God of Destruction

Chapter 4575: Festival shock

Chapter 4581: Sudden Change

At this time, the entire prehistoric world became violent. For all living creatures, they looked at the problem in a different direction. The preaching of the ancestors of Styx seemed to fully arouse the greed in the hearts of all the creatures in the prehistoric world. Let sentient beings feel that as long as they attack by themselves, they can seize the opportunity of Hunyuan Avenue and have the opportunity to prove the Tao!

The killing reappeared? No, it's not killing, it's destruction, it's God's punishment! When the people who rushed to the place where the ancestors of the Styx River lost their minds, heaven's punishment came. Yes, it was the punishment of the heavens. Under the punishment, the pressure of the ancestors of the Styx was intensified crazily. Under the punishment of heaven, his body would tremble, and he would collapse under the pressure of the terrifying force.

Interfering with the Heavenly Tribulation will inevitably arouse the wrath of the Heavenly Dao. Although these people want to strangle the Styx ancestors, it is a human tribulation, but now Heavenly Dao does not regard it as a human tribulation, but directly aggravates the Heavenly Tribulation into a Heavenly Punishment. The situation of the ancestors under the Styx has become very dangerous. If there is no way to resolve it, the ancestors of the Styx will be destroyed by the heavens in no time!

"Asshole, **** ant, **** heaven, ignoring man's calamity, and turning heaven's calamity into heaven's punishment. This is clearly not giving me a way to survive. It violates the rules of the avenue. Even if the ridiculous world cannot accommodate Hunyuan Avenue, it shouldn’t be the case. Calculate my little quasi-sage!" At this time, the old ancestor of Styx was swearing at the shamelessness of the heavens, yelling at those damn'ants', a group of'ants' who couldn't even see the situation, and It just happened that I was harmed by this group of ignorant ants.

When the ancestors of the Styx River scolded, the heavenly sages were also a little dumbfounded, and they were shocked by the situation before them. Although they all knew that the prehistoric world rejected the Hunyuan Avenue, they did not expect that the heavens would be so shameless. Ignoring the appearance of the human calamity, directly evolving the heavenly calamity into the heavenly punishment, directly obliterating all the vitality of the ancestors of the Styx, and even the "ants" who assisted. This method is too shameless, too sinister and vicious. .

"Heaven is not afraid of being punished by the Dao. This is clearly a violation of the rules?" The sages of the Dao are wondering. For them, even if the Dao and Hongjun Daozu intend to destroy the ancestors of the Styx River, they should not be so aggressive and should not violate the rules of the Dao. Once the ancestor of the Styx died, the proving failure failed, whether the way of heaven or the ancestor of Hongjun was punished by the great way, the price would be too great!

"Okay, that's great. The **** of Styx is not recognized by the prehistoric world. He will undoubtedly die when he is punished by the heavens. With this group of ants as cannon fodder, my chances are even greater!" Some determined, no The predecessors who are deeply affected by the tribulation of heaven and earth are overjoyed. This situation is the best for them. As long as the ancestors of the Styx are hit hard, they will all have the opportunity to take the chaos from the ancestors of the Styx. Yuan Dadao, there is also a chance to prove Dao Hunyuan!

Things are as simple as these people think. It is so easy for them to get the Hunyuan Dao from the ancestors of the Styx River. If everything is so easy, why didn't the saints of the heavens take the initiative? Why didn't the masters of the heavens, the leader, the guide, and the Zhunti take the initiative. , Could it be said that the heavenly saints and these former saints are not as smart as they are, and they can't see the situation at hand?

"Huh, a group of ignorant ants, who don’t even have the realm of Quasi-Sage Dzogchen, want to go Hunyuan Avenue, really ignorant and stupid. It is precisely because of your ignorance and stupidity that I can truly see through the situation. , See through the hearts of the people! Styx, I have given you the opportunity. If you can’t even pass this level, you can only say that you are too stupid!” Looking at the crazy situation, Hongjun Daozu muttered to himself, his eyes kept on Flashing crazily killing intent!

Opportunity, what opportunity did Hongjun Dao Ancestor and Heavenly Dao give to Ancestor Styx? Is Heaven Punishment an opportunity? This is too crazy. I'm afraid that no one will accept such an opportunity. Without this opportunity, Ancestor Styx still has a certificate. The hope of Dao's success. With this opportunity, life is threatened. The chance of Dao's failure is invisibly greater!

