God of Destruction

Chapter 4579: Festival action

Chapter 4585: Action

"The power of the world, if the Hunyuan Dao mastered by Emperor Yan Luo is related to the world, it may not be helpful for me to learn from. After all, I do not have a powerful world, and if I am allowed to open up the world, I am afraid it will be difficult. Hongjun Dao Ancestor and Tian Dao will not give me this opportunity. After all, whether it is Zhun mentioning and receiving, or the Master Tongtian have done this before, even the ancestors of Styx also opened up the world of Asuras, and almost the world has become a hot spot. It is impossible for Jun Daozu to be unprepared!" The more you continue to think about it, the heavier Nuwa Empress's mood becomes, and the more unwilling she is, she understands that she sees hope, and this hope is disappearing again!

"No, my mind was shaken by external forces!" In an instant, Empress Nuwa woke up with a trace of shock in her eyes. As a saint of heaven, she lost her mind. This is too crazy. No one will believe it.

"Perhaps this is not caused by external forces, but from myself. It is the power of Heavenly Dao that is affecting me. If so, I must speed up and give up the position of Heavenly Dao saint. Whether it is Heavenly Dao or Hongjun Dao ancestor, I have tolerated it. No less than my existence!" After a while, Empress Nuwa sighed secretly in her heart. There was such an abnormal change. To herself, this is a big threat and a big danger. If you don't speed up, you will wait for Heaven and Hongjun. Daozu completed the layout, and even the last gleam of life would be ruined by herself. Empress Nuwa didn't think that Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao could make their own way!

"It seems that I really have to go to the Netherworld to meet Emperor Yan Luo. Maybe I can get the result I want from him. Although this may be dangerous, I have no choice now. If I drag on, In the end, only myself will suffer, and the ancestors of the Styx River successfully preached, I don’t know how many people’s attention will be drawn, and I don’t have so much time to waste!" This time the loss of her mind made the Nuwa Empress completely decide. With thoughts, Empress Nuwa instantly left the Wa Palace and headed directly to the Netherworld. As for whether this will attract the anger of Hongjun Dao Ancestor and Tian Dao, it is no longer in Nu Wa Empress’s consideration. In order to survive, Nv Wa Empress Wa must give it a go!

When the Nuwa Empress left, Hongjun Daozu immediately noticed that there was a frightening killing intent in her eyes, and she muttered to herself: "Okay, very good, Nuwa, you really have come this far, it seems Before, you had the intention of betraying the way of heaven, and you really can't keep you anymore. Now you jump out, I don't know how many people will jump out next!"

The actions of Empress Nuwa had a huge impact on the entire primordial beings. You must know that she is a veteran heavenly saint. Now even she can't bear the temptation of Hunyuan Dao. She goes to the Netherworld to ask the Emperor Yan Luo for advice. This is for the primordial beings. It is said that the impact caused is unimaginable, it can be said that her move caused a drastic change in the world!

"It's Nuwa. I didn't expect her to be the first person who couldn't bear it. It seems that Teacher Hongjun and Tiandao are putting too much pressure on her, forcing him to take the initiative to attack. I originally thought that the first one would be Receiving and quasi mentioning, after all, they still owe great cause and effect!" When it came to this, Taishang Laojun couldn't help but sighed slightly, his eyes a little bit dissatisfied!

Taishang Lao Jun understands that when Nuwa Empress makes such a move, it means that she is about to give up the respect of the heavenly saint and is about to be charitable to heaven. This is too shocking for the Taishang Lao Niang, and Nu Wa Niang gave up, He and Yuanshi Tianzun are the only two of the original six heavenly saints, which will have a huge impact and trouble on them!

"Brother, we must also make preparations as soon as possible. Nvwa's move, no matter how great is the way of heaven, or Mr. Hongjun, can't tolerate us veteran heavenly way sages. The final balance was completely broken by her, and we had to do the worst. Preparation!" Yuanshi Tianzun was originally the saint who trusted Tiandao and Hongjun Taoist ancestor the most, but now he also has an idea. This shows how great the changes in Tiandao are and how much pressure Hongjun Taoist ancestor has put on them, forcing him to act like this. The saints are worried!

