God of Destruction

Chapter 4588: Fear

Chapter 4594: Fear

"Why would Taishang and Yuanshi give up the opportunity to prove Dao? Nüwa has succeeded, and they can also use this opportunity to prove Dao Hunyuan, why did they shrink?" Zhunti asked in doubt, not understanding so great. Why did Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun give up the opportunity? If I had such an opportunity, I would definitely give it a go!

"I don't know, but things are definitely not simple. It can make them both shrink back. Obviously, the sermon will be very dangerous at this time. It seems that the sermon is almost foolproof at this time, but the more so, the more careful you must be. Taishang and Yuanshi have discovered something, otherwise they would not give up such a good opportunity for preaching so easily, maybe this is a trap!" When he said this, the look on his face could not help but change, as if thinking about it in his heart. What a big secret!

trap? Evangelism means death? This is the problem that Sudden suddenly thought of. Even Emperor Yan Luo, who used the great merits to offset all the catastrophes, did not directly prove the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. The same is true for Styx. The previous Nuwa Empress was also the same. Now Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun Again, this is enough to show that Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian needs a process. If you want to get it in one step, you will only wait for death, and the cause of death is the prehistoric world, which does not allow the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian to appear directly. It can be seen from the performance of Tiandao, and it is enough to prove this from the side!

"Damn it, fortunately, Junior Brother Zhunti and I have no impulse, and did not take the initiative to challenge Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Otherwise, only death is waiting for us. Perhaps the reason Hongjun Daozu and Tian Dao indulge in the proving of the Dao of Styx is to temptation. Everyone walked towards this'destroy road', but they didn't expect that the appearance of Empress Nuwa would break their conspiracy, forcing Tiandao to take the initiative to stop all this and make the situation change new!" The more you think so. , The more the leader felt that he was right, everything was a conspiracy, the conspiracy of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu, and their Qiaqia was the object of this conspiracy!

When thinking of this, he said, "Junior, we should also learn from Taishang and Yuanshi, and also need to prove the Hunyuan Jinxian, step by step, and can't delusion step by step to reach the sky, and directly become Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, even they are afraid. , We are all evading, and we have no reason to go hard, let alone our background is far less powerful than theirs!"

He already knew clearly that this was a conspiracy between Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu, but the leader did not dare to speak out, and he dared not tell Zhunti directly, because he was afraid. The performance of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu was enough to prove this. The danger is so great that he does not want to risk his life, because he understands that once he speaks, he will be sensed by Heaven. Then he and Zhunti will become the thorn in the eyes and thorns of Heaven, waiting for himself and Zhunti. There is only death and destruction.

Seeing the change in the look on the face of the lead, and hearing such words again, Zhunti nodded slightly and said: "The brother said that the road of practice should not be too impatient, step by step, steady. It is fundamentally the best choice for ourselves. Everyone does this. We have no reason to take the risk and plunge ourselves into crisis!"

After hearing Zhunti’s reply, Xiuying breathed a sigh of relief and nodded lightly to express his approval. His heart finally calmed down. He no longer worried that Zhunti would be impulsive and chose the “Hunyuan University”. Luo Jinxian'!

Zhunti became more clear when he saw the lead and breathed a sigh of relief. He understood that directly proving the'Hunyuan Dadian Golden Immortal' is a dead end and a path of no return to him. The Hunyuan Dadian Golden Immortal is far from simple as imagined. It’s just that the current situation of the Empress Nuwa and the counterattack of Emperor Yan Luo and the twelve ancestor witches also worries Zhunti. After all, they are all powerhouses standing at the top of the world, and what they want to fight against is authentic. One of the three ways of heaven, earth and man.

"Brother, do you think Nuwa can retreat in this catastrophe? Can she stop the strangulation of the three realms of heaven, earth and man? Is the three ways of heaven, earth and man so crazy worth it? Emperor Yan Luo and the twelve ancestor witches Is there a big secret behind the crazy counterattack, a big secret related to us? Even a big secret related to the entire prehistoric world?"

