God of Destruction

Chapter 4584: Knife against the sky

Chapter 4590

Good Fortune World This is the power of Nv Wa Empress, to evolve a real good fortune world with Good Fortune Avenue, but what she pays is her own origin. This is not the ordinary origin, but the rules of her own origin, and it is also one of all the ways of good fortune she practiced. force.

Cut the Dao, yes, now the Nuwa Empress is cutting the Dao, cutting off her own good fortune avenue, so as to evolve the world of good fortune, and use this world to carry everything she has in the past. This is the idea of ​​Nuwa, this is Nuwa. Empress means.

"Cut Dao, **** how dare she cut Dao, cut off her own good fortune avenue, and evolve a good fortune world, what does she want to do?" Hongjun Daozu is roaring! At this time, Hongjun Daozu's mood was trembling, and his mood was shaken by all this in front of him. He was in terror and fear, and the madness of Empress Hongjun was beyond the control of Daozu Hongjun!

"Crazy, really crazy, Junior Sister Nüwa is going to cut off her own path of good fortune. She wants to learn from Styx, and wants to rebuild her own path. It seems that she is really determined to betray the way of heaven, to break with the way of heaven, and Hong Teacher Jun breaks! I just don't know if she can succeed. Once she fails, she will die!" When he said this, Taishang Laojun couldn't help but sighed softly!

"There is no choice, Junior Sister Nuwa has no choice. She has no choice but to let go. She has been driven by the way of heaven and Daozu Hongjun to a dead end, but she will never make it if there is a trace of vitality. Such a crazy choice, I won’t gamble with my own life!" Unlike Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun has now completely given up his heart to heaven and Hongjun Taoist ancestor, even the title has been changed, and he is no longer known as a teacher. Instead, it is directly based on Daozu, it seems that he does not want to endure any longer!

Hearing Yuanshi Tianzun’s words, the Supreme Master sighed, and a faint surprise flashed in his eyes. He was surprised by Yuanshi Tianzun’s changes, and was also surprised by the mistakes of Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao, Tiandao and Hong Jun Daozu finally forced all the heavenly saints to the point where they had to go against it, forcing everyone to make changes!

"Is it worth it? For the sake of my own selfishness, I will not hesitate to let the whole world oscillate and push against all the disciples. Is it worth it? Without the human heart, how long can the way of heaven last?" So far, everyone has no retreat and can only give it a go. This is the general trend of the world, and no one can resist the general trend!

"What a Nuwa, what a great road of good fortune, if it weren't the calculations of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu, I'm afraid she really has the law of hope to prove the Dao and proves the supreme Hunyuan Dao, but everything has been destroyed by Heaven and Hongjun Daozu. She has lost her own roots, but Empress Nuwa is also ruthless enough to directly give up the Great Dao of Good Fortune, cut the Dao against the sky, cut off the old self, and usher in a new life! This Xia Dao and Hongjun Daozu are dumbfounded, and the Dao Zu Hongjun Underneath Nuwa Empress has really cut off all the cause and effect, and everything in the past has disappeared!" Such an astonishing change shocked the Yin and Yang Taoists, and such an astonishing change made him feel the supreme chance!

Nvwa Empress’s cutting the way against the sky is a great opportunity for anyone who practices the Great Dao of Good Fortune. You can learn from it. You can compare the rules of the Great Dao of Good Fortune to find the shortcomings of your own practice. This Qiaqi makes Yin and Yang. Taoists benefit.

"Stop, Nuwa can't stop, do you want to betray Tiandao?" When the origin of Nvwa's good fortune quickly merged into the world, Hongjun Daozu finally couldn't bear to stand up and stop, wanting to drink Zhi Nvwa This crazy move, even if it is to take on the great backlash and the original response, he will not hesitate to do it. He doesn't want to see the worst happen!

"Taozu, you are scared, you are scared, but unfortunately everything is too late, you forced me to do this, you and the heavens forced me to do this, and my great path of good fortune was ruined by you. , You calculated me, so that I lost my great opportunity and embarked on the wrong path. After I proclaimed sanctification and became a saint of heaven, I still refused to let me go. They were still calculating me, knowing that the human race is my foundation, but Calculating me again and again, calculating the human race, made me lose heart, since you and the way of heaven do not give me vitality, I can only fight for that gleam of vitality by myself!" Today's Nuwa Empress is really fearless, under the power of heaven. She is not afraid of the threat of heaven, and she is not afraid of the threat of Hongjun Daozu!

