God of Destruction

Chapter 4574: Saving calculations

The fourth thousand five hundred and eighty chapter calculation

"What's the matter, Emperor Yan Luo is crazy? At this time, he attacked the tunnel. What did he want to do, what the ancestors of Styx wanted to do, what did the tunnel do, why did they both have such a conflict at this time? !" Some of the predecessors who did not know the truth of the matter were puzzled, but for those who stood on the pinnacle of the prehistoric world, they understood what had happened. Obviously, there was a big problem with the preaching of the ancestors of the Styx River. , The tunnel wanted to intervene, and wanted to influence the ancestors of the river, and the ancestors of the river and the ancestors reached a certain agreement, and got the help of the ancestors of the yama!

"Sure enough, there is a strong support behind the madness of Styx. It seems that he really has reached an agreement with Emperor Yan Luo. No wonder he dares to ignore all external threats so that the power of the authentic is blocked, unless the authentic is willing to be desperate and not afraid of the road. Wrath, directly intervene in Heavenly Tribulation, or Styx does not need to worry about Earth Tribulation, and Human Tribulation can really shake Styx's ancestors? Will Emperor Yan Luo sit on the sidelines? With the help of Emperor Yan Luo, who can shake Styx? "

I have to say that the choice of the ancestor of the Styx River for help was too correct. Although he and Emperor Yan Luo only achieved a barrier to the tunnel, Emperor Yan Luo's move caused many prehistoric people to worry about it and fear at this time. Taking action to block the ancestors of the Styx will be blocked by Emperor Yan Luo, and many of them dare not face such powerful people as Emperor Yan Luo!

"Damn Emperor Yan Luo, how could he interfere with Heavenly Tribulation? What benefits did the ancestors of Styx give him so that he would defend Styx in such a way, and he did not hesitate to confront the tunnel head-on. The tunnel was too weak, and he couldn't even belong to his own power. Control, let Emperor Yan Luo, the lord of the Netherworld, take the initiative to block, this is simply a shame!"

Countless people cursed and complained in secret. For them, something like this suddenly broke out. This seriously affected their plans and their chances. Many people began to worry about whether their shots were worth it. If you can succeed, it’s better to say that as long as the ancestor Styx fails in proving the Dao, you naturally don’t need to be afraid, but once the ancestor Styx succeeds in proving the Dao, the trouble will be big. The huge cause and effect are enough to crush any of them. Patriarch He is also a madman, a madman who can do everything, and this madman will have great cause and effect, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

This sudden change, Emperor Yan Luo’s sudden attack, also brought tremendous pressure to Dao Ancestor Hongjun. If the Ancestor Styx succeeded in proving the Dao, if Emperor Yan Luo was allowed to establish majesty in the hearts of all living beings, it would be nothing. Good thing, this will greatly affect Tiandao's plan, affect his own plan, and even make the prevailing situation change again!

"Damn Emperor Yama, **** Yin and Yang Taoist, what do you want to do, even if you dare to interfere with the great cause and effect of the Dao, is there any fear in your heart? Is there any fear of the tunnel? Taking the power of the Netherworld, is it really so arrogant to become the lord of the world?" At this time, Hongjun Daozu frowned, thinking about the countermeasures. If he continues to let the Emperor Yan Luo continue, this will become his own catastrophe. Should talk to him again!

When Emperor Yan Luo made the shot, he understood how serious the consequences were and what impact it would have on the entire prehistoric world, but he did it anyway, even if he was under some pressure, Emperor Yan Luo still shot, although Emperor Yan Luo was unwilling to do so. Confronting the tunnel at this time, but just as the ancestor of Styx said, no matter how much he gave up, the tunnel would not be able to let go of himself, it was impossible to give up the erosion of the Netherworld, and his own existence was a threat to the tunnel.

In an instant, the tunnel under the anger made a counterattack, and a powerful source of power fell on the netherworld. This is the origin of the tunnel. This is the power of the tunnel's rules. The tunnel is attacking the Emperor Yama, although this is a bit irregular. , But the tunnel under anger still did it, because it could not bear the consequences of doing nothing. If the tunnel allowed Emperor Yan Luo to be so arrogant, the dignity of the tunnel would be completely cut to the ground. No one will be awed and authentic again.