After being asked about this series of inquiries, Sui Yin Chang sighed and said, “It’s hard to say whether Nuwa can retreat all over the body. It is impossible to make correct judgments just by relying on the breath we are feeling now. This is the heavenly punishment, the supreme punishment of the heavens, the earth and the man. It is difficult for us to understand how powerful it is, because it has never appeared before. This is The first case!"

The quote is right. The horrific blow Nuwa Empress suffered was the first case in the prehistoric world and the first to be strangled by the three realms of the predominant world. No one knows how terrifying this force is. I don’t know Nu Wa. The true situation of the empress, whether you can insist on it depends on the good fortune and background of the empress Nuwa, as well as her strength! Fortunately, Nuwa Empress now masters the Dao of Life. The power of the Dao’s rules can continue to fight against the three paths of heaven, earth and man. Coupled with the action of Emperor Yan Luo and the 12th Ancestral Witch, there may be a glimmer of life. Retreat in a crazy disaster!

Is it worth the triple strangulation of heaven, earth and man? This is a more difficult question to answer. After a moment of meditation, he sighed: "It's not worth it. After all, we can’t really understand the idea of ​​the three ways of heaven, earth and man from our standpoint. Dao did this. It might be worthwhile for them. It was the Nuwa Empress that touched their bottom line. They had to do this, and it was different from the standpoint of others. The final result is even more impossible. Imagine!"


I can’t imagine, this is the answer of the lead. In the end, all of this can only depend on the result. If the plan of the Three Ways of Heaven, Earth and Humans is successful, to kill the Nuwa Empress, or suppress it, then everything is worthwhile, and their success will be touched. The destruction of the Nv Wa empress on the bottom line will deter all beings in the prehistoric world and preserve their majesty. On the contrary, if they fail, everything they have given will be reduced to nothingness, and their dignity will disappear, and they will no longer be able to deter the predecessors. !

"Secret? The secret behind the actions of Emperor Yan Luo and the Twelve Ancestral Witches is not something we can explore now. Although this may be beneficial to our understanding of the prehistoric world, the more mysterious the more dangerous, we cannot let it now. We are in danger, we don’t have the power of Nuwa, nor the background of Sanqing, we can only be cautious!"

Having said that, there is still a touch of unwillingness in the heart of Jiuying. This can be felt from the sound of his words, but Zhunti did not ask for it. After all, there is still himself who is unwilling, but no matter what he has in his heart. How unwilling, how reluctant, but strength determines everything, without strong enough strength to support himself, I know how to choose!

As a sage of heaven, he naturally understands the priorities. No matter how unwilling he is, there are some things that cannot be confronted. Strength determines everything. Without sufficient strength to protect himself, he must chase what should not belong to him. , In the end will only end in a dead end!

"Waiting, now we only have to wait. It's really a helpless choice. After so many things, the tribulation of the world has erupted to the present level. We can only wait. This is really unwilling!" Zhun said involuntarily The landlord sighed, and his eyes showed a lot of unwillingness and worries, about his future commitments, and worries about the current situation. After all, the current environment is too terrifying and dangerous, and he deeply feels the terrifying pressure. !

"This is destiny. We have no choice. It is not easy for us to be able to get rid of the shackles of heaven. Under such a situation, we can only wait quietly for the time to come, and don't rush to act. It's anxious, the more anxious we are to make a move, the more dangerous we are. Even the fellow Taoist Nuwa has been so terribly blown, what can we do with you?"

The quote is right. Under the current environment, they really have no choice or act rashly. Among the original six saints, their strength is the weakest, and their background is the weakest. This is earth-shattering. Under the great changes, they really had no other way, but quietly waited for the time to come and waited for the end of the catastrophe. Before Nu Wa Empress and Hong Huang Tian Di Ren Dao had no victory or defeat, it was dangerous to do anything.

