God of Destruction

Chapter 4572: The Tribulation of Jiezhi Dao

Chapter 4578

The Tribulation of Proving Dao, Ancestor Styx’s need to face the Tribulation of Proving Dao, which shocked many people, but also crazy greed, they are eager to tear a piece of flesh from the Ancestor Styx. , Was able to take this opportunity to get the benefits he wanted from the ancestors of the Styx River, and get the method of proving the way he wanted, which brought new changes to the situation of the great catastrophe.

"It's a tribulation, my tribulation is here, **** it's just a crucial step, just to prove that the golden immortal Hunyuan has a tribulation, why doesn't Emperor Yan Luo!" When he felt the power of the tribulation, The incomparable anger in the heart of the ancestor Styx was also a testimony, why the results were different, the ancestor Styx was dissatisfied and felt that he had been targeted.

It’s normal to be dissatisfied, and it is impossible for anyone to accept it, but whether you are willing to accept it or not, this is a fact and you have to face it. The ancestor Styx is dissatisfied, but what is his sermon? Walk for the proof of the Tao, open up the world to prove the Hunyuan Dao. Unlike Emperor Yan Luo, Emperor Yan Luo was born to eliminate the endless grievances of the prehistoric world. He has great merits and is recognized by the Dao. Who has the recognition of Old Ancestor He? No, there is no heaven, no tunnel, no humanity, let alone the great road, so the catastrophe is inevitable!

"Heavenly Tribulation, Styx's Heavenly Tribulation, this is our opportunity, Emperor Yan Luo has nothing we can do, but the ancestor of the Styx River, we have the opportunity, and his sermons have not been recognized by the Dao. This is not our opportunity!" some The greedy people are connected in secret, no one can resist the temptation of preaching, now the opportunity is in front of them, who can not be excited, who can not be crazy.

"Well, this time we will attack with all our strength and use the power of the tribulation to kill the ancestor of the Styx and seize his chance. As long as the ancestor of the Styx can be destroyed and the method of proving the Tao can be obtained, everyone can practice and have the opportunity to prove the Tao. Hunyuan!" I have to say that when the ancestor of Styx once again proves Dao Hunyuan Golden Immortal, the greed in the hearts of the entire predecessor beings is once again aroused, and the great catastrophe of heaven and earth starts a new round of intensification, which is Hongjun Daozu. What was not thought of was also what the prehistoric sentient beings did not think of.

prevent? No, no one can stop it. When the greed in everyone's hearts erupts, this has become the general trend of the world, no one can stop the general trend of the world, the way of heaven can't work, and the Taoist Hongjun can't do it, and such terrible evil thoughts move, Styx The ancestor naturally felt in his heart, and his mind was madly warning him, making the ancestor Styx feel extremely heavy.

At this time, the ancestors of the Styx River finally realized that he was still too arrogant and self-righteous. If he did not have so much greed and did not want to completely devour the origin of the sea of ​​blood, and use his own killing to prove the way, maybe it will not be now. In this way, even if there are natural disasters and people robbed, it will not become one's own resistance, on the contrary, it will be the help of one's own preaching.

It’s a pity that it’s too late to regret. Everything has happened. The Ancestor Styx has no room for recovery. At this time, the Ancestor Styx can only let go of his heart. Only in this way can he break a blood path and be able to prove it. Get the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan, get rid of the current crisis, can truly master one's own power, and be recognized by the predecessor.

"A group of ignorant ants also want to hit my idea, trying to seize my chance when I am trapped in the catastrophe. Today, I will let you know what the fate of enemy Styx will be. I really thought that there would be no blood sea, I Lost the protection of immortality!" At this time, the ancestor of Styx was also cruel, not cruel. If you can't deter all living beings for the first time, the result will be even more dangerous, and you will be dragged into desperation bit by bit. , Fell into a dead end.

Under the threat of despair and death, the ancestors of the Styx had nothing to reserve. Since the enemy wanted to fight and to provoke a battle of life and death, he had to sacrifice his life to accompany him, and the behavior of these **** was also exacerbating the catastrophe of the world and the new One round of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth erupted, and this one after another, and three Great Tribulations of Heaven and Earth intensified. It was a crazy change for the entire prehistoric world. It was precisely because the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth was once again intensified and a new round appeared. This is where the vitality of the ancestors of the Styx River lies. There are dangers and opportunities for the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth. By seizing the opportunity, you can get rid of the crisis, and you can retreat from the whole body and be recognized by the world!

