God of Destruction

Chapter 4577: Jie Dao Hun Yuan

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Chapter 4583

Once the door of death is opened, it will not be easily closed. When those ignorant and stupid "ants" are greedy, their destiny is already doomed. Death is their destination, and those "ants" fall one by one. Next, they were destroyed by Heaven’s Punishment one by one, and even the humane force they induced was destroyed by Heaven’s Punishment. They were refined into a mass of original essence, and these original essences were all turned into the nutrients of the ancestors of the Styx, and they continued to grow. The origin of the ancestors of the river Styx.

With the constant swallowing of masses of original essence, no matter how late the ancestor Styx reacts, he understands that he has not broken free at all, and he is still in the calculations of Hongjun Dao ancestors, what he is facing Everything is under the control of Daozu Hongjun, and his every move is under the influence of Daozu Hongjun!

"What exactly Hongjun and Tiandao want to do? They obviously have a chance to kill me, but they want to give me this big opportunity. Could it be that they don't care about me proving Dao Hunyuan, but since they don't care, why did they go to war before? I really think about it too much. In fact, Honghuangtiandi does not reject Hunyuan Dao?" At this time, the ancestor of Styx was puzzled, and he could not figure out the true intentions of Hongjun Dao ancestor and Tian Dao, let alone know what he is now. Is his situation extremely dangerous or not dangerous!

To clarify all this, the ancestor Styx had to ask Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao. Obviously, this was something that the ancestor Styx could not do. Even if he could do it, Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao would not give him an answer. , The ancestor of the Styx just took this question, continued to transform, and continued to complete his own Hunyuan Tribulation, proving Dao Hunyuan, he had no choice other than that.

Life and death cannot be controlled by oneself. This is a great pressure for the ancestors of Styx. Even if it seems that he has no life worry at the moment, the ancestors of Styx still do not have any sense of security, and they still can’t face the Dao of Heaven and Dao Hongjun. Don’t worry, the ancestors of Styx do not think that this is the kindness of Daozu Hongjun and Tiandao to let them go. There must be a secret behind the other party’s doing this. If you enter the other party’s calculations, you will have to pay a lot for this. The price is only sooner or later!

Now, the ancestor of Styx has reached the final pass of the sermon. Although there are many worries in his heart, he can't control everything by himself. He can only continue before the sermon! I saw that the ancestor Styx took a deep breath, and a crazy look flashed in his eyes. No matter what kind of conspiracy and tricks Tiandao and Hongjun Dao ancestor had, he was already on the line and had to send it, or else he just had to send it a little bit. If you hesitate a little, the sermon may fail!

"Swallow the sky and the earth, all spirits will return to the ruins, give me annihilation!" With the ancestor Styx's deep cry, a horrible swallowing avenue originated from the body of the ancestor Styx, and it was filled in an instant. Above the Heaven Punishment, the entire Heaven Punishment was enveloped. When the power that swallowed the avenue broke out, Heaven Punishment trembled, and all the'ants' in the Heaven Punishment felt the coming of death, swallowing the avenue. Power was looting their origins frantically and looting everything about them. Without waiting for these'ants' to make a counterattack, they were swallowed up by the black holes evolved by the Devouring Avenue, and the human calamity was instantly destroyed.

With just one blow, Old Styx broke the human catastrophe and completely destroyed the human catastrophe. The human catastrophe is no longer the resistance of the ancestor of the stylish. The punishment is no exception. Without the restraint of the human tribulation, the ancestor of the human cat The power of the evolving black hole frantically swallowed the source of Heaven's Punishment. For just a moment, Heaven's Punishment uttered a mournful cry. Under the frenzied swallowing of the Great Dao, Heaven's Punishment was also shattered, and the entire source of Heaven's Punishment became the nourishment of the ancestors of the Styx. , Is nourishing the ancestors of the Styx, is strengthening the origin of the ancestors of the Styx.

Metamorphosis. At this moment, the metamorphosis of the ancestors of the Styx finally reached the final moment. An astonishing breath permeated the prehistoric world. There were no earth-shattering changes, nor terrible changes in the sky. Everything was so peaceful and calm. People feel scared, and everything seems to have endless weirdness behind it, giving people a chilling feeling.

