God of Destruction

Chapter 4591: Accident

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Chapter 4597: Accident

After saying a lot of things, the look of Jiuyan is very solemn, and this is not all the opinions in his mind. In fact, there are still some ideas that he dare not say because he is worried that more accidents will happen, which will lead to more accidents. With more enemies coming, Tiandao might put aside the Nuwa Empress and turn to attack them, and the tunnel and the humanity will allow them to prove the truth? This is not necessarily true. If they can be used to establish their prestige, the tunnel and the humanity are not the same. Will give up, after all, they are the weakest existence among all the saints!

Zhunti took a deep breath and said, "Senior brother, no, if you really have such an idea of ​​heaven, authenticity, and humanity, you will not choose to back down, but fight to the end, and it is impossible to wait for us to prove the Tao before taking action. Li Wei is right. To Li Wei, the best choice is to kill the Nuwa Empress, so as to keep everything for them. There is no reason for the three ways of heaven, earth and humans, you have to stare at us, just like you said. We are the weak, and Li Wei will not have much effect!"

He disapproved of Zhunzi and couldn't help but sighed secretly. He could understand Zhunzi's thoughts. After all, with such a large interest in front of him, no one can be distracted, but no matter how good the interest is. Your own life is important.

"Junior brother, people are different from person to person. Nuwa Daoists create the world with good fortune and have great merit to protect them, cut away the old self, usher in a new life, and have the great road of life to protect, but we have nothing, although I don’t want to admit it. , But in fact Nuwa Daoist Fellows are stronger than us, and the weak will recognize themselves. If you can’t even see this, your mood has been messed up. The catastrophe of heaven and earth has already affected you, gather your mind, Don't have that sweet dream again!"

In today’s prehistoric world, I don’t know how many people have the same dreams as Zhun Ti, and they all dream that they can take this opportunity to prove Hunyuan, but they don’t know that the old gentleman Taishang and Yuanshi Tianzun have long been secretly silent. Zhengdao Hunyuan, only Zhun mentioning, receiving, and Master Tongtian did not take the step of Zhengdao Hunyuan. It is because they did not see the success of the preaching of Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun, so in their hearts There are many worries and fears, and many people continue to wait for Zhunti’s testimony. It is precisely with this expectation that Zhunti is now happening. This is the secret promotion of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth. !

Consciously guide Saint Zhunti to do this crazy act. If he is really tempted to prove Dao Hunyuan, there is only a dead end waiting for him. No one can save him. This is the conspiracy of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, and it is also a prehistoric world. The conspiracy of the prehistoric world intends to prevent more people from proving Dao Hunyuan, and does not give everyone the opportunity to prove Dao Hunyuan.

"Friends of Emperor Dijiang, don't you hurry up and cut off your connection with the Wu Clan world? When will it be?" Just when many people were affected by this great catastrophe, Emperor Yan Luo's voice rang in Dijiang's ears. , Although there is some dissatisfaction with the Twelve Ancestor Witches of the Witch Clan, at this time, Emperor Yan Luo is still willing to help the Witch Clan. , But as far as Emperor Yan Luo is concerned, he still hopes to see the growth of the Witch Clan, so as to share his own pressure. With the existence of the 12th Ancestral Witch of the Witch Clan, I can relax!

When Heaven, Earth and Humans joined forces to strangle Nvwa Empress, Emperor Yan Luo took precautions. Today they can join forces to target Nvwa Empress, then tomorrow they may jointly target themselves. In order to protect themselves, Emperor Yan Luo must also help. With the help of the Witch Clan, it is necessary to put more pressure on the tunnel and let the Witch tribe share more pressure. With the existence of the Witch Clan, the tunnel does not dare to devote all its energy to itself, so it needs to allocate a part of its power to guard against the Witch. The existence of the clan!

When he heard the words of Emperor Yan Luo, the witch of Emperor Jiangzu was stunned, and then his expression was frozen. At this time, under this situation, he cut his connection with the witch world and gave up the authority of the world. There is still some pressure on Jiang Zu Wu, after all, the Wu Clan world is not peaceful, and the authentic power has withdrawn. At this time, the connection with the Wu Clan world is cut off. Family luck is affected, even facing danger!

