God of Destruction

Chapter 4582: Section decryption

The fourth thousand five hundred and eighty-eight chapters decrypted

Looking at the thoughtful appearance of Empress Nuwa, Emperor Yan Luo understood that Empress Nuwa must have thought of the problem, understood that endless years were calculated by heaven, and from the performance of Empress Nuwa, Emperor Yan Luo also faintly understood. Why did the old ancestor Styx know the risk of changing the origin of the Dao, but he wanted to do so? Perhaps it is the same reason. He was worried that everything about himself would be understood by the heavens and did it for future safety. It’s just that the old ancestor Styhe Ancestor concealed it well, even the master of the Netherworld, the master of the avenue of cause and effect, even deceived him.

"What a Styx, a great calculation. If it weren’t for the Nuwa Empress, I’m afraid I would still be deceived by him. I thought Styx was only greedy, but I didn’t know that greed was only the surface, and the real situation was not the case. He is to guard against heaven, guard against Hongjun Daozu, and prepare for his future safety. It can be said that all the sentient beings in the prehistoric world have been deceived by him!" When he thought of this, Emperor Yan Luo couldn't help but shook the sand, his eyes flashed. After a faint shock!

This incident from the ancestor Styx also gave Emperor Yan Luo a warning to calm down again and dare not be careless. Even the ancestor Styx could easily deceive himself, showing that he is still too arrogant. Too self-righteous, the ancestors of Styx still have such a method, which shows the terrible disaster of the great disaster. If you are still so self-righteous, maybe the next time you will die when you die, after all, you can't always be so lucky!

Yes, fortunately, in the eyes of Emperor Yan Luo, he is really lucky this time. Fortunately, the ancestor of Styx didn’t have too many calculations. He just wanted to hide himself. If he had more calculations, the result might be more serious. , Will make myself, the Lord of the Netherworld, pay a heavy price for it, because when facing the ancestor of the Styx, I am too arrogant and self-righteous. I look down at the ancestor of the Styx from high above. This Qiaqia gave it to Styx. The ancestor's opportunity, let yourself be calculated without knowing it!

Taking a deep breath and calming his mind, Emperor Yan Luo said: "Thank you for your understanding. You can deal with my request so calmly. You must know that if many people hear my request, they will be the first time. Thinking of whether this will be a conspiracy, it is a calculation, it will not be accepted so happily at all, even if you accept it, you will be wary of this and that!"

Regarding Empress Nuwa, Emperor Yan Luo felt that he had no need to hide anything. Even if he did it by himself, it would not have much effect. After all, Empress Nuwa is not a fool. After so many calculations, how could Empress Nuwa fail to see through. Instead of covering up your own real thoughts and affecting each other's thoughts, it is better to speak directly. This is good for everyone, at least it is not necessary to think about what the other person thinks and how to think about each sentence!

Time is very important to Emperor Yan Luo, and it is also very important to Empress Nvwa. Under such circumstances, everyone can let go of their vigilance, and speaking out is the best choice, and it is also the best choice for yourself. Knowing this, the Emperor Yan Luo would be like this, and would directly face the Nuwa Empress, without covering up.

When Emperor Yan Luo's words fell, he immediately awakened the meditating Empress Nuwa, and she smiled calmly and said, "Father Daoist is serious. This is what I should do. After all, it was my arrival that caused this to fellow Daoists. If I can’t even accept this point, what qualifications do I have to ask a fellow daoist for advice, not to mention having a fellow daoist remind me deeply about my past stupidity and ignorance, and understand how dangerous my situation is. Understand the thoughts of fellow daoists!"

At this time, Empress Nuwa felt that Emperor Yan Luo had repeatedly reminded herself to give up the Dao of Good Fortune because she was always in the calculation of the Dao. The Dao of Good Fortune she practiced was completely controlled by the Dao of Heaven. If she used the Dao of Good fortune to prove Hunyuan, she would definitely do it. Suffering a devastating blow, he will be hit by Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu. With mental arithmetic and unintentional, he has no chance of success at all. If he has to force it, he will only end up with a dead end!

I have to say that Empress Nuwa thinks too much. Emperor Yan Luo didn't actually have such intentions. Emperor Yan Luo said it was true. He was only based on the great cause and effect of the Great Dao of Good Fortune. If someone else proves Hunyuan with the Dao of Good Fortune, Yan Luo The emperor didn't say much, but the Nuwa Empress was different, she was burdened with too many causes and effects, and a slight difference would kill her!

