God of Destruction

Chapter 4570: Festival rule ocean

Chapter 4576: Law of the Ocean

Asura Realm, I have to say that the ambition and greed of the ancestors of the Styx River are very strong. In order to be able to get more benefits, use the name of Asura as a race, and directly use its name as the world that he has opened up from the sea of ​​blood. The appearance of this name greatly increased the luck of the Asura race. Among the six reincarnations, the Asura master received a huge luck. If it weren't for the strength of this Asura was too weak, if he had a quasi-sage master The perfect state and strength may be able to use this opportunity to directly prove sanctification.

Qi Luck feeds back not only Asuras, but also the ancestors of Styx who opened up the world and created Asuras. If it is said that the ancestors of Styx who benefit the most from this change, the huge amount of Qi Luck will be added in an instant. The coming of the body, the amazing merits, made the ancestors of the Styx have a qualitative change in the perception of the avenue. At this moment, he seemed to have entered the ocean of laws, perceiving the origin of the laws between the heavens and the earth, and feeling the rules of the majestic world. , This shocked him!

Law Ocean, what an opportunity is this, why didn't Emperor Yan Luo mention it before? This was the first reaction of the ancestor of the river, but he did not feel that Emperor Yan Luo was concealing it, but that although he had also embarked on the path of the Emperor Yan Luo, there is still an essential gap between himself and Emperor Yan Luo. It is to open up the world alone, and the world of the Emperor Yan Luo has existed for a long time. Perhaps it is this difference that Emperor Yan Luo has never experienced such a great opportunity!

Suddenly, the heart of the ancestors of the Styx River really jumped for it. Even Emperor Yan Luo has a great opportunity for people who have no way of proving the way in the world. Can I get more benefits from this? Dao practice is inseparable Open the law, and now I am in the ocean of law, protected by the prehistoric world, maybe I can feel more Dao laws and master more powerful rules, just like Pangu, instead of continuing to deepen my Dao. Feelings, after all, the opportunity cannot be missed, and the loss will never come again. It is not always the opportunity to contact and master the source of the new Dao!

It’s not that the ancestors of Styx hadn’t considered how serious the consequences of doing this would be. Although giving up a deep understanding of one’s own great avenues would make oneself a little frustrated in practice, the temptation to perceive new great avenues is too great. Until the ancestors of the Styx were moved by it, they couldn't wait to take action and want more!

What about the sermon? The ancestor Styx hesitated, yes, he was hesitant at this moment. He longed for more powerful power and a stronger source of law. Although the ancestor of Styx practiced killing, but this killing was limited. Sex is too great, and now that I have opened up the world of blood, I am afraid that I will lose the help of the blood **** son. After all, the world opened up the blood sea will no longer exist, then I will lose the greatest shelter, the blood sea will not wither, the Styx will not die, It disappears completely, and the best self-protection is to strengthen one's own strength, and this time the perception of the sea of ​​law is the best opportunity.

On the Avenue of Blood, the ancestors of the Styx focused on the Avenue of Devouring and the Avenue of Blood. If you want to practice the Avenue of Blood and the Avenue of Devouring, you can use the power of the two avenues to fully grasp the origin of the Sea of ​​Blood!

Yes, that’s right. This is the true idea of ​​the ancestors of Styx. Even if he had been reminded by the king of cause and effect, he thought he had completely refined the sea of ​​blood, but when he opened up the world of Asura, the ancestors of Styx still I realized that I was not as powerful as I imagined, and I still did not refine the origin of the entire sea of ​​blood. The origin of the sea of ​​blood exceeded my imagination. Now this origin of the sea of ​​blood has become the origin of the world of Asura. The ancestors of the Styx do not want to have his own lair. There is an uncontrollable power!

"Stupid and greedy Styx, even if I have given you so many reminders, but you are still affected by your own stupid and greedy desire and hope. The world will not wait for you to make a choice. If you miss this opportunity because of greed, the cause and effect you have to owe will be great. Death and death is your only end!” Feeling the change of the sea of ​​blood, the world of Asura was born, Emperor Yan Luo couldn’t help it. Shaking his head and sighed softly.

