God of Destruction

Chapter 4583: Festival Creates the World

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Chapter 4589: Creating the World

Seeing Nvwa's desire to speak and stop, Emperor Yan Luo smiled calmly: "In fact, Nvwa Daoist is the natural master of humanity. This is not the humanity among the six reincarnations, but the humanity of the wild world, if After the creation of the human race, the Daoist did not receive the calculations of the Hongjun Daozu and the Heavenly Dao, and they are in charge of the humanity. They have already achieved the Great Dao of Good Fortune. Similarly, you will not be as passive as you are now. If you hadn't given Taishang Laojun the opportunity to become the leader of the human race, your luck in the human race would not be weakened. Of course, there are also your personal reasons for this. You yourself didn't really value Human Race, which led to all this."

At this time, Empress Nuwa couldn't help sighing: "Fellow Daoist is right. All of this is caused by my own reasons. If it is not for my own problems, I will not give the enemy a chance to calculate myself, let alone make others. Most of his luck dissipated from himself!"

Emperor Yan Luo smiled and said: "It is not only Nuwa Daoist who is being calculated. You think that Taishang Laojun really has to be supported by heaven, and he has a great opportunity. It is really profitable for him to compete for humanity and luck. Harmful?"

Hearing this, Empress Nuwa condensed, and said in doubt, "Isn’t it? With the human luck and his proving and sanctification, she also took away most of the human luck from me, so that he has The endless supply of air can be used for self-cultivation!"

Emperor Yan Luo shook his head and said, "No, Nuwa Taoist friend is wrong. Taishang Laojun is not as good as you think. It's not just him. Sanqing, Zhunti, and lead are actually all taken by Tiandao and Hongjun. Dao ancestor calculations, quasi mentions and introductions, let’s not talk about it for the time being. Let’s talk about the Sanqing. The Sanqing has the great merit of Pangu to open up the heavens. Even if there is no human luck, there is no established teaching luck, they will definitely be able to prove the Dao, and if they are unwavering. They all have the hope of proving Dao Hun Yuan by following the inheritance left by Pangu, but unfortunately, they gave up this opportunity and even became a saint of heaven and worshipped Hongjun as their teacher. In this way, their luck was taken away by Hongjun. Quite a lot, you really think that Hongjun’s statement is a gift to the prehistoric world. He has selfish intentions. He is using the saying to absorb the prehistoric destiny, absorb the destiny of you innate gods and demons, and consolidate the predecessor’s destiny to himself. This fits Heavenly Dao! Without the blessings of your innate gods and demons who listen to the Tao, how could he fit Heavenly Dao directly!"

Empress Nuwa's expression condensed, and said anxiously: "According to the Taoist friends, all this is the calculation of Hongjun Taoist ancestors, which means that it is not only our heavenly saints who are calculated, but all the Taos heard in the Zixiao Palace. Friends have been calculated, Hongjun Daozu's fundamental purpose is to absorb the luck of our body, want to use this to fit the way of heaven?"

Emperor Yan Luo nodded and said, "Yes, that's it. Of course, there are other reasons for this, but it is basically the case. You have all been calculated and lost your luck, especially Hongyun, which is stupid enough to be calculated. Until you die, don’t think that the Harmony Purple Qi is a benefit. In fact, it is the greatest danger. After refining the Harmony Purple Qi, your every move is under the control of the Dao of Heaven. Although you have been wiped out of your mind, you have not directly become puppets. But for Heavenly Dao, and even for Hongjun Dao Ancestor, it is not difficult to clean up you, Hongmeng Ziqi is the biggest hidden danger of Heavenly Dao Saint!"

Empress Nuwa thoughtfully said: "So they are aware of the quasi mention, the introduction, and the Master Tongtian. That's why they gave up the saints of the heavens and the grand and purple qi, and after such a long time passed them a little. There is no movement, it seems that they are all jealous of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao Ancestor, for fear that they will fall into the calculations of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao Ancestor again!"

"It is not ruled out that it is possible. After all, they all have great luck, especially Zhun mentioning and receiving. They have never believed in Hongjun Daozu. This is why they are only named disciples, and it is precisely because of named disciples. The reason is that the cause and effect between them and the Dao of Heaven and Hongjun Daozu has been weakened a bit, but it is not easy for them to prove the Dao. Just like fellow Taoists, all of your avenues have been practiced by the Dao of Heaven. Under such circumstances, anyone who dares to prove Hunyuan Dao will suffer a death blow from Heaven!"

