God of Destruction

Chapter 4571: Section failed

The fourth thousand five hundred and seventy-seventh chapter failed

Qi Luck, I have to say that the Qi Luck in the Ancestor Styx is really good, very powerful, but air luck cannot really help the Ancestor Styx break through the bottleneck. Now the Ancestor Styx is in crisis, with the origin The ancestor of the Styx gradually realized a trace of anxiety. His own strength was not as strong as he imagined. The Master of Devouring Dao was not as powerful as he thought, and he could devour the origin of the sea of ​​blood in one fell swoop, allowing himself to master the origin of the sea of ​​blood. All the power in.

I am dumbfounded, the ancestor of Styx is really dumbfounded at this time. This is different from the completion of the plan in my heart. In my own thoughts, as long as the avenue is swallowed to continuously grow itself, it will inevitably be able to swallow all the power of the sea of ​​blood and turn it into itself Power, so that the entire Asura world is completely under his control. He doesn't need to be familiar with the world to master everything, but now he understands that he is wrong. Although the Great Dao of Devouring is growing, it cannot shake the origin of the sea of ​​blood, not just It is because the origin of the sea of ​​blood itself is extremely powerful, and it is also because it is now transformed into the origin of the Asura world, with the blessing of the power of the world, resisting the swallowing avenue of the ancestor of the river, this result made him unacceptable.

In a word, the origin of the sea of ​​blood was transformed into the origin of the Asura world after the creation of the world, or sublimation, so that the ancestor of the Styx had nothing to do, even if he was the creator of the world, he could not refine the origin of the world, because of the essence. There has been a change, yes, the nature of the ancestor of Styx has changed, which has caused a mistake in the plan.

If the ancestor Styx did not change his own way, perhaps things would be different, but now everything has happened, there are not so many if, no matter whether the ancestor Styx can accept it, this is a fact, a fact that cannot be changed, Ashura The world is out of the control of the ancestors of the river, there is no master of the world in the Asura world, he is not the master of the world.

Proving the Dao. At this time, the ancestors of Styx thought of the Dao. Will there be any accidents and failures in his path to the Dao? Even the Asura world has had an accident, and he has walked as one of the world’s proofs. Road, this will inevitably have an impact. At this moment, the heart of the ancestor of Styx is a little confused, but he also understands that the more at this time, the more calm he is, otherwise his failure is bound to be a foregone conclusion, and he needs to calm down and make an ordinary turn. , Reverse the situation.

Unfortunately, the idea of ​​the ancestor Styx is destined to be unfulfilled, because he does not have so much time, the Asura world will not give him this time, and the sermons will not stop and wait for him, whether the ancestor Styx wants it or not. Yes, the sermons have already begun. Yes, with the passage of time, the sermons of the ancestors of the Styx have begun. The origin of the Asura world is getting in touch with the ancestors of the Styx and is continuously helping the ancestors of the Styx. Embark on the road of mixed elementary proof and Dao.

Danger, this is the reason for my uneasiness, this is the source of danger, the uneasiness that I have sensed before was caused by the Asura world, which made the ancestor Styx even more shocked, but the ancestor Styx could not stop all of this , Although he is the creator of the world, but at this moment, the endless source of power is constantly pouring into the body of the ancestor of Styx, and it is constantly pushing the ancestors of the ancestor of Styx, but this is the source of Li is a little different from the current ancestor of Styx.

In a normal world testimony, the ancestors of Styx can use the power of the world to drive their own transformation and evolution madly, continue to grow themselves, take the opportunity to directly break through the bottleneck, and directly take the key step of the Hunyuan Road. Yuan Da Luo Jinxian set out, but now the ancestors of Styx cannot directly absorb and digest the origin of the Asura world, and he needs to be distracted to transform the origin of the world into his own origin, which greatly affects the preaching of the ancestors of the Styx.

"Essence cannot be directly integrated into himself, and the hidden danger finally broke out. This time, the ancestor of Styx is in great trouble. This time he will definitely fail. Obviously he has the opportunity to prove Hunyuan Dadao in one fell swoop, but he lost the opportunity because of his temporary greed. The ancestors of Styx must pay a heavy price for this. This is the consequence of greed!" Upon seeing this situation, Emperor Yan Luo could not help but sighed, and a faint loss flashed in his eyes, Styx The failure of the ancestors also had an impact on the Netherworld, an impact that Emperor Yan Luo did not want to see, but this has become a reality!