Although the transaction between Emperor Yan Luo and Ancestor Styx is only a verbal agreement, since the cause and effect has already appeared, it will not disappear in vain. Regardless of success or failure, the ancestor of Yan Luo owes the great cause and effect of Emperor Yan Luo. This causality is not good. For the repayment, success is fortunate to say, there is a powerful force that can naturally complete the oath, and the huge cause and effect of failure is not something that the ancestor of Styx can take.

Regarding the hesitation of the ancestors of Styx and the emergence of the sea of ​​laws, Emperor Yan Luo was also a little surprised, but this did not make Emperor Yan Luo have any thoughts. After all, this is to open up the world, and it is normal to be recognized by the origin of the great world, but , The appearance of the sea of ​​law this time is completely different to the many powerful people in the primordial world. Whether it is the heavenly saints, or the master of the heavens, the guide, and the powerhouses who have given up the heavenly saints, they all yearn for them. Get such a great opportunity, and all of this points to the Netherworld, to Emperor Yan Luo, in their view all this is the help of Emperor Yan Luo.

Be tempted, such a great opportunity, who can not be tempted, if you also have such a chance, whether it is an understanding of your own Dao or choosing a new Dao, there is great value, and you will make your own practice even further! If it weren't for the way of heaven and the threat of Hongjun Daozu, I am afraid that many people could not bear to jump out! Of course, Empress Nuwa is also very tempted. After all, such a great opportunity is only available at her fingertips. Even if she is a saint of heaven, she will still be ready to move. Fortunately, when the greed in her heart rises, a force of luck erupts from herself. , To suppress this greedy thought, this is the shelter of one's own luck!

"It's so tempting. Even my Heavenly Dao saint was triggered by Stygian's chance to have a powerful negative force in my heart, which evoked greedy thoughts. It seems that the situation is far more crazy than I thought before, and luck is suppressed. , This is a warning to oneself, once you do this, you will inevitably end up dying. I didn’t trigger the warning before. It can be seen that this time the situation has changed and it has become crazier and more terrifying, perhaps just as I guessed it. , This is a big trap!"

I want to return, but Empress Nuwa didn’t dare to act rashly, nor did I want to warn others. She didn’t have to offend Heavenly Dao or Hongjun Daozu, as long as she understood in her heart, it’s up to them whether or not others can get away. For their own good fortune, as to whether it will lead to a decisive battle between heaven and earth, this is not in the scope of Nuwa Empress's thinking!


For a strong man like Ancestor Styx, the hesitation is only a short moment. In the end, Ancestor Styx chose to swallow the avenue, and wanted to use the sea of ​​law to perceive the avenue. At this time, the law of the world was also It was in operation, but at this time, the ancestor of Styx discovered huge problems and crises in an instant, because he did not choose to deepen his own understanding of the Dao, but chose to enlighten the Dao, which caused a big problem in the Zen Dao Hunyuan. What avenue is the main road!

"Damn it, how could this happen!" At this time, the old ancestor of Styx was extremely heavy, but time did not wait for others, and there was really not much time left for consideration. I had to make a choice. It was mainly to kill. Hunyuan Avenue is still swallowed. If you go for killing, obviously it’s impossible to refine the origin of the sea of ​​blood. But if you choose to swallow it, the origin of killing will be absorbed by the swallowing road. There will also be troubles, because my own avenue of devouring is forced to comprehend by the arrival of the sea of ​​laws, and has not yet formed a unique avenue of sentiment!

Compared to killing, the ancestor of Styx finally felt that the Devouring Dao had more potential and more development, so at the last moment of the sermon, he made a choice, based on the Devouring Dao, and started proving Dao Hunyuan, and this Devour Dao As soon as it formed, the ancestors of the Styx felt that their killing avenue was being turned into nutrients bit by bit, and was absorbed by the swallowing avenue.

When the ancestor Styx made such a choice, the entire predecessor was dumbfounded. Not only Emperor Yan Luo was shocked, but even Hongjun Daozu, who had been staring at the ancestor of Styx, was shocked. Before preaching the Dao, they suddenly made a change, abandoning the strongest source of self and instead swallowing the Dao, which made them unable to understand.

