God of Destruction

Chapter 4581: Section doubt

Chapter 4587: Doubt

Emperor Yan Luo did not conceal the Dao of Hunyuan. He explained the method of proving Dao in the world that he had realized, and the Dao of Hunyuan that the Yin-Yang Taoists had comprehended. He explained to Nuwa empresses, and at the same time, he was analyzing females bit by bit. The Dao of Good Fortune, the Dao of Good Fortune, the Dao of Good Fortune, is not trivial. The more you analyze, the more emotional the Emperor Yan Luo is. The Niang Niang was originally a good hand, but ended up like this. All of this is due to the way of heaven and grandeur. Jun Daozu's calculations!

The way of heaven is the fairest, are these words really true? Even if there is no selfishness, is the way of heaven really fair? At this time, Emperor Yan Luo couldn't help but doubt this sentence, wondering whether heaven, tunnel, and humanity really are like the most common rules imprinted between heaven and earth? If so, why did the heaven and tunnels he came into contact with? Selfishness, all have calculations. Fortunately, the way of heaven is that I don’t know everything when it was born, but the way is opened by the Yin and Yang Taoist, but after a long time, the way of selfishness is chasing the way of heaven. For selfishness, you can do whatever it takes. Had to make Emperor Yan Luo doubt their essence!

The more he thought about it, the more doubtful and uneasy he was in his heart. If his suspicion was correct, the great world would not be fair, everything is false, and the great world is always the work of the strong from beginning to end. Respect, survival of the fittest, the so-called grandest man is just a joke, whoever believes will fall into desperation.

If your thoughts are right, cause and effect may not be important, at least not as important as you think, and self-cultivation of the path of cause and effect may also be a disaster. The pressure to bear is no less than Nuwa Niangniang, Nuwa Niangniang because The Dao of Good Fortune was calculated by the Dao of Heaven and ended up in the current predicament, and I was in charge of the power of the Nether World and practiced the Dao of Cause and Effect, and I would inevitably be calculated by the Dao, although the power of the Dao is far from enough to threaten my own safety. With authority, you can ignore the threat of authenticity for the time being, but this is not a long-term solution. If you have a thousand days to be a thief, you don’t have a thousand days to guard against thieves, endless years, as long as you have the slightest intention, you may suffer from authentic calculations and fall into In desperation!

Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestors can calculate Nuwa Empress to die, without giving them any vitality, and falling on themselves, Tunnel will do the same. Now in the great catastrophe of heaven and earth, the rules of Dao have suppressed the calculations of Heavenly Dao and Tunnel. , But if the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth is over, when the power rules of the Great Dao disappear, will the tunnels and heavens without external pressure be so cautious?

To help others is to help yourself. Maybe I shouldn’t make too many reservations about the Nuwa Empress. Maybe the Nuwa Empress proves that Hunyuan is more beneficial to me. At least I will have one more ally, which can also reduce my own pressure. The existence of the ancestor Styx is the same. Although the ancestor Styx is seriously injured due to the underground calculation, he can't help him for the time being, but as long as he exists, the tunnel needs to disperse a part of the force to guard against the ancestor Styx, and greatly help himself. Reduced a lot of pressure!

The more you think about it, Emperor Yan Luo’s heart is shaking. For others, great cause and effect is a great catastrophe, a great danger, but what I practice is the great path of cause and effect, and he is also in charge of the power of the Netherworld, and he is the lord of the world. I really have to be so cautious, and in the midst of the tribulation of heaven and earth, I still have to fear the cause and effect of heaven and earth and humanity. If I cannot bear the pressure of this point, I still have a chance to get out of the precipice and the qualifications. Hun Yuan Da Luo Jinxian?

I have to say that the more you explain Hunyuan Dao to Nv Wa, the more uneasy Emperor Yan Luo's mood will be, and the more I can’t help but give Nv Wa Niang more help, so that she has the opportunity to prove Dao Hunyuan, if The mystery of the great fate really has to do with Nuwa Empress's proving Dao Hunyuan. Perhaps this is not just an opportunity for Nuwa Empress, but also an opportunity for herself!