Not everyone can be the same as Emperor Yan Luo. It has become a foregone conclusion to see directly the failure of the ancestors of the Styx to prove the Dao. For many powerful people, all they see are the crazy breakthroughs in the strength of the ancestors of the Styx, and they see the source. The endless power of the world has turned into the power of the ancestors of the Styx, which continuously promotes the power of the ancestors of the Styx to change!

"Hunyuan Dao is indeed the Dao Hunyuan Dao of Emperor Yan Luo. The **** Styx is also motivating the origin of the world to turn into his own nourishment. It is a pity that his asura world is far less than the Netherworld. This **** wants to prove the Dao only. I'm afraid it's hard, he doesn't have enough time as a buffer!" Soon Daozu Hongjun also saw through the truth and futility of the ancestor Styx, but what Daozu Hongjun cares about at the moment is not the success or failure of the ancestor Styx, but Yan Luo. The path that the emperor has taken is right, successful, and reproducible. This is a great disaster for Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao!

If Dao Zu Hongjun was still worried that the failure of the ancestor of Styx will disrupt his plan, but now he is beginning to fear that when he really sees the world’s path of proving the Tao, it will work, no matter the way of heaven, Even Hongjun Daozu can deeply feel the warning from the soul, which means that more powerful people in the prehistoric world have the opportunity to embark on this path of proving Taoism, but Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao don’t know it. , Such an opportunity can only be opened when the world opens up!

When Hongjun Taoist ancestor was in fear, Styx ancestor also fell into fear in his heart. He understood that he had overestimated his own strength and underestimated the difficulties of preaching in the world. He was only attracted by the temptation to swallow the avenue in front of him. Enticed by the appearance of the sea of ​​laws, he embarked on a wrong path, but now it is too late to regret.


"It is not feasible to directly prove Dao Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. It seems that I can only follow in the footsteps of Emperor Yan Luo. I can only take the crucial step of proving Dao Hunyuan. I can only take the road of Hunyuan Jinxian. I hope this time will be possible. Full!" Yes, the ancestors of Styx are now worried that he will be affected even if he proves Dao Hunyuan Jinxian, after all, time is limited.

"Styghe is breaking through. It seems that he still made this choice, giving up directly proving the Dao Yuan Yuan Da Luo Jin Xian, turning to Hun Yuan Jin Xian, devouring the origin of the world by devouring the Dao Yuan, in order to be able to break through the most important step. Just doing so has a serious impact on oneself and the world of Asura. This is not a normal way of proving Dao, but an evil way!" In the eyes of Emperor Yan Luo, the proof that the ancestor of Styx is taking now The road of Taoism is not the right way. It is sacrificing the origin of the Asura world and sacrificing part of his own heritage to break through. However, in the eyes of the ancestors of the Styx, this is where his last life lies. If he even breaks through the Golden Immortal Capital of Hunyuan If you can't do it, you will die without life. This is a warning from the soul, and this is not an illusion!

When the situation changes like this, when the situation is so dangerous, what the ancestors of Styx have to do is not to stay the same, go to the end and face failure directly, but to choose the side that is good for them and pay a little price. To restore most of the losses, at least to save your own life and safety, this is the most important thing. As for everything else, you can slowly make up for it in the future. As long as you are still alive, everything is possible, and being alive is the most important thing. of.

From the standpoint of the ancestor of the Styx, there is nothing wrong with it. It is right, but in the eyes of Emperor Yan Luo, this is because the failure caused by greed is unforgivable. Different positions have different ideas and different concepts. Not to mention, and now even Emperor Yan Luo could not stop it, everything had already begun.

"Well, this is the choice of the ancestor of Styx, and all the consequences are borne by him. At least for now, he can still break through the Golden Immortal and take a crucial step. Although there are some losses, at least he is still safe. As for whether he can pass the test of Hongjun Daozu and Heaven’s Dao, this is his own business!” After a while, Emperor Yan Luo also thought about it clearly, although the old ancestor Styx was his own hope and placed his own share of it. Good wishes, but one's own practice cannot rely on external forces. Only when oneself truly becomes strong is the most important thing, and one's own strength is the foundation of everything.