"Asshole, do you know what you are talking about? You don't respect the way of heaven. You are on a dead end. You have to prove the way of Hunyuan, but you put all the responsibility on being a teacher and pushing the way of heaven. Do you think that you can succeed? You are wrong, you can't succeed at all. The prehistoric world cannot tolerate Hunyuan Dao, and you can't afford the causal backlash!" Daozu Hongjun was roaring and retorting, but unfortunately there are not many people at all of his words. I believe that, especially with the betrayal of Zhunti, the introduction, and the master of Tongtian, even the Empress Nuwa had to make the same choice, which made people even more unlikely to believe in Daozu Hongjun!

"Hehe, Daozu, things have reached this point. Do you still say that this ridiculous lie is useful? Do you think that all living beings are stupid? Zhun mentioning, attracting and giving up through the sky, and the madness of Styx, is this? Can’t it explain everything? If it weren’t for you repeatedly forcing each other, if it’s not for you and Heaven’s Dao that have been calculating the primordial beings and not giving us a way to survive, how could we make such a choice? The ancient powerful were forced far by you. Going into chaos, they have to give up everything about themselves, and they can even transform into chaotic beasts in order to get revenge. Could it be said that they are all betrayals of heaven?"

At this time, Empress Nuwa was also cruel, and she directly said things that she had not dared to say before, and directly countered Daozu Hongjun and cut the way against the sky, Empress Nuwa could be said to have cut everything out of the past. , I no longer care about all cause and effect, and I am not afraid of the blows from Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao. With the cutting out of the Great Way of Good Fortune, and with the continuous growth of the world of Good Fortune, Empress Nuwa finally understands the reminder of Emperor Yan Luo. Have a deeper understanding of self-cultivation!

"Cut, good fortune origin, good fortune, great fortune, human world!" When the last good fortune origin was cut out, the Nuwa Empress screamed, cutting out her own human luck and blending into this new world of good fortune. Among them, this is the world created by Empress Nuwa, the world created by the Great Way of Good Fortune, this is a big world, and a big world that carries the luck of the human race!

"No, Nu Wa actually created a great world, how is this possible!" When he felt the breath of the human world, Daozu Hongjun was shocked. This is the breath of the great world, and Empress Nu Wa actually relied on the power of a heavenly saint. , With the origin of good fortune, created a great world, although this is the weakest great world, but the weakest great world is terrifying!


"Human Sovereign, Human Ancestor, this is the last strength I give you. The Human Realm is also the final retreat for the Human Race. If the prehistoric world cannot tolerate the Human Race or you, the Human Realm is your last vitality and the foundation of your self-reliance. , Cut it for me!" With Empress Nuwa's deep sigh again, when the word fell, Empress Nuwa cut off all the connections between herself and the world, and also cut off all the cause and effect with the human race, this Fang World is her last gift as a mother!

"No, Madame no!" When the Nuwa Empress cut all the cause and effect with the Human Race, all the Human Races are shouting, they all want to stop the Nu Wa Empress, they don't want to lose their'mother', but everything is gone. It’s too late. Empress Nuwa has already slashed out this blow. Under Heaven-defying Slash, all cause and effect have been cut off. Everything about Empress Nuwa and the human race is left in the human world, staying here for good fortune. In the world, blend with the world!

"Child, don't be sad for me. This is my own choice. This is the way I have to go. If I want to prove Hunyuan, I have to do it!" Upon hearing the cry of Human Race, Empress Nuwa smiled indifferently. These'children' who were persuading themselves, there was a faint joy in their eyes, which is the joy of recognition of the human race!

Compared with the cry of the human race, the eyes of the demon race in the prehistoric world showed a trace of loss. They felt disappointed by Empress Nuwa's move, because Empress Nuwa did not leave this world to the demon race, giving the demon race a ray of life.

As if feeling the loss in the heart of the demon race, Empress Nuwa's expression condensed, and she shouted: "Cut, cut off my physical body to condense the supreme real blood, take my bones as the basis, and flesh and blood as the source to condense the demon world!"

With this deep cry of Empress Nuwa, her primordial spirit escaped, and her physical body instantly melted into a new world. This is the world evolved by the flesh, the world evolved from the demon race, although the empress Nuwa and the demon race The cause and effect of Fu Xi and the demon emperor have been cut off, but the cause and effect of Fuxi and the demon emperor are still there, and Empress Nuwa still bears the name of a demon emperor, which still needs to be resolved.

