God of Destruction

Chapter 4567: A new way of preaching

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Chapter 4573: The New Path of Evangelism

"Okay, it's settled in a word, as long as Fellow Styx is willing to protect my Netherworld for thousands of years, our cause and effect will disappear. I will tell you all the instructions you need, and there will be no concealment!" At this moment, Emperor Yan Luo Without hesitation, he directly agreed to the ancestor of Styx. Thousand-year time is also very important to Emperor Yan Luo. Although he bears all the cause and effect, the Taoists of Yin and Yang and the king of cause and effect are wrong, and become a real Netherworld. The Lord’s Emperor Yan Luo is not trapped in the Nether World as they thought. He also has the opportunity to obtain the Hunyuan Dao, but his Hunyuan Dao will be different from others, but is truly integrated with the Nether World. At that time, he was not only the lord of the world, but also Hunyuan Daluojinxian. It can be said that now because of the momentary craziness of the king of cause and effect, he has opened up an unprecedented road of practice.

Exchange, the exchange between Emperor Yan Luo and Patriarch Styx is exactly this practice, but this road of practice is not so easy to follow, and the necessary background is too terrible, even if Emperor Yan has obtained the origin of the cause and effect of the king of cause and effect. , And the power of the entire Netherworld, but only took that crucial step, and only achieved Hunyuan Golden Immortal, not Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, because he does not have such a huge background to support Hunyuan Daluo. Luo Jinxian's breakthrough.

Hearing the words of Emperor Yan Luo, the ancestors of Styx flickered in his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Okay, with the words of fellow Daoists, I am satisfied with the words of fellow Daoists. I also ask fellow Daoists for enlightenment. Daoists even have the opportunity of Chaos Little World If you don’t put it in your eyes, you must have already walked out of your own road on the road of cultivation on Hunyuan Avenue. Please give me some advice!"

Emperor Yan Luo took a deep breath, looked straight, and said in a deep voice, "Friend Styx, before we start, I also have a request. Everything that fellow Daoist knows from me is a secret, only you. One person knows and cannot tell other people. This requirement is necessary. Daoists should think clearly. If you violate it, you will only have a dead end even if you prove the Daluo Jinxian. This is a rule. It cannot be changed!"

‘Hi! 'In an instant, the ancestor of Styx gasped involuntarily. This was shocked by Emperor Yan Luo. Once he violated it, even if he was a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he would only have a dead end. This is indeed terrifying, and it does make Styx The ancestors were shocked!

With his expression frozen, the ancestor Styx asked anxiously: "Friends of Daoist mean that even if he is certified Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, there is only one way to die. Could it be that Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can't be immortal, nor can he escape from the avenue?"

Emperor Yan Luo nodded and said: "Yes, that's the case. I think the Taoists of Styx have a problem with the understanding of immortality. In this world, everything is only relative. The so-called immortality is also the same, just like the way of heaven. Like the saints, their immortality is only because their soul is placed on the heavenly way, and the heavenly way is immortal, they will not die, but if the heavenly way is destroyed, they will only have a dead end. Of course, if someone’s power is strong enough to be from the heavenly way Erasing their primordial spirit in the middle will also disappear, even if it is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian."

Old Ancestor Styx nodded and said, "That's it, that's the way it is! The so-called detachment is also the same, I understand, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is freer than the saints of heaven, but it can't be immortal, it's I think. That's too much, fellow daoists, please continue!"

Emperor Yan Luo smiled indifferently, and understood the expressions of the ancestors of the Nether River. If he could not make a breakthrough this time, he would not have truly mastered the rules of the Netherworld, truly became the lord of the Netherworld, and would not understand the many hidden behind the world. The secrets, and these secrets have had a huge impact on the Emperor Yan Luo, Taoists of Yin and Yang, and the King of Cursed, forcing both the Taoists of Yin and Yang and the King of Cursed to enter the retreat and silently digest the harvest!

"Well, before I start, I want to tell fellow daoists that I have now opened an unprecedented path of preaching, a Hunyuan Dao that integrates the origins of the world, metamorphosing and evolving, and practicing this Hunyuan Dao must have a world. As the root cause, I naturally chose the Netherworld. Such Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian has a little restriction than the normal Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but it is also more powerful. How to choose is the Daoist’s own business. Not much to say!"

For the ancestor of Styx, Emperor Yan Luo did not want to hide the secrets, nor did he want to pit the ancestor of the Styx. How to choose is up to the ancestor of Styx. He just pointed him to the secret of the golden fairy of Hunyuan Daluo. It is enough to tell one's own breakthrough experience, and everything else is up to the ancestors of the Styx.

Although the ancestor Styx heard the words of Emperor Yan Luo, he did not think that he would really tell him all the secrets of the breakthrough. The ancestor Styx did not have such a fantasy, but now the ancestor Styx understands that he is still too self-righteous. To cross the belly of the gentleman with the heart of a villain, Emperor Yan Luo really wants to tell the secret of all breakthroughs and not to conceal it!

"Thank you Daoyou for your generosity, I am listening!" The ancestor of Styx did not think that his previous performance could be concealed from Emperor Yan Luo. Before, he did not recognize Emperor Yan Luo's guarantee, but now he knows that he is wrong, so he can only bow his head and admit his mistake!

"Hahaha! Fellow Daoist Styx doesn’t need to be like this. In fact, it’s normal for anyone to stand in the position of Daoist friend. This is normal, nothing! I have also communicated with Daluo Jinxian before. The path of cultivation, all the fellow daoists understand. Actually, the path I am taking now is not much different from before. I just merge into the power of the world. There is no need to say more about how to open up the world and how to prove the Dao. I only talk about my own breakthrough experience. Daoists should be able to understand this. After all, our time is limited, and I don’t know when Hongjun Daozu will be killed!"

The ancestor of Styx knew the great troubles he had caused by entering the Netherworld, and he knew better how overbearing and crazy Hongjun Dao ancestor and Tian Dao were. Now he has his own object of power, Hongjun Dao ancestor absolutely I won't let it go, so he nodded and said: "I understand and can understand. I am here precisely for the breakthrough experience of fellow Daoists!"

"Well, I know that the old fellow Stygian can understand, and to get back to the point. This time my breakthrough should not have been enough to succeed, because there is a huge gap in my own background, but the opportunity is not to be missed. The loss will never come. When there is The merits of the Great Dao are lowered. If you don’t give it a try, you will be really sorry for such a great opportunity. Under this situation, I just want to take a risk, but in the end my origin is still insufficient and I have not directly proved Dao Hunyuan. Da Luo Jinxian, but evolved into a realm between Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and Daluo Jinxian, that is, Hunyuan Jinxian, and because I am the Lord of the world, I have mastered the rules of the entire Netherworld. When I complete the breakthrough, Mutation has taken place, the power of the world is integrated into the power of my body, giving new changes to my Hunyuan physical body, with the real power of the world. Now even if I don’t prove the Dao Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but in Netherworld In the world, there is no fear of all enemies, because I am the world and I am the rules. Even the Golden Immortal can reversibly defeat the saints, even against heaven, authenticity, and humanity. But everything is not perfect, my Hunyuan Avenue The same is true when you have a strong combat power, you must also be affected by the world, and be closely connected with the Netherworld."


Hearing the ancestor Styx frowning, he asked, "What does it mean that fellow Taoists and the Netherworld are closely connected? It is impossible to escape from the Netherworld, and to live and die with the Netherworld. Or something else?"

For the ancestor Styx, this is very important. If it is the former, once you share life and death with the Netherworld, this is a bit of trouble. This is not the result that the ancestor Styx wants. Once so, there is nothing to do with the saints. the difference!

Regarding the worry in the heart of the ancestors of the Styx, Emperor Yan Luo clearly understands this. In fact, this is also the worry of the King of Cause and Effect. It is precisely because of this concern that Emperor Yan Luo will live and there will be Hunyuan Jinxian. Before he could speak, Emperor Yan Luo knew that the ancestors of Styx would definitely ask. After all, this is not a trivial matter. It is not a matter of sloppy care about his own life and death!

"Haha, I understand the concerns of fellow Daoists. In fact, Patriarch Styx thinks too much. If there are serious hidden dangers, I won't embark on this path!" At this moment, Emperor Yan Luo could not help but lied. This is not the case when born.

"I have talked to fellow Daoists about the way to open up the world, and my Hunyuan Avenue is also suitable for the way of opening up the world before. If fellow Daoists can open up the world of bleeding seas, as a natural master of the world, they can naturally master it easily. The world rules, but the world is strong and weak, and different worlds have different powers. If it is to open up a world that is pinned on the wild world, naturally the situation is the same as my current situation. It will be limited by the world a little bit, but it is not fatal. When the world is destroyed, Daoists are willing to get out at any time. They just need to return the power of the world and suffer a little bit of backlash, but their realm will not be lowered, they just lose the blessings of the world, but if the Daoists can open up a party to integrate Your own world is different. The power of the world is entirely yours. Such power will not have any impact on yourself. It is just that the development of the inner world is even more restricted. Friends of Styx should be very clear about this. Therefore, what kind of world to open up has its own pros and cons for the preaching. It is necessary for the Daoists to choose for themselves. For my own sake, the nether world I control is one of the three realms of the primordial world, and it is the real great world, so the power of the world The blessings of the daoists far exceed the imagination of the Daoists. Of course, if the Daoists of the Styx had no such opportunity, only the Human Realm remains in the Three Realms, and the Human Realm cannot be controlled by the Daoists."

How terrible the human world is, the idea of ​​hitting the human world is absolutely unworkable. At this time, if someone wants to become the master of the human world, it is definitely a dead end. Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu will not give him this opportunity. Not arrogant enough to want to get involved in the human world!

"Friend Yan Luo, if I also follow your world path of proving the Dao, will I be able to cross the realm of Hunyuan Jinxian? Do I need to become Hunyuan Jinxian like fellow Taoists?" A key question was asked, which is indeed a very important matter. After all, Emperor Yan Luo did not prove the Dao in one step, and he did not directly achieve Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Emperor Yan Luo sighed lightly and said, "I don't know this, nor can I be sure, because everyone has different backgrounds and different accumulations, so we can do it in one step when proving the Dao. There is no guarantee, Styx Dao. I don’t know how strong your friend’s background is, so I can’t give you a definite answer, but I want to say that if you have enough background, you don’t have to prove Hunyuan Jinxian like me, you can take one step. In place, it’s just that the foundation needed for this path of preaching is enormous. I don’t know how much a fellow Daoist can do. It’s all about the accumulation and good fortune of the fellow Daoist!"

The ancestor of Styx nodded thoughtfully and said: "In this way, everything depends on one's own accumulation, which is also true. Everyone's accumulation is different, and the time of proving the Dao is naturally different. The stronger the accumulation, the more important it is. It is easy to succeed, and there is no clear standard on this path of preaching. After all, every person who preaching is different, and the resistance they face is also different. I can understand and understand what fellow daoists say, this It is indeed an unprecedented avenue of practice!"

When talking about this, the ancestor Styx suddenly paused, then his expression changed, and he said in a deep voice: "Friend Yan Luo, if you can't prove Dao Yuan Da Luo Jinxian in one step, like you, will you also prove Dao mixed? Yuan Jinxian, if you prove the Dao to mix the Yuan Jinxian, will it have an impact on your future practice? Is this impact good or bad?"

Emperor Yan Luo was very happy about the ancestor Styx’s caution, yes, he was happy. This proved that the ancestor Styx was indeed a good partner for cooperation. If the ancestor Styx couldn’t even think of this, Emperor Yan Luo would consider working with him. Is the cooperation worth it?

"Friend Styx, it’s still the same sentence. I’m not sure. Everyone’s accumulation is different. If Da Luo Jinxian was just completed, the accumulation is only a little bit, but I have to walk my Hunyuan Avenue. I can only say sorry. What awaits him is failure. Even Hunyuan Golden Immortal can't break through, because even if you have a world to rely on, but the origin of this world is not enough to support your breakthrough, as for the proof of Hunyuan Golden Fairy Queen. Influence, this is natural, and whether it is good or bad depends on their own thoughts. Hunyuan Jinxian is a stage of excess. During this stage, it continues to accumulate its own origin. With this transitional stage, it is naturally easier to prove the Tao, and it will also There is a stronger power, after all, the greater the accumulation, the greater the achievement!"

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