God of Destruction

Chapter 4590: Vigilance

Chapter 4596: Vigilance

When he heard Yuanshi Tianzun mentioning the leader of Tongtian, the old monarch frowned. If he could, the old monarch was unwilling to let the leader of the Tongtian know everything about him, and he was unwilling to allow himself to prove the truth. The secret was noticed by the Lord Tongtian, but there was no way. After all, the Three Purity Ones, it is impossible for the Lord Tongtian to notice this shocking change!

After a while, the Supreme Master sighed softly and said, "Forget it, we don’t need to care about Junior Brother Tongtian. With his wisdom, it’s impossible not to understand our intentions. We don’t say anything. He will take the initiative to help us protect. Compared to Junior Brother Tongtian, our own is the most important secret. After all, this is a catastrophe of heaven and earth. Anything can happen. Accidents will emerge in endlessly. No one knows whether Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu will treat us in the next moment. Taking action, after all, we have also betrayed the Dao of Heaven and Dao Ancestor Hongjun, and we have become their thorns and thorns!"

Although Taishang Laojun didn’t say it clearly, Yuanshi Tianzun could hear his intentions, and said in a deep voice, “The brothers want to stay away from the war and don’t want to intervene in the current struggle. Avoid, if Heaven and Hongjun Daozu have the intention to retaliate, we will still be unable to escape the crisis!"

Hearing this, Taishang Laojun gently shook his head and said: "No, Junior Brother, you are wrong, we can do it, we can go to see Junior Brother Tongtian, we can use the power of Junior Brother Tongtian to cover ourselves and avoid everyone's sight. !"

It is indeed a good way to use the Lord Tongtian to get rid of the immediate crisis and get rid of everyone’s sight. It’s just that doing so is beneficial to the Supreme Master and Yuanshi Tianzun, but it puts huge pressure on the Lord Tongtian, which is equivalent to Sanqing. All the pressure was heavily on the Master Tongtian, and on the entire Jiejiao!

For a moment, Yuanshi Tianzun's brows furrowed, his own arrogance made him unwilling to accept this suggestion, unwilling to accept the help of Tongtian Guru, and even less willing to put this crisis on the Tongtian Guru alone, which is not good for Tongtian Guru. I can't put all the pressure on the Master Tongtian, his self-esteem does not allow him to do this!

Seeing Yuanshi Tianzun hesitating, Taishang Laojun said in a deep voice, "Junior Brother Yuanshi, there is something to offer and gain. We must do this at this time. We are not only for our own safety, but also for everyone’s safety. Although the pressure will be borne by Junior Brother Tongtian for the time being, if someone dares to make trouble for Junior Brother Tongtian, we will not stand idly by. As for Tiandao and Daozu Hongjun, it is even more impossible for them to take action. After all, our Sanqing Alliance will make them jealous!"

What the Taishang Laojun said sounds very reasonable, but in fact it is not the case at all. It’s just that Yuanshi Tianzun can’t speak up against it. Attracting unnecessary troubles will only make the situation more dangerous, and may even expose your true situation!

At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun could only sighed and said: "Well, everything depends on the arrangements of the senior brothers. I hope that Senior Brother Tongtian can understand us, can resist this huge pressure, and be able to stabilize himself and not be affected by external forces. !"

Not affected by external pressure? How could this be possible? As long as the Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun do this, the pressure will inevitably affect the Master of Tongtian, and it will affect the Jiejiao, and the Master of Tongtian will also become the hostility of Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu, unless there is a new change. Otherwise, the next target that Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu will target is definitely the Master Tongtian.

In fact, the reason why Taishang Laojun is so anxious to see the Master of Tongtian has deeper thoughts, but he did not speak out. He and Yuanshi Tianzun have burned most of their own gas for the silent demonstration of Dao Hunyuan. Without air luck, it is dangerous for them, and if they rendezvous with the Lord Tongtian at this time, they can take advantage of the Trinity and use the air luck of the Lord Tongtian and the air forbidden to protect themselves and others. The vitality of teaching and elucidating!