"What are Tiandao and Hongjun going to do, it's just that the sermons just started to evolve into Heaven's Punishment, and the human calamity is not fully aroused. It might be a little trivial to provoke Heaven's Punishment in advance. What conspiracy are they hiding?" As the lord of the Netherworld, Emperor Yan Luo couldn't help but meditate on the situation under the current ancestor of the Styx when he resisted the pressure of the tunnel. All of this was too weird and crazy, and made a little bit in the heart of Emperor Yan Luo. The sense of crisis, as if the testimony of the ancestors of the Styx River is evolving into a terrible and crazy world killing robbery, and this killing robbery is not as simple as it is shown right now!

Under Heaven’s punishment, it’s not the ancestor Styx who can’t afford the attack first. Although he is the protagonist of Heaven’s punishment, he is also the one who is under the most pressure, but those who take the initiative to cause disaster The'ants' are the weakest existence. They are the first to be unbearable under the punishment of heaven. They did not realize this before, but when they were completely enveloped by the punishment of heaven, they were horrified. The thunder penalty locked, and their defense instantly collapsed under the thunder penalty.

There were no screams, no shocking explosions, there was just a ray of light under the destruction. When the ants that rushed in the front were destroyed by the punishment, the look of the ancestor of the Styx suddenly changed. After a change, he felt that a huge amount of energy was pouring towards him, and the source of this energy turned out to be the dying'ants', this group of'ants' that brought disasters to him, this situation made Ming Ming Patriarch He was shocked!

auzw.com"How could this be? These **** ants turned into such pure essence after their deaths. Although their strength is good, if they shouldn’t be so pure The essence of the original spirit?" At this time, the ancestor Styx had some doubts in his heart, but he did not have so much time and energy to waste on this small issue. The most important thing for the ancestor Stygo now is Proving Dao, what I am practicing now is to swallow the avenue, any essence of essence can be swallowed, and can be transformed into its own essence. These enemies, no, it should be said that the essence of essence left over from the death of the'ant' is suitable to become one's own. nutrient.

There is no hesitation, no matter whether there is a conspiracy or calculations behind this, the ancestors of the Styx can only bite the bullet and continue. Otherwise, what is waiting for him will only be the failure of proving the way, it will only be death, and in order to survive, he can only swallow it. These essences!

In an instant, the original essence was swallowed by the ancestor Styx. When this huge original essence poured into him, the spirit of the ancestor Styx was refreshed. Originally, the ancestor Styx did a good job and wasted a little time and Energy is used to refine the impurities, but now he understands that he thinks too much. These "ants" exist, and their original essence has already been tempered by the gods, so he doesn't need to waste time and energy at all. It can be digested easily.

With this huge original essence as a nutrient, the ancestors of the Styx finally withstood the attack of Heaven’s Punishment, and finally saw new hope, saw the hope of preaching, as long as he has an endless source of essence Qi, there is no fear of everything, even if the punishment of heaven and human calamity come at the same time, oneself can also have the opportunity to smash a **** road and walk out of his own Hunyuan Avenue!

Regarding the situation in Heaven’s Punishment, with the exception of the ancestor of the Styx River, even Emperor Yan Luo, the lord of the Netherworld, did not feel the changes in it, nor did they feel the ants who died under the Heaven’s Punishment. A body's origin has been tempered by the Heavenly Punishment into a pure origin essence, and it is being madly swallowed by the ancestors of the Styx, turning into its own nourishment, continuously strengthening its origin, so that the ancestors of the Styx have enough power to fight against God's punishment, step by step to success!

In the eyes of everyone, the ancestor Styx looked a bit horrible at this time. He was hurt by the terrible power of the punishment from the sky, and the surface of the skin became almost **** and bloody. There is no good place, as if it has been under the punishment. He was hit hard, but in fact, the ancestors of Styx were not as miserable on the surface. The attack of the punishment only injured the surface of the skin, and the body was not severely injured, and all this is unknown to other outsiders, Styx The tragic situation of the ancestors also made those hidden enemies a little bit ready to move. After all, the "ants" under the penalty today are almost to death, and the ancestors of the Styx have also been severely injured. If he does not take action again, he will die under the punishment. Patriarch He, chance will pass by himself!