Hearing the words of Empress Nuwa, Emperor Yan Luo immediately understood that Empress Nuwa was thinking too much, but he could not refuse. That would only appear to be too hypocritical and embarrass both sides, so Emperor Yan Luo could only laugh bitterly. , Sighed softly: "Not everyone can be so sensible with fellow Taoists, not everyone can be considerate of others. To be honest, the horrible situation of the great world is precisely because everyone has selfishness. It’s just thinking about yourself and never thinking about others. If everyone can take a step back, everything will be different."

Give in? This is impossible for practitioners in the prehistoric world. When the opportunity arises, the first thing they think of is snatching, snatching at all costs, even Emperor Yan Luo has such an idea, so they give way to this. It is impossible to appear. The reason why Empress Nuwa can be so reasonable is not how kind Empress Nuwa is, but because of her position, which makes her have to face all this calmly, so both sides will be like this. Rapport!

With limited time, Emperor Yan Luo could not waste his precious time in explaining with Nv Wa Niang Niang. Since everyone understands each other’s intentions, we go straight to the topic, and now Nu Wa Niang Niang has already put himself in the soul. Her Hongmeng Ziqi is under control and no longer becomes her own hidden danger. Perhaps after she leaves the Netherworld, that is when she abandons the position of Heavenly Taoist saint, then Hongmeng Ziqi will be directly abandoned, and the Nuwa Empress will be completely abandoned. free!


Staring at Empress Nuwa, Emperor Yan Luo calmly said: "Friend Nuwa wants to understand the secrets of the prehistoric world. I can only say that I don’t know much, and many of them are my own guesses. Daoists want to have Be mentally prepared, don’t pay too much attention to it. After all, this is just my opinion. Whether it is correct or not has yet to be verified!"

It remains to be verified, how to verify such a thing, except for the parties involved, I am afraid that no one will know, and those parties, except for powerful people like Hongjun Daozu, have already died out in this great catastrophe, or have been forced to death. Leaving the prehistoric world and having to transform into a chaotic beast, it is impossible to find them to understand the truth of the matter.

"Friends, please speak frankly, I am listening, I believe this is of great use to me!" Empress Nuwa said with a solemn expression, for her did not take Yan Luo Dijun's "humility" in her heart, if anyone could do it too. Like Emperor Yan Luo, he can figure out the secrets of the prehistoric world by himself, and those ancient secrets will not always be understood by no one.

"To understand the secrets of the prehistoric world, I can only talk about it from the era of the beasts, and from the prehistoric period. In our understanding, the saints have also been spread from that time. Everyone thinks that there are only the protagonists who compete for the prehistoric land. To unify the prehistoric land and seize the luck of the entire prehistoric world, can you prove to be sanctified and become a saint. However, according to my personal calculations, such a struggle for luck is not to prove to be sanctified, but to compete for the Lord of the world. , The struggle of luck is not the way of sanctification but the lord of the world. I don’t know that the fierce beast king doesn’t know this, but as far as I see it, it should be very clear. It is precisely because it is clear that it was brutally killed and fell. The edge of success is destroyed by all the innate gods and demons used by Heaven!"

"Hey!" When she heard these words, Empress Nuwa couldn't help taking a breath. She was shocked by the words of Emperor Yan Luo, but when I think about it carefully, it does make sense. What is fighting over the wild land is Qi. Fortune, and the method of sanctification handed down by Hongjun Taoist ancestor does not prove the way by air, only merit, so it is impossible to prove Taoism and sanctification in the unification of the prehistoric ancestors, but why did Hongjun Taoist ancestor do this, why should he hide this big secret, heavenly What is the purpose of doing this with Hongjun Daozu?

Empress Nuwa wanted to know the calculations behind this, but Empress Nuwa understood that she could not ask questions. It is very rare for Emperor Yan Luo to share this secret. She shouldn’t have more demands, so she would only appear to be too greedy. It will only arouse disgust in the heart of Emperor Yan Luo, and will break the relationship between the two sides, after all, Empress Nuwa and Emperor Yan Luo do not have such a good relationship!

