God of Destruction

Chapter 4578: Section influence

Chapter 4584 Influence

After hearing the words of Emperor Yan Luo, the ancestor of the river breathed a sigh of relief and sighed softly: "That’s good, let’s not hide it from fellow daoists, I really have to worry that you will force me to execute the transaction and treat me like that. It's very dangerous. If I make a mistake, my cultivation will be completely wiped out, and even my life will be ruined."

When he said this, the ancestor of Styx had a voice, and a faint frustration and unwilling flashed in his eyes. He shook his head and continued: "This time my situation is really very dangerous, although I am very reluctant to admit it. But the facts are in front of me, I can’t help but I don’t accept it, I don’t admit it, this time I was really too arrogant, too self-righteous. Dao Zu Hongjun made a plot, if it weren't for a fellow Daoist, I'm afraid I would really lose my life this time, and now I have almost lost all my combat power!"

In front of Emperor Yan Luo, Patriarch Styx did not conceal his true situation, because he knew that even if he wanted to conceal it would not work, Emperor Yan Luo was not a fool, and it was impossible to hide his current situation with his eyes, instead of covering it up. It is better to tell the truth about yourself directly, as this can ease the relationship between the two parties.

Emperor Yan Luo coldly snorted and said: "It's still the same sentence, you asked for it. If you weren't too greedy and lost your vigilance, how could you get into such an embarrassing situation? This time you are also considered lucky, Hongjun. It is still useful for Daozu to leave you behind. There is no killer. Otherwise, there is absolutely no possibility of escape. This time I hope you can keep it in your heart. If you make the same mistake again, your life will come to an end. No one can save you anymore!"

Emperor Yan Luo is right. This time it is indeed the luck of the ancestor of Styx. Dao Zu Hongjun needs him to seduce more people. He needs to be used to seduce the saints of the heavens, to attract and quasi mention the crowd. The powerhouse at the pinnacle of the empire wants to see exactly how many people are willing to stand on the side of Heaven's Dao, and how many people are tempted by Hunyuan Dao.

"Yeah, this time I was indeed lucky, but I just added a lot of trouble to the fellow Daoist!" When he said this, the ancestor of Styx also felt extremely regretful in his heart. You must know that this trouble is cause and effect, and how much cause and effect you have suffered. How much to repay, this is indeed a huge pressure for the ancestors of Styx. There is such a heavy cause and effect on his body. Even if he recovers, it will take a long time to repay it. Speaking of this time, the efforts and gains are really not worth the gain!

"Well, since fellow Stygian Daoist has retired all over, I will not bother you to recuperate. I will return to the Netherworld. If necessary, you can go to the Netherworld to find me. You can also use the Asura Daoist’s among the six reincarnations. Conveniently inform me, how to choose the daoist friends to decide on their own, I won’t say much!” With that, Emperor Yan Luo took back the consciousness that he had left in the world of Asura. When Emperor Emperor Yama left, the world of Asura once again. Fall into silence!

For the ancestor of Styx, although there are many things to deal with, the world of Asura must be a world that has just been opened up, and it also needs time to improve and renovate, but he really doesn’t have so much energy and time. Now His own injury was too serious. Although Heaven only mobilized the back hand in the essence of the essence, it really hurt the origin of the ancestor of the river. The injury of the origin is different from other sources. It takes time to recuperate, regardless of Ashura There are so many things in the world waiting for oneself to deal with, as long as it does not endanger the safety of the world, the ancestors of the Styx need to let go first and restore the original injury first!

The testimony of the Ancestor Styx had a great impact on the entire prehistoric world. Although the Ancestor Styx seemed to be backlashed and injured in the end, it did not affect everyone’s desire for Hunyuan Avenue. Before the Ancestor Styx succeeded in proving the Dao, Haotian and Yaochi were able to withstand this temptation, but after seeing the ancestor Styx succeeded in proving the Dao, their hearts were shaken, and they were eager to get the Dao of Hunyuan Dao. Fa, also eager to prove Dao Hunyuan, even if it pays some price, it is worth it, but their current strength is still too weak, at least in front of the heavenly sages, in front of these older generations of heavenly sages.