"What the **** is doing, doesn't he know the consequences of doing so? Abandoning the accumulation of endless years, is this a joke on the proof, who he thinks he is!" Yan Luo Dijun said in a low voice with a sullen face , Regarding the occurrence of such a situation, Emperor Yan Luo was annoyed, knowing that once the ancestor of Styx failed, he lost a guardian.

At the same time, when Emperor Yan Luo was angry, Daozu Hongjun was also angry: "Damn Styx, it is clear that the opportunity is right in front of you. As long as you follow the schedule, you can successfully prove the Dao and stimulate the ambition of those bastards, but you I just made this wrong choice. If you die like this, what will I use to build my prestige, how can I deter all living beings!"

Yes, if the ancestor Styx fails and dies during the sermon, the patience of Dao ancestor Hongjun will be wiped out, all plans will be disrupted, and the situation will be more harmful to oneself and detrimental to the way of heaven. All this is exactly the crazy and greedy choice of the old ancestor Styx, but Hongjun Dao ancestor can't stop all of this. This is an accident, a big accident!

For Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu, the last thing he wants to see is such an accident, but all of this has already happened, and there is no opportunity to stop and redeem it. No matter how angry Hongjun Dao ancestors were, he would not dare to intervene, otherwise he himself might die under the great punishment!

Of course, this is only the beginning stage. Once the ancestor Styx has passed the accumulation of the source of the preaching, there is no need to have so many restrictions, and it was only then that the real beginning of the preaching, but now the situation of the ancestors The difference is that he gave up his original law and chose a new law for proving the Dao. This had to make Hongjun Dao Zu annoyed. Once he entered the real proving Dao, it would not help to destroy the ancestor Styx by himself. It can only be regarded as the ancestor of Styx who has not survived the catastrophe.

The road that Emperor Yan Luo has walked out of the world is not wrong, but it is not comparable to others. After all, Emperor Yan Luo is in a different situation, and the origin of the world he obtained is also different, and he chose the great merit. After completing the proving path, although his proving path was only a Hunyuan Jinxian due to insufficient accumulation, it was smooth sailing, and other people had to face the calamity of the proving path. If they could not survive the calamity of the proving path, they would naturally die. The situation of the ancestors of the river is not very dangerous!

"Abandoning the original source and choosing a new source, the ancestor of Styx must have his own ideas and support when he dares to do this. Otherwise, he would not be able to make jokes about his proof. If he fails, he will die. But what kind of support does the ancestor Styx have that makes him dare to do this?" In the eyes of some people, they think that ancestor Styx dared to do this, they must have their own reasons, and no matter what everyone thinks, there is no problem. Where, if the sea of ​​blood can still be used in the past, the sea of ​​blood does not wither and the Styx does not die, but now that the sea of ​​blood is opened up by the ancestors of the Styx into a world of Shura, can it be said that this magical power still exists.

Suddenly, everyone's thoughts were overwhelmed, and they cursed secretly: "Damn, this **** Styx will not refining the entire blood sea and turning his magical powers into his own instinct. If so, under the blessing of the blood sea's magical powers. , He really might succeed!"

Refining the sea of ​​blood, this has shocked the hearts of many predecessors. Although many people think it is unlikely, in the current situation, only this explanation can make sense. If the ancestors of Styx did not With absolute certainty, how dare to act recklessly in the preaching, risking your own life, knowing that this failure is dead and dead!

Even these questions that ordinary people can think of, how can Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao not think about it, but Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao deeply understand how terrifying and powerful the sea of ​​blood is, not to mention that Styx has no proof, even if it is. After proving the Dao, it is not necessarily capable of refining the entire blood sea into oneself, after all, the blood sea has the residual power of Pangu.

Now the Netherworld is completely born, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation are truly perfect. If the ancestors of the Styx dared to do this before, without the enemy’s action, the punishment will directly come down and destroy it. With the Six Paths of Reincarnation and the Nether World, the prehistoric The negative powers of heaven and earth no longer need the sea of ​​blood to be stored in them. The Six Paths of Reincarnation and the Nether World can digest them on their own. It is precisely in this way that there is no natural punishment for opening up the Asura realm in the ancestors of the Styx River, only merit comes down! The times are different, the environment has also changed, and the prehistoric world will naturally change. The original sea of ​​blood has become dispensable. The ancestor of Styx completed this transformation at the right time and in the right place!

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