God of Destruction

Chapter 4585: New life

Chapter 4591: Freshman

"The origin of life is present, the vitality is condensed, and the force of life comes out. I control the way of life!" When there was no shackles on Nuwa Empress's soul, a low voice sounded from her mouth and followed this voice. The sound of the sound, endless clouds of vitality rushed in, merged into the primordial spirit of the Nuwa Empress, and the huge vitality quickly condensed the strength of birth!

"The Avenue of Life, Nu Wa actually wants to change to the Avenue of Life. This feeling is too terrible. In such a short time, she understood the essence of the Avenue of Life, brought the origin of life to appear, and gathered the power of life. It seems that she has walked out of her own. Dao! Master the Dao of Life, even if only the primordial spirit is left, you can quickly condense a true body of God and Demon that is completely integrated with yourself, and it is also the true body of God and Demon of innate essence. , A good method!" Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes flashed with a faint loss, Nuwa found her own way to break the game, but what was her own way to break the game?

"From the Great Way of Good Fortune to the Great Way of Life, it seems that Nuwa was abandoning Great Way of Life to create the world, but in fact, she is evolving the Great Way of Life. It is precisely because of the experience of the two previous worlds that Nuwa can do it. At this point, we were all deceived by her! Junior brother, we have to act, time is running out!" At this time, Taishang Laojun felt a sense of urgency in his heart, because he understood that the Nüwa empress Dao success is dangerous to himself and Yuan Shi!

"Yeah, it's time to let go of everything. The saint of heaven is just a puppet of the heaven. Now we have only one way to go and cut off the original avenue. The Dao we practice is still restrained by the Dao Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestors, brother, have you made a decision?" When this was said, Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes were looking at Taishang Laojun, with a glimmer of expectation in his eyes!

"There is no problem with determination, but it is not easy to be fully prepared. We are no better than Nuwa. She can create the world and perceive the road of life with the road of good fortune, but we do not have such conveniences. Even if we also open up a world, it is difficult. This road of sentiment, I think we can take the road of Styx!"

When Taishang Laojun said this, Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help but sighed secretly in his heart. These words made him understand one thing, even his own brother is unreliable. His own brother obviously has something to do. Concealing, or even calculating yourself, there are many reasons for the success of Styx Evidence. If anyone wants to learn from him, I am afraid it will be difficult to succeed!

Yuanshi Tianzun originally wanted to exchange his experience and thoughts with the Taishang Laojun. In fact, for Sanqing, it is not difficult for them to grasp the new origin. You must know that there is one kind of innate spiritual treasure. Great Dao, and Yuanshi Tianzun wanted to tell the Supreme Master that he wanted to understand the way of destruction in the'Pangu Banner', but now he can only be silent!

"Brother, I don’t have so much time to wait. Since you are not ready, then I will take the first step. I believe that no matter whether I succeed or fail, I will give you an insight. When Nuwa succeeds, I will Cut the way, cut off the sage, open up your own world, control your own destiny, and no longer be at the mercy of others!"

When Yuanshi Tianzun's words fell, his heart suddenly relaxed, as if all the pressure was away from him. In fact, this was his choice, because Yuanshi Tianzun really had to let go of the name of Sanqing at this time. Thoughts of Laojun Taishang! At this moment, Yuanshi Tianzun truly feels that the Lord Tongtian is a person to rely on. He has not concealed his great way from the beginning, and as the head of the Sanqing, his brother is wary of him. .

"What is he worrying about? Could it be that he has a secret that I and Tongtian don't know?" Amidst disappointment, Yuan Shi Tianzun couldn't help but have a trace of curiosity in his heart, and wanted to figure out what Taishang Laojun was worried about. , I want to know the secret hidden by the old gentleman, but this idea was soon suppressed by Yuanshi Tianzun. I have the heart to think about so much, it is better to invest my energy on my own Dao practice and continue to feel my own Dao of destruction. !

Of course, all this is only Yuanshi Tianzun’s own mind. He does not have time to enlighten the Tao now. He needs to carefully observe the Nüwa woman proving the Dao. Although there have been examples of successful Styx proving the Dao before, it is the Nüwa Niangniang's testimony. Dao is obviously different from it, and Nuwa is obviously stronger and more powerful than Styx!