"Come on, let the tribulation come more ferocious, let me temper myself with the tribulation, and complete the transformation of the flesh! The real body of the gods and demons, I can also do it!" Crazy, the ancestor of the Styx became mad at this time. Going crazy, wanting to use the power of the tribulation to complete the transformation of his own body and condense his own gods and demons. After all, the ancestors of the Styx have gained the experience of Emperor Yan Luo and have an extraordinary understanding of the Hunyuan of the Dao. , When the situation appeared in such a crisis, he had to fight desperately, using his life to fight a way out, so that he could go further on Hunyuan Avenue!

"What a Styx, crazy enough, he wants to use the power of the tribulation to temper himself, it seems that he really got the law of the Hunyuan Dao from Emperor Yan Luo, really has the opportunity to prove the Dao, but I don’t know that he can persist. How long!" When she felt the terrifying smell of swallowing the avenue exuding from the ancestor of Styx, and when she felt the terrible swallowing origin, Empress Nuwa couldn't help but sighed. In her opinion, the ancestor of Styx changed her origin. There are both pros and cons to Proving Dao. With such a powerful Devouring Dao Guardian, even if the Heavenly Tribulation comes, it will not be able to give the ancestors of the Styx a real death threat. The Devouring Dao can swallow the Heavenly Tribulation and strengthen itself with the power of the Heavenly Tribulation. , As long as there is an endless source of origin, the vitality of the ancestors of the Styx is naturally strong, and the swallowing avenue is the guarantee of the origin, which is impossible to do in the way of killing, not to mention that there is a party behind the ancestors of the stygo Asura world!

"Swallowing Heaven Tribulation to temper yourself, what a Styx, I want to see how many Heaven Tribulation Origins you can swallow, and to what extent!" As Hongjun Dao Ancestor, I naturally feel the transformation of Styx, although Styx This move has a little impact on the Dao of Heaven, but Daozu Hongjun did not take action to stop it, but instead let go of the power of Heavenly Tribulation and let the ancestor Styx swallow it. Daozu Hongjun wanted to see the Hunyuanjin from the body of Styx. The secret of the immortal also took the opportunity to understand the strength of Emperor Yan Luo. After all, Emperor Yan Luo is also a golden fairy of Hunyuan, a golden fairy of Hunyuan who has mastered the rules of one world. If the power of the ancestor of Styx continues to grow, he may have a chance. Understanding the secrets of Hunyuan Avenue will give you a chance to get rid of your own predicament.

auzw.com For Hongjun Daozu, there is also a dilemma. In many people’s eyes, he is aloof, in charge of the great realm of heaven, mastering the great calamity of heaven and earth, and guiding the great beings, but in fact this It is not the result Hongjun Daozu wants, Hongjun Daozu wants more, wants to master the entire nether world, and master more power to work for himself!

"Oh!" When the ancestor of the Styx River fell down, when the terrifying aura swept across the vast world, Emperor Yan Luo was awakened again, facing such an astonishing tribulation, the eyes of Emperor Yan Luo flashed. There was a slight loss of disappointment, and once again he was not optimistic about the ancestors of the ancestors of the Styx River, the ancestors of the Styx did not find his own focus of practice at all!

"External force is after all an external force, with the help of external force to influence oneself, this is self-defeating, no matter how good external force is not so easy to digest, once this force rebounds, the situation of the ancestors of Styx is dangerous. After all, the information involved is too terrifying, too terrifying, and too much involvement with it is not good for one's own practice!"

Having said that, Emperor Yan Luo has forgotten one of the most important issues. Not all powers who proving the Hunyuan can be compared with it. Emperor Yan Luo is recognized by the Dao, which is difficult for others to accomplish, at least The current Ancestor Styx did not do it properly, and even if the Ancestor Styx had to forcefully do it, he would only gain a loss in the end.

For Hunyuan Jinxian, he was originally despised by the prehistoric world and suppressed by the prehistoric world. Now the ancestor of Styx is even more repelled by the prehistoric world. If he didn’t open up the world of Asura, if it wasn’t for the Asura family. With luck and luck, I'm afraid that he is not suffering from the catastrophe, but the punishment. Of course, behind this is the power of Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao.