Taishang Laojun lightly nodded and said, "Yes, this movement of Junior Sister Nuwa completely broke the balance of the saints of Heavenly Dao, and also broke the trust of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestor in us. When Master Tongtian was charitable, we had already Not trusted by Heaven, and now that Junior Sister Nuwa has left, our last illusion is shattered!"

"Oh! It's not that we are unwilling to advance and retreat with Tiandao and Teacher Hongjun, but Tiandao and Teacher Hongjun have not trusted us. For our own safety, we have to make the worst preparations. The position of the saint of heaven needs to be given up. Hongmeng Ziqi must be separated from our soul! Although I don't want to do this, we have no choice now. Maybe we should go to see Tongtian again, and we must also open up the world and open up our own world!" When it was really decided to be charitable to Heaven, Yuanshi Tianzun was more decisive than Taishang Laojun, and had no attachment to Heaven!

The more loyal a person is, the more intense his reaction will be when his mind is shaken. It is also reasonable for Yuanshi Tianzun to have such a change. It is not that he is sorry for the Dao of Heaven or Hongjun Daozu, but Hongjun Daozu. Yu Tiandao’s impact on him was too great, and it was so big that it shook his beliefs. In such a situation, I can only blame Hongjun Daozu for being too selfish, not taking his disciples seriously, and always using them. , So there is this kind of backlash. If only one or two people betrayed, it can also be said that their temperament is not enough, they are too greedy, but now the six great saints of the heavens are already going to betray the heavens and betrayal. Daozu Hongjun, this is enough to show that the problem does not lie with these disciples, but that's it, Daozu Hongjun has not reflected on his fault, but put all the responsibility on the disciples!

With the actions of Empress Nuwa, the hearts of the newly born Heavenly Dao sages are inevitably shaken. For them, it is even more difficult for them to withstand the test of Hongjun Dao ancestor and Dao Dao. You must know that they have not learned from Heavenly Dao, from Hongjun Dao ancestor. Get too many benefits, and even people pay a heavy price for it. If there is only one of these people who do not react at all, it is the star saint who guards the ancient star field, this saint who has the least ideals and no grievances. .

auzw.com Although everyone’s heart has changed and everyone is very eager for Hunyuan Avenue, not everyone can have the determination of Nuwa Empress, dare to be at this time, under this situation The first action, the first to meet Emperor Yan Luo, challenge Hongjun Daozu's bottom line, because they all understand that Hongjun Daozu is not as grand as it appears on the surface, and will not pursue their cause and effect, and will not make a big move, Emperor Yan Luo The luck with the ancestors of the Styx could not appear to everyone.

Waiting, for most persuasive powerhouses, they are waiting, waiting for the ending of Nvwa Empress, waiting for Hongjun Daozu's decision, to see if Nvwa Empress will suffer a crisis, will it Daozu Hongjun was regarded as an object of power, and the caution of these people was beyond the imagination of Daozu Hongjun and Heavenly Dao, and it also embarrassed Daozu Hongjun. If this time they attack the Nuwa Empress, they will have strange thoughts. The disciple of's may have escaped a disaster, and will continue to hide in the dark, and will not give himself a chance to do anything, but do nothing, Hongjun Daozu can't accept it either. He can't just watch the Nuwa Empress escape the disaster. One Styx ancestor is enough, and one more Nuwa, where is the dignity of oneself and heaven!

"Hey! Interesting, the sage Nuwa came to the Netherworld to see Emperor Yan Luo. It seems that the temptation of Hunyuan Dao is really powerful. Even a heavenly sage like her can't bear it. This is the temptation of Hunyuanda. It's too big, it's the mistake of the Dao of Heaven and the Dao Ancestor Hongjun. Every disciple is thinking of betrayal, and it is so great that the great power of Heaven and Earth collapsed because of this great catastrophe!"

As the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, Hou Tu Zu could not help but sigh softly when he felt the breath of Empress Nuwa. Such a situation had a huge impact on her and shocked her as the Lord of Reincarnation. , Because the Houtu ancestor witch deeply understands how serious the consequences of Nuwa Empress’ doing this, and may even detonate the war between heaven and earth, and put Hongjun Dao ancestor into a greater crisis. Dao, if confronted in this great catastrophe of heaven and earth, will plunge the entire prehistoric world into terrible natural and man-made disasters, cause the entire prehistoric world to pay a heavy price for this, and even affect the future of the Witch race.