When he saw Di Jiang Zu Wu hesitating, Hou Tu Zu Wu naturally understood his consideration and said: "Brother, listen to Emperor Yan Luo, cut off the connection with the Wu Clan world, lay down the power of the world, don’t With such a huge pressure on our backs, now we have the ability to protect ourselves and fight against an authentic invasion. The Witch Clan will not become an authentic puppet!"

When the words of Houtu Zuwu fell, Dijiang Zuwu breathed a sigh of relief and made a decision. With a thought, the power of world authority was stripped by him, and when the power of world authority was stripped, Di Jiang Zu Wu’s aura was crazily weakened, instantly fell from the realm of a sage, and quickly retreated to the realm of Da Luo Jin Xian. This result shocked the Di Jiang Zu Wu, you must know that the heavenly saints gave up the saint status. At that time, there were no such serious consequences. Why did he let go of the power of the world and there was such a terrible power regression? Why on earth, what force caused all this?

At this time, not only the Emperor Jiang Zu Wu was shocked, but also other Ancestral Witches were also shocked. No one thought that the strength of the Emperor Jiang Zu Wu would regress so severely that it would directly fall to the Da Luo Jinxian. This is too terrifying, too Horror is also unacceptable!

"Big brother, how could this be? How could your strength regress so severely? What kind of power has taken away your origin, and whether your foundation has been affected!" At this time, many ancestral witches couldn't help thinking Shocked and asked!

Di Jiang Zu Wu said with a gloomy face, shook his head and said: "I don't know why this happened. The moment I cut out of the world's authority, my roots are constantly being taken away, but fortunately, there is no foundation. Because of this damage, but the realm has fallen so madly, I am afraid it is not an easy task to recover. Fortunately, the power of my physical body has not weakened too much, otherwise it will be troublesome, and now I have become The weakest existence among the ancestral witches is even worse than some great witches!"

Hearing this, the Houtu ancestor witch frowned and said, "Could it be said that this is the cause and effect of fusing the authority of the world and becoming the lord of the world? If this is the case, the lord of the world is really a huge hidden danger, but I don’t know if Emperor Yan Luo knows. Know this?"

Dijiang Zuwu said: "Little sister, I think Emperor Yan Luo knew about it. Otherwise, he would not warn me at the beginning. I would like to know how he would react when he sees me now. Any thoughts on the terrible backlash?"

The Houtu Zuwu nodded and said, "Also, let's meet Emperor Yan Luo and listen to his opinion. Since he reminds the eldest brother to give up the power of world power at this time, I believe we must have our own opinions. Maybe we We can learn more from him and learn more about the secrets of the world. Although the world of the Wu Clan is good, it is also a huge burden for us!"

This sentence is reasonable. The world of the witches is indeed a huge burden for their twelve ancestor witches. After all, the world of the witches is the place where the entire witches live. The world of the witches is damaged and the witches’ luck They are bound to be damaged, and naturally it is impossible for their twelve ancestor witches to do nothing at all. They will inevitably be backlashed by luck. As for how big it is, it is hard to say!

auzw.com"The little girl is right. Let’s meet Emperor Yan Luo and listen to his opinion. Now that the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth has reached this stage, all three ways of Heaven, Earth and Human have made great efforts. We have to prepare for the worst in advance, and it is good to have some communication with Emperor Yan Luo, lest we all will be caught off guard when the danger comes again!"

Soon the twelve ancestor witches reached a consensus and went to see Emperor Yan Luo together and got everything they wanted to know from Emperor Yan Luo. Of course, all of this included Hunyuan Dao! Yes, from this moment on, all the twelve ancestor witches wanted to obtain Hunyuan Dao, and they were also shocked by the power of Nuwa Empress, and they also had ideas about Hunyuan Dao! Who knows the Hunyuan Dao best in the prehistoric world, naturally belongs to Emperor Yan Luo. The Twelve Ancestor Witch also wants to know whether he can prove Dao Hunyuan in the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, and whether he can use the power and opportunity of the Dao of Heaven and Earth. Take this crucial step!

The Twelve Ancestor Witch still overestimated the abilities of Emperor Yan Luo. He didn't know the situation of Emperor Jiang Zu Wu at all. He didn't know that cutting off the power of the world would cost him such a heavy price. Look at Emperor Yan Luo. Now, the Emperor Jiang Zuwu has only fallen to a small realm at most, falling from the position of a saint, just like those heavenly saints who have given up the respect of saints.