"Friends, is there no other way to change all of this? With the understanding of the great world, can't I think of a way to explain it?" At this time, Empress Nuwa looked at Emperor Yan Luo expectantly, hoping to follow him Get more help and advice here!

Emperor Yan Luo sighed: "No, even though such a big environment is constantly changing during the catastrophe, there is still no one who can fight against the Dao of Heaven. The Dao of Heaven is still the most powerful existence in the entire prehistoric world. Under this circumstance, who If you want to resist the Dao of Heaven and the lore of Hongjun Daozu, this is impossible, at least you can’t find a solution to the problem right now! Because to find a solution to the problem, you need to find the core secret of the prehistoric world, that is, the world’s people. The secret of the Three Ways, and the person who really knows this secret is either dead or fleeing into the chaos, and the only one who knows the secret is Daozu Hongjun, and it is impossible for him to tell the secret. It is impossible for us to know!"

Emperor Yan Luo is right. He wants to know the core secrets of the Three Ways of Heaven, Earth and Human. It is almost impossible. Dao Zu Hongjun will not give them such an opportunity. The Three Ways of Heaven, Earth and Human will also not give them such an opportunity. To comprehend forcibly, you will only lose your own life in the end, will only allow yourself to step into the desperate situation of the master yuan, and eventually die!

"Do we always have to be restrained and suppressed by the heavens, even recklessly oppressed, if this is the case, I would rather die than surrender! Even if we die, it is better to be a puppet in the other's hands!" At this point, Empress Nuwa radiated from her body. The fierce fighting spirit, this is her truest thought. When she was suppressed to the limit by Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu, all the dissatisfaction in her heart broke out. At this time, for the Nuwa Empress, there was nothing to fear in her heart, even if it was. die!

"It can't be said that there is no way. Since we can't figure out the secrets of the three ways of heaven, earth and man, but we know that their existence is a threat to us, we can change the so-called general trend of the world a little bit, and the general trend of the world will continue to be Change, the situation will naturally change. At that time, we have an opportunity to fight back. The only problem is that we can live in this huge crisis. The power of the saint is not reliable. After all, the external force is the external force. Prepare early!"

Emperor Yan Luo did his best to deal with Empress Nuwa. Although Emperor Yan Luo also had reservations, Empress Nüwa got everything she wanted from this exchange. At least Empress Nüwa understood her biggest hidden danger. What is it? Understand that in today's great calamity, if you want to reverse your destiny, you must constantly change the general situation of the world!

Seeing the thoughtful appearance of Empress Nuwa, Emperor Yan Luo couldn't help but reminded: "Friend Nuwa, your foundation lies in the human race, and the human race is your hope and your root. How to choose You need to make your own decisions. Destiny is in your own hands, not God’s way, Hongjun Daozu. The catastrophe is a crisis and an opportunity. Gains and losses are only between your own thoughts, and success or failure depends on your own choices. And persistence! Crisis is also a turning point. Whether you can seize the opportunity or not depends on your own beliefs. Only with invincible beliefs can you be able to create an invincible strong. The true strong always depends on your own beliefs!"

When he said this to the Nuwa Empress, Emperor Yan Luo also felt differently in his own mood. The shackles bound to his soul were broken, and the influence of the authority of the Netherworld on himself was diminishing. Sublimation allowed Emperor Yan Luo himself to be washed, and it also changed the Netherworld. But now Emperor Yan Luo has not taken the strongest step of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, so the impact on the Netherworld is very small, even the girl in front of him. Empress Wa did not notice this change!

Time is pressing. Although Empress Nuwa still has many doubts in her heart, she understands that she must act now. As Emperor Yan Luo said, crisis is opportunity. This sentence really reminds herself that she is one of the strongest. The first one to stand up, is also the person most hated by the Dao of Heaven and Hongjun Daozu. He is truly in the most dangerous crisis, but the crisis is also an opportunity. It is precisely because he is the person that the Dao of Heaven hates the most, so I will There is a ray of vitality, because in the entire prehistoric world, he is definitely not the only one who has a desire for Hunyuan Avenue.