When Taishang Laojun was discussing with Yuanshi Tianzun, as they were preparing, Emperor Yan Luo naturally felt the changes in heaven and earth, felt the departure of authenticity and humanity, and understood that the disaster of Nuwa Empress had come to an end, and this battle was over. It’s about to end. Without the help of the tunnel and the humanity, it is impossible to strangle the Nuwa Empress by relying on the power of Tiandao itself. The power of the Dao of Life cannot be wiped out by the Tao of Life alone. Continuing the battle will only waste the precious origin of Tiandao itself. force!

It’s just that, now that Tiandao wants to retreat, but can’t retreat. If it retreats like this, the dignity of Tiandao will be completely trampled under the feet of Nuwa Empress. It is impossible for Tiandao to control the prehistoric state by itself, once it is gone. Majesty can't deter all living beings, the good days of heaven will come to an end, and the whole great trend will usher in a terrible change, which will make the situation out of control!


Of course, the situation of Empress Nuwa is not good either. After a series of such crazy battles, she is already physically and mentally exhausted. If she did not know that she could not be defeated, Empress Nuwa would have already stopped and gave up the duel with the gods. , But now she is still holding on, because she understands that she can’t give up, otherwise the situation will only be more dangerous. Empress Nuwa deeply understands that her enemy is not only the three ways of heaven, earth and human, but also the rivals in the wild. The ambitious enemies of Yuan Dao, once they reveal themselves, even if they can retreat from the hands of Heavenly Dao, they will eventually be strangled by those greedy enemies in the wilderness!

People are not for themselves, and the heavens are extinguished! For those greedy bastards, they don’t care about what Nuwa Empress did for the predecessors. Their eyes are only benefits. As long as it is beneficial to them, these **** can do everything, attacking Nuwa Empress, taking advantage of the fire. Taking the opportunity to besieged the Nuwa Empress is a normal thing.

What's more, there are still so many temptations of interest in Nuwa Empress. The temptation of the Avenue of Life is no less than Hunyuan Avenue. It is even more so on the Avenue of Good Fortune. You must know that Empress Nuwa created two worlds in one breath. Cut off the old self and usher in a new life, how many people can resist this temptation.

It is precisely because of these many reasons that Empress Nuwa had to continue to persevere, relying on her firm will to continue to fight against the Tao of Heaven, no matter how hard and tired she must persevere, this is related to her own life and death!

There are also reasons for having to insist on Tiandao. He can't afford to lose and cannot give way. So the situation now becomes even more weird. Without the help of humanity and authenticity, the battle between Tiandao and Nuwa Empress has changed. It’s not as hot as before. Because of its own reasons, Tiandao dare not do its best, and therefore does not have the terrifying power of attack before. The Nuwa Empress, who has the shelter of the Great Dao of Life, is fundamentally not afraid of the existing attack of Heaven. With the power of cutting, no matter how "crazy" is attacked by Tiandao, she can't destroy her real body, and because of her own consumption, Empress Nuwa also has no power to counterattack, so the situation has entered a weird confrontation. , Neither of them can help each other!

When the situation came into this situation, the entire prehistoric world was shaken. At this moment, many people were eager to move about it. Tiandao felt that he had not retreated, so he could maintain his dignity for the time being and be able to deter all prehistoric creatures. In fact, he was wrong. For those ambitions in Honghuang, Tiandao couldn’t directly suppress the Nuwa Empress, and even the Three Ways of Heaven, Earth and Human did not strangle the Nüwa Empress. This is the biggest failure, and the departure of the authenticity and the humanity makes them think more. The era of Heavenly Dao is over, and the longer this confrontation drags on now, the more disadvantaged it is for Heavenly Dao, the more it will increase the madness of those people.

"Haha! Interesting, the power of Tiandao is not as strong as imagined. It seems that with the betrayal of Empress Nuwa, Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun, the enemy of Tiandao has been seriously damaged, and he no longer has the ability to cover the sky with one hand! "He has been observing the divine light in the eyes of Tiandao. Yes, at this moment, he is tempted. He wants to attack Hunyuan Golden Immortal, wants to prove Tao Hunyuan with one stroke, and become an existence capable of confronting Tiandao. Able to fear the threats of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu.

With Nuwa Empress’s success, how can you not be touched by Nvwa? If it’s not for the lack of your own background, I’m afraid that she will jump out immediately to prove the Dao, but now he is still carefully calculating the success or failure. After all, the proof is It’s not a trivial matter. A little carelessness will lead to death. He doesn’t want to be the object of Heaven’s power. Especially at this time, he must be more cautious when receiving leads to prevent accidents and let himself become Heaven’s Way or even Humanity. The object of strangulation with the tunnel!