"Hmph, tunnel, what do you want to do, the ancestor Styx proves that this is conducive to the development of tunnels, it is beneficial to the development of the nether world, and it is more conducive to the growth of the six reincarnations, but you are blocking the ancestors of the river at this time, Is it for your own selfishness that you can trample on the rules and ignore the rules, so you are not afraid of the punishment of the highway, are you not afraid to cause all our authentic creatures to counterattack? If even your tunnel itself can harm the interests of the tunnel, we still need it Do you follow the authentic rules?"

At this time, Emperor Yan Luo was not afraid, and directly questioned the tunnel. At this time, Emperor Yan Luo represented not only himself, but the sentient beings of the entire Netherworld. It was all living beings within the scope of the tunnel. The creatures below can be ignored and suppressed. What will all the creatures in the tunnel think, think, and do!

"You are questioning me, what qualifications do you have to question me, I am a tunnel, I should be in charge of tunnel rules, tunnels cannot accommodate Hunyuan Dao, Styx's testimony is a trampling on tunnel rules!" Tunnel venomously sent out to Emperor Yan Luo. Threatened, issued a warning. Although Emperor Yan Luo has proven that he is a Golden Immortal, the tunnel has not given him any face. Since he has already met, the tunnel will naturally not shrink back. If even the Emperor Yan Luo can't hold it down, where is the dignity of the tunnel !

"Hahaha! It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous. You can destroy all of our hopes of proving the Dao with a word of "the tunnel does not fit in the Hunyuan Avenue". What do you think of the world beings,'ants'? Even if we are'ants' , There is also the freedom of preaching, and it should not be suppressed by you. Freedom is our belief, an unshakable belief!"

Emperor Yan Luo said what the sentient beings wanted, but unfortunately not many people heard his words, because they were shielded by the rules of heaven and earth, only the creatures in the nether world who really heard these words, only living in the nether world The creatures heard the question of Emperor Yan Luo, but the other creatures in the prehistoric world did not hear it at all. This is the result of the cooperation of the three ways of the predominant world.

auzw.com Yes, for the Three Ways of the Primordial World, the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, and even the existence of the Hunyuan Dao, cannot be tolerated. If the words of Emperor Yan Luo spread throughout the Primordial World, it will Will bring huge disasters to the entire prehistoric world, and make more prehistoric creatures crazy, the entire prehistoric world will fall into chaos, and this is not what the prehistoric world wants to see.

Emperor Yan Luo sneered and said: "The power of rules, haha! Interesting, you think that this can stop the general trend, so that all living beings can give up their desire for Hunyuan Dao. It is really funny. No matter how you stop it, you will not be able to stop Hunyuan. The development and growth of the avenue, unless you dare to violate the rules of the avenue, dare to engrave this one in the origin of the prehistoric world, and this is something you can't do, nor do you dare to do it, the avenue will not allow such rules to exist!"

It is a pity that the words of Emperor Yan Luo still cannot spread throughout the wild world. The power of the three realms of heaven, earth and man squeezed it into the nether world, and he did not give Emperor Yan Luo the opportunity to confuse sentient beings! Yes, in the hearts of the Three Ways of Heaven, Earth and Man, Emperor Yan Luo’s Hunyuan Dao said that he would ‘dazzle’ sentient beings, which is a harm to the primordial world, which is not allowed to exist.

At this time, among the six reincarnations, the look of the twelve ancestor witch was extremely solemn, and the emperor ancestor sighed: "Sure enough, the great world cannot accommodate the Hunyuan Dao, even if the Emperor Yan Luo succeeds in proving the Dao, he still cannot change the general trend. , The rules of the Three Ways of Heaven, Earth and Human cannot be changed. If we also take the Hunyuan Avenue, we must face the suppression of the Three Ways of Heaven, Earth and Human. Facing their resistance, the situation of the ancestors of Styx is a good proof. He persuaded Emperor Yan Luo and obtained the help of Emperor Yan Luo, but the hope of proving the Dao is not great unless he can break the catastrophe and overcome the external pressure, and I do not see such potential in the ancestors of the Styx River. He shouldn’t overly oppress the Asura world, he shouldn’t kill chickens to get eggs, and ruin the origin of the Asura world!"

Emperor Jiang Zu Wu is also the lord of a world. When the ancestors of Styx crazily squeezed the origin of the Asura world, he naturally felt the sorrow of the Asura world. This Qiaqia gave the opportunity of authenticity, and also the opportunity of the great world, greatly Weakened its own luck!