Under the temptation of chance, under the temptation of Hunyuan Avenue, those prehistoric strongmen who had a trace of rationality finally moved. Another group of people rushed towards the ancestors of the Styx River, and another attack was overwhelming. The ancestor of Styx, the power of human calamity has increased again, and this time it is not only the attack of these enemies, but also a trace of humane force. Yes, the power of human calamity has attracted the power of humanity. For the ancestors of the Styx, the pressure has become terrifying!

"Damn it, how can the power of human calamity provoke the power of humanity? How can humanity dare to violate the rules of the Dao. First, it is heaven and now it is humanity. If I did not ask for help from Emperor Yan Luo before, I am afraid that the power of the earth will also come. I dare to ignore the rules of the avenue and dare to hurt me. What restrictions are there on the rules of the avenue, and where is the dignity of the avenue?" The ancestor of Styx was unwilling to shout, and it was a pity that he could not make a sound at all. How horrible and crazy this tribulation calamity has become, the ancestor of the Styx must accept it. This is the calamity that he must face, and it cannot be changed!

The power of Human Tribulation is different from Heaven's Punishment. The power of Human Tribulation is indeed aimed at the ancestors of Styx, who wants to destroy the ancestors of Styx, and does not give the ancestors of Styx a chance to prove the Dao. It can be said that those who rushed out The stronger the power of the attack, the stronger the power of the human calamity, the more terrifying the human force it drew, and the more detrimental it is to the ancestors of the river.

"Damn, I can't go on like this, otherwise I have not been killed by the punishment of heaven, and I will be killed by this group of **** ants first. The power of human robbery is getting stronger and stronger, and the power of humanity is getting more and more terrifying. I need to change my strategy. You can’t fight hard against these'ants'!" Under the siege, the situation of the ancestors of the Styx River is becoming more and more dangerous. The power of the human calamity is different from the punishment of the gods, and the power of the human tribulation has penetrated the ancestors of the Styx. All of the defenses directed at the soul of the ancestor of the river, as if to directly destroy the soul of the ancestor of the river.

The stronger the human calamity’s power, the stronger the humane power, and the more terrible the soul of the ancestor Styx will be. Under the induction of the ancestor Styx, the humanity power seems to wipe out his own soul. Every trace of humane force's attack is to kill one's own soul, suppress and obliterate one's own soul, over time, the ancestor of Styx is absolutely dead!

"Heaven's punishment comes, human calamity also comes, and the power of human calamity is madly stimulating the power of humanity. It seems that the ancestor of Styx is in a big trouble this time, and there is no hope of success at all. Hunyuan Avenue is really impossible. Success, does the predecessor world really not give the practitioners of Hunyuan Avenue a chance of success?" Feeling the situation of the ancestor of the Styx who is in a huge crisis, Empress Nuwa sighed softly, her eyes flashing A touch of unwillingness.

Because of Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu’s repeated plaques, Empress Nuwa has completely given up on Tiandao, and she wants to give up her position as a saint, and she also wants to take Hunyuan Dao, especially the success of Emperor Yan Luo before. She strengthened her determination, but now the situation of the old ancestor Styx has shaken Empress Nuwa’s determination. Although she has always wanted to get rid of the shackles of the heaven and the pressure of the ancestor Hongjun, she does not want to die, so Seeing such a situation, Empress Nuwa was in fear!

For a saint of heaven, when she fears, her Dao heart is also shaken. Empress Nuwa is very aware that her current situation is very bad, but she wants to suppress her mood and stabilize her Dao heart. This is not an easy task. It is easy for Dao Xin to be shaken, and it is difficult to stabilize Dao Xin, and Empress Nuwa is caught in such a crisis. If Ancestor Styx fails this time, I am afraid that her Dao Xin will Therefore rupture, will pay a heavy price for it!

regret? No, Empress Nuwa does not regret her decision, no matter how dangerous her current situation is, no matter how amazing the pressure she faces, Empress Nuwa does not regret her decision, because she deeply understands that even if she keeps it In the original state, there will be no benefit. Whether it is the way of heaven or the ancestor of Hongjun, he has already rejected himself. If it is not for the way of heaven that needs time to recover his own consumption, he will take the initiative to abolish himself without waiting for him to give up his position as a saint of the way of heaven. After all, in the optimism of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu, I have already become a traitor, no longer worthy of trust and support, but I am still a saint, able to help Heaven and Hongjun Daozu maintain the balance of heaven and earth!

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