God of Destruction

Chapter 4594: Festivals change

Chapter 4600 Heavenly Change

"Hey! The way of heaven has changed, the aura of Daoist Hongjun has dissipated, and the aura of Daoist Heaven is growing. Could it be that Daozu Hongjun also slashed himself and gave up his position as a saint of the Dao of Heaven, and he can also slash himself with a knife even if he fits the Dao of Heaven. Abandoning the dignity of a saint? It’s just why there is no Hongmeng purple qi. Things are as I thought. The so-called Hongmeng purple sage’s foundation is just a hoax. Hongjun Daozu didn’t use the Hongmeng purple qi to prove the Tao and become sanctified. The method of proving the Tao and becoming a saint is just a joke?" As the veteran saints of the Tao of Heaven, they all felt the transformation of the Tao of Heaven, and felt the dissipation of the breath of the ancestors of Hongjun, and this change made these former saints of the Tao of Heaven feel in their hearts one by one. Doubt the method of sanctification of Daozu Hongjun!

Conspiracy, in the hearts of all the former sages of Heavenly Dao, the method of sanctification when Hongjun Daozu preached was just a conspiracy, just his calculation to everyone, and everything in front of him is the best proof, Hongjun Daozu himself did not Proving the Dao with Hongmeng Purple Qi, the so-called Hongmeng Purple Qi is the foundation of sanctification is just a scam!

"It was just a hoax from the beginning. The teacher we 'respect' is really insidious. He made fun of all our disciples. In the swindle, I have been deceived by my teacher all the time, and it is all false that there is no way of proving the Dao and becoming sanctified without Hongmeng Purple Qi!" These former Heavenly Dao sages were all muttering to themselves, complaining about their own '' Teachers' big disappointment!

Although Empress Nuwa had already learned some secrets from Emperor Yan Luo's mouth, but now seeing all this, Empress Nuwa's heart is still extremely heavy, even if the original cause and effect have already been cut off by herself, but she really sees it clearly She couldn't help but feel heavy. The person she once trusted the most was the one who deceived her the most. manipulate!

"Hehe, it's really our 'good teacher', let's use Hongmeng Purple Qi to prove the Dao, but we haven't used it at all. It's no wonder that the speed of our practice after the Dao has not increased but decreased, while our own teacher was able to use it in the shortest time. It is really a big scam, and it is also a manifestation of our own ignorance. If we could be a little more vigilant, maybe this would not have happened, and we would not have been deceived by our own teachers, let alone It has been manipulated and controlled all the time!" Zhunti, who was originally dissatisfied with Daozu Hongjun in his heart, burst out with anger at this time, and his eyes flashed with endless resentment!

"Junior brother, don't be affected by your own anger, you are wrong to say that, vigilance, how could we not have it, it's just that the 'teacher' means is powerful, a strong man who has professed the Tao and become holy wants to preach to all beings in the wild , Telling the secret of sanctification, who would be suspicious under such circumstances, who would have thought that this was a conspiracy, and it is precisely because of this that we have been deceived all the time, and we have always been in the teacher's calculations, and we have always been deceived. Control, control!"

Compared with Zhunti's anger, Jie Yin is much calmer, able to see through the essence of the matter, everything is exactly as Jie Yin said, with a mind and no intention, no one can doubt the true intentions of Hongjun Daozu at first. Doubting that the method of proving and sanctifying that I have heard is a big trap, and the most important thing is that these saints have obtained huge benefits from the 'good teacher' Hongjun Daozu, whether it is Hongmeng Ziqi's proving The foundation is still the many congenital spiritual treasures. With such a gift, who would doubt his teacher's intentions, and would think that his teacher was scheming against him.

No one would think this way, even the most vigilant people would not have such an idea or such a reaction, and Qiaqia is this clever calculation, so all the great powerhouses involuntarily fell into Hongjun Daozu. Among the calculations, in fact, compared to other people, Sanqing, Nuwa Niangniang, Zhun mentioning, and receiving are all good, while other strong people were directly calculated by Hongjun Daozu and lost their way forward. They have all lost the will to continue their cultivation. If it wasn't for the outbreak of Emperor Yan Luo this time, or the appearance of the Hunyuan Dao, I'm afraid they have been deceived by Daozu Hongjun!

