God of Destruction

Chapter 4589: Festival Dark Du Chen Cang

Chapter 4595

The battle has dragged on now. The Heaven, Earth, and Humans have fought against Empress Nuwa for so long. In fact, they have gradually felt the danger of the situation and realized that they have been procrastinated, and Empress Nuwa is not something they can follow. At this time, The humanity and the tunnels could not help being born with the idea of ​​retreat. After all, it was not them who suffered the most from this battle, but the heavens. They have no reason to sacrifice their own interests to help the heavens, even if it is beneficial to them, but When the price paid is not proportional to the benefits received, they are naturally unwilling to continue, unwilling to sacrifice themselves to help God!

The last thing is that the tunnel is still under attack from the inside, and it is backlashed by the Netherworld, the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and the world of the witch race. Although the strength of the tunnel is stronger than them, under the joint hands of Emperor Yan Luo and the twelve ancestral witches, The consumption of the tunnel is amazing. If it continues, the pressure on the tunnel will be too great. If you help Tiandao and let yourself fall into a desperate situation, this is unacceptable for the tunnel, so the first person who wants to get out is the tunnel.

Strangling Empress Nuwa to stand up for power, although this is very important, but in comparison, tunnel is more willing to see its own safety, and is unwilling to face backlash from the world of the nether world, the six reincarnations and the witch clan. If the battle is too long , Will shake the foundation of the tunnel, and even endanger the safety of the tunnel, so when she saw that the Nuwa Empress was unable to take it for a while, the strength of the tunnel began to shrink, first of all the shrinking of the world of the Netherworld, the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and the Witch Clan. , No longer absorbing their power, not directly conflicting with Emperor Yan Luo and Twelve Ancestor Witches, it can be regarded as a step back to ease the tension between the two sides!

Of course, this is just to ease the situation. The hatred between the tunnel and the Emperor Yan Luo and the Twelve Ancestral Sorcerer cannot be resolved. They are opposites. As long as there is a chance, the tunnel will still kill the Emperor Yan Luo and the Twelve Ancestral Sorceress. , After all, the tunnel is unwilling to see the Netherworld and the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and the world of the Witch Clan has been dominated by the Emperor Yan Luo and the Twelve Ancestral Sorcerer, threatening his own safety. The current retreat is just to let him breathe a sigh of relief and have enough time. Come adjust yourself!

When he felt the changes in the tunnel, Emperor Yan Luo couldn't help but secretly said: "The strength of the tunnel is shrinking. It seems that it can't hold on anymore. It is unwilling to sacrifice itself for the way of heaven. The so-called union of heaven, earth and people is just a false head. When it comes to their own interests, their relationship will change instantly. This time the tunnel is obviously to give up the way of heaven to protect itself. With this time, the connection between the three ways of heaven, earth and man will be completely interrupted, and the way of heaven will also be completely interrupted. Well, even humanity can't believe in authenticity, and don't dare to bet with one's own life. Benefits are eternal!"

Emperor Yan Luo felt the changes in the tunnel. As the master of the six reincarnations, the Houtu ancestor witch also felt the changes from the six reincarnations. He also understood that the situation has changed, but it is hard to say how far the situation will develop. After all, Whether it is Emperor Yan Luo or the Twelve Ancestral Witch, he is not familiar with everything he is facing now, and he doesn't know much about the tunnels either!

As soon as the tunnel retreats, human beings and the heavens feel the same change. Humanity is okay to say, and there is an excessive reaction to the liver, but the heavens are different, the tunnel retreats, the pressure of the heavens is doubled, and the retreat of the tunnels also makes the heavens deeply Feel the betrayal, because this is not a matter of oneself, but is related to the interests of the whole world. Now that the tunnel is retreating because of its own reasons, this is a great shame to Tiandao, but it is too natural to run. No matter what the other party can't, you have to know that Tiandao now has no power to care about the changes in the tunnel, and there is no time to understand the situation.