When the Twelve Ancestor Witch appeared in front of Emperor Yan Luo, Emperor Yan Luo was also dumbfounded when he saw the weak aura of Emperor Jiang Ancestor Witch, and was shocked by everything in front of him. It was just such a short time. Jiang Zu Wu has paid such a heavy price, and his strength is so weak, even inferior to some great witches. If Emperor Yan Luo is very familiar with the original aura of Emperor Jiang Zu Wu, I am afraid that he will think that this is a fake Ancestral Witch. !

Emperor Yan Luo asked, "Friend Dijiang, how did you become the way you are now, just giving up the power of the world, how did you make your origin fall so severely? What happened, that made you pay such a heavy price. ?"

Emperor Jiang Zuwu smiled bitterly: "Why don't you even know what the problem is? I thought that the Daoist would know the reason, so I came to ask. It seems that I can't get any useful information from the Daoist. The world has authority. The power is more terrifying than we thought, and many of them even if we are the Lord of the world, we can’t figure it out!"

Emperor Yan Luo frowned, shook his head lightly, and said, "No, all the saints of the heavenly path do not have such a terrible weakening, and such terrible consequences have happened to fellow Daoists. There must be a problem with us. The secret I don’t know, can it be said that the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth was deliberately created? Friends fall like this crazy, if it is really the power of world authority, as the Taoist friends said, maybe the problem is not as simple as the surface!"

When talking about this, there was a sudden change in Emperor Yan Luo’s face, as if in a moment he thought of the key to the problem of Emperor Jiang Zu Wu, and his expression also became extremely solemn, and there was a hint of dignity in this solemnity. A touch of shock!

Seeing Emperor Yan Luo's expression, Emperor Jiang Zuwu asked: "Fellow Daoist thought of the cause of the problem?"

Emperor Yan Luo lightly nodded and said: "I have a little idea, but it takes time to verify whether it is correct. After all, the situation of fellow Daoist has never appeared before, and even fellow Daoist himself does not know what power has taken you away. The origin, this is even more difficult to figure out, but the ever-changing is inseparable from its origin, as the Taoist friends said, it is a matter of world authority!"

Emperor Jiang Zuwu nodded thoughtfully and said, "Oh? Please also make it clear from fellow Taoists!"

Emperor Yan Luo smiled calmly and said: "Actually, the reason may be very simple. It is caused by the world origin of fellow Taoists. You are the lord of the world and hold the power of the world. When you want to give up the power of the world, Qiaqia's world is affected. Because of the influence of external forces, the origin of the world is inadequate. Under such circumstances, the origin of the world must naturally be obtained from fellow daoists, and this is also causal. Daoists rely on the world to prove sanctification and abandon the holy position at this critical moment. The world must be paid!"

Hearing this explanation, the Emperor Jiang Zu Wu finally understood, and everything finally made sense. In the previous war, the tunnel used to absorb the origin of the Wu clan world, although the Twelve Ancestor Wu joined forces to cut off this connection. , But the origin of the witch world has suffered a certain loss. Under normal circumstances, the witch world will slowly recuperate and will not choose to extract the origin from the lord of the world to speed up its own recovery, but at this time the emperor Jiang Zu Wu wants to give up the lord of the world and the respect of the saint, so naturally he has to withstand the backlash from the witch world, and this is something that everyone has never thought about. After all, Emperor Yan Luo did not know the real situation of the witch world. , And the lord of the world, Emperor Jiang Zuwu, for other reasons, did not carefully feel the changes in the world of the Wu clan, nor did he carefully consider what changes would be caused by letting go of the world’s authority. After hearing the words of the Hou Tu Zuwu , He took the action to give up his authority without much thinking, and this caused the situation like this!

Is it to blame Emperor Yan Luo? Should we blame the Houtu ancestor witch? They can’t be blamed. After all, no one has thought about this situation, and Emperor Yan Luo just wanted to help the Emperor Jiang Zu Wu, but he overestimated the power of the Wu Clan world, and also looked at the power of the Emperor Jiang Zu Wu in the Wu Clan world. Master, then all of this will happen!

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