu's action. If Hongjun Daozu does not take action against Styx, it will not take long for more people to stand up. At that time, the world is really out of control, but this time Dao Ancestor Hongjun takes action, first of all to fight against the Netherworld, and Emperor Yan Luo is no longer a small big Luo Jinxian, but a real Hunyuan Golden Immortal, the Hunyuan Golden Immortal who controls the original rules of the World Dao, the master of the Netherworld!

Can Hongjun Daozu win over Emperor Yan Luo, the lord of the Netherworld, and whether he can teach the ancestor Styx a lesson? This is related to the prestige of Daozu Hongjun and the heavens. Now Hongjun Daozu hesitates and takes Styhe. There is no problem with the ancestor's power, but if you want Hongjun Daozu to take a big shot against the Netherworld, and fight against Emperor Yan Luo, the consequences will be serious. After all, now it is not the dominance of the heavens, and it is impossible for him to decide the trend of the world in a word. , Let alone the Emperor Yan Luo surrender.

wait? No, Hongjun Daozu does not have this waiting time. At this time, he has a slight weakness, and it will cause more madmen to jump out and fight against the heavens, making the originally calm situation of heaven and earth crazy again, and may even detonate the heavens and the earth again. The catastrophe, the situation once again slipped into the unknown, and the entire prehistoric world was plunged into crisis!

"Damn Styx, you **** actually messed up the situation. Under this situation, you let me take action or not, God, how do you say we should choose?" Hongjun Daozu sighed, his eyes flashing continuously. Dao Jingguang is calculating the countermeasures, calculating how to pay the minimum price, and to control this worsening situation, so that Emperor Yan Luo and the Houtu ancestor witch and even the witch clan will not fight against him madly! Together with the war, even Hongjun Daozu can't bear the consequences. After all, today's Netherworld and the Six Paths of Reincarnation are far more powerful than before. Both the Emperor Yan Luo and the Houtu Ancestral Sorcerer's strength have increased, and even the authentic powers are there. Strengthening, once the enemy is crazy, it may be a loss for both sides, it will make the authenticity and the humanity get cheap, and it will be the profit of the fisherman!

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