God of Destruction

Chapter 4580: Festival Secret

Chapter 4586: Secrets

"Hunyuan Jinxian, this is the power of Hunyuan Jinxian, even if it is not malicious, there is such a terrifying deterrent!" Nuwa Empress was shocked in her heart. Although she had repeatedly improved the strength of Emperor Yan Luo before, she was at this moment. I still understand that I still underestimated the strength of the other party, although this is the other side's territory, but Empress Nuwa is a heavenly saint.

Taking a deep breath, Empress Nuwa said, "I dare not be enlightened. This time I just came to ask Dao friends for advice on Hunyuan Avenue. The ancestors of the Styx River can prove Hunyuan, and I believe I can too. It’s just that I don’t know much about Hunyuan Avenue, so I want to ask Daoists for advice, and hope that Daoists can give me this opportunity to let me understand the subtleties of Hunyuan Avenue!"

"Hunyuan Avenue, as a sage of Heaven, don’t you know that Hunyuan Avenue is like a taboo in the prehistoric world? I can prove that Hunyuan is a chance, and so is the ancestor of Styx. If it weren’t for Hongjun and Heaven has a calculation. This time he is afraid of ten deaths and no life. Under such circumstances, will fellow Daoists still walk along Hunyuan Avenue?"

The words of Emperor Yan Luo are indeed true, but this does not stop Empress Nuwa, or allow Empress Nuwa to give up. She only smiled indifferently and said: "With the wisdom and vision of fellow Taoists, I should be able to see how I am now How treacherous is the situation, even if I don’t take Hunyuan Avenue, do you think I still have a chance to be recognized by Dao Zu Hongjun? When I refused Dao Zu Hongjun to repair the heaven, I had been abandoned, and Dao Dao was also Okay, Hongjun Daozu will not give me another chance. If it weren't for too many changes in this great catastrophe, I'm afraid I would no longer be a saint of heaven!"

"That's true. It is indeed not a good thing for a sage of Heaven to reject Hongjun Daozu's order. Heaven cannot tolerate such a sage. The situation of fellow daoists is indeed very embarrassing. It is not a problem if fellow daoists want to take Hunyuan Avenue. , But is this really suitable for you? Not everyone is suitable for Hunyuan Avenue. Although Hunyuan Avenue is strong, it is also dangerous!"

When she heard the words of Emperor Yan Luo, Empress Nuwa frowned and said, "Friends of Taoism, this means that I am not suitable for Hunyuan Avenue. Could it be that there are any tough requirements on Hunyuan Avenue? Give pointers!"

Emperor Yan Luo smiled calmly and said: "If I did not misread that the Taoist Nuwa practitioners practiced the Great Way of Good Fortune, the Great Way of Good Fortune is unique. It is not just hard practice that can be achieved. The most important thing is that the Taoist practitioners use the Great Way of Good Fortune to prove the Dao. , The creation of human race, this is the greatest influence of Daoists. In fact, from the beginning, Daoists have gone the wrong way. Your way is not in the way of heaven, but in the way of humanity. Humanity is your foundation. If it proves When you are Taoist, you did not accept the Heavenly Dao status, you did not accept the Hongmeng Ziqi, but people-oriented, with witnesses, everything is different, you will be a humane Taoist, equal to Hongjun Taoist, but unfortunately, Nuwa Tao The friend was calculated by the Dao of Heaven and Dao Ancestor Hongjun. He lost his humanity status in vain and fell into the trap of the Dao of Heaven!"

Humanity is the root of Nv Wa Empress. This is the view of Emperor Yan Luo and the root of Nv Wa Empress. It is a pity that Nv Wa did not see through the most obvious problem. She gave up the path that suits her best and chose the way of heaven. , Was secretly calculated by Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu, and finally reached this dilemma, even the front line of life and death!

"Humanity, I'm wrong, I'm really wrong, Mingming Avenue is right in front of my eyes, but I was fascinated by the grandeur and purple spirit, giving up the humanity that suits me best, and choosing heavenly saints. It's ridiculous. It was from beginning to end. In Hongjun Daozu's eyes, I was just a chess piece, a calculated chess piece, and the so-called disciple entering the room was just a joke!"

After the reminder of Emperor Yan Luo, Empress Nuwa finally saw her own problems clearly. Unfortunately, it is too late now. Although she is still the Virgin of the Human Race, her luck in the Human Race is no longer enough to support her attaining the fruit of humanity. The position is not enough for oneself to control the authority of humanity, and all this is caused by the calculations of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu, and it is also his own stupidity!

