God of Destruction

Chapter 4593: cut oneself

Chapter four thousand five hundred and ninety-nine

When the battle between Tiandao and the Empress Nuwa was over, Daozu Hongjun, who suppressed the ancient star field, couldn't help but sigh again. Although he had already guessed the result, but when the result appeared, his heart still endured. I can't help feeling a lot of emotion, I can't help but feel helpless to the impulse of heaven, and at the same time of this helplessness, Hongjun Daozu's mood is also a little heavy, and he can't help but be vigilant. conspiracy?

Yes, from this moment on, Daozu Hongjun couldn't help but doubt Tiandao's intentions. After all, all of this was just aimed at Empress Nuwa, just a failure under the impulse of Tiandao, or a test of himself, or even a plot against himself, or Said that Tiandao has already sensed his true intentions and the thoughts he wants to replace? If it is the former, everything is fine, the danger is not great, but if it is the latter, it will be a big trouble for oneself, and it is also very dangerous!

The more he thought about it, the heavier Daozu Hongjun felt, and the more he couldn't help but want to explore the situation of heaven, but the more crazy thoughts and uneasy impulses he had in his heart, the more cautious Daozu Hongjun became. , the more I dare not act rashly, because the failure of the Dao of Heaven is already in front of my eyes, no matter whether this failure is a conspiracy or a trap, Dao Ancestor Hongjun can't ignore it, can't ignore this lesson from the past, and fail to step up to the Dao of Heaven. Follow the steps, ruin your own life!

In this terrifying battle of life and death, in this terrifying disaster, the Dao of Heaven can still retreat from the failure. The Dao of Heaven has such a heritage and strength, no matter how strong the Empress Nuwa is, it is impossible to reverse the Dao of Heaven and destroy the Dao of Heaven. In this catastrophe of heaven and earth, he has seized the authority of heaven, but if he falls into the calculations and conspiracies of heaven, it is absolutely difficult to get out of his body. Once this happens, he will definitely end up in the end of death. , lose everything!

"Maybe it's time for a showdown, no matter how many calculations, no matter how amazing the plan, it's no longer of great use, whether the way of heaven, the way of humanity, and the way of the earth have fully recovered, the situation in the prehistoric world. When we really got a turning point, any conspiracy and tricks are just jokes now, and in the end, everything still needs to be solved with strength, strength is the foundation of everything!" Suddenly, Hongjun Daozu had a clear understanding in his heart, and he couldn't help but see in his eyes. There is a hint of solemnity and determination!

In the endless years, Daozu Hongjun laid out that crazy plan from the very beginning. All the calculations may be just a joke. His every move is in the calculation of the Dao of Heaven, and in the grasp of the Dao of Heaven, his so-called will be replaced by it. , swallowing the Dao of Heaven and turning it into its own nutrients, this is just a joke. The reason why the Dao of Heaven has delegated power to himself is just to use himself to master the general situation of the prehistoric world and let himself work for him. At that time, it will also be the time when everything ends, and your life will be threatened by heaven, even strangulation!

Although I don't know if my conjecture is correct, I don't know if everything in the prehistoric world is as crazy as I imagined, but at this time, Hongjun Daozu has no way out, and he has no killing intent and plundering of the Tao of Heaven. With the ridiculous fantasy of replacing the way of heaven, the so-called plan has been completely shattered, and I need to face all this, I need to face everything again, everything is not as beautiful as I imagined, everything is just a big joke!

"Whether it's right or wrong, I should let it go, Tiandao, you have won, the endless years are that I am too arrogant, too self-righteous, and now all the authority is handed over to you, the authority of Tiandao, give me the behead!" With a deep shout from Jun Daozu, he was slashed down by Hongjun Daozu with the power of the heavenly authority obtained by conforming to the heavenly way, and was stripped from his own primordial spirit. When he cut out this sword, Hongjun Daozu also beheaded it. The connection with the prehistoric world has cut off his past.