Being in the celestial realm, with the authority of the Heavenly Dao and the help of the Heavenly Emperor’s mandate, Haotian and Yaochi can fight against the sages of the Heavenly Dao, but they are just ordinary quasi-sages after leaving the celestial realm. There is no such strength yet. The most important thing is that Haotian and Yaochi’s identities are different. If they dare to go to the Netherworld or the Asura world, they will give excuses to the heavenly sages. Those heavenly sages who have always hated themselves are very good. May take the opportunity to kill the killer and destroy himself, the Lord of Heaven, the Emperor of Heaven. After all, his own existence is a threat to them!

Although the temptation of Hunyuan Dao is great, my own life is more important. No matter how longing in my heart to obtain the method of proof of Hunyuan Dao, Haotian and Yaochi are still not manipulated by the greed in their hearts. They have not lost their reason and can use it. Face this temptation with a normal heart, and be able to control the greed in your heart 100%, and make the choice that suits you best!

"Hehe, I didn’t expect that in such a short period of time, we would face this temptation again and again. Hunyuan Avenue, few people can withstand its temptation, and I don’t know that there will be this time. How many people will betray Tiandao and betray Teacher Hongjun. They don’t know what kind of impact this event will have on the entire prehistoric world. What are the teachers and Tiandao thinking about, and why they let the ancestors of Styx River. The preaching was successful, and he did not directly strangle the ancestor of the Styx!"


As he said, Haotian shook his head slightly, and there was a hint of unwillingness and a hint of resistance in his eyes. This was a resistance to Hongjun Dao Ancestor and Heavenly Dao. After all, it was precisely because of their existence that Haotian and Yaochi couldn't If you don't give up the Hunyuan Avenue in front of you, you have to give up a better future! The opportunity is not to be lost, and the loss will never come again. This time you give up, and it will be more difficult to get the Hunyuan Dao, and it will never be possible. After all, this is not a general way of proving Dao!

The ancestor of Styx successfully attained the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan, and like Emperor Yan Luo, he took the first step of Hunyuan Dao. His success has stimulated the primordial sentient beings, and also stimulated all the saints of the heavens, allowing them to see a new world. , Saw new hope. Although the opportunity is in sight, no one is eager to act. No one is eager to go to the Netherworld or the Asura world to see Emperor Yan Luo and Patriarch Styx. They need to carefully consider their success or failure.

Emperor Yan Luo’s proving path came and went quickly, and no one could see his path of proving clearly. After all, Emperor Yan Luo’s proving path relied on the great merits and directly used the great merits to obtain the recognition of the Dao. Under the recognition of the Dao, what kind of catastrophe? It doesn’t exist. Let Emperor Yan Luo reach the position in one step, and directly attain the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan, without any test and pressure. Therefore, Emperor Yan Luo’s sermons have almost no reference significance to the predominant powers and their practice. Without a little help, the ancestors of the Stygian ancestors are different. It can be said that everything about the ancestors of the Stygian ancestors is seen in their eyes. Although everyone understands that what they see is only the fur, the whole of the preaching The big link is clear, and it is enough for them.

Before deciding whether to take the Hunyuan Avenue, everyone must carefully consider and calculate the gains and losses bit by bit, whether it is worth it or not. The ancestors of the Styx River can prove success in the Dao, and if they also follow this proof Whether the path of production can also be successful, if you cannot do it yourself, you must give up, after all, the future is the most important!

When Empress Nuwa thought carefully about each step and process of the ancestor Styggio’s enlightenment, suddenly, her heart moved. Before Empress Nuwa she felt as if she had forgotten something, and always felt that there was nothing. Grasping the root of the ancestor Styx's proving Dao, and repeatedly calculating again and again, Empress Nu Wa finally found the problem.

The biggest problem lies in the first step. The ancestors of Styx did not start proving the Dao directly after appearing, but first opened up the world, opened up the world of Asura, and then started proving the Dao with the help of the atmosphere of the asura world. Hun Yuan, this is where the center of gravity lies. The ancestors of Styx need to open up the world with great luck and great merits, and Emperor Yan Luo is himself the lord of the world and possesses the authority of the nether world. It is to eliminate the endless grievances for the prehistoric world, and obtain the great merits. Both of them have in common with the Dao, and both need the world, the great fortune, and the great merit!

