God of Destruction

Chapter 4587: Change every day

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Chapter Four Thousand Five Hundred and Thirty-Three

"Zhou Tian Xing Ding! The stars shine for nine days, protect!" As the situation deteriorated, Hongjun Daozu had to make an all-out effort. The ancient stars shined brightly in his shout, and the ancient stars exuded terrible power. It is the power of the origin of the stars. In order to be able to repel the chaotic beasts and to resolve the crisis of the ancient star realm, Hongjun Daozu is trying his best to stimulate the origin of the ancient stars, but doing so is also a kind of damage to the ancient stars, but Now Hongjun Daozu has no choice.

Without stimulating the origins of the ancient stars, the barrier of the Primordial Desolation will be torn apart by the Chaos Beasts, losing the protection of the World Barriers. The Primordial Beasts can directly rush into the Primordial World and destroy the ancient star regions. The ancient star regions will inevitably destroy the heavens. Suffered a devastating blow, and this was a consequence that Hongjun Daozu could not accept, nor could he accept it!

"It's at this moment, brother, let's take action, Hongmeng Ziqi cut, Yuanshen peeled off!" Yuan Shi Tianzun gave a deep cry, and Huijian cut down, cutting out the Hongmeng Ziqi from his Yuanshen, giving up the saint of heaven. The place! When Yuan Qi Tianzun shot, Taishang Laojun did not hesitate, and directly cut off the grand purple qi in his soul, but these two did not temporarily retain the hong meng purple aura to threaten the way of heaven like the Nuwa Empress. Instead, he gave up directly, and let this grand and purple energy return to the hands of heaven!

"Good guys, Taishang and Yuanshi actually chose to cut off Hongmeng Ziqi at this time, abandoning the position of Heavenly Dao saint. It is vicious enough to hit Heavenly Dao by surprise, leaving Heavenly Dao with no time to react, and Hongjun Dao Ancestor even stopped it. There is no time. It seems that they have been calculating for a long time, and they have made all-round preparations long ago!"

Hearing Zhunzi's remarks, the receiver nodded and said, "Yes, they are ruthless enough. If they choose to make a move in this situation, no one will stop them. The way of heaven is very troublesome. The original six ways of heaven. Abandoning the saints of Heavenly Dao completely is a devastating blow to Heavenly Dao. The origin of Heavenly Dao must be severely damaged, and it will no longer be possible to stop Tai Shang and Yuan Shi!"

Yes, if the Tao cannot stop the Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun today, they chose a very good time. After cutting out the grandiose and purple qi, the Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun took the opportunity to open up their own world, and they were prepared. Below, there will be no accidents. Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun have easily completed the world development. The worlds they have opened up are very good, and they all have the degree of perfection in the middle of the world, but they do not have enough foundation to come. The result of upgrading the world is that, on the one hand, the realm of Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun is high, and the foundation is sufficient, on the other hand, it is the perception after Nuwa Empress created the two worlds!

"Sanqing is really unreliable. Although I knew they would betray, I didn't expect this day to come so soon. It seems that they were prepared long ago and the situation has really been reversed!" When resisting the attack from the Chaos Fierce Beast, Hongjun Daozu couldn't help. He sighed lightly, this result made him deeply feel how terrifying and how terrifying the pressure he was carrying.

With the departure of the two heavenly saints, the heavenly path was greatly traumatized, and the origin was once again weakened. At this time, the heavenly path was dealing with the Nuwa empress, and he could not distract himself from dealing with the Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun, and missed it. At this moment, Tian Dao will not have the opportunity to make a move, after all, Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun both have Pangu Kaitian merits.

The betrayal of a Nvwa empress has made Tiandao crazy, and now there are two more. In such a short period of time, the three heavenly saints gave up their saint status. What a blow to the heavens, it’s just that the Tao is gradually losing its righteousness today. Mastering the general trend, endless causal karma rushes into the heavens frantically, changing everything!

"No!" Tian Dao's heart was screaming frantically, but it couldn't stop all of this. The crazy consumption of the original source also felt the death crisis for Tian Dao, and this crisis did not come from the Nuwa Empress, Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun. , But from the Dao. After the origin of the Dao of Heaven was weakened again, he could no longer cover up his evil deeds. The power of punishment from the Dao suddenly fell from the sky, directly submerged in the origin of the Dao of Heaven, crazily weakening the origin of the Dao of Heaven.