In fact, Zhunti was also tempted when he was tempted. He said in a deep voice, "Brother, should we take action? The ancestors of Styx can seize the opportunity to prove Dao Hunyuan. Our strength is better than Ming. Old Ancestor He is stronger and can do it naturally. Now only Tian Dao himself is fighting with the Nuwa Empress, and the two sides are obviously in a state of confrontation. No one can help each other. If we prove the Dao at this moment, it is inevitable. Can succeed in one fell swoop, can step into the Hunyuan Avenue!"

Hearing Zhun's words, the lead shook his head solemnly and said: "No, you must understand, the more we are at this time, the more we must be cautious. But a little mistake will be a fatal blow to us, and the consequences will be unimaginable. The current situation seems to be very beneficial to our preaching, but is this really the case? If we preaching at this time, will it become Nüwa’s substitute, after all, we don’t have the powerful power of Nüwa, who can hardly shake the world and humans together to strangle. The success of the ancestors of the Styx is just a coincidence of chance and a compromise under the interests of all parties. Yes, this does not mean that Styx really has this power!"

Zhunti said disapprovingly: "Brother, you too overestimate the power of Nüwa, and underestimate our own strength. The reason why Nüwa can fight the Three Ways of Heaven, Earth and Human is because of Emperor Yan Luo and the Twelve Patriarchs. Witchs help each other, and now that both humanity and tunnels have ended, this is a great time for us to prove the Tao, and we can take this opportunity to successfully step into Hunyuan Avenue in one fell swoop. In this case, whether it is heaven or tunnel, There is also humanity, it is impossible to stop us from preaching!"

Seeing Zhunti's self-righteous appearance, he felt very heavy. In his opinion, perhaps this is the change in the mood caused by the situation, the impact of the catastrophe of heaven and earth, and the heaven and the humanity and the authenticity joined forces to strangle Nuwa. Niangniang’s failure even made Zhunti think that Nuwa Niangniang could do it, and he could do it himself. He believed that he was not much weaker than Nuwa Niangniang, and believed that the power of the Three Ways of Heaven, Earth and Human in the prehistoric world was severely damaged. Time is an opportunity to prove the Dao. Under such a good environment, there is no power to stop oneself from proving Dao Hunyuan!

"Junior, don’t be too arrogant or too self-righteous! It’s not something that others can do, we can do it too. Don’t overestimate your own power at any time, and don’t underestimate the enemy’s power, let alone think that the environment will treat you. It is very advantageous. The more you face such a situation, the more you have to be cautious, because this is very likely to be a trap. A trap for you and me can make us fall into an unrecoverable place. After all, this is a catastrophe. Things, any problems, we have to be careful and cautious, you only saw the success of Nuwa Daoist, saw the action of Emperor Yan Luo and the twelve ancestor witches, but did not see the power of heaven, authenticity, and humanity. Without seeing the power of Daoist Nuwa, Daoist Nuwa can create two big worlds, cut off the old self and welcome the new life. Is this something we can do?"

Without waiting for the answer, the quote continued: "No, we can't do it. We two of us worked together to open up the world of bliss, but the Taoist Nuwa created two worlds alone. This is the gap, not to mention you really got it. Do you think that tunnels and humanity can give up strangling Nuwa Taoists and ignore our preaching, or do you think that Tiandao and Hongjun Taoist ancestors can ignore our preaching and let us preach the Tao! In order to establish prestige? For self-protection, Tiandao can definitely put aside the strangulation of Taoist Nvwa, and turn around to deal with you and me. If we succeed in proving Tao Hunyuan, it will lose everything to Tiandao. And Nvwa Taoist There is still the possibility of mitigating the Dao, that is, the gap between us and the Nuwa Dao friends! There is only one reason, because we are the weakest existence. In order to deter the predecessors and stabilize the prevalence, if we dare to be At this time, the proving Dao Hunyuan will definitely face the strangulation of the Heavenly Dao, and even the strangulation of the Dao Ancestor Hongjun. This is the sorrow of the weak!"

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