Emperor Yan Luo sighed and said, "It seems that fellow Taoist Nuwa has understood that humanity is actually your roots. It is a pity that you have chosen the wrong path over and over again. Dao ancestors have been deceived. They have been calculated by the Dao of Heaven, and have repeatedly lost their greatest luck, before they have fallen to where they are today. Now that fellow Daoists want to prove Dao Hunyuan, the price they have to pay is too great, and the cause and effect on your body is too great. It’s heavy, and the Great Road of Good Fortune has too many constraints!"

Karma is too heavy. As the Mother of the Human Race, the Saint of the Monster Race, there is great cause and effect with both the Human Race and the Monster Race. Even if Fuxi has made a huge contribution to it before, and bears most of the cause and effect of the Monster Race, but the Nuwa Empress and The cause and effect between the monster races has not been completely cut off, and now the Nuwa Empress has to take the Hunyuan Avenue, the price to pay is inevitably staggering.

Empress Nuwa smiled indifferently: "I understand the intentions of fellow Taoists, and fellow Taoists want me to walk the path of humanity again. Although it is impossible to become a humane Taoist master, she can lay down the position of a heavenly saint and become a humane saint. But this is not what I asked for. The way of saints restricts itself too much. I have experience of saints of heaven. Do fellow daoists feel that I am willing to accept the **** of humanity again? No matter how high the price is paid, I will not re-go saints. The road will not accept the honor of a humane saint!"

Emperor Yan Luo's eyes condensed suddenly, and he said in a deep voice: "Friend Nuwa, you can figure it out clearly, this is not a trivial matter, and once you do this, there is no room for looking back. At that time, not only Only the way of heaven will embarrass you, both the tunnel and the humanity will reject you and block you. Don’t think that the ancestor of Styx has been plundered by heaven and man. Without the plunder, you will feel that the tribulation does not exist, and the ancestor of Styx Therefore, he did not face the terrible calamity because he opened up the world of asuras and has great merits in the tunnels. If a Daoist practices Hunyuan Dao to prove the Dao for good fortune, he will inevitably face the three calamities of heaven, earth and man, and no matter how he chooses You can't avoid the obstacles of these three calamities, the danger in this is beyond your imagination!"

auzw.com The Nuwa Empress seemed to have been prepared, she sighed and asked: "Friends, is there no other way? Styx can open up the world of Asuras. Eliminate the terrible catastrophe, can't I open up a world to avoid the catastrophe?"

Emperor Yan Luo gently shook his head and sighed: "It's too late, everything is too late. Heaven can no longer accommodate Daoists. Whether or not Daoists can open up a world, it's like this. Even if Daoists open up a world, think To be placed on the Dao of Heaven, it will not be recognized by the Dao of Heaven. Hongjun Daozu will not accept you as a betrayer, and will not give you the opportunity to make tricks. Not to mention that the Daoist has nothing to do with the Dao, nor does it. It may be recognized by the Dao. As for humanity, this is the only one that can accept Daoists, but the cause and effect of Daoists and humanity is too big to make it impossible for Dao to let go. Once a Daoist opens up a world, it is placed in humanity. If there is no time to prove Dao Hunyuan, you will be forcibly drawn into humanity by humanity and become a humane saint. If Daoists cut off the connection with human race and the cause and effect of humanity, humanity will also be evil, and it is impossible to use the power of humanity! Humanity is one of the biggest obstacles for the Daoists to prove Dao Hunyuan, and it is also the biggest problem for the Daoists!"

Without waiting for Empress Nuwa to continue to ask, Emperor Yan Luo continued to say: "I understand that Daoist Nuwa wants to ask if there is any other way besides proving the Tao with the law of the world. Hunyuan Avenue is not the only way, but it is the most important way. It’s a safe road, but Hunyuan Avenue is the most dangerous road for good fortune, and good fortune road is not trivial. It is difficult, difficult, difficult to prove the way according to the law, unless the Taoist is willing to give up, and this is the right way. Friends say the price is too high."

Giving up, this is not a decision that can be made at will. Empress Nuwa did not expect that things would be so troublesome. The road of good fortune she practiced would become the biggest obstacle for her to walk on the road of Hunyuan. However, to Emperor Yan Luo, these words, Empress Nuwa did not doubt, because there was no conflict of interest between herself and Emperor Yan Luo, there would naturally be no hostility if there was no conflict of interest, Emperor Yan Luo did not need to waste energy and time to calculate himself.