This is the Dao’s punishment for violating the rules of the Heaven’s Dao. The power of the Heaven’s Dao is restricted. The Nuwa Empress, who was under tremendous pressure, instantly relaxes her body. The so-called Heaven’s Punishment disappears, and all the attacks of the Heaven’s Dao disappear. A hint of joy flashed in his eyes, and the reappearance of the power of the Great Dao gave more thoughts to the hearts of the prehistoric sentient beings!

Just when everyone thought that this great catastrophe would dissipate because of the reappearance of the Dao, they soon understood that they were wrong. When the Dao was punished by the Dao, the authentic and humane forces surged wildly. They were not In regaining one's origin, but in uniting the heavens to fight against the power of the Dao. When the power of the three realms of heaven, earth and man are present, the entire prehistoric world is trembling, and the origin of the predominant world is stimulated to oppose the punishment from the Dao.

"What's the matter? The tunnel and the humanity will help the heaven and the Dao to fight the Dao. What is going on? Are the three ways of heaven, earth and man not enemies? How can they join hands against the Dao at this time?" There was a solemn look in the eyes of Emperor Yan Luo. , The occurrence of such a shock made him deeply uneasy. Perhaps the ultimate secret of the prehistoric world will appear. The changes in the three ways of heaven, earth and man are related to this, and in the predominant today, only Hongjun Daozu knows this secret!

Although he was very shocked in his heart, Emperor Yan Luo did not forget his duty because of this shock. The tunnel moved, which was arousing the power of the Netherworld, and this was unacceptable to Emperor Yan Luo. The tunnel attracted more than the power of the Netherworld. There are also the power of the six reincarnations and the world of the witch race. If you want to stop all of this, you can't do it with the power of Emperor Yan Luo alone!

"Friends of the earth, ancestor witches, don't take action to stabilize your world, don't let the power of the source be led away by the tunnel, otherwise we will all suffer the backlash of the great road!" A deep drink sounded in the nether world, staying there forever. The twelve ancestor witches in the six reincarnations were shocked instantly. Although they had felt the changes in the world of the witch clan and the six reincarnations before, they did not think too much, thinking that this was just the effect of the great catastrophe of heaven and earth. Unexpectedly, it is the tunnel that guides the power of the origin of the six reincarnations and the world of the witch race. If the tunnel is allowed to succeed, they will carry the great cause and effect, and the cause and effect of the great road!

"Damn tunnel, how dare it mobilize the power of our witches without our consent? If the world's origin is too large, it will cause irreparable disasters to the witch world!" As the lord of the world, the Emperor Jiangzu Witch The first one is angry. You must know that the Witch world is closely connected to him. Once the Witch world is lost, he will also be backlashed by the world!

"Six ways of reincarnation enlighten, the Lord of the Six Ways returns, and the great formation of reincarnation appears!" With a deep cry from the Houtu Ancestor Witch, the Six Ways of Samsara revolved, and the Lord of the Six Ways returned to the place, and the reincarnation was great under the guidance of the Houtu Ancestor Witch. The formation surfaced above the six reincarnations, cutting off the hands of the tunnels, preventing the tunnels from continuing to draw the power of the source from the six reincarnations.

"Wu Dijiang opened the world barriers with the Lord of the World, the origin of the world is condensed, all beings of the Witch tribe listen to orders, will condense the sword of the world, and cut off all external forces!" With a deep cry of the Emperor Jiang Zu Wu, the source of the Witch tribe world When it is activated, all the creatures of the witch race in the world of the witch race obey the order, and use the will of all the witch races to condense into the sword of the world and slash to the authentic evil hand!


As the lord of the Netherworld, Emperor Yan Luo is even easier. As the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan, he is not affected by the tunnels. The force instantly cut off the authentic power!

When the three powers of the Netherworld, the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and the Witch World directly fought back and cut off the malice of the tunnel, the tunnel was backlashed, and the three original forces were backlashed. You must know that these three original forces are the root of the tunnel. Now they are all rebelling against the tunnel, how can the tunnel not be angry, the original power that belonged to itself has been out of their own control, this is unacceptable, and it is also intolerable. These **** must die!

In an instant, the killing intent in the tunnel's heart rose, and Emperor Yan Luo and the twelve ancestral witches became its must-kill targets, because if they were not removed, the tunnel could not control the power of the entire tunnel, let alone the authority of the Netherworld. The power of the six realms of reincarnation and the world of the witch race, even if all these were not originally controlled by him, but now it is truly murderous!