"Should I take action to stop Nu Wa?" Hou Tu Zu Wu was meditating in his heart. This is not a matter to make a decision. Even if the power of Hou Tu Zu Wu is stronger, even if she controls the six reincarnations, It is still difficult to make a choice, because such a decision is not a trivial matter. If you are not careful, you will pay a heavy price, even the price of your life! .

"Haha! I want to do so much. The situation has reached this point. I don't believe that Emperor Yan Luo will not notice at all. Since he didn't stop him, why should I care? Even if there is a problem, the most anxious one should not be My ancestor witch, but Emperor Yan Luo, the lord of the world, after all, this is his business and has little to do with me!"

When thinking of this, a faint smile flashed in the eyes of the ancestral witch of Houtu. Only if you pay, you will gain. Nuwa must pay a heavy price to get the method of Hunyuan Dao she wants from Emperor Yan Luo. , Now that the monster race has been destroyed, the human race has also been suppressed, and it is difficult for Nuwa to do anything to succeed. I just need to wait quietly!

Yes, it is waiting. The Hou Tu Zu Wu made such a decision. Under the current environment, he does not need to risk his life to gamble, and there is no need to set off a storm under this kind of girl situation at this time. , Let the first serve be irresistible, no matter what the outcome of this duel, Hongjun Daozu wants to believe that he has the ability to retreat from the catastrophe!

The Houtu ancestor witch, the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, didn’t care. Other ancestral witches were even more so. What's more, the lord of the Netherworld was not their witch clan, but the Emperor Yan Luo. It is said that the impact will not be too great, even if there is a great war, the Houtu ancestor witch believes that with the power of their twelve ancestor witches, coupled with the Wu clan world and the six reincarnations, it will be enough to fight against, and will not affect their own major. It will not bring harm to itself!

The six reincarnations are silent, and the Netherworld is also silent, as if they did not notice the arrival of Empress Nuwa, allowing Empress Nuwa to enter the Netherworld in an upright manner, without being repelled and blocked by external forces. Nv Wa Empress, the heavenly saint, successfully came to Yan Luo Difu, and was able to directly face Emperor Yan Luo, the lord of the world!

Regarding the appearance of Empress Nuwa, Emperor Yan Luo was very plain, without a little excitement, as if he could not see any active atmosphere, nor any change in luck, everything was that carefree and comfortable. The crowd brought a huge impact, such a big heart is not something everyone can have, it can interfere!

Entering the underworld, looking at Emperor Yan Luo with a calm face, Empress Nuwa frowned involuntarily. This trip was so smoothly beyond her imagination. Emperor Yan Luo's patience shocked her and made her feel like this. The saint of heaven and earth secretly marveled differently in his heart. If this matter continues like this, I am afraid that the power of heaven will be more dangerous, and the situation of the predecessors will be even more dangerous. The entire predecessor of the world may usher in a world cause, can it? To win all these good fortunes, it depends on the good fortune of each person. It depends on their own abilities. Strength determines everything. Without strong enough strength, no matter how good their ideas are, when disaster strikes, waiting for them is still a dead end. , Still unable to break out of the game!

The prehistoric world is the overall situation, it is a big trap. The predominant strongmen who jump in one by one want to escape the shackles of the great catastrophe of the world and the origin of the world. There is no reason to pay no price at all, and if they do not pay any price. , The rules of the prehistoric world will be broken, even if the clone of Emperor Yan Luo cannot beg for change!

"Friend Nu Wa came to my little Netherworld. Can there be enlightenment in my netherworld?" A low voice sounded in the Nether Netherworld. Although the voice was very low, it was heard in the Netherworld. The ears of sentient beings are like thunder, and they can deeply feel the amazing power and the terrifying breath from Emperor Yan Luo!

This is the power of the Lord of the World, and this is the power to hold the power of the world. Although Emperor Yan Luo has no obvious hostility and no radical actions, just a single sentence also puts huge pressure on everyone and makes the Nuwa Empress feel. When it came to a huge threat, she was shocked by the heavenly saints!

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