Endless vitality condensed a powerful vitality, and the constant accumulation of vitality soon appeared in front of everyone, a **** and demon body composed entirely of vitality. This is the new birth of Empress Nuwa, the soul and this god. The real body of the demon is in harmony, and the essence of the Empress Nuwa has changed. It is no longer the human mother and the demon saint before, but the innate life **** and devil.

Just when the real body was condensed, a powerful coercion came from the void. This is the power of the heavens, and the sky is angry. When the Nuwa Empress successfully condenses the real body of the life **** and demon, and perfectly merges with it , Tian Dao was angry, Tian Dao felt threatened, and wanted to forcibly stop the Nuwa Empress from proving Dao. As soon as this power came out, the entire prehistoric world was shaken!

"The power of Heavenly Dao, it seems that Heavenly Dao is finally angry and wants to take action against Nuwa. Unfortunately, the Nuwa Empress is no longer better than before. Hongmeng Ziqi has already been imprisoned. It is impossible to control Nuwa with the power of Heaven. , Heaven shouldn’t take action at this time!” Hongjun Dao Ancestor felt the terrifying power of Heaven in the void, and he couldn’t help but sighed. The anger of Heaven directly destroyed his plan, and now the prehistoric ancestors have completely escaped. The original trajectory.

auzw.com"Perhaps I should have a good talk with Emperor Yan Luo. If this continues, let these people let themselves go, I'm afraid the situation will get out of control, but I just want to persuade Yan Luo It is not easy for the emperor to stop!" When he thought of this, Daozu Hongjun's brows frowned tightly, and the situation became more and more weird, more and more beyond his control!

Originally, Hongjun Daozu deliberately used the Nuwa Empress to wipe out the hidden enemies in the dark, but now Tian Dao’s move has directly shattered his plan. Under the anger of Tian Dao, he wants to obliterate the Nüwa Empress from the root. It is that the Nuwa of today has no cause and effect with the prehistoric world. It is also forcibly doing it, because Heaven does not want to see someone who can break free!

"Let go happy, lift the imprisonment of Hongmeng Ziqi, return to heaven, or die!" A cold voice sounded from the void, this is the voice of heaven, although heaven is angry, but also intends to save everything, want to change the woman The determination of Empress Wa!

"Impossible, I won't accept it. I don't want to be a puppet anymore. Don't force me, or you can't think about it. If I destroy Hongmeng Ziqi, I think this is not the result you want to see. !" Facing the heaven, Empress Nuwa did not back down, and directly sacrificed the Hongmeng Ziqi to threaten the heaven. If Empress Nuwa is still a saint of heaven, no matter how hard she works, it is impossible to cause harm to Hongmeng Ziqi, but now She is not a sage of Heaven, and Heaven’s understanding of Nüwa Empress has become a thing of the past. If Nüwa Empress is cruel, she can indeed destroy the grand purple qi in her hands. Once this great purple qi is destroyed, the luck of heaven will inevitably be weakened. , Because every cosmic purple qi is a part of heaven!

"Okay, crazy enough. I didn't expect Nuwa, who has always been calm, would make such a crazy move. We may all be wrong. If we did this at the beginning, Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu would not dare to find us to settle the cause and effect!" When the Nuwa Empress made her choice, Zhunti lost her voice and regretted it. If she stubbornly grasped the Hongmeng Ziqi to threaten the Dao of Heaven, threaten the Dao Ancestor Hongjun, all cause and effect will disappear, but now everything is gone. Too late!

Seeing Zhunti’s unwilling look, she couldn’t help but sighed and said, "Junior brother, don’t think so much. Nvwa is Nvwa. We are us. Our path is different from Nvwa. Nvwa can. We can’t do things that we can’t do. Today’s Nuwa has no cause and effect, and we really cut off the old self and usher in a new life, but we didn’t cut off the old self at the beginning, and we couldn’t do it, so don’t think too much, it suits us. The best is the best, and we are just learning from Nuwa’s Tao!"