On the path of spiritual practice, all external forces are unreliable, even if it is a plan that looks very beautiful and complete, but when it is actually implemented, there will be various accidents due to various reasons. Old Styx The ancestor is like this, although all this seems to be caused by his own greed, but after all, it was caused by an accident in the ancestor Styx’s proving, which was different from the situation he was facing. This may be God’s will. The fate of the ancestors of the river Styx.

Since failure is doomed, Emperor Yan Luo did not care about the final outcome of the ancestor Styx. Regardless of the outcome, for Emperor Yan Luo everything is over. As for the cause and effect that the ancestor Styx owes, this It also needs him to survive to have a chance to repay, and before that, the ancestor of Styx had to face the calamity of proving the way and face a test of life and death.

Gradually, Emperor Yan Luo withdrew his gaze, focused his energy on his own practice, and invested in the Nether World. Although everything in the Nether World is perfect, this does not mean that Emperor Yan Luo can easily become the lord of the world. Emperor Yan Luo also has many causes and effects. In becoming the master of the Nether World, he also needs to take on the responsibility of the Nether World and guide the Nether World to continue to develop and grow, especially in this crucial point. At the moment, Emperor Yan Luo still has no time to calm down and practice. He needs to guide the order of the Netherworld to be normal, and guide the Netherworld to smoothly overcome this difficulty and overcome the catastrophe. This is the most important thing. !

The ancestors of the Styx did not know the disappointment of Emperor Yan Luo in the Netherworld. At this time, the ancestors of the Styx were devouring the origin of the Asura world with all their strength. For a new world, accidents happened because of various reasons. In the world, the actions of the ancestors of Styx are greatly weakening the power of the world, which is a devastating blow to a new world.

Originally, with the blessing of the asura world, the fortune of the entire Asura clan is growing, and the fortune of the ancestors of the Styx is also growing, but with the ancestors of the Styx’s detrimental and self-interested actions, the origin of the Asuras Damaged, the luck of the Asuras will naturally be impaired, and the luck of the ancestors of the Styx, who is also a world pioneer, is also impaired. Although the impaired luck did not continue to worsen the current situation, the old Stygmy The ancestor's own luck was affected.

Under the weakened luck, some people will naturally put evil thoughts on the ancestors of the Styx, and start the idea of ​​the Asura world, or even the ancestors of the Styx. As for Emperor Yan Luo, few people dare. According to his idea, after all, the Netherworld is not an Asura world, and Emperor Yan Luo as the lord of the Netherworld is not the ancestor of the river. The testimony of Emperor Yan Luo is only a momentary thing. It is recognized by the Dao. Compared with the old ancestor He is far inferior.

"Breakthrough, the ancestor of Styx has broken through, and like Emperor Yan Luo, he has directly taken a crucial step, and both have proved the golden immortal of Hunyuan. Emperor Yan Luo really has to walk out of the road of Hunyuan!" When the ancestor broke through the bottleneck and proved the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan, those strong men in the predecessor were all excited about it. They saw hope and the hope of proving Hunyuan!

Countless people have noticed the Netherworld with their eyes, but only a few people continue to focus on the Netherworld, and most people have their eyes on the ancestors of the river. After all, the ancestors of the river have proclaimed the golden immortal. , But he is different from Emperor Yan Luo. He is also the Golden Immortal of Hun Yuan, but Emperor Yan Luo is still the lord of the Netherworld, and he is in charge of the Netherworld. He has the real heaven and earth in his body, and this is something that the ancestors of Styx do not have. , The most important thing is that the current ancestors of Styx no longer have the shelter of the sea of ​​blood. The sea of ​​blood has completely disappeared and turned into an asura world. This is the motivation for everyone to move around.

Of course, the most important thing is that although the ancestor of Styx broke through his own bottleneck and attained the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan, his sermons did not end. There was a hint of thunder punishment in the void, which was obviously Proving the calamity of the Tao, and many powerful people in the prehistoric have felt the temptation of cause and effect, as if there is a force between the heavens and the earth affecting them to block the ancestors of the Styx, and this force is obviously the power of the human calamity. The ancestor He's testimony is obviously different from that of Emperor Yan Luo. He needs to face the catastrophe of the testimony, and this is what the Emperor Yan Luo does not have. This is the crisis of the new ancestor of Styx!

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