All kinds of calculations fell on the ancestors of the river. It can be said that the protagonist of the current great catastrophe has turned to the ancestors of the river. He determines the development of the land and the river, but the ancestor of the river can not Through this test, can you survive the catastrophe? This is also a big problem, because too many enemies are looking at him, and the luck of the Asura clan is also damaged due to Styx’s own reasons. It can be said that it is now. The ancestor Styx was the weakest time.

This great catastrophe, repeated deaths and resurrection, has a huge impact on the great famine, although everyone is unwilling to accept it, but now with the madness of the ancestors of the Styx, the catastrophe is more terrifying than ever. The success or failure of the ancestor is no longer a matter of one person, but a matter of the entire prehistoric world. When he faces the catastrophe, the chaos outside the prehistoric world has also changed. The atmosphere of the chaotic small world is more clear, and the chaotic beast is against the predominant. The attack is even more frenzied, and all of this is due to Styx.

"No, we can't wait any longer. The **** of Styx is more terrifying and stronger than we thought. If we wait for him to complete the body tempering, we will have no chance of success!" At this time, many people found out. This is a fatal problem. The breath of Styx is increasing crazily. The Tribulation not only does not weaken Styx, on the contrary, it gives Styx the opportunity to consolidate and increase itself. The most important thing is that they have no feeling under the Tribulation. In the presence of the Earth Tribulation, Styx was not completely rejected by the Majestic World as imagined. The opening of the Asura World strengthened the origin of the Majestic World, leaving him unaffected by the Earth Tribulation.

Now the only thing that can affect Styx is Human Calamity, so these people became crazy about it, and a series of terrifying killing auras blasted towards the ancestors of Styx, making the killing of the prehistoric world again, although this killing is no longer as crazy as before. Terrible, after all, the previous series of catastrophes have already exhausted the strong in the prehistoric world.

"Hehe, you **** finally showed up, then let me teach you a lesson, let you know the fate of being an enemy of Styx, devour the avenue, devour the world, swallow the world, swallow!" With the cry of Styx Shen Yin, a huge black hole emerged from the ancestor of the Styx. This is the power to swallow the avenue, and this is the killer of the Styx.

Although the catastrophe has not ended, the human catastrophe has already come, but this does not affect the plan of the ancestors of the Styx. The endless attack is swallowed by the terrifying black hole before the body of the Styx is bombarded. All the power is Being transformed into the origin of the ancestors of the Styx, this is the power of rules, yes, at this moment the ancestors of the Styx have mastered the power of the rules that swallow the avenue, although this is not entirely the power of the ancestors of the Styx, but this power One out is enough to make Styx protect itself.

"The power of rules, Styx didn't prove that Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, how can he master the power of rules? Could it be said that this is Hunyuan Dao?" When he felt the rules of swallowing Dao, Hongjun Daozu frowned involuntarily. The situation is much different than I thought. In the face of the power of rules, those greedy people in the wild have no chance of victory.

"The law of the ocean, is it not so simple to say that Styx has gained in the law of the ocean, if so, it can also explain why he made crazy choices when the key to the sermon, and gave up the original killing. Dao!" At the moment, Hongjun Daozu was thoughtful and could not help thinking of the previous law ocean. Only those who really entered the law ocean and those who were recognized by the law ocean really knew how powerful it was, and only he himself knew how much it had gained from it. the benefits of.

It’s just that, at this time, under this situation, the power of the law of devouring was activated so madly, which is a bit ignorant, because the ancestors of the Styx were swallowing the enemy’s attack, and when swallowing the calamity, it inevitably swallowed the calamity between the heaven and the earth. , Let the heaven and earth calamity into the body, unknowingly, he was involved in the heaven and earth disaster, and became the protagonist of the heaven and earth disaster. This was a huge hidden danger for the ancestors of the Styx River. , A slight mistake may be dead.

"What does the Dao want to do? The Emperor Yan Luo used to testify Dao Hunyuan, but now he has given such a great opportunity to Styx. Could it be said that it really wants to promote Hunyuan Dao in the prehistoric world, and wants to replace the way of saints? Want to stop Hongjun Daozu’s original general trend?” It’s not a small problem that Hongjun Daozu thinks otherwise. In fact, the situation is more and more unfavorable for Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao. It is not a small problem that Hongjun Daozu is under tremendous pressure. It is related to self-cultivation. Once you go the wrong way, you will eventually pay a price that you cannot bear. Therefore, Hongjun Daozu should be careful and not dare to be careless!

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