Just when Hongjun Daozu cut himself with a knife, the whole flood was shaken, and the saints of heaven and earth were shocked! At this moment, they could not feel the existence of Hongjun Daozu. This result shocked their hearts, especially the lord of the ancient star field, the sage of the stars, who can clearly see the existence of Hongjun Daozu with the naked eye. , but could not feel his breath, as if in an instant, the breath of Hongjun Daozu completely dissipated from the heavens and disappeared from the prehistoric world!

"How could this be, what does Daozu Hongjun want to do? Why should he give up the authority of the Dao of Heaven? Could it be said that his existence cannot be tolerated under the recovery of Dao of Heaven? If you fit into the Tao, you will be wiped out, and will you be strangled from the heavens?" For a time, the sage of Xingchen couldn't help muttering to himself, thinking about the cause and effect behind everything that happened in front of him, but it is a pity that Xingchen The sage's understanding of the prehistoric world is still too little, and it is impossible to find the correct answer from this limited information!

However, what shocked the Saint of the Stars was that Hongjun Daozu did not have the purple energy of Hongmeng when he slashed himself. Such a discovery was amazing for the Saint of the Stars and was unacceptable. The impact on him was really It's too big, so big that Saint Xingchen loses his mind for a moment, and he can't help but fall into contemplation!

"Could it be that Hongjun Daozu did not use Hongmeng Purple Qi to prove his sanctification. The so-called foundation of sanctification is just a joke, just a scam. Without Hongmeng Ziqi, there is still the possibility of proving the Dao and becoming sanctified?" No one could give the saints an answer. , and no one can give him a perfect explanation, even if Hongjun Daozu is in front of him, Saint Xingchen never thought of going forward to ask, because whenever such an idea arises in his heart, he can feel death. The threat of , it seems that as long as he opens his mouth, he will fall into the endless killing game, and the death of his soul will be his end!

Although the mind of Saint Xingchen is peaceful, he doesn't want to let himself fall into crisis, or even death. Even if he really wants to know this question and understand the secret behind it, under the crisis of life and death, he still Or choose to give up, there is only one life, and for the so-called 'truth' to plunge yourself into a crisis of death and let yourself face death, this is the result that the sage of the stars is unwilling to accept, and cannot accept it!

auzw.com "Forget it, what do I want to do so much, the sky is falling and there are high people to bear it, even among the saints of heaven, I am not the ultimate existence, there is no need to make trouble for myself , there is no need to let yourself fall into the disaster of death just for a moment's 'curiousness', no matter what the secret is behind it, it has nothing to do with me, I just need to watch it quietly, just to ensure my own safety, guard You can take your own responsibility, and you can give up everything else!"

I have to say that the saint of stars has made a rare decision. This choice is the best for him. Just as he thought in his heart, among the saints of the heavenly way, he is not the most powerful, even It can be said to be the weakest. After all, his Taoism was forcibly pushed up by Daozu Hongjun. Whether it is based on the understanding of the Tao or the accumulation of his own origin, it is far from enough to complete the Taoism and sanctification. It's all just by chance, and I'm a fake saint!

Of course, pseudo-sages are also saints, but although pseudo-sages have the status of saints, they do not have the real power of saints. Compared with real saints, their combat power has congenital deficiencies. It is precisely because the saints of stars can clearly understand Because of my own situation, I didn't fall into a crisis for this, and I didn't want to explore the secrets behind it!

People are not for themselves, they will be destroyed! This sentence is also suitable for people like the sage of the stars. In the catastrophe of the world, the sage of the stars does not need to cause unnecessary trouble for himself, let himself fall into the crisis of life and death, or even make wedding dresses for others, becoming a A stepping stone for others, everything you give becomes the nourishment for others!

"Hongjun Daozu, no matter what you think in your heart, what calculations you have, it doesn't matter to me, everything I have is given by you, so no matter how much secret you have, I won't explore it, this is also me In return for you, it can be regarded as breaking all the cause and effect of you and me, I hope you can achieve what you want and achieve what you want!"

Speaking of this, there was a faint smile in the eyes of Saint Xingchen. The smile was full of joy, there were also many expectations and blessings, and it had the heart of Saint Xingchen. If at this time, this situation Next, Saint Xingchen intends to plot against Daozu Hongjun. Although he will not force Daozu Hongjun into a desperate situation, he will definitely contain Daozu Hongjun!