Proof! The ancestor of Styx finally succeeded in proving the Dao! After swallowing all the source of power, the ancestor of the Styx completed the final transformation, from the body to the primordial spirit, and the transformation of the source. Now the ancestor of the Styx has become a golden immortal, and truly masters the mixed-element gold that swallows the avenue. Immortal, and the turnover of Stygian at this moment also deeply feels how powerful the real Hunyuan Golden Immortal is. This is more than a hundred times stronger than before. If you are willing to wave your hands, you can destroy the stars. This is Hunyuan. The mighty power of the Jinxian, this is the power of the world. At this moment, the ancestors of the Styx River really understand the fear of Emperor Yan Luo, the terrible world proving the Dao!

"The origin of the asura world, even if I have not completed the complete refining of the asura world, but every move I can clearly feel the power from the asura world, as long as I am willing, I can grasp it at any time. Everything in the Asura world, although I do not have the authority of the world, I am the Lord of the world, and this world was created by me! Even the small Asura world on my side can give itself such a powerful backfeed and master the Netherworld. How powerful is the Emperor Yan Luo's research, ordinary saints are not his opponents at all, maybe only Dao Zu Hongjun in the entire prehistoric world is qualified to fight with him!" When thinking about this, the mood of the old ancestor Styx could not help but change. It has to be heavy, it is also Hunyuan Jinxian, but there is also a huge gap between Hunyuanjin's dominance, and this cannot be made up in a moment.

For the ancestors of the Styx, there is no time to quietly understand himself. Now that the preaching is successful, the ancestors of the Styx need time to digest the harvest this time, and then after digesting everything, he should repay Emperor Yan Luo’s cause and effect, even if No matter how unwilling to accept this cause and effect, but everything can’t be decided by the ancestor of Styx, Emperor Yan Luo’s cause and effect is not so easy to repay, even more so, if the ancestor of Styx dares to move a bit of malice, he will suffer a great famine. Heaven and Earth’s counterattack will be punished by God, and the ancestor of the Styx is not as powerful as Emperor Yan Luo!

A ray of sunlight fell and fell on Old Ancestor Styx, so that the original gloom in Old Ancestor Styx's heart was swept away, and a faint smile appeared on his face in an instant, and he proved himself. Finally got a little bit of self-preservation!

"After proving the Dao, the ancestor Styx succeeded in proving the Dao. How could it be possible that so many people under the punishment of the sky fell under the bombardment of the punishment, but why can the ancestor Styx survive alone and can bear it? A counterattack from the ground.” Nuwa Niang frowned in thought. At this moment, there was too much confusion and anxiety in her heart. She didn't understand what Hongjun Daozu wanted to do, but only a little. Empress Nuwa understands that Styx has succeeded in proving the Dao, and there is a golden fairy in the prehistoric world!

"Successful, Styx succeeded in proving the Dao. This is incredible. Under the horrible punishment, even under the mad temptation of human calamity, the ancestor of Styx succeeded in proving the Dao with one stroke!" Sanqing, Zhun The mention and the introduction were shocked. The result was something they didn't expect. Originally, they thought that the ancestor of the Styx was dead and dead, but in a flash, things happened earth-shattering, which caused terrible things to them. The shock made their minds chaotic!

At the moment of proving the Dao, the ancestors of Styx felt it was not a feeling of fulfillment, but a burst of emptiness. This is the emptiness of the original source. Although he has gained the humane power and swallowed the national benefits of those ants, The previous battle was still very costly, and the ancestors of Styx paid a heavy price. Those origins only made up for their own lack of proof, but it is not enough to really enrich themselves. I need time to recuperate and get out of this danger. land!

The ancestors of Styx had some worries and fears in his heart. If he could not leave quickly and consolidate himself, the next moment there would be a new great power descending, and the power of Heaven’s Punishment would once again bombard him, with his current Circumstances, once something like this happens, there is absolutely no chance. He will be directly beaten down by the heavenly punishment, ruining his own way and deeds, cutting off his own Hunyuan Jinxian Avenue, and letting himself miss this great opportunity!


"Haha! What a Stygian, so sensitive mind. After just proving the Dao, I didn’t even have the idea of ​​recuperating. I wanted to escape. It’s terrible that you are facing me. It’s the way of heaven. It’s impossible for you to leave. ." Hongjun Dao Ancestor stared at the Stygian Ancestor who was about to move, and muttered to himself, with a faint sneer in his eyes!