Zhun Ti said with a long sigh: "Senior brother is right, I am too excited. Although everything has passed, but seeing this situation, I still can't bear it, and I can't eliminate the anger in my heart!"

I can't blame Zhunti. In fact, seeing such a situation happen, many people are more excited and angry than Zhunti. This is human nature. No one wants to be deceived by those who believe in themselves, and no one is willing to accept deception. Sage No exception!

Xie Yin sighed softly: "It takes a long time to get used to it, which is a good thing for us, at least we can see clearly the insidious intentions of 'Hongjun Daozu', and we can make ourselves more vigilant and careful in the future. Once a lesson, we can avoid more calculations in the future, at least it makes us more vigilant!"

After saying these words, Yeyin himself may not believe it, let alone convince Zhunti, only to see Zhunti's brow wrinkled instantly, looking at Yeyin disapprovingly, with a suspicious look in his eyes, **** This is very suspicious!

"Senior brother, do you believe it yourself? Don't say this ridiculous scene, it doesn't make any sense to us. What we seek is survival, development, and growth of our own strength, not self-deception. If you are used to this situation, right We only have disadvantages, but nothing good, and it will even make us fall into a bigger crisis! If we don't vent the anger and resentment in our hearts, it will only accumulate little by little and gradually become our inner demons. !"

At this time, Zhun mentions no reservations. He directly pointed out the seriousness of the problem, and also expressed the most real thoughts in Zhunti's heart. For him, he would never forgive Hongjun Daozu for his calculations, even if Hongjun Daozu had a gift for him. I will forgive him for his deception. Such emotions are buried deep in Zhunti's heart, and it is Hongjun Daozu's own fault that caused all this, because Hongjun Daozu didn't put Zhunti, Jie Yin, Sanqing, Nuwa Empress treats it fairly, now this seed is sprouting in Zhunti's heart, and after the deception is exposed, Zhunti can't remove the sprouted seed!

"Junior brother, don't let yourself be immersed in hatred, no matter how much deception Hongjun Daozu has done to us, we must learn to let go, don't let hatred turn into a demon on your mind, don't evolve into your inner demon , the day when everything will end, we just need to wait quietly for everything to start, instead of us taking the initiative to start this battle!"


The battle is dangerous, Zhunti and Jieyin have no strength to bear the serious consequences of this battle. It is precisely because of this understanding that Jieyin does not want to see Zhunti being affected by the hatred in his heart. I hope he can let go of this hatred. , to be able to look at everything with an ordinary eye, but this is not an easy task, after all, that hatred has already been deeply imprinted in the depths of Zhunti's heart!

"Senior brother, I will try to let go of this hateful thought, but now what we have to do is to prove the Tao, only by proving the Tao can we have enough strength to protect ourselves. The ancestor of Ming He succeeded, Nuwa Niangniang has also succeeded. If we don’t speed up the preaching, I’m afraid it won’t be long before we will succeed in Sanqing. At that time, we will be completely passive and will be under pressure from all sides, and we will not have enough strength to deal with this. Crazy pressure!"

Proving Dao Hunyuan, saying one thousand Dao and 10,000 yuan, Zhunti is still thinking about proving Dao Hunyuan. Proving Dao Hunyuan in his heart is the best way to solve the crisis and the best choice for self-protection. It is not an easy task to do this, but now there is a chance of success, which is why Zhunti is so determined to prove the Tao!

When he heard that Zhunti mentioned the matter of proving Dao Primordial Primordial again, Jie Yin sighed inwardly, and was shocked by Zhunti's persistence. Persistence is not always a good thing, and the same is true for cultivation. Now that Zhunti is so obsessed with proving Dao Primordial, this is a huge crisis for the introduction, and rashly proving Dao Primordial will make himself into a desperate situation!

