God of Destruction

Chapter 4573: Section for help

Chapter 4570 Help

What is the avenue doing? Daozu Hongjun had a vague guess, but all this was just the beginning. Daozu Hongjun was not sure yet, but the situation became more and more unfavorable for him. This was Daozu Hongjun’s first impression, perhaps his own plan. The avenue has long been seen through, and the avenue is blocking me step by step, not giving myself a chance to complete the plan!

When he thought of this, Daozu Hongjun couldn’t help but feel heavy, and his eyes flashed with vicious and vicious light. No one was willing to accept the mercy of external forces, although Daozu Hongjun had been trying to control the situation in the entire prehistoric world. Master all the general trends, but when the situation fell on him, Hongjun Daozu couldn't accept it, and he was unwilling to accept the mercy of the Dao, his own destiny must be in charge of himself, and could not be controlled by others.

Do unto others, do not impose on others! It is a pity that Hongjun Daozu understands this concept, and he hates that such a situation falls on him, but it will not affect his grasp of the prehistoric nature. This is selfishness and this is the instinct of human nature. The world of practice is cruel. After stepping into the realm of practice, you can’t help yourself. If you want to be successful, you want to live, you want freedom and eternity, you can only move forward step by step with a hard heart. Do a lot of'evil' things, but these are the price of success and the pressure that one must bear. This is practice.

There is no good and evil in the path of practice. The so-called good and evil are not absolute. To cultivate the mind, you only need to conform to the original mind, whether it is killing or destruction, or even the end, it is the Tao. In the eyes of the Tao, the world is everything. Tao, chaos is Tao, Hongjun Taoist ancestors have their own pursuits, and all living beings have their own ideas and pursuits. Who can go to the end and who can succeed depends on the good fortune of each person, so this is also the ruthless Dao. , Avenue to the public.

"Damn it, there is still a catastrophe, this is to destroy all my vitality!" When the intent of killing the ancestor Styx in the hearts of the powerful people reached the limit, the ancestor Styx who was crossing the catastrophe felt death. The crisis of death, the breath of death is crazily wrapped around his soul, his luck is crazily weakened, and the pace of death is approaching himself!

"No, I must find a way to resolve the crisis, otherwise I will die without life. When I overestimate myself, I have already put myself in a desperate situation. I must seek help from outside, and only Emperor Yan Luo can save me. , Only he has the ability to rescue me from these ten dead and lifeless desperate situations!” In an instant, the ancestor of Styx thought of Emperor Yan Luo and asked for help from Emperor Yan Luo, but soon he was embarrassed again. If you don't resolve it, if you ask for help, the cause and effect you owe will be even greater. At that time, I am afraid that I will be entangled by endless cause and effect, and it will be difficult to break free from the shackles of Emperor Yan Luo!

Just when the ancestor Styx was embarrassed and at a loss, an invisible force poured into the world of Asura he opened up. For a moment, the ancestor Styx felt the breath of the other party and the information hidden in that breath. !

"Surrender, Styx, surrender to me, as long as you surrender to me, you can get a new life, you can prove to be sanctified, and become an authentic saint!" This is the power of authenticity. Obviously, the authenticity is focusing on the river that is crossing the catastrophe. The ancestor, who wants to conquer the ancestors of the Styx River, also wants to break the origin of the ancestors of the Styx River, and cut off the road of the ancestors' Hunyuan Road!

"Damn it, it's the tunnel. It's staring at me, and it wants me to surrender to it, let me abandon the Hunyuan Avenue, and become a puppet under the control of the tunnel!" The ancestor of the Styx was incomparable to such a shocking change. He’s angry, but he doesn’t have the ability to fight back. He is in desperate situation and is being targeted by Heaven and Human Tribulation. If he refuses, it is very likely that Earth Tribulation will also erupt. After all, the Earth Tribulation that did not erupt is due to Authentic control!

"What should I do? Why is it that Emperor Yan Luo has no difficulty in proving Dao Hunyuan, and my Styx Proving Dao Hunyuan is about to suffer such a terrible catastrophe? Is Emperor Yan Luo different, or is it his proving Dao Hunyuan? There is a big problem with the method?" In an instant, the ancestor of Styx could not help but suspect that Emperor Yan Luo gave him a problem with the method of proof, but soon he shook his head and sighed secretly: "No, it is impossible, Emperor Yan Luo did not It is necessary to do this. Only if I succeed in preaching is best for him. He does not need to frame me, there is no need to put me in this desperate situation of death and lifelessness. It is my own practice that has a problem, and I shouldn’t. Too greedy, I shouldn’t abandon the Slaughter Avenue and switch to the Devouring Avenue. It is my arrogance that caused the disaster!"