"Abandoning the Great Way of Good Fortune is indeed difficult to decide. However, since fellow Taoists know so many secrets, I wonder if they can tell me the secrets of the great famine in detail, so that I can also know why I have fallen into such a predicament step by step. , And only if I truly understand the development of the prehistoric world, maybe I can truly walk out of my own path!"

Regarding Nuwa Empress’s sudden question, Emperor Yan Luo frowned. This is not a trivial matter. Although he knows a little bit about the secrets of the world, he is more of his own advice. As for whether it is true, this is not a trivial matter. It's hard to say, after all, I haven't experienced all of this. Many things are based on some things.

Seeing the embarrassed look on Emperor Yan Luo's face, Empress Nuwa sighed involuntarily. She also understood that her question was a bit excessive. After all, this is not a trivial matter. If you can understand these secrets, you may be able to walk your own path and find a way out in this predicament!

"Friends of Daoist, I know that there is something wrong with asking like this, but I can’t do anything about it. Today’s environment is very unfavorable for me, and I can only ask Daoists for help, and only Daoists can help me. One arm!"

"One hand, fellow Taoist Nuwa, you should know how heavy this hand is, and this is something I can't bear. I can't put myself into crisis for you, a heavenly saint, there is no such reason!" To Emperor Yan Luo In terms of sympathy for Empress Nuwa's situation, this is not the reason for helping her at all costs. How can you gain without paying? It is impossible for Empress Nuwa to get help from Emperor Yan Luo without paying anything!

"Friend Daoist wants what, as long as I can do it, I will never refuse!" At this time, Empress Nuwa understood that she had to give something, but she didn't know what the Emperor Yan Luo needs today. After all, the other party is the one of the Netherworld. Lord, master the authority of the Netherworld, and there is a complete world power to help him, even the Heavenly Dao saint can't help him, even in the Netherworld, Emperor Yan Luo can fight against Hongjun Daozu. This is the power of the Lord of the World.

"Hehe, I don’t have much need. For me now, what I need is time. This is not something that Nuwa Daoists can give. It is difficult to establish a transaction between us. If we just teach Hunyuan Dao , This is not a big problem, I can give Dao friends this help, but if I tell Dao friends the secrets of the world, the cause and effect are too great!"

Emperor Yan Luo knows the cause and effect of the secrets of the prehistoric world. This is not something that Nuwa Empress can bear. Therefore, Emperor Yan Luo does not want to make this transaction. It is not worth it. The contribution is not proportional to the gain. Under this situation, How could Emperor Yan Luo accept it? The most important thing is that once he speaks, he will confront Heavenly Dao directly, but now Emperor Yan Luo doesn't want to do this. After all, the tunnel will not shelter himself, or even the Netherworld!

After being rejected by Emperor Yan Luo, Empress Nuwa flashed a faint frustration on her face, and she knew in her heart that her request was a bit too much, but it was related to her own life and death, but Empress Nuwa did not pay attention to it, even if the cause and effect were greater. As long as there is a chance, she can't give up, she must fight for it. This is where the first line of life lies!

Although the Empress Nuwa wanted to gain this ray of life and learned the secrets of the ancient world from Emperor Yan Luo, now is not the time. If you blindly insist on it, it will only arouse the dissatisfaction of Emperor Yan Luo and ruin the establishment of both parties. A little bit of trust, so Empress Nuwa can only restrain the thoughts in her heart.

Taking a deep breath, suppressing the thought of her desire, Empress Nuwa said: "If this is the case, then I will not force it. Fellow Daoist said that I can point me to Hunyuan Dadao. Please give me convenience, no matter how difficult it is. , No matter how dangerous, I will not give up Hunyuan Avenue, even if there is only a chance, I will do my best!"

Hunyuan Dao, you can’t get the secrets of the great and famine from Emperor Yan Luo. It’s not bad to get the Hunyuan Dao method first. At least this will let you see the glimmer of hope. Maybe the Dao Hunyuan you practiced has great cause and effect, but Nuwa Niangniang thought that she might be able to seize that gleam of vitality, she could find the path of proving Dao Hunyuan, and she could walk out of her own Hunyuan Avenue! Although this opportunity may be very small, it will be very dangerous, even a life of nine deaths, but this is not the reason for Nu Wa Empress to give up. No matter how dangerous and difficult, she must fight for it. After all, now she has no retreat. When she comes to the Nether World At that moment, all retreats were cut off!

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