"Yaozu, this is the last support I give you. If the prehistoric world can't tolerate you or the monsters, the monster world is your last vitality, go!" With the voice of Empress Nuwa, the monster world is the same as the human world. Disappearing in the eyes of everyone, only the Human Race and the Monster Race can feel their respective worlds, and feel the last giving of Nuwa Empress!

"Damn Nuwa, how dare you do this, dare to violate the general trend of heaven and earth, dare to break the rules of heaven and earth!" Daozu Hongjun roared in his heart, but he could not stop it. The birth of the human world and the demon world is a good thing for the prehistoric world, yes. The human race and the monster race are vitality and the foundation, and the existence of these two worlds is also a resistance to the heavens!

Compared with the strength of the human world, the demon world has some shortcomings. Although this is the price of the Nuwa Empress, but the demon world is only the middle thousand world, and the gap between the middle thousand world and the big thousand world is too big, but for the monster race In terms of speaking, no one felt that there was anything wrong, nor did they feel unwilling, after all, the cause and effect of the Nuwa Empress and the Yaozu was too small!

"It's a Nvwa, such a strong determination, to abandon the origin road, abandon the physical body, cut off everything in the past, cut off the old self, usher in a new life, and there is no more cause and effect with the majestic world. Even if it's Tiandao, she can't help it, Hongjun Daozu can't stop it. Is it just worth it?" Jiuyin muttered to himself, with a hint of doubt in his eyes, and he didn't understand the price Nuwa Empress had paid such a high price. Why, I really want to prove Dao Hunyuan, and I shouldn't abandon everything!

"Yeah, it's really too cruel. I cut off all of my own, cut off everything in the past, the origin, the body gave up, just to cut everything in the past, we all underestimated the Nuwa Empress, who is not such a determination You can have it!" Zhun Ti was also shocked by the madness of Empress Nuwa. If he was allowed to make a choice, I was afraid that he could not do this. After all, it was too crazy!

"To create two worlds in a row, I have to say that Nuwa's background is far beyond our imagination. This kind of power cannot be possessed by anyone. It's just that the Nuwa empresses who are behind the Yuanshen can prove Hunyuan Dadao. Saying that we are all wrong, she is not trying to prove Dao Hunyuan, but has other ideas?"

"I don’t know. Now, no one knows what Nuwa is thinking or what she wants to do. If the cause and effect are exhausted, no matter what God’s way, Hongjun Dao ancestor dare not attack, there is no trace of cause and effect in the entire prehistoric world. , Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu dare to make a move, they will definitely be punished by the Great Dao, perhaps this is the preparation of the Nuwa Empress!"

"The Great Way of Good Fortune is really powerful, and it has a great advantage in creating the world. Maybe we were all wrong at the beginning. If we can also understand a little Great Way of Good Fortune, our world will not be what it is now!"

At this moment, countless primordial masters are meditating, thinking about Nuwa Empress’s intentions, and also thinking about the cause and effect of themselves and the primordial world. If everyone can learn the magical technique of Nuwa Empress, they can cut off the past and cut away from the past. Perhaps everyone will not be constrained by the so-called bottleneck of the cause and effect of the prehistoric world, let alone be restrained by the heavens, and suppressed by the heavens!

Of course, you can only think about it in your own heart. No one is stupid enough to dare to shout out directly. After all, they are not Nuwa Empress, without the terrifying power of Nüwa Empress, let alone the crazy degree of Nüwa Empress. , For them, they can only sigh in their hearts, even if they have the opportunity, but they don't have such determination!

As the Empress Nuwa cut off all her restraints, the primordial spirit was relaxed for a while. Without the chains of cause and effect, Empress Nuwa could clearly feel the power of the rules of the prehistoric world, and the realm of Hunyuan, although the road of good fortune was affected. Give up, but Empress Nuwa does not really have to lose everything. As long as the soul is still there, there will be a chance. The soul is the root of Empress Nuwa. This is Nu Wa's perception after communicating with Emperor Yan Luo, as long as she kills herself. All the shackles have the opportunity to prove Dao Hunyuan, but my own Dao is different from the ancestors of the Styx, and he does not have the influence of the original rules of the Great Dao of Good Fortune!

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