"Why does this happen?" Emperor Yan Luo thought secretly in his heart. This is not a trivial matter. Although it seems that this is the difficulty of'sympathizing' Nuwa Empress, but this is not normal. Emperor Yan Luo doesn't think he is. A person who is easily moved should know that he inherited all the origins of the King of Cause and Effect, and has inherited the most calm mentality, but now his mood has undergone such a change, which has to make Emperor Yan Luo doubt.

Was Empress Nuwa secretly influencing herself with the power of a heavenly saint? No, it’s impossible. Emperor Yan Luo didn’t think so. If Empress Nuwa had such abilities, she would not fall to such a dangerous situation, nor would he be driven to desperation by Hongjun Daozu and Heaven’s Dao. The power does not come from the Nuwa Empress, is it the power of the three realms of heaven, earth and man affecting you?

Soon, Emperor Yan Luo also gave up the idea that heaven, tunnel, and humanity cannot pass through the power of the original rules of the nether world, and silently affect their state of mind. If they can easily do this, their own netherworld The Lord of the World has long since moved the Lord, whether it is the tunnel or the heaven, has already taken action to destroy the hidden danger of himself!

Since it is not the power of the Three Ways of Heaven, Earth and Man, naturally it is not the power of the prehistoric heaven and earth. Since then, there is only one possibility, that is, the power of the Dao is affecting oneself, even if you are proving Dao Hunyuan, you will still be silent by the power of the Dao. The rest affects the state of mind, and what is the purpose of Dadao doing this, is it just to help the Empress Nuwa escape the shackles of the heaven?

If only this is the case, Emperor Yan Luo can still accept it, but if there is a deeper intention, it will even endanger himself, which makes Emperor Yan Luo have to be cautious! No matter how helpful Dao is to him, Emperor Yan Luo is not willing to be silently affected by others, and he is unwilling to let his life and death be controlled by others, even if the other party is Dao!

"Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, only Zhengdao Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can truly enjoy freedom without being affected by any force. Although Hunyuan Jinxian has taken the first step on Hunyuan Avenue, it is far from being called. It’s freedom! Fortunately, I’m an independent existence now. If I’m still in the original situation, I’m afraid that my secret has already been known to Dadao!” At this moment, Emperor Yan Luo had a precaution against Dadao in his heart, and all this was also true. It was completely passed on to Yin and Yang Taoists by Emperor Yan Luo.

Emperor Yan Luo is waiting for the Yin and Yang Taoist’s decision. Yes, Emperor Yan Luo did not make a decision on his own. After all, this is not a trivial matter. If there is any negligence, he will fall into desperation. Now that he has been affected by external forces, Emperor Yan Luo is worried that he will Make the wrong choice, so all this requires Yin and Yang Taoists to make a decision!


When Emperor Yan Luo disturbed his own practice, the Taoist Yin and Yang couldn't help but sighed secretly. Although this happened as early as the Taoist Yin and Yang had expected, but the day came so quickly, it still made the Taoist Yin and Yang feel a little uneasy. , Things are beyond my imagination, and there is also a crisis of getting out of my control.

The power of the Dao suddenly affected Emperor Yan Luo, which puts great pressure on the Yin-Yang Taoists. Is this a hidden danger of Hunyuan Dao? Or other reasons? If it is a hidden danger of Hunyuan Dao, is it the Hunyuan you practiced? There is a problem with the avenue. Everything about yourself is under the control of the avenue. I am just a puppet of the avenue?

I can't blame Yin and Yang Taoists for being so cautious. After all, this is a practice, and practice cannot tolerate the slightest error. Once there is a problem with one's practice, it is a catastrophic crisis for oneself, and it will put oneself in a desperate situation! Strength, Yin and Yang Taoists eagerly feel that they need to strengthen themselves and need more powerful strength.

"It seems that the speed must be accelerated. Although the chaotic world is dangerous, it may be really a great opportunity for him!" At this time, the Taoist Yin and Yang couldn't help thinking of the'chaotic small world', thinking of his clone of the King of End. I also thought of another clone of myself, maybe I can learn from Nuwa Empress's good fortune road!

agree! In such a dangerous situation, under tremendous pressure from the outside world, Taoist Yin and Yang still agreed to tell the secret of the wild world that he had guessed to Empress Nuwa, no matter what power behind this is manipulating all of this, you should let go at this time. , Even if you pay a heavy price, you will not hesitate to pay a heavy price. The road of practice has never been smooth. When you cannot avoid danger, you must take courage and let it go, no matter how great the danger is. In this way, if you lose even this courage, you will come to an end on the path of practice!