Although he was in desperation, the ancestor of Styx did not lose his mind because of the danger, because he knew that the more at this time, the more calm he had to be, and he had to be careful not to make any mistakes, or wait for himself. There is only a dead end. Since it is not the problem of Emperor Yan Luo, it is his own problem that caused this series of disasters and forced himself into a desperate situation. Is it possible to say that the previous law of the ocean was a'conspiracy', or a test , If you covet the power of other laws and give up your own practice of the original laws, you will fall into such a desperate situation.

"If things are really as I guessed, the road to Hunyuan Avenue would be too dangerous. Every step is dangerous and catastrophic. As long as you take a wrong step, you will be in a state of invincibility, unless you have great luck. Great merit, Emperor Yan Luo is in charge of the Netherworld, and he is the master of the Netherworld. He has great luck and great merit. When he proclaimed the Dao, he solved the endless grievances for the great world. He was recognized by the Dao and has the merits of the Dao. Under such circumstances, even the primordial world and the great avenues of the proving Dao cannot bring down the calamity, and it is impossible to embarrass him. This is the reason for his success!"

Soon, under tremendous pressure, in contrast to his own experience and the situation of Emperor Yan Luo’s proving Dao, the ancestor of Styx finally understood everything, but it’s a bit late to understand now, but this time of enlightenment also made Styx grow old. The ancestors deeply felt the repulsion and hatred of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Dao by the prehistoric world, how dangerous and terrible it is to take this path, the three paths of heaven, earth and human beings are blocking their own testimony, and they all want to prove their own. The road to Tao is cut off, and I don't give myself a chance to prove the Tao!

Surrender to the authenticity, surrender to the authenticity, and prove the position of an authentic saint? No, the ancestors of Styx were not reconciled. He paid such a big price and owed so much cause and effect to Emperor Yan Luo. If you give up at this time, even if the current crisis can be resolved, the owed cause and effect will not dissipate. I can't shelter myself. Under Dao Tian's punishment, I am still dead and dead. The temptation of authenticity is basically a trap, a trap that allows one to take the initiative to destroy himself.


"Damn tunnel, you are more sinister and vicious than heaven than humanity, and you set me such a vicious trap. If I agree, I'm afraid that when I prove to be sanctified, it will be when I am destroyed, and what I have Everything will become the nourishment of the authentic, the Asura clan will completely become an authentic puppet, and you can use the power of the Asura clan to invade the Six Paths of Reincarnation, invade the Netherworld, so insidious and sinister, this is simply taking me as Styx. fool!"

Before proving the Dao, the ancestor Styx was still full of confidence, always thinking that he was very strong. The reason why he did not prove the Dao was not because of his lack of ability, but insufficient chance. But now the ancestor Styx is finally cruel and ruthless. The reality woke up, and finally realized that his confidence was just a joke, and he was an ant in front of the prehistoric world.

"Emperor Yan Luo, I need your help. I am now being spotted by the prehistoric tunnel. It will drive me into a desperate situation. Only you can save me. Please also ask fellow Taoists to help me and help me withstand the attack from the tunnel. Fa, help me stabilize the Asura world. If the Asura world is controlled by the tunnels, I will undoubtedly die, and everything that fellow daoists have given will be turned into nothingness!"

At this critical moment, the ancestors of Styx gave up many worries in his heart and once again asked Yan Luo Emperor for help. Although this will owe greater cause and effect, he wants to be more important than his own life, as long as he can prove it. If the Tao is successful, you will naturally have time to resolve them one by one in the future. If you lose your life, there is no such thing as a future!

"The ignorant Styx, the stupid and greedy Styx, if it weren't for your greed and ignorance, how could there be so much trouble? I have already reminded you, but you are still tempted by greed. You can really prove for yourself. Smooth sailing, now you **** threatens me with cause and effect and tunnels!” Regarding the ancestor Styx’s request for help, Emperor Yan Luo’s eyes flashed with cold killing intent, the ancestor Styx’s move touched Emperor Yan Luo. The bottom line has caused the most terrifying killing intent in his heart!