For today's Hongjun Daozu, time is very precious. Once he is contained in this ancient star field, it will be very unfavorable to him, and it will even put him in crisis. You must know that Tiandao is not a kind person. , If he finds an opportunity to plot against Hongjun Daozu, he will never show mercy. Once such an opportunity appears, Tiandao will definitely deal a fatal blow to Hongjun Daozu, making Hongjun Daozu fall into the crisis of death. Capture the origin of Hongjun Daozu's body!

Not all sages of Heavenly Dao can have the kindheartedness of sages of stars, can let off Hongjun Daozu so easily, and can remember the kindness of Hongjun Daozu! Only remembering kindness and not holding grudges, this is the saint of stars, but for other saints of heaven, there is no such kindness as saints of stars, even Haotian and Yaochi do not have such kindness.

He made a decision and also made a choice about his own position. Although doing so would lead to suspicion and even suppression from Heavenly Dao, the sage of Xingchen did it anyway, in order to just repay the original cause and effect, and repay Hongjun Daozu for giving himself. The favor, even if this favor is poisonous and calculated, but Saint Xingchen still does it!

Looking at Hongjun Daozu, the figure of the sage of the stars is gradually disappearing. For him, the most important thing right now is not to explore the secrets of Hongjun Daozu, nor to inform, nor to stop Hongjun Daozu, but to stabilize the ancient star field. , Without the help of Daozu Hongjun, all the pressure of the ancient star field will be heavily placed on the sage of the stars, and all the responsibilities must be shouldered by him alone. At this time, the sage of the stars has no energy to care about other things!

When Hongjun Daozu made a choice, would he be unprepared for the saint of stars? Will you allow the existence of the threat of the Saint of the Stars? No, before he cut himself with a knife, Daozu Hongjun was ready, and every move of Saint Xingchen was under his control. If Saint Saint Xingchen really had to make a hostile move, what awaited him would be death and destruction. ! In the heart of Daozu Hongjun, even if the entire ancient star field is destroyed, even if it is burdened with some karma, it is impossible to put himself in danger. Fortunately, all this did not happen, and the saint of stars did not Make a bad move!

When the figure of Saint Xingchen gradually receded, Daozu Hongjun breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Until it was a last resort, Daozu Hongjun would not attack Saint Saint, nor would he be willing to carry that heavy burden and karma. , with the saints of stars, the ancient star field can maintain normal, but without the saints of stars, huge karma will fall on Hongjun Daozu, such a heavy burden is Hongjun Daozu is unwilling to bear the responsibility.

Hongjun Daozu didn't feel anything wrong with the quiet departure of Saint Xingchen, and he didn't feel any gratitude for such kindness. Everything was cause and effect. In the heart of Daozu Hongjun, this was what Saint Saint Xingchen should do. Yes, without the threat and pressure from the sages of the stars, Daozu Hongjun couldn't help showing a trace of ease in his eyes, but this trace of ease came and went faster, time waits for no one, and there is not much time left for Daozu Hongjun. , he didn't have much time to waste in the ancient star field, and he didn't have time to pay attention to the life and death of the saints of the stars, and he didn't care about the impact of the chaotic beasts on the prehistoric world.

Who is responsible for everything? On the body of the sage of the stars, on the body of Tiandao, since Tiandao has recovered, since he has given up the authority of Tiandao, all responsibilities will naturally be borne by Tiandao, whether Tiandao is willing or not, this is his responsibility, this is Hongjun Daozu's responsibility The real idea is also the idea of ​​Hongjun Daozu. He is not in his position, and he does not seek his political affairs. What’s more, if his guess is correct, he and Tiandao are enemies, not friends, and there is no reason for him to help the enemy overcome difficulties. There is no reason to contribute to the enemy, Hongjun Daozu is not so stupid!

Silently feeling the actions of Saint Xingchen, and continued to observe carefully for a while, after finally confirming that Saint Xingchen really did not threaten him at all, Hongjun Daozu really let go of his vigilance and truly felt at ease. Heaven and earth catastrophe, in the catastrophe, no matter how careful you are, it is right, it is correct!

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