Seeing the horror flashing across the face of Empress Nuwa, Emperor Yan Luo did not continue to say anything more on this issue, but changed his voice and continued: "Of course, it's the same sentence. This is just me. Human guesses, but 70% of them are right, and if this guess is right and true, the following Dragon and Phoenix Tribulation is a terrifying conspiracy. Heavenly Dao used Hongjun Daozu and Demon Zu Luo Maw. Calculate them. Perhaps Hongjun Daozu didn’t want to prove and become holy in the first place. He didn’t want to carry such a big cause and effect, but under the calculation of Heaven’s Dao, he failed and had to accept this big cause and effect!"

What cause and effect? Empress Nuwa understood in her heart that Emperor Yan Luo was referring to the cause and effect of the West. The battle of the Dao and Demon destroyed the origin of the Western earth and caused the great karma of Hongjun Dao Ancestor, so she had to prove the Dao and become sacred. Walking onto the Avenue of Saints, under the control of the Heavenly Way, it was just that Hongjun Daozu succeeded in turning over and seizing the first line of life from the desperate situation!

"Speaking of which, the worst of the Dragon and Phoenix Tribulation is not Hongjun Daozu and Demon Zu Luohou, but the dragon, phoenix and unicorn tribe. They are the most wronged. They don’t know that fighting for the fate of the prehistoric world is not proof of Dao Cheng. The holy law is fighting for the power of the lord of the human world. It is precisely because they do not understand this most basic problem, so they fall into the calculations of the heavens and end in a tragic end. If they know this secret beforehand, perhaps It's another ending!" At this point, Emperor Yan Luo sighed and sighed at the ending of the dragon, phoenix and unicorn tribe.

In fact, if the Emperor Yan Luo stands in the position of the three races, he will still be counted and counted. After all, the temptation to prove the way to be holy is too great for any strong man to refuse, even if he pays more. The big price, even if there is only a chance, they will do their best to pay, so as long as this secret is not revealed, the ending will not change!

When she heard this, Empress Nuwa couldn't bear the doubts in her heart and asked: "Friends of Dao, if this is the case, why did Dao do it that day? It was just to calculate the dragon, phoenix and unicorn tribe, and Calculate Hongjun Daozu and Mozu Luohu, but why is this, what is the meaning of doing this, I don't understand?"

"Why I did this, it was difficult for me to understand at the beginning. After all, it seemed unnecessary on the surface. However, after I truly mastered the origin of the Netherworld and the authority of the world, I understood the problem, although it was still just I’m guessing by myself, but it’s also the best explanation. Heaven is suppressing humanity. Heaven does not want to see the power of humanity, does not want the Lord of Tao to be born, and does not want to unify humanity. You should understand that humanity is unified and humane. The appearance of the Lord means that humanity is strong. At that time, it will not be the saint of heaven, but the saint of humanity. By doing so, the heaven not only suppressed the humanity, but also fulfilled its plan and gave birth to the first saint of heaven. It is Hongjun Daozu!"

Emperor Yan Luo’s explanation does make sense, but there is another big problem in it. Could it be that the way of heaven has selfishness when he was born, and he already has his own wisdom? The way of heaven to the public has been a joke from the beginning, and all living beings have always They were all deceived by the Dao of Heaven, deceived by Dao Zu Hongjun, Dao Zu Hongjun knew the insidiousness of the Dao of Heaven, but why would he stand with the Dao of Heaven? Is Dao Dao Hong Jun controlled by the Dao of Heaven, or Dao Zu Hongjun had his own calculations?

Empress Nuwa wanted to continue asking questions, but she swallowed it back when her words reached her lips. It is not a good thing to ask too much. It's very impolite to ask herself over and over again at the beginning. I really shouldn’t. No matter how much doubt I have in my mind, I shouldn’t continue to ask at this time. I can barely make an inquiry once. It’s my impulse, but it’s too much to ask again and again, Nuwa Niangniang and Emperor Yan Luo don’t have such a good friendship. Even if they have friendship, they shouldn’t do this. This is not something that I should ask repeatedly, unless Emperor Yan Luo speaks out, otherwise Nuwa Niangniang can only endure and do too much. , Will only make one owe more cause and effect, and also put more pressure on oneself, which is very detrimental to one's own preaching, because this has violated the principle, and is already exploring the secret of Emperor Yan Luo!

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