The ancestor Houtu shook his head lightly and said, "No, although the eldest brother is reasonable, it is not completely correct. Although the ancestor of Styx has done something that shouldn't be done, he was also suppressed by the three ways of heaven, earth and man. But he doesn’t necessarily fail. We don’t know what he got from Emperor Yan Luo. Since he dared to do so, he must have his own reasons. Moreover, Emperor Yan Luo gave him strong support as soon as he took action. The battle has just begun, and it is too early to draw conclusions!"

"Oh! Little sister, why do you think so, do you have any other methods?"

"I don’t know if the ancestor Styx has any other means and cards, but I know one thing. The reason why the ancestor Styx has the opportunity to prove the Dao is not only due to Emperor Yan Luo, the lord of the Netherworld, but also It was the secret promotion of Dao Zu Hongjun, and at this time, under this situation, why Dao Zu Hongjun did this, brother, have you thought about it?"

Upon hearing the rhetorical question of the Houtu Ancestral Witch, the other Ancestral Witches couldn't help but think deeply about this question that they had selectively forgotten! Yes, the purpose of Daozu Hongjun is to teach the clam. If Daozu Hongjun did not have the ability to stop all this, it would be impossible. When Ancestor Styx entered the Netherworld, Daozu Hongjun had enough time and ability. Inflicted heavy damage on him, but he didn't do it, instead, he let the old man Styx smoothly induce the catastrophe of the Dao, the Hunyuan of the Dao!

Suddenly, a terrible conjecture flashed in Di Jiang Zuwu's heart, and he said in a silent voice: "Little sister, you mean Dao Zu Hongjun deliberately indulged the ancestor Styx, and deliberately gave him the opportunity to prove the way, so that those great ancestors He was moved by it. He wanted to use the ancestors of the Styx to draw out all the powerhouses who wanted to take the Hunyuan Avenue in the predicament, and kill them all at once!"

The other ancestor witches were shocked when they heard this, and all of them turned their attention to the Houtu ancestor witch! I saw, the ancestor of Houtu nodded slightly and said: "That's the case, and only this one explanation can tell everything. The calamity is not the key, the human calamity is important, and if the ancestor of Styx succeeds in proving the Dao. The impact afterwards is the most important. Don’t think that Tiandao’s current vitality is harmless. If you have such an idea, you can only say that you are not far from death."

No one in the predicament could see Hongjun Daozu’s calculations, yes, but no one would be so stupid to stand up to reveal all this, no one can bear the anger of Hongjun Daozu, and more importantly, no one can resist Hun Yuan The temptation of the Dao, even if you know it is a trap and a conspiracy, but under the temptation of Hunyuan Dao, you will still get caught, because they are holding in their hearts the illusion that in case it is not a trap or a conspiracy, and when you are like this Thinking, if you do this, you have already gone to death!

Greed is the original sin of everything. Although Emperor Yan Luo's action has deterred some people, these people soon put the threat behind. They couldn't let go of the greed in their hearts and the temptation of Hunyuan Dao, even if there is only There is a glimmer of hope, they can't give up, they are willing to give it a go, and they always think that they will be the successful person in their hearts.

The catastrophe has not ended, the situation in the prehistoric world has changed. Some unbearable people began to take action, rushing to the ancestor Styx frantically, wanting to use the power of the tribulation to kill the ancestor of the river. Taking the Hunyuan Avenue from the ancestors of the Stygian River, and taking away the luck of the ancestors of the Stygian River, they are no longer considering the consequences of failure. The tribulation of heaven and earth is eroding their souls and inspiring their hearts. Greed.

The atmosphere of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth skyrocketed once again, the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth once again turned from virtual to solid, from weak to strong, and the entire prehistoric world was once again shrouded by Heaven and Earth Tribulation, and the greed in the hearts of all beings was once again stimulated, and the original remains. Once again, the predecessors who came down were tempted to plunge into a new round of catastrophe, once again being affected and seduced by the catastrophe of heaven and earth!

When seeing such an astonishing situation, even Taishang Laojun, who always thought he was already calm, was shocked. They were all chilled and frightened by the vicious methods of the teacher Hongjun Daozu. This is a catastrophe of heaven and earth. Obviously I want to wipe out all the powers of the predecessor, sweep all the powers standing on the upper level of the predecessor. Such crazy calculations are too terrible and cruel. Even as a saint of heaven, they are also terrible and cruel. Shocked by ruthless means, this is almost to cut off all previous inheritance and ruin all previous civilizations!

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