Under the full counterattack of the Netherworld, the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and the Witch World, the pressure on the tunnel has doubled, but the strength is equal, and the pressure on the tunnel has doubled. The situation of Emperor Yan Luo and the twelve ancestor witches is also not good. You must know that they are looking at it now. It seems that they are facing the tunnel, but in fact they have to face the power of the three realms of heaven, earth and man. The tunnel is not only one person, but the source of the entire prehistoric world. It can be said that when the Emperor Yan Luo and the twelve ancestral witches took action At that time, they were already standing with Empress Nuwa, facing the joint strangulation of the three realms from the prehistoric world and human beings. Although it seems that they are only rebelling against the tunnels, they are not willing to see such things as the way of heaven and humanity. The situation happened because the Three Ways of Heaven, Earth and Humanity did not allow anyone to resist.

"I don't know if Fellow Nvwa can hold on. If she falls, it will be a great trouble for us, Emperor Yan Luo. We need to be cautious about this and not be caught off guard by the opponent!" When the stronger the pressure, the Hou Tu Zu Wu couldn’t help but open his mouth to express his opinion to Emperor Yan Luo. After all, this is not the responsibility of their side, but all the responsibility. In the face of the three ways of heaven, earth and man, everyone is the same. Grasshopper on a rope!

Emperor Yan Luo said disapprovingly: "I understand the concerns of fellow Daoists in Houtu. Don't worry, things won't get there, and no matter how crazy the world is, we don’t need to mess with ourselves. What we should worry about now is not. We, but the Three Ways of Heaven, Earth and Human. They have already touched the rules of the Dao by strangling the Daoists of Nuwa. The Dao will not allow them to be too arrogant. If they are allowed to break the rules again and again, the whole world will still be used. Does it develop and grow? What is the use of rules? Even their existence as Taoism does not abide by the end of the rules, and they want us beings to obey the rules. Isn't this a big joke! What's more, we are not afraid We are not Nuwa Daoists for their attack. We truly control the power of the world. If they insist on doing things absolutely, we are not without the ability to resist!"

The Houtu ancestor witch naturally knew what the abilities that Emperor Yan Luo was referring to were, but she was still faintly disturbed, and she sighed: "Family Daoist said that I also understand it, but the three ways of heaven, earth, and human beings are too crazy nowadays. I don’t know if they will do nothing, and drive the situation to the point where it is impossible to recover. After all, they are prehistoric orthodoxy!"

The Houtu ancestor witch also has some truth to it. The three realms of heaven, earth and man are the orthodoxy of the prehistoric world, and they hold the initiative. When they really push them into a dilemma, maybe the situation will be really out of control and will endanger all of them! The Emperor Yan Luo and the Twelve Ancestral Witches are indeed the powers that hold the authority of the world, whether it is the witch world or the nether world, as well as the six reincarnations, the power of this authority can severely damage the tunnel, but the tunnel is not without the means to counterattack. !

Emperor Yan Luo smiled indifferently: "The Daoist Hougui made a point, but the Daoist has forgotten one thing. The Three Ways of Heaven, Earth and Humanity are now working together to strangle Empress Nuwa, just to build prestige, and what we are fighting against is only authentic. , But if the tunnel is damaged, the heaven and the humanity are too late to be happy. Our pressure is not as terrible as we imagined. It is impossible for the three ways of heaven, earth and man to work together all the time. The longer the delay, the more disadvantaged it will be for them. They continue to go crazy like this, continue to not give in, and are determined to take the Nvwa Taoist friends to establish their prestige. In the end, only themselves will suffer, because they have underestimated the strength of the Nvwa Taoist friends. The world created is not There is no problem!"

When he heard Emperor Yan Luo talk about the world, Hou Tu Zuwu instantly understood that the two big worlds Nu Wa Empress had created were not decorations. If Empress Nu Wa was really driven to desperation, she could create and destroy the world. The power of the Dao of Good Fortune is not only to create the world. The ultimate of good fortune is destruction. The Dao of Life is not only about vitality, but also of death. And the Empress Nuwa can do this to the present level. It is obvious that the Dao of Good Fortune and The life avenue has the ultimate insight, and this avenue perception naturally has its terrible lethality, it just depends on whether she is willing to make a move!

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