"Thank you for your guidance, if Nuwa has something to do in the future, she will definitely be rewarded!" She said that she gave a gentle salute to Emperor Yan Luo. From this moment on, she made a decision and made a choice. A terrible intent to fight radiated from her, even if Empress Nuwa repeatedly restrained herself, but the intent to fight still permeated.

"The Daoist Nuwa is serious, this is your own perseverance in exchange for it, but I did not do anything, the opportunity cannot be missed, the loss will never come again, the Daoist friend does not need to waste his precious time on this little thing!" Yan Luo Dijun looked at it. Out of Nvwa's divorce, she was unwilling to let Nvwa's preaching because of these causes and effects affect her own proof, so there are these words!

Regarding the kindness of Emperor Yan Luo, Empress Nuwa can only accept it, and can only remember it in her heart. If she cannot prove Hunyuan, no matter how much it is, it is useless. After all, failure to prove Dao means that she is dead, and it is impossible to give it to Yan Luo. Regardless of any help from the emperor, under this circumstance, no matter what she thinks, Empress Nuwa can only keep it.

As Emperor Yan Luo said, opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss is not to come. There is not much time left for me. I cannot waste this precious time here. I must act and cannot wait for the Dao Dao and Hongjun Daozu to take action. At that time everything was too late, for myself now time is everything, time is life!

There was no hesitation and no other unnecessary behaviors. The Nuwa Empress returned to her dojo with a thought. At this time, she didn’t have any cover-up actions, she was almost full of strength, and she didn’t care about anyone’s eyes. Let Tian Dao and Hongjun Daozu be surprised, and also surprised many powerful people in the entire prehistoric land. Everyone didn't understand what Nuwa Empress wanted to do!

What will Empress Nuwa do? Naturally it is to preach the Dao, and what is needed to preach the Dao, Niu Wa has already realized!

"No, Nu Wa wants to break the ground, she also wants to learn to pass the sky, quasi mention, attract these bastards, and also betray the heavens!" Soon Hongjun Daozu reacted. At this time, the Nuwa Empress returned to her dojo, and this was the only one. Possibly, because the dojo is Nuwa's shelter, but Hongjun Daozu understands it is too late!

Just when Hongjun Daozu’s words fell, just when Hongjun Daozu consciously reminded Heavenly Dao to use the power of Heaven’s Dao to block Nuwa Empress and not give her the opportunity to open up the world, a voice rang out from the void: "Good fortune opens. God, create the world!"

This is the voice of Empress Nuwa. When this voice fell, the entire primordial beings felt the amazing origin of good fortune from the void, Empress Nuwa was creating the world! Yes, Empress Nuwa is creating the world, not opening up the world, and the creation of the world originated from Empress Nuwa's dojo, which is the Emperor Wa!

The endless source of good fortune madly scattered from Nuwa Empress’s hands. The entire Wa Huangtian was trembling and expanding. Almost every tremor was an expansion of the world. In just a few breaths, the original Wa Huangtian no longer existed. Instead, there is a world condensed by the origin of good fortune, and this world is still expanding.

Compared with opening up the world and opening up a world, Nuwa Empress takes her dojo, Wahuangtian as the foundation, and uses the Dao of Good Fortune as the nourishment to create a world of Fang. This is a manifestation of the Dao of Good Fortune, and it is also an act of the Dao of Good Fortune. No one dared to stop Nu Wa Empress's move. Anyone who stops will be counterattacked by good fortune, and counterattack from the world.

Good luck acting is a great opportunity for the entire prehistoric world. The entire prehistoric will benefit from the acting of Nuwa Empress. At this time, although Hongjun Daozu is very angry, he understands that he can't take action to stop it. No, when the Nuwa Empress made her move, the origin of the entire prehistoric world was aroused, and was aroused by the Great Dao of Good Fortune!

At this time, whoever dares to stop Nuwa Empress is to be the enemy of the origin of the prehistoric world, the enemy of the world, but this time Nu Wa Empress is different in acting. She is creating the world, creating her own world, just creating the world. At that time, Empress Nuwa completely devoted her own good fortune into it, without making any reservations!

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