"Damn tunnel, how dare it let go like this? Doesn't it know how serious the consequences of doing so are? Once Nuwa is allowed to survive this battle, the origin of the three ways of heaven, earth and man will be affected by the outside world. A huge impact, those **** ants will launch an impact on the prehistoric world at all costs, and then the situation in the entire prehistoric world will be in chaos!" Tiandao is swearing at it, but it is useless, the other party is in a normal situation. , It is not an easy task to clean it up, a slight mistake will end in a dead end, and no one can save it!

"Humanity, we can no longer regard tunnels as our own people. This **** has been given birth to retreat, and now we need to bear it together. If we don’t want Nuwa to succeed, we can only do our best and take out our strongest. Power, a burst of energy to kill Nuwa, so as to stand up and frighten all enemies!" The voice of Tiandao sounded in the mind of Humanity. At this moment, when Tiandao is really at a critical point, otherwise it would not speak to the Humanity in such a low voice. , Bow your head!

If humanity also abandons the heaven at this time, everything that the heaven does will become nothingness. Not only can you not use the Nuwa Empress to establish your prestige, but also lose your majesty. No one will care about its existence anymore. You must know Nuwa Empress is just Hunyuan Jinxian now, and now there are three Hunyuan Jinxian in the prehistoric world, one Hunyuan Jinxian can fight against the heaven, against the humanity and the tunnel, the three Hunyuan Jinxian will make the whole prehistoric world. Great changes, not to mention that there are more people observing in secret, waiting for the time to come, once the Nuwa Empress has survived, it can be said that the sky has changed.

Hunyuan Jinxian has such a terrifying combat power, whether it is Sanqing, quasi mention and reception, will they have no desire for it, will they have no idea at all? And can the providence supported by the Dao of Heaven and Hongjun Daozu still be cared about?

It can be said that Tiandao cannot be defeated or defeated in this battle, but the situation is very unfavorable for him. The tunnel runs away. He is worried that humanity will run away too, so he has to ask for help. As for the Hongjun Taoist ancestor of Hetiandao, Tiandao is the same. I can’t count on that, Hongjun Daozu needs to stabilize the ancient star field, and can’t let the chaotic beasts rush into the wild world. It will be even more troublesome. Once such a situation occurs, waiting for the heaven will be a dead end, and the avenue will definitely be devastating. Blow.

Humanity is not stupid enough to obey God’s opening and retaining. You must know that of the three realms of the world, humanity is the most miserable, and the harmony that harmed him is God’s way. Now that even the realms are running away, how could humanity be willing to continue. Stay and fight against Nvwa, not to mention that Nvwa was originally the **** of humanity, and it was because of heaven that she went the wrong way. Before, she was strangling Nvwa because she was afraid of the great chaos, but now this situation is already here. Unstoppable, how could Humanity waste its energy any more, how could it possibly stand together for the way of heaven that has been suppressing itself and calculating its own!

Human Dao’s retention of Heaven’s Dao was left behind in an instant, and then he fled in an instant with a shot, leaving Tian Dao alone in the battlefield, leaving Tian Dao alone to face the Nuwa Empress and face this chaotic situation. .


At this moment, the auras on the bodies of the Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun changed, a trace of Hunyuan aura surged, and they risked proving Hunyuan. Before they felt the threat of death, but now the three ways of heaven, earth and man are separated, then The silk danger disappeared. However, for the sake of safety, the Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun made a crazy move, attacking their own merits, completely burning their own heaven-opening merits, and exchanging merits for opportunities, in exchange for those who can easily prove the way. Chance!

Yes, both the Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun were inspired by Emperor Yan Luo. Emperor Yan Luo can use the great merits to prove Dao Hunyuan without any calamity. They can also do it, but they do not have the great merits of their own. They can't directly mobilize the power of the Great Dao to help them eliminate disasters and troubles, but they have the merits of opening the sky, and they can burn the merits to prove the Dao Hunyuan.

Although this decision is crazy and unbelievable, under the pressure of external forces, the Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun can only do this. Without strong strength, they cannot protect themselves. In order to protect themselves, they can only abandon the merits of Kaitian. , With the help of this great catastrophe to prove the Dao Hunyuan, with the help of the opportunity of heaven, tunnels, and humanity to prove the Dao, the silent and silent proof is not affected by any foreign affairs, but the price paid is a bit high. !