Looking at Zhunti with a confident face, He Yin sighed softly: "Junior Brother, proving Dao Primordial Primordial must be carried out, but this requires comprehensive preparation and preparation for the worst, we are not Styx, nor are we Nuwa, we don’t have any help. Once we prove the Dao, all crises must be borne by ourselves. What we have to face is not only the way of heaven, the way of earth, and the way of humanity, but also those greedy people in the whole prehistoric beings, you Do you think we can really do all this now?"

Can't do it, although Zhunti and Jieyin used to be saints of the Tao of Heaven, and there are also many disciples in the world of bliss, but their strength is far from being able to do all this, they can't bear this terrible pressure and crisis. But they inspire a war, and all karma will fall on them, and then they will have life worries!

Proving Dao Primordial is a great opportunity, but also a great danger! To go far beyond the danger of proving the Tao and becoming sanctified, you can still get the help of the Tao of Heaven, but all the proving of the Tao must rely on your own strength, and there is no external force at all, at least for the two of them. That's right, they can't find any helpers and allies!

Seeing that Zhunti was still hesitant, Yingyin couldn't help but sigh again, and continued: "Think about Sanqing, if you are qualified to prove Dao Primordial Primordial, they definitely have such qualifications, but none of them have such qualifications. Action, what does this show? Didn't Sanqing take action, didn't demonstrate the Dao Primordial Primordial move, didn't make you vigilant? If you don't even have this vigilance, after this catastrophe broke out again frantically, You will pay a heavy price for your greed, and this price will be your life, after all, you have not even seen through the most basic general trend, this is the root cause of death!"

For a moment, Zhunti's breathing became heavier. He still didn't understand the purpose of quoting these words, not to mention that he didn't understand that these words were correct, but in the face of the temptation of proving the Tao, let him I am unwilling to give up this opportunity!

"Senior brother, is there really nothing that can be done? I'm really not reconciled, obviously the opportunity is right in front of us, but we can't win it!" When he said this, Zhunti couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Actually, I also understand that I have some It's irrational and a little impulsive, but this opportunity is really rare, and such an opportunity will not appear anytime!"

"What if you're not reconciled, your life is more important or the ridiculous chance you say is important, even life is gone, what's the use of chance, don't waste time and energy, give it up, Hongjun Daozu gave up the authority of heaven, destined for a fight The war of life and death is about to break out. There will never be peace between Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu. Maybe that time is our real chance. Our understanding of the Dao of Heaven is also very limited, the Dao of Heaven we know is the Dao of Heaven under the combined Dao of Hongjun Dao Ancestor, and the Dao of Heaven has fully recovered now!"

For today's prehistoric world, I feel a strong threat. Today's prehistoric world is too mysterious, the emergence of the three realms of heaven, earth and man, the appearance of the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan, and the advent of the Dao of Hunyuan, all of which show that the situation is terrifying The direction of development, a life and death battle will be staged again, and this time the prehistoric world will usher in what changes, it is hard to say!

Under the repeated persuasion of the receptionist, as Zhunti gradually calmed down his excitement, his reason finally recovered, and Zhunti no longer had that crazy idea. Maybe he would have a chance to succeed if he worked hard, but he also had the possibility of death. , and the probability of death is obviously greater than success. If it is an exciting situation, Zhunti will give it a go, but when his reason returns, he will never make such a stupid choice and will not take his own life. adventure.

There is only one life, no matter how good the chance is, it is not as important as your own life. It is possible to live. Only by protecting your own life can you have a future. .

After seeing the return of Zhunti's rationality, Jie Yin was relieved, and at this time, Jie Yin couldn't help but have endless resentment towards Hongjun Daozu, if it wasn't for Hongjun Daozu suddenly revealing such a secret , I won't bear such a heavy pressure, I don't need to waste so much time and energy to persuade Zhunti to let go!

Is everything really the fault of Daozu Hongjun? No, Daozu Hongjun can't bear the cause and effect of all this alone. The most important thing is that Zhun mentions that his state of mind is not firm enough, and he didn't hold on to this little temptation. It was because of the influence of external forces that the current situation was created!

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