Together with the authentic killing intent, Emperor Yan Luo in the Netherworld immediately felt his own spiritual warning, and the twelve ancestral witches also felt the danger. They all understood that this time they had a complete break with the tunnel, and the two sides had become rival enemies, endlessly dying. The enemy, if the tunnel is made stronger, what awaits them is bound to be destroyed!

"Hey! The power of the authenticity is weakening. It seems that Emperor Yan Luo and the Twelve Ancestor Witches finally couldn't bear to fight back. The power of the authenticity was restrained by them. Interestingly, the power of the three ways of heaven, earth and man was broken. It seems that this matter There is a big secret behind it!" I have been sitting on the sidelines and muttered to himself involuntarily, eyes flashing with brilliance, thinking about the problem!

It’s a pity that there are too few secrets to know, and the connection with the prehistoric world is not enough. It is impossible to truly understand the secrets behind all this, but he can feel that this is an opportunity, a chance for him and Zhunti to prove the truth, if If you can figure out the secret behind this, you and Zhunti can get rid of the threats of heaven, authenticity, and humanity, and you can prove the truth!

"Brother, is this a deal between Nüwa and Emperor Yan Luo. At this critical moment, helping Nvwa empresses resist threats from the outside world?" Zhun Ti frowned and asked, responding to this sudden change. There is a faint anxiety in his heart!

He shook his head and sighed, "This is impossible. Even if Empress Nuwa would make a request, Emperor Yan Luo could not agree to it. What would Nuwa pay for such a big cause and effect? ​​What's more, Empress Nuwa and the 12th Ancestral Witch But without friendship, it is even more impossible to tell the twelve ancestor witches, everything can only be related to the tunnels, even the three ways of heaven, earth and humans? After all, the three ways of heaven, earth and humans are now fighting against the great avenues, and perhaps it may also be related to the great avenues. related!"

At this time, the Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun who were preparing to prove Dao Hunyuan were shocked. Although the power of the tunnel was weakened, the sudden action of Emperor Yan Luo and Twelve Ancestral Witches made them feel threatened instinctively. The warning of the soul, but now they don't even know where the threat comes from, whether it is Emperor Yan Luo and the Twelve Ancestor Witches, or the Three Ways of Heaven, Earth and Human, or the Great Dao, which makes the hearts of Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun worried.

Evidence is different from others. Once you fail, the consequences will be unimaginable, and you will even lose your life. If you give up the confrontation with the Dao and turn to yourself when you are proving the Dao, both the Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun have no confidence. Resist Heaven's punishment, resist the death and slaughter from the three realms of heaven, earth and man. At that time, Emperor Yan Luo and the Twelve Ancestral Witches will continue to constrain the tunnels. This is another unknown number. They pin their lives and deaths on Emperor Yan Luo. This is unreliable with the twelve ancestor witches!

However, now stop, and just give up the Proving Dao Hunyuan, the Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun are not reconciled, after all, this is the best opportunity, Hongjun Daozu can not stop because of the attack of the chaotic beast, and missed it. With this opportunity, if you want to prove Dao Hunyuan, you have to face the attack of the Three Dao of Heaven, Earth and Human. That way, the sense of danger will be greater!

give up! The first choice was Yuanshi Tianzun. Although he wanted to take a chance, every time he had this idea, his soul warned him and warned him not to act rashly. Once he did so, he would be ruined.

After Yuanshi Tianzun stopped, gave up proving the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and directly entered the world he had opened up, the old gentleman sighed and had to give up, although the old gentleman's background required Stronger than Yuan Shi Tianzun, but he still has no confidence to prove Dao Hun Yuan in such a weird environment. After all, the current situation is too crazy. Dadao, Heaven, Earth and Human, even Emperor Yan Luo and the Twelve Ancestor Witches have all taken action. At this time, a slight mistake in the sermon will disappear!

Putting his own life and death on others, Taishang Laojun did not dare to make such a choice, and could not bear the consequences of failure, so he had to stop and give up, even if the preaching would be more dangerous in the future, he could only Give up first. You can’t risk your own life and plunge yourself into a desperate situation. There is only one life. Taishang Laojun doesn’t think that he can have the strength like Nuwa Empress, and he can cut off his old self and usher in a new life. Confronting the God's Punishment Proving Dao Hun Yuan Da Luo, complete his own transformation in one fell swoop!

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