There is nothing wrong with the introduction, and the one that suits them is the best. If the introduction and the introduction dared to do so, even in the midst of the catastrophe, they would be dead and dead, and they would be punished by the heavens. You must know that their proving to be holy is a coincidence, and the Nuwa Empress is completely relying on their own strength to complete, and neither of them can do the madness of Nuwa, they do not have the huge background of Nuwa, and the two of them work together. The world created is not comparable to Nuwa alone. It can be seen how big and amazing the gap between the two sides is on Dao’s perception. Good fortune Dao can create the world and create life, which is of great benefit to the prehistoric world. This is the foundation of Nuwa Empress. , If it weren't for the calculations of Heaven, Empress Nuwa wouldn't be in the current situation!

Of course, everything has two sides. Although Nuwa Empress has suffered from the calculations of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu, but now Nuwa Empress can use the other's calculations to cut the Dao against the sky, cut out the old self, welcome the new life, and not be with the wild world. There is a trace of cause and effect!

"Do you think that you can threaten me like this? Hunyuan Dao is not tolerated under heaven. You are a saint of heaven. You must be ruled by heaven. This is the rule. No one can reverse it!" The cold and ruthless voice of heaven once again It sounded, and once again let the primordial beings feel its cruelty and the horror of heaven. Perhaps from this moment, Tiandao has already made up his mind to take the Nuwa Empress and use the Nüwa Empress to establish power against the entire primordial sentient beings, and only use a saint. Liwei can save everything!

"Under Heaven, there is no room for Hunyuan Dao, so what? Can you represent the entire prehistoric world? Can you represent the Dao? I have nothing to do with the prehistoric world. The so-called Heavenly Dao saint has nothing to do with me. All the cause and effect in your body disappeared. What qualifications do you have if you violate the rules of the Dao to use the rules to stop me!" Now that you have torn your skin, the Nuwa Empress has nothing to worry about. What else to take into consideration!

What is the rule of the sky, that is order. If even the Tao of heaven does not abide by the rule of the sky and destroys the rule of the sky, what qualifications does it have to suppress the Nuwa Empress with the power of the rule? Under such circumstances, Tian Dao took action to block, which in itself violated the Dao rules, so when the words of Empress Nu Wa, Tian Dao became even more angry.

The saints under the heavenly way are also'ant's, and being reprimanded by an'ant' is unacceptable to the heavenly way. If you can't kill the god-defying person, the dignity of heaven's way will be cut off. The entire prehistoric sentient beings will no longer be in awe of the way of heaven, and the general trend that the way of heaven has always placed will be shattered!

"Your stupidity and ignorance completely angered me. Those who defy the sky should be punished by heaven, and their souls and souls will be destroyed under the punishment!" At this time, Heavenly Dao had nothing to hide, and directly made the craziest decision and gave it directly. Empress Nuwa was punished by heaven, when its cruel and merciless voice fell, the entire prehistoric sentient beings were shocked and terrified!

Today, Heavenly Dao can directly kill the Nuwa Empress and punish them, and then they will also be threatened like this in the future. The justice of Heavenly Dao will be eliminated from the hearts of all living beings in the primordial world in an instant, and all the primordial beings will no longer believe the so-called so-called The way of heaven is the most common, because it was the way of heaven that broke the rules it set, and it destroyed the order it set up with the single hand. How could it be possible for the predecessors to agree with the rules that the way of heaven itself did not obey, and how could it be convinced by everyone !

At the moment when Tiandao lost his heart, Hongjun Daozu's expression changed drastically. He who fits into Tiandao deeply felt the backlash from the rules. This is the shattering of the rules of Tiandao to justice, and the shattering of the fair rules is natural. It has brought great trouble to Daozu Hongjun. In the past, Daozu Hongjun could use the power of heaven to interfere in the prehistoric world. There is no need to worry about the rule backlash, because there is suppression by the way of heaven, but now Daozu Hongjun needs to bear the past by himself. cause and effect!

"Stupid God, don’t say it if you can’t speak. You’ve said so much and you’ve got yourself pitted. It doesn’t matter if you want to die, but don’t pull me together. I knew you were so stupid. He Dao!" At this time, Dao Zu Hongjun was swearing at the ignorance of the Dao, but all this has happened. Dao Zu Hongjun can only silently endure the backlash from the rules, bear the cause and effect that he committed, and be responsible for his actions. Now that there is no power to help oneself resist all of this, the rule of heaven and justice is broken, and the order of the entire prehistoric world is also shattered!

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