"Hunyuan Avenue is not tolerated in the prehistoric world. It is repelled by the prehistoric world. To prove the Dao, you first need to have great luck, great merit, and even a world. The existence of the world may not only be good luck and merit, but also The origin, as the master of the world, holds the power of the world, and can mobilize the origin of the entire world. There is the origin of one world as the backing. This is very important for the Hunyuan of Proving Dao, and there is enough origin to be able to face the catastrophe. The calamity of the earth, the calamity of the human being, and the calamity of the human beings are different according to the merits. The Emperor Yan Luo enjoys the merits of the Dao, and the Dao Qiyun can directly prove the Dao, but the ancestors of the Styx did not have such great merits. , So I suffered from heaven and man, just why is there lack of earth disaster, can it be said that this is the importance of the world?" After careful analysis, Empress Nuwa has a clearer understanding of the ancestor Styx's proving!

"Whether the lack of the Earth Tribulation is due to the ancestors of the Styx itself, or the help of external forces. When the ancestors of the Styx proved the way, the world of Asura obviously changed, and he was helped by Emperor Yan Luo. Could it be that it was Emperor Yan Luo? He took action to help him resolve the threat of the tunnel, but this is also a little bit unreasonable. This is a proving Dao Hunyuan. It is impossible for such a catastrophe to be assisted by external forces without any change. Even the ignorant'ants' have been transformed into the sky. Punishment, if a strong man like Emperor Yan Luo assists, it is impossible to have no response at all. If it is not Emperor Yan Luo’s problem, then it must be the ancestor of the Styx himself, or in the world of Asura, Ashura The existence of the world has clearly strengthened the origin of the tunnel. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the tunnel does not appear. The ancestors of the Styx have been successful in the tunnel. Even if the tunnel rejects the Hunyuan Avenue, it cannot bring disaster!"

At this time, Empress Nuwa felt that she had found the correct explanation and understood the problem of the ancestor Styx, but Empress Nuwa was still not sure whether the ancestor Styx had to open up the world of Asura, or It is said that there must be a world as the foundation. If this is the case, does this mean that every person who wants to take the Hunyuan Road needs a world as the foundation? Does this sermon have clearer requirements for the world? Is there a strict standard?

Zhengdao Hunyuan is different from others. It doesn’t matter if the Zhengdao sanctification fails. This time it fails and there is another chance. You will not have much loss. However, Zhengdao Hunyuan is different, and Zhengdao Hunyuan only has one time. Opportunity, if one fails to succeed, oneself will inevitably be suppressed and even punished from the prehistoric world. When the preaching fails, oneself will inevitably be severely injured. At that time, under the injury, there is no chance to retreat all over the body.

This can be clearly seen from the ancestors of the Styx, how terrible the dangers the ancestors of the Styx faced, and how amazing the pressure they faced, even after the ancestors of the Styx succeeded in proving the Dao, he himself They all suffered backlash from the prehistoric world, and they all suffered heavy losses, and had to return to the Asura world to rest, which is enough to explain the danger and terrible of the preaching! If you don’t have a complete solution and you don’t know everything, you will venture to prove that Hunyuan is irresponsible to your own life, you are joking with your own life, gambling with your own life, and this Qiaqia is even more dangerous. Yes, the most terrible situation!

No matter how amazing your luck and merits are, you will be in danger. If a great danger erupts during the preaching of the Dao, a miss will cost your life. After all, not everyone can do the same as the ancestor of the Styx. At the very beginning, he got great luck, great merit, and a world as his foundation. Not everyone has the great luck like Emperor Yan Luo. He is directly recognized by the Dao. Without fear of all external forces, he can face the Dao directly and prove the Dao directly. !

The details determine the fate. If you can find out the details of the ancestors of the Styx before you act, it will be more helpful for you to go to the Netherworld to ask the church of Emperor Yan Luo, and you will have a greater chance of success. Lightly pass, if you don’t even know the link of proving Dao Hunyuan, how can you be qualified to face the wild world, face the avenue, and proving Dao Hunyuan, if you have to pursue it forcibly, it will only make you dead and dead. End!

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