For the ancestor of Styx, if the tunnel is shot, he must die for ten years, but for Emperor Yan Luo, the life and death of a Styx is not worth mentioning. There is no need to fight against the tunnel for the ancestor of Styx. Although this may endanger the Netherworld and give the tunnels the chance to erode the Netherworld and the Six Paths of Reincarnation, Emperor Yan Luo is not the ancestor of the Styx, and he is not afraid of the erosion of the underground. What's more, the Six Paths of Reincarnation has been perfected. It wasn't for nothing. Once the lunatics of the Wu clan broke out, they couldn't bear the terrible consequences even if they were authentic. After all, the Wu clan had a more powerful world than the Asura world.

"Emperor Yan Luo, I didn't mean to threaten you. I just explain the reality. You may be fearless of the authenticity, or even the prehistoric world. After all, you have been recognized by the Dao Dao, but after endless years, do you really have to be able to transcend the predominant world? Does your deity also have the ability to transcend? Don't forget the disaster I'm facing now, and your deity may also face it!" The ancestor of the river is doing everything possible to persuade Emperor Yan Luo to take action, wanting to give himself a ray of life.

Yes, in the feelings of the ancestors of the river, the first line of life lies in Emperor Yan Luo. Only Emperor Yan Luo can save his life, can block the tunnel attack for himself, and save the world of Asura. The ancestor He just knew about the weakening of the Asura world, and the weakening of the luck of the Asuras was the greatest harm to him. ]

If the Asura world has not been swallowed by the ancestors of the Styx River, the Asura world has always remained normal, and the luck of the Asuras will not be damaged at all, even if it is a tunnel, there is no chance to threaten oneself. After all, the Asura world is beneficial to the world. , But now it is precisely because of his greed that he has lost his greatest asylum.

Fortunately, the ancestor of Styx has not really become the master of the Asura world. Otherwise, under the backlash of the world, his troubles will be even greater. There is no time to ask the Emperor Yan Luo for help, and the tunnel will not send this to him. The general temptation of'death' is to directly seize the power of the Asura world and directly seize the power of the Asura clan!

"Okay, I accept your request. I hope you can survive this catastrophe without the threat of the tunnel. However, I will not stand directly on the opposite side of the tunnel. Instead, I will use the power of the Netherworld to help you cut the tunnel. The erosion of the world of Asura, without the world of Asura as a springboard, it is impossible for the tunnel to pose any threat to you!"

Emperor Yan Luo directly pointed out the weakness of the ancestors of the Nether River. It is difficult for others to do a little bit, but it is very easy for Emperor Yan Luo, the lord of the Netherworld, because he holds the power of the Netherworld. , It can also mobilize a trace of the power of six reincarnations. The most important thing is that Styx owes the great cause and effect of Emperor Yan Luo. As long as the cause and effect exist, Emperor Yan Luo can use the power of cause and effect to help him. In this case, it must be cut off. The erosion of the Asura world by the tunnel is not difficult.

Due to the urgent situation of the ancestors of the Styx, Emperor Yan Luo could not delay the time. After the words fell, the power of the nether world exploded, and the powerful causal avenue originated quickly into the world of asuras following the cause and effect between himself and the ancestors of the Styx. Among them, without waiting for the tunnel to react, the power of the Netherworld controlled by Emperor Yan Luo turned into a giant axe and slashed down, directly cutting off the tunnel’s erosion of the asura world and cutting off its extension to the asura world. Black hand.

When Emperor Yan Luo made his move, the entire predecessor was shocked. At that moment, they all felt the terrifying blow from the Netherworld, and felt that Emperor Yan Luo dared to intervene in the Asura world and dared to fight against the tunnels. Although it was only with the help of the Asura world, everyone knew that this blow was the ultimate move of Emperor Yan Luo.

It’s crazy, it’s too crazy for everyone to see such a sudden outbreak. Emperor Yan Luo, the lord of the Netherworld, this madman who holds the power of the Netherworld, actually shot the tunnel, and dared to do it with the help of the Asura world. There was no concealment at all in the counterattack, and no hesitation. Everyone felt the insane killing intent with a single axe!

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