"Friend Nvwa, do you really want to take the unknown road of Hunyuan Avenue?" After receiving a reply from the Yin and Yang Taoist, Emperor Yan Luo once again asked Nvwa Empress if she really had to walk Hunyuan Avenue, then I'm afraid there is a big danger!

Hearing Emperor Yan Luo’s question again, Empress Nuwa smiled indifferently: “Do you think I have other choices now? Although humanity may be able to help me, for me, I’ve had enough pressure to be restrained. Yuan Dao is my only choice. This will not change. Even if I know it is death, I will not shrink back!"

"Well, since fellow daoists have such determination, I will help you to tell fellow daoists the secrets of the prehistoric world, hoping that this will inspire fellow daoists and enable them to understand their own Hunyuan Dao, but Before that, I hope fellow daoists can give me a guarantee that I will not tell others what I have heard!"

The Empress Nuwa did not hesitate to the Emperor Yan Luo’s request. She immediately swears that it’s hard to hear about such a secret from Emperor Yan Luo. If she wants to use it for profit, or even pass on cause and effect, it’s too sinister, Yan Luo. The emperor is right to make such a request, after all, no one wants to be calculated!

After seeing Empress Nuwa swearing on the Dao, Emperor Yan Luo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. To be honest, he really worried that Empress Nuwa would refuse. After all, the other party is a saint of heaven and will be affected by heaven to some extent, but this It's just the beginning, the Empress Nuwa, who is a saint of heaven, still can't reassure Emperor Yan Luo!

I saw that Emperor Yan Luo took a deep breath and said, "Father Nuwa, although I am not clear about the cultivation of the saint, this is still a hidden danger for the great and purple energy of the Daoist. If the Daoist can understand My worries, please seal the so-called foundation of the great avenue yourself. Its existence is dangerous to you and me!"

When the Emperor Yan Luo mentioned the Hongmeng Ziqi, Empress Nuwa was startled first, and then her expression changed drastically, as if she had thought of something, her expression became very solemn, and she said in a deep voice, "Thank you for your guidance, if it's not a Taoist friend. Reminder, I have also forgotten this big hidden danger. If today’s secrets are imprinted in the aura of grandeur, you and me will be in great trouble!"

Hongmeng Ziqi is also called the foundation of the Dao, but it has nothing to do with the Dao, but the strength of the Dao, in order to carry the original Dao that the saints practiced. Every Dao that the saints of the Dao understands will be stunned by the Dao. As recorded, Empress Nuwa did not think of Hongmeng Ziqi in the past, but when she heard Emperor Yan Luo’s reminder, she instantly realized that perhaps when she pinned her avenue on Hongmeng Ziqi, her avenue was already Known by heaven, if you continue to walk along the path of good fortune, everything about yourself will be understood by the path of heaven. When you cross the calamity of the path, you will be easily blocked by the path of heaven, and you will be in desperate situation. There is no secret at all in front of heaven!

"I don’t know if the secrets of Hongmeng Ziqi’s own avenue are directed, received, and the Master Tongtian knows whether they have made precautions when they stripped Hongmeng Ziqi, and they have not changed since they opened up their own world. , Is it because she understands this big hidden danger, she is changing her own origin road?” For a moment, the Nuwa Empress thought of giving up the heavenly saint’s quasi mention, introduction, and the master of Tongtian, and she had some guesses about their practice. !

If these three people really have to do this, it will be able to explain why they have not been amazingly changed. It takes time and energy to re-practice, and it takes time and energy to change their origins. This is a huge pressure for anyone. One thing can be known from the preaching of the ancestors of the Styx. At the critical moment of the preaching, the ancestors of the Styx suddenly abandoned his original original law and turned to a new road. Is this also seeing the danger and worrying about his future? Will be targeted by the Dao of Heaven and Dao Zu Hongjun!

The more you follow this line of thought, the heavier Nvwa Empress’s mood becomes. Perhaps these people who used to listen to the Taoism in the Zixiao Palace are calculated by the heavens, and all their avenues are in the control of the heavens and the Hongjun Dao ancestors. , If all of this is true, the situation created by Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao is too terrifying, they are calculating their'disciples' from the very beginning!

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