For others, I can’t feel the ambiguity of the Dao of the Supreme Master and Yuanshi Tianzun, but the Master Tongtian, one of the Sanqing, felt the change because he felt the luck of his two elder brothers dissipating. , Kaitian merit is dissipating, and their origin is undergoing a qualitative transformation. All this shows that the other party is proving Tao Hunyuan, and the price is to consume one's own Kaitian merit. Own huge luck!

"Is it worth it? Even if it’s for self-protection, is it worth it? Father Pangu left us the merits of Kaitian, and it is also our own greatest support. With the merits of Kaitian, we can be unafraid of the threats of the three realms of heaven, earth and man. Proving Dao Hunyuan does not necessarily consume merit, consumes energy and luck. Based on our background, we are fully qualified to prove Dao Hunyuan, and we can do it too!" The Lord Tongtian was muttering to himself, Uneasy about the actions of his two brothers.

For the Master Tongtian, although he saw the opportunity to prove Dao Hunyuan, he did not do so, did not learn from his two elder brothers, did not burn his own merits and luck, but quietly Watching with his eyes, he didn’t feel moved by it. In his opinion, this kind of sermon is imperfect, and the transformation obtained without the test is flawed. This is not the power he wants. If you want to be the strongest and the most powerful, Perfect mixing power!

Although he did not really see all the power of Emperor Yan Luo, nor the power of his two elder brothers, the Master Tongtian understood that the power gained by his two elder brothers is definitely not as powerful as Emperor Yan Luo, and can only be compared to Emperor Styx at best, but Compared with Styx, Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun have a bit more freedom and a back hand, because they did not open up the world, did not use the world's origin to prove the way, and did not have any involvement in the prehistoric world.

For Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun, although they do not have the origin of the world as the foundation and the world as the dojo, if they want to open up the world, they can do it easily. After all, their heritage has not completely dissipated. All that was lost was the merits of opening the heavens and his own Qi Luck, and the past heritage was deeply preserved!

It’s worth it. Master Tongtian said it’s not worth it, and others said it’s not. Only Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun have the final say. If they think it’s worth it, then it’s worth it. Regret, it’s not worth it, but for Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun, they don’t have any regrets at all now. It’s a good thing for Tianda to be able to prove the Taoism silently, and this will become their own killer. , Become the absolute power of self-protection!

If the heavenly, the authentic, the humane, or even the other powerful people in the great and wild want to plot against them, with mental arithmetic and unintentional, the Supreme Old Monarch and Yuanshi Tianzun can completely use the other party to kill each other by surprise without knowing their true circumstances.

After proving Dao Hunyuan, Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun smiled at each other, and there was a trace of joy in each other's eyes. After that, they immediately looked horrified, and the aura of Hunyuan Dao converged in themselves. No trace of the breath of Hunyuan Avenue could be seen on his body, it was still the same as before, making people unable to see everything about them.

Converging a breath of Hunyuan Dao, no one knows that Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun have proven Dao Hunyuan, they can continue to hide among the people, continue to hide in the dark, not from the attention of heaven, tunnel, and humanity, or even They are not valued by the Dao Dao, after all, on the surface they are still just the quasi-sages who have abandoned the position of the heavenly saints, not the golden immortals!

No one knows his true situation. To Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun, they will take the initiative in this catastrophe, and they will have the strongest ability to protect themselves. The deeper they hide The safer it is, and if the opportunity comes, they can even take the greatest benefit in this great catastrophe. After all, no one knows their true situation, no one knows that they are Hunyuan Golden Immortals, and this is the biggest one. benefit!

"Next, we don’t want to do anything. We must learn to refer and receive everything carefully. We must be cautious. We must not be a last resort. We must not expose the true power of knowing the body. This is related to our future and ours. Life and death, you can't be careless!" The old gentleman said in a low voice to Yuanshi Tianzun, with a touch of solemnity in his eyes!

Yuanshi Tianzun nodded and said: "I understand that this is our greatest secret. It must not be exposed until the crisis of life and death, and there is no greatest benefit, nor exposed. This is our greatest support, but we are afraid it will be difficult to hide it. Junior Brother Tongtian, as one of the Sanqing, it is impossible for him not to notice our changes!"

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