Yes, all of this is under the control of Dao Zu Hongjun and Dao Dao. The reason why Dao Ancestor Styx was able to successfully overcome the calamity and prove Dao Hunyuan was caused by Dao Dao Hongjun and Dao Zu Hongjun deliberately releasing water. Now Hongjun Dao Zu I don’t want to see Ancestor Styx retreat all over the body. This has a great impact on Heavenly Dao and Daozu Hongjun’s plan, so Ancestor Styx needs to pay a little price!

Although he has proclaimed the Dao, the situation has not improved for Styx. He is still in a trap and is in danger of losing his life at any time. After all, he still needs to face the Dao of Heaven and the Dao Ancestor Hongjun, and this danger is unexpected. From oneself!

I was dumbfounded. After careful calculation, the ancestor Styx was a little dumbfounded. The danger actually came from the body's family. How could this be possible! Soon, the face of the ancestor of the Styx changed, and he thought that the key to the problem was the original essence that was swallowed by himself. Although they were tempered by the punishment of heaven, they could be absorbed by their own swallowing road, but because of the time. , I didn't carefully investigate whether there are hidden dangers in the original essence, after all, at that time, I was going through the heavens, and it was the most dangerous time!

"Damn Dao Ancestor Hongjun, you are so despicable, and you use your original essence to calculate me!" Just as the ancestor Styx cursed in his heart, a terrible force erupted from the depths of his body, and the punishment remained. The power in the essence of the origin was ignited, and the origin of the ancestor of the Styx, who had not had time to react in an instant, was hit hard, and a blood arrow spurted out of his mouth!

In an instant, the ancestor Styx’s aura weakened a lot. If it weren’t after Heaven’s Punishment, after the success of proving the Dao, the aura of good fortune added to the body, I’m afraid the ancestor Styx would break the power in an instant, and he would be caught by the power of heaven. The terrifying force knocked down the realm, fell from the Hunyuan Jinxian, and the price paid before was turned into nothingness!

At this time, although the ancestor Styx had endless anger and killing intent in his heart, he understood that it was not the time to fight against Dao Ancestor Hongjun, or the time to settle accounts. It was the most important thing for him. It is to return to the Asura world quickly, retreat to cultivate, stabilize one's own realm, if the realm is broken, the consequences will be too serious.

Blood escape! A flash of blood flashed, and the figure of the ancestor Styx disappeared in an instant. The next moment he returned to the world of asura. When he entered the world of asura, the ancestor Styx breathed a sigh of relief and was in Ah. In the Asura world, even if the Dao Dao of Heaven and Hongjun Daozu are unwilling to let go, they can't help it. After all, this is their own world, and the Asura world has received the help of Emperor Yan Luo, which can shield all enemy threats!

"Friend Yan Luo, I may be missing an appointment. I was calculated by Tiandao and Hongjun. Although the preaching was successful, I was seriously injured. I need time to stabilize the realm!" The first time he entered the world of Asura, Old Styx The ancestor said, he believes that the divine sense of Emperor Yan Luo is still in the Asura world at this time, and he can consult with it!

"Styghe, you are too greedy. It is your own ignorance and stupidity that caused you to end this step. It is you who paid a heavy price for your greed. Fortunately, Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao have a crazier plan. Otherwise, you don’t even have a chance to come back. Are you really able to escape back because this is relying on your own strength? No, this is Daozu Hongjun deliberately letting you go. It seems that he has a crazier and more terrifying conspiracy, but I don’t know what it is. Who, perhaps the saints of the heavenly path, is to attract and mention them!"

When talking about this, Emperor Yan Luo couldn't help but sighed slightly. Even though he had been observing the proving Dao of Ancestor Styx, he still did not see how the Ancestor Styx was conspired by Daozu Hongjun. I didn’t see through Hongjun Daozu’s calculations and Heaven’s Dao, but I could vaguely feel that this was a conspiracy between Hongjun Daozu and Heaven’s Dao. This was an instinctive reaction of the soul, not that I really saw through Hongjun Daozu’s plan or the other party’s conspiracy. trick.

"Don't worry, I'm not stingy enough to force you to bring injuries to complete the transaction with me. You can rest assured now, but our cause and effect will not end because of this. You should understand that if you delay for a day, the cause and effect will be repeated. You can do it for yourself. As for authenticity, you don’t have to worry about it. Now it has no energy to target you. Its goal is heaven, the ancestor of Hongjun Dao, and it is humanity. Your testimony brings to the authenticity. A huge impact!"

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