God of Destruction

Chapter 4595: festival survival

Chapter 4601 Survival

At this time, it is not only Zhunti who has such anomalies, there are too many people in the entire prehistoric world who have been affected by the environment, and many people are not because of the Great Primordial Dao, but because of other desires in their hearts, Hope, but not everyone has such a good fortune, can be attracted to persuade, to stop, more people are affected by greed, step by step toward destruction, death, and the temptation of greed to go The road to self-destruction!

In just a short time, countless creatures have fallen in the entire prehistoric world. Among these creatures, there are the real strong and the weak and the weak, and their common characteristics are that they have not resisted the In the temptation of the outside world, they all self-destruct in the temptation, and they end up in a dead end!

Yes, the fallen prehistoric creatures this time are all dead and their souls disappear, completely dissipating between heaven and earth. Their origin and all abilities have been transformed into nutrients for the prehistoric world, but their deaths have not brought anything to the prehistoric world. Earth-shattering changes, everything ended in silence, and not many people even knew of their death, everything was so peaceful!

The death of these prehistoric creatures is only the beginning of everything, and it is only the opening of a new round of this world catastrophe. It can be said that their rote has opened a new round of elimination in the prehistoric world. Of course, this is also a new turning point. As for the meeting What the result will be, everything is still unknown, no one knows, even Hongjun Daozu is difficult to know!

When everything changed, Tiandao also took back the authority and power held by Hongjun Daozu. After the source of Tiandao was fully recovered, both Yin-Yang Daoist and his three avatars felt the threat. The threat from Tiandao came from With the threat of the prehistoric world, the sky has changed, and the turning point of the world's catastrophe has come. Life and death are in this battle! Yes, the death of those prehistoric creatures opened the turning point of the world's catastrophe, and also brought a new heavenly change to the prehistoric world!

Being able to directly let go of the authority in his hands is also a difficult choice for Daozu Hongjun. The calculations of endless years dissipate with the letting go of the authority of the Heavenly Dao. Without a strong enough belief and strong will, it is difficult to withstand such a shock. Even a careless one will attract demons and let himself fall into a real desperate situation, but Hongjun Daozu did it.

It is easy to take up authority, but it is difficult to let go of it. The temptation of ordinary world authority is enough to make people tempted and crazy, and the authority of heaven is even more difficult to give up. Any world master understands authority. How amazing is the temptation, but Daozu Hongjun did it, let go of the authority of the Heavenly Dao that was incomparably tempting, and cut off the connection with the Heavenly Dao!

Of course, when Hongjun Daozu did all this, he also got endless resentment. The outbreak of the sage's secret was enough to make Hongjun Daozu bear endless infamy and make those prehistoric creatures resentful. In fact, for the entire prehistoric beings , There are very few beings who are truly qualified to certify the Tao, so more than 99% of the creatures are not qualified to talk about the Tao, because they do not have the background, but these creatures cannot see themselves at all, and they are still self-righteous thinking that if It is not the calculation of Daozu Hongjun, and he has the opportunity to prove the Dao, so he is shamelessly scolding Daozu Hongjun, and this is the madness of human nature!

Feeling the warning from the soul and listening to the many complaints, Daozu Hongjun smiled indifferently: "Hehe, so many people are cursing me, it seems that none of my disciples have any gratitude, it makes me too much. Disappointed! Although I was calculating against them, but without my presence and my sermons, would they be able to achieve what they are today? They don’t even have a sense of gratitude. These disciples have given up in vain, and their mood is still there. What's not enough, I haven't even figured out the truth of the weak, the weak have no right to choose, and they have no right to complain!"

Daozu Hongjun did not blame those ordinary prehistoric creatures, those 'ants'-like existences, but 'sadness' for his own disciples. Perhaps this is the mentality of the strong, and he doesn't care about those 'ants'-like existences. Even if these 'ants' are madly complaining about themselves and cursing themselves, Hongjun Daozu will turn a blind eye!

The 'ants' are not worth the care of the strong. In the eyes of Daozu Hongjun, if it is not for the full recovery of the heavens, he has to give up the authority of the heavens and give up all plans. Even the saints are 'ants' in his eyes, but it's a pity The only thing is that everything has changed now, and it has made Daozu Hongjun feel unhappy and dangerous, and he has to make this decision!

This heavenly change seems to be the initiative of Hongjun Daozu, but things are not so simple on the surface, at least in the heart of Hongjun Daozu, he does not have the initiative in the prehistoric world. At that time, he also fell into the calculation of Heavenly Dao. If he hadn't been vigilant, he would have been swallowed by Heavenly Dao!

For his disciples who have no gratitude, Hongjun Daozu just talked about it, he didn't really take it into his heart, and the current situation could not help him waste his energy to care about this little thing. For Hongjun Daozu, if he broke the situation and The most important thing is to come out. If you can't do it alone, you need external help, and these disciples of your own don't have such ability!

At this time, Hongjun Daozu was also full of emotion in his heart. He had always resisted the Hunyuan Avenue and imprisoned the appearance of the Hunyuan Avenue, but now he needs the help of the Hunyuan Avenue. This is really a great irony, but it happens Daozu Hongjun has no choice. Perhaps this is the cycle of cause and effect.

auzw.com Just such an idea flashed in Hongjun Daozu's mind, and he didn't care too much, whether it was cause and effect or not, he didn't need to care, now he doesn't have that much time and energy Survival is the most important thing to waste on such little things.

Yes, it is survival! There is also a huge pressure to survive for Hongjun Daozu. Even the goddess Nuwa has been strangled by the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings. How could Daozu Hongjun be cut off from the authority of the heavenly way without any pressure, how could it be possible? Without being suppressed or even killed by Tiandao, Tiandao is not a kind person.

In fact, under the current environment, the dangers that all the prehistoric creatures have to face are not much different, and everyone will face the threat of death. Although there is a huge gap in strength between them, in the catastrophe of heaven and earth, they will all face the strangulation of heaven and earth, and the strangulation of the prehistoric world. In the catastrophe, the comprehensive recovery of the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings shows the seriousness of the problem, and Daozu Hongjun is naturally the most aware of the danger!

It is a pity that Daozu Hongjun knew the danger of the situation and understood that the world might be destroyed. The reason is very simple. The goddess Nuwa's testimony to the Dao of Hunyuan has seriously stimulated the three realms of heaven, earth and people. The existence of Muda, but at this time, the creatures in the prehistoric wilderness did not fully realize this. Many creatures were still immersed in the resentment and scolding of Hongjun Daozu, and did not find the footsteps of death little by little. get closer to them!

If it is said that these people have a grateful heart and do not have so many curses on Hongjun Daozu, perhaps because of this grateful heart, Hongjun Daozu can also have a little goodwill and give them a little hint, but unfortunately no one With a heart of gratitude, what they have is just resentment and curses, Kong Xingjie is so merciful that Daozu Hongjun has no idea at all!

Gratitude! How could these powerhouses in Honghuang be grateful to Hongjun Daozu, they are not fools, they don't think they should have such a grateful heart, and even if they have obtained the cultivation method from Hongjun Daozu, this is just In exchange of interests, they used their luck to exchange the cultivation method with Hongjun Daozu, and it is not entirely Hongjun Daozu who dominates all this, but also the existence of heaven. In this case, how could they be against Hongjun? Jun Daozu has a grateful heart. After learning that they have always been the object of Hongjun Daozu’s calculations, their anger is naturally justified. Of course, there is a sentence Hongjun Daozu said rightly, the weak have no right to choose, the weak Only surrender to the strong!

Precisely because all living beings in Honghuang are weak, they have no right to choose when it comes to their cultivation. They have always been at the mercy of Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao. If it weren't for this catastrophe, they would not have known that they had always been subjected to Hongjun Daozu. Jun Daozu calculated, not knowing that he has always been just a chess piece in the hands of Hongjun Daozu and Tian Dao!

When Hongjun Daozu let go of the authority of Heavenly Dao, all the troubles that Tiandao had to bear were also dissipated from Hongjun Daozu. From this moment, Hongjun Daozu was free, whether it was the pressure of the ancient star field, or the burden of heaven, or even It is the turning point of the prehistoric era. It has nothing to do with him. All pressure will be borne by Tiandao alone. Therefore, although the ancient star field is under huge pressure now, Hongjun Daozu ignores it and just looks on with a cold eye, as if the life and death of the ancient star field are related to him. It doesn't matter at all.

Ruthless! At this time, Daozu Hongjun was extremely cold. Even if Saint Xingchen was calculated by him to fall into such a crisis, Daozu Hongjun never thought of saving him from this crisis. Although Saint Xingchen did not There is no resentment and no curse, but in the eyes of Daozu Hongjun, he still treats him the same as other prehistoric creatures!

In Hongjun Daozu's view, the road is chosen by the sage of the stars, and all the consequences must be borne by him. When he chooses to prove the Tao and become a saint, he must bear all the consequences. Now the crisis has appeared, and this is what he must do. Take responsibility! Even if there is a shadow of his own behind all this, and he is driving it, the saint of stars must be responsible for his own decisions!

In fact, Saint Xingchen understands all of this and understands his own situation. It is precisely because he understands that he has no malice towards Hongjun Daozu. Just as Hongjun Daozu thought, he should be responsible for his own behavior, not everything. The responsibility is put on others, the way is to walk out by oneself, also will bear all responsibility by oneself!

It is a pity that not all living beings can be like the saints of the stars. They can face the crisis so calmly and so plainly, and most of them have complaints and hatred for calculation and deception. They always put all the responsibility on the In other people, it seems that I have no fault at all, all faults belong to others, I am just a victim!

victim! He pretended to be a victim, and felt that he had been assassinated by Hongjun Daozu. Hongjun Daozu should be responsible for all this. He just said that they were all too ignorant. Hongjun Daozu didn’t owe them anything, just as they thought in their hearts. Everything before was just a transaction. Since it was a transaction, what qualifications did they have for Hongjun Daozu to undertake it together? They exchanged the method of cultivation from Hongjun Daozu, and there was no grievance between the two sides. What qualifications do they have to curse and complain about Hongjun. Jun Daozu is sinister and sinister. It can only be said that they are too self-righteous and selfish, and they always look at all problems with themselves as the center! Unfortunately, these prehistoric creatures are not the center of everything, let alone the center of the prehistoric world!

Without seeing themselves clearly, and without seeing the general trend of the prehistoric world, one can imagine the situation of such prehistoric beings in the calamity of heaven and earth, and one day they will pay a heavy price for their stupidity and greed, Find the root cause of the problem by yourself, blindly put all the responsibility, all the cause and effect on others, you can only say that they are stupid and ignorant!

The world is changing, living beings are destroying, and self-destruction is their own choice, but they are complaining, scolding, and hating Hongjun Daozu, as if there is no other way to vent in their hearts, Hongjun Daozu It is their only object, and Qiaqia is their ignorance and stupidity that wiped out their last life!

With the death of more and more creatures, their all return to heaven and earth, so that the prehistoric world has been nourished, and the three ways of heaven, earth and man have been nourished, and the power of the three ways of heaven, earth and man has been strengthened, and the situation has become more dangerous. The world did not come from the slaughter of the ancestors of Hongjun, but the slaughter from the prehistoric world. When the Dao of Hunyuan came, the three worlds instinctively felt the crisis and felt the strong malice of all beings in the prehistoric world towards them, so they wanted to destroy the world. To destroy all creatures in the world, to make everything start again, to return the world, to end all threats, only by ending everything, and only by destroying all creatures in the world, can the existence of Hunyuan Dao be completely cut off, and the disaster can be avoided. In the eyes of the three worlds, the disaster is coming!

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