God of Destruction

Chapter 4596: section change

Chapter 4602 changed

Facing the sudden changes, Haotian and Yaochi were dumbfounded at the moment. Originally, they also had the heart to prove Taoist Primordial Primordial, but when they thought of Hongjun Taoist ancestors, they could only give up their greed, but they never thought of fighting. The face came so quickly, it was just such a short period of time, everything had changed, Hongjun Daozu, the pillar they relied on, fell down, everything was developing in a direction they didn't expect, and they fell into a bigger situation. In the midst of a crisis, a more terrifying disaster!

"How could this be? How could Daozu Hongjun give up the authority of the Dao of Heaven? If he did, what should we do? Didn't he consider our feelings, the dangers and disasters we are going to face?" Haotian His eyes flashed with endless anger, without the support of Hongjun Daozu, his so-called Heavenly Emperor was just a joke, and it was even more terrifying to mention that such a heavy burden on himself would bring terrible disasters and dangers, and he could not bear it. Part of the pressure!

"Haotian, maybe we should contact Daozu again. After all, we are different from other people. We are the children of Daozu. Even if Daozu gives up the authority of heaven, he shouldn't give up on us. Maybe it's just that we can't get in touch for a while, it's the way of heaven. It is intentionally blocking everything, preventing us from contacting Daozu, and trying to force us to compromise with it, and if we compromise at this time, then we really have to cut off everything with Hongjun Daozu, then we are truly helpless! "

Hearing this, Haotian snorted disdainfully and said, "Yaochi, you can say this, do you believe it yourself? In fact, we all know that now we have been given up by Daozu, and we are only in his hands. Abandoned sons who can be abandoned at any time, just like those saints of Heavenly Dao, were directly abandoned by Daozu, all cause and effect, all responsibility falls on us, and we ourselves take the responsibility of identity, this is us The real situation!"

No wonder Haotian is so angry. To bear the heavy responsibility of being the Emperor of Heaven and to take charge of the authority of the Lord of the Heavenly Realm, he must bear the enormous pressure and responsibility behind it. There are not enough stable people in the heavens. The reason is that he has a way to deal with it, but Hongjun Daozu has destroyed all of this. How can this not make Haotian angry, how can he not resent Hongjun Daozu's ruthlessness and cruelty !

From Haotian's point of view, all the disasters and pressures that he has suffered now are caused by Daozu Hongjun. In the past, it would give them the opportunity to master everything in the heavens, but in the blink of an eye, Daozu Hongjun destroyed all his expectations.

For Haotian, he never looked at the problem from the standpoint of Hongjun Daozu, nor did he consider whether the situation of Hongjun Daozu was also very dangerous. He only considered his own safety and only cared about his own interests, so at this time he It is complaining and hating, instead of thinking about countermeasures, trying to find a way to get out of this disaster, to find a way to get out of the predicament!

Yao Chi let out a long sigh, such a dangerous and bad situation was also a heavy pressure for her, making her feel extremely heavy. In fact, He Chang didn't know the viciousness of Hongjun Daozu, but she just didn't want to say it, and couldn't say it. Come out, she is afraid that speaking out will destroy her last fantasy, she is just deceiving herself, she just wants to keep her last fantasy! But now all this has been dismantled by Haotian, making her have to face this tragic situation and face this life-and-death crisis!

"Haotian, according to your opinion, what should we do, what can we do, is it useful to complain and hate Hongjun Daozu, can it change our current dangerous and bad situation? No, since we can't change the overall situation, we can only face it. For all this, so for us, instead of complaining and hating, it is better to look at everything, find a way to relieve our own pressure, and find a way to resolve the crisis. Anyway, we still have a chance, and we still occupy the righteousness. This is an advantage, having this advantage. , we have a chance!"

Hearing this, Haotian shook his head involuntarily. He couldn't see any hope in such a bad situation. If the heaven was intact, everything would have a chance. What to use to ease the crisis, what method to use to repair the heavenly world, if the heavenly world can’t be restored for one day, and one day he cannot live in peace, he will always be affected by the heavenly world, dragged down by the heavenly world, not to mention the ridiculous title of heavenly emperor on himself! In normal times, the title of Heavenly Emperor has absolute benefits, but in this catastrophe of heaven and earth, the title of Heavenly Emperor is a terrible disaster!

"Why should I go to see Emperor Yan Luo, communicate with him, and get everything I want from him, after all, Emperor Yan Luo is the real master of the nether world, able to fight against the earth and the heaven, the most important thing is It is he who is a Hunyuan Jinxian!" For a moment, Haotian thought of Emperor Yan Luo, the first Hunyuan Jinxian in the prehistoric world, and the world master of the Netherworld, who truly controls the authority of the Netherworld. rather than the Lord of the Heavens like himself!

The beginning of the Netherworld is even more tragic than that of the Heavenly Realm, but under the control of Emperor Yan Luo, the situation has been changed little by little. If you can obtain some ways to change the world from the Netherworld World, the Heavenly Realm may be able to walk out of a path. Own your own path, and be able to overcome this impending crisis, so that you can survive the disaster!


Yes, today's heaven is facing a crisis of life and death. When those saints of heaven, in the wild, almost all living beings are complaining about Hongjun Daozu, Haotian, the lord of heaven and the emperor of heaven, is under great pressure. In the eyes of these heavenly saints, and in the hearts of all living beings in the prehistoric wilderness, they and Yaochi are the iron-clad subordinates of Hongjun Daozu, and even such thoughts will become their own reminders, because this will make Tiandao believe it is true, and it will make Tiandao see himself as a thorn in the eyes and a thorn in the flesh. !

If he can't change everything about himself in time, if he can't get the approval of all beings in the wild, and the approval of heaven, maybe there is only a dead end waiting for Haotian and Yaochi, and Haotian is not willing to sit still. He wants to work hard to change his own crisis, Let himself get out of trouble, but now he can't see any way out of trouble, and he can only rely on external forces, and the external force is Emperor Yan Luo, the master of the nether world, the golden immortal of the primordial world!

The idea is good, but the reality is cruel and ruthless. If it weren't for the sages of the stars in the ancient star field, they were still calm, without any malice, and with counterattacks, the situation in the heavens would be more dangerous, and the crisis between Haotian and Yaochi would be more terrifying. It's because of the existence of 'good people' like the Saints of the Stars, the Heavenly Realm did not directly face a more terrifying crisis, but it is impossible to restore the origin of the Heavenly Realm with the help of the power of the Ancient Stars, and the Heavenly Realm needs to find another way. To solve the damage to the source, the ancient star field is only self-protection, and even self-protection is very difficult. After all, the ancient star field has to face chaotic beasts!

In fact, Haotian is not worth thinking about whether he is relying on the Tao of Heaven and using the power of the Tao to resolve his own crisis, but this idea was given up by Haotian as soon as it appeared, and the Tao of Heaven cannot be trusted or trusted. The other party may not accept it. Even if he accepts it, he may not be able to get the approval of Heavenly Dao, or even reluctantly, it will only become the beginning of his own destruction in the future. , to become the real Lord of the Heavens, the real Emperor of Heaven, and only in this way can I be qualified to fight against the Dao of Heaven and not be influenced and suppressed by the Dao of Heaven!

There are two sides to everything. Today's celestial source is severely damaged. This is a disaster for Haotian to hold the authority of the celestial world and everything in the celestial world. However, it is also beneficial to have the terrifying damage to the source. At least before the source of the celestial world is restored, Tiandao wants to treat Haotian. The killer of Tian and Yaochi also needs to be carefully considered. After all, it is difficult for Hong Jujing to find new strong men to master the four seasons and eight festivals of the sky and restore the heaven. No one wants to be trapped by the heaven. !

Tiandao wants to take down the heavenly realm, and he must carefully consider the gains and losses. Before there is no way or strength to restore the origin of the heavenly realm, Tiandao will not act rashly. With the existence of Haotian and Yaochi, the order of the heavenly realm can still be preserved, and the heavenly realm can still be preserved. If it can run smoothly, at least it will not make the heavenly world worse. If there is no existence of Haotian and Yaochi, the whole heavenly world may stop. The heavenly world and the heavenly way are closely linked. This can be regarded as a great fortune in misfortune. At least the lives of Haotian and Yaochi can be preserved now. There is no need to worry that Tiandao will kill them at the first time, clear them out of the heavens, and disappear into the wild world!

It's just, how much time can I have to change everything now? It is just from his own imagination, and it is not known whether it is right or wrong. Under such circumstances, under such a disaster, Haotian can only bite the bullet and persevere, and can only continue to wait for the time to come and wait for everything. The end of it, as for what will happen in the end, everything is difficult to determine, this is the catastrophe of heaven and earth, this is the crisis!

It is not only Haotian and Yaochi in the heavens who are under great pressure, as long as those who are responsible for the heaven and earth do not complain, there is no one who does not resent Hongjun Daozu, especially those new born saints, now they are all In regret, they should not have taken such a heavy responsibility because of temporary greed, but now it is too late to regret, everything has already happened, their responsibilities have been written down by Tiandao, so that they have no chