God of Destruction

Chapter 4568: The Secret of the Hunyuan Golden Fairy

Chapter 4574: The Secret of the Golden Immortal

"There are advantages and disadvantages. I'm afraid that the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan is not as good as Taoist Yan Luo, right?" Although Emperor Yan Luo said very well, the ancestors of Styx understood that the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan must also have a bad side. It is impossible. It's all such a great thing!

Emperor Yan Luo laughed and said: "Yes, just as the Taoist friends said, there are advantages and disadvantages. Hunyuan Jinxian can indeed accumulate a more powerful background, but it will delay the time of his own preaching because he cannot do it in one bone. Qi breaks through the bottleneck and proves Dao Hunyuan. At this stage of Hunyuan Golden Immortal, a greater accumulation of origin is needed to regain the opportunity to prove Dao. This is the drawback. How to choose depends on each person’s choice. It’s just that. The choice is not easy to master!"

Emperor Yan Luo is right. Such a choice of proof is really difficult to grasp. Even if someone wants a stronger proof and wants to become a golden immortal, it is not easy, because it is very likely to fail temporarily. It can be said that this is not controlled by humans. Everything depends on one's own good fortune and one's own chances. Perhaps this is the variation of Yan Luo Dijun's path of practice!

"It's really an embarrassing choice. There is a stronger path of practice, but you can't control yourself. This is really embarrassing!" For this result, the ancestor of Styx also sighed, and he was a choice that he could not control. It's really embarrassing!

"Hehe, fellow Stygian Daoist is upset. In fact, no matter what the result is, you shouldn’t have such an idea. The road to practice requires unrelenting courage. Regardless of success or failure, you must have the idea of ​​success. The most important point of this path of practice is that it’s not that you can prove the Dao if you have a world. It also requires skill and good fortune. I can prove the Dao because the merits of the Dao come, and if a Daoist wants to prove the Dao , It’s best to open the world at the moment, inspire the great merit of opening the world, and hit the bottleneck in one fell swoop. If you want to prove the Dao after opening the world, you need opportunity, and opportunity is not available at any time, and not everyone can get it. Avenue recognized!"

Suddenly, Emperor Yan Luo changed his voice: "Of course, it is not only necessary to be recognized by the Dadao, but also to be recognized by the prehistoric world, recognized by the heavens, the authenticity, and the humanity, but the restrictions on himself will be even greater. Once there is a conflict with the prehistoric nature, the underground, and the humanity, it will inevitably be affected by it, or even blocked. Daoists should think clearly about this!"

"I understand, how can I not understand this point. To entrust the world, to be recognized by heaven, authenticity, and humanity, is to entrust oneself in their hands. If the three realms are not selfish, it would not be a big deal, but now They all have selfish motives. How could I make such a choice in such a situation? Thank you for your reminder, I will not make such a low-level mistake!"

The ancestor of Styx is right. This is indeed a low-level mistake, but many times everyone ignores this low-level error and will fall into desperation. The more low-level mistakes, the more people will jump in, because they are too self-conscious. Big, too self-righteous, thinking that I will not be affected by this low-level mistake, but it is precisely because of this idea that I am in desperation!

The reason why Emperor Yan Luo reminded the ancestor of Styx at this time was that he did not want to see him make the same mistakes, but the performance of the ancestor of Styx worries Emperor Yan Luo very much, but since the other party is so'confident', even if he said it. No matter how much it is, Emperor Yan Luo can only sigh secretly and hope that the ancestor of Styx can do what he said.

"Friends of the Styx Dao understand it, and I won’t say any extra words. Everyone’s time is precious. How to choose your own path is your personal decision. Outsiders can’t intervene. How to use the help of opening up the world to preach lies in the spirit. Luck plus body, no matter what kind of luck, can give you a chance to preach, and it is the most suitable opportunity. Once you miss this opportunity and want to preach, the price you have to pay is terrible, I I don’t think you would make such a choice. It’s not a good thing for you. Therefore, in principle, my path of preaching is only one opportunity. Once you miss it, it’s not worth paying the price!” As an ally, Emperor Yan Luo is still willing to take a little more thought and help with the ancestors of the Styx River, and point out the shortcomings of his own path of preaching, so that the ancestors of the Styx can be more cautious and not to be careless!

Of course, the opportunity has been given to the ancestor of the Styx. As for the result, the ancestor of the Styx depends on his own good fortune and his own efforts. If he can't even devote himself to it, he has not regarded the preaching as the most important thing. In the event, there are any illusions, and the final failure can only be blamed on his lack of sincerity, and failure is also his own ignorance!

When he heard the words of Emperor Yan Luo, Ancestor Styx stood up and said: "Thank you for your guidance, time is waiting for no one. I can't stay here for too long, otherwise my **** sea will cause trouble, Hong Jun Daozu may be preparing to kill me. If possible, please ask fellow Daoists to help me and help me stop Hongjun Daozu's attack!"

To the ancestor of the Styx, Emperor Yan Luo smiled calmly and said: "Friends of the Styx Dao should understand that my situation is not as good as I imagined. Hongjun Dao ancestor is not something I can resist, unless he takes the initiative to attack the Netherworld. Otherwise, it will be difficult for me to make a move, and even if I make a move, I am afraid that I cannot stop his killing. After all, I am not Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. If the speed of fellow Daoists can be faster, I can open up the world preaching in time and open up the general trend in the world. Under the circumstances, even Hongjun Taoist ancestors have to retreat. The opening of the world is a general trend for the prehistoric world. Under the general trend, no one can stop it. Therefore, as long as the Styx Taoists can take the lead, they will not be afraid of the threats of Hongjun and the heavens. , Unless you give up this path of preaching yourself!"

It’s awesome. The path of the Emperor Yan Luo is really powerful. To open up the world to prove the Hunyuan Dao, this is relying on the great power of the world. In the face of the great power of the world, even Hongjun Dao ancestor, even the Dao of heaven cannot stop it, dare Blockers must be punished by heaven and will be rejected by the prehistoric world, even the way of heaven cannot bear the consequences of being rejected by the predominant world.

auzw.com Once repelled by the prehistoric world, it loses the foundation of standing, whether it’s heaven, authenticity, or humanity. Their roots are in the predominant world, Hongjun Taoist ancestors fit in with the heaven and earth. Naturally, it is also affected by it, so for today’s ancestors of Styx, it’s most suitable to go on this world path of emperor Yan Luo, but it’s different from how he chooses to go through the inner world, or There are advantages and disadvantages in each of the two ways to follow the path of preaching entrusted to the prehistoric world.

Of course, the ancestors of Styx can also give up and choose the most stable path of Hunyuan Road, but this takes time and more opportunities, but the so-called chance is not valued by Emperor Yan Luo, and ancestors of Styx did not get it alone. The ability of chance, this forced the ancestors of Styx to have only the path of world preaching, and only this path of preaching is where his vitality lies. If you abandon this road of world preaching, it is equivalent to Give up your life!

There is no choice. This is the true portrayal of the ancestor Styx, and it is also the fate of the ancestor Styx. When he steps on the bleeding sea, when he enters the Netherworld, there is no retreat, there is only one way to go. , This is cause and effect.

Time waits for no one. The ancestor Styx didn’t have time to waste any more. After receiving the suggestion from Emperor Yan Luo, he didn’t even say anything about the scene and left the Netherworld to return to the sea of ​​blood. At this time, he was racing against time. If you can run through the time and open up the world of blood before Hongjun Daozu attacked him, you can naturally escape the catastrophe. If you can't, you will only die. This is the catastrophe of his proving Dao, and it is also his. People robbery.

After all, the ancestor of Styx is not as good as Emperor Yan Luo. He does not have a source world like the Netherworld to rely on. Therefore, he must face this test, and must withstand this test. This is the beginning of his tribulation, success or failure Whether or not it all depends on his own good fortune. If he succeeds, everything is easy to say, if he fails, he will die!

After communicating with the ancestors of the Styx River, Emperor Yan Luo suddenly felt that he could have such an opportunity to embark on the path of proving the Dao in the world, and take the key step of proving Dao Hunyuan as Hongjun. Wouldn't Daozu see such a path of practice? If Haotian had made the same decision as himself before, could he take a crucial step with the help of Emperor Tian?

Unfortunately, this is only Emperor Yan Luo’s own thoughts, and it is impossible to experiment at all, because Haotian has missed the opportunity now. When he took over the Lord of the Heavens and took the name of the Emperor, the opportunity has disappeared. Perhaps Hongjun Daozu did not at all. He will be given a chance to prove Dao Hunyuan, because for Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu, he is totally unwilling to see the appearance of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. No matter what kind of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it is a threat to them. , They are all hidden dangers, no matter the way of heaven, Hongjun Taoist ancestors, they will only cultivate heavenly saints, instead of wasting their energy to cultivate a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, even if the other party is his own boy. Maybe it is because of this. The reason, Haotian missed the opportunity!

Of course, this is only Emperor Yan Luo’s own conjecture. It is not known whether Emperor Yan Luo can find the person to ask. Hongjun Daozu will not explain it to him, and Hunyuan Dao does not necessarily mean Hongjun Daozu. It can be understood that, after all, Hongjun Daozu is a saint who fits the Heavenly Dao. For the saint, the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Dao is a heresy and should not exist. When Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao reject the Hunyuan Dao, Hunyuan Dao is natural. It is impossible to be enlightened by them, this is the causal cycle.

"Hehe, maybe I think too much. It doesn't matter what the ancestor Styx makes or whether Dao Zu Hongjun understands Hunyuan Avenue or not, it doesn't matter to me. I walked out of my own avenue. Suffice it, everything else has nothing to do with me. I don’t need to waste time and energy to think. I hope that the ancestors of Styx will be able to achieve what they want, and the opportunity will be given to him. Whether he can prove it depends on his own good fortune. As for him It failed, but it just wasted a little bit of my time!"

Emperor Yan Luo soon came to his senses. For him, the Golden Immortal, there is indeed no need to care about the success or failure of the ancestor Styx. The ancestor Styx is just his own chess piece. It is a good thing to succeed, but to fail. It’s not a big deal anymore.

When thinking of this, Emperor Yan Luo withdrew his mind, no longer paid attention to the ancestors of the Styx River, or even the changes in the sea of ​​blood, but devoted his body and mind to his own practice and into his own accumulation. , Without being able to prove the Dao in one step, Emperor Yan Luo needs time and energy to accumulate more sources!

When Emperor Yan Luo talked with the ancestor of the Styx, the twelve ancestor witches among the six reincarnations were all paying attention to the changes in the Netherworld. They were worried about the outbreak of a war and worried that the appearance of the ancestor of the Styx would bring the Netherworld. The disaster came, but in the end their worry was unnecessary. The crisis did not happen. Daozu Hongjun actually let go of the ancestor Styx, which made them a little unbelievable for a while. This was too unexpected. How could Daozu Hongjun give up? Such a great opportunity for Liwei? What's the secret behind this?

The Twelve Ancestor Witches want to know, not only they want to know, but for the entire prehistoric sentient beings, they also want to know what caused Hongjun Daozu, so that Tian Dao would give up such a great opportunity to take the Styx Ancestor at one time. The opportunity to stand up and deter all living beings in the wild world, what is the secret in this, or what happened to let Hongjun Daozu be able to enter all of this!

It’s a pity that no matter how much you want to know the secret behind this, you don’t have a clue. During this period of time, nothing unusual happened in the entire prehistoric world. It can be said that the entire prehistoric world is calm and peaceful, in such a big environment. Next, everyone naturally didn't have the slightest clue, so many people wondered whether Hongjun Daozu and Tian Dao were seriously injured due to the great catastrophe of the world, and could not take action to teach the Styx ancestor, and could not take their prestige.

For everyone, I never thought that Ancestor Styx was too powerful, so powerful that Dao Ancestor Hongjun and Heavenly Dao dared not act rashly. Although Ancestor Styx was a strong man at the top in the prehistoric world, but Compared with Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao Ancestor, he is just an "ant", not to mention Hongjun Dao Ancestor and Tian Dao, even those heavenly Dao sages have the strength to kill the Styx Ancestor!

Secrets, the more such secrets that people can’t see their clues, the more people want to know, even if they pay a great price, they also have to know, because instinctively everyone feels that there must be a great opportunity behind this secret, only Only in this way can everything make sense, and can explain Hongjun Daozu's letting go of the Styx Ancestor, and this secret makes everyone naturally eager to know, even if it is to pay some price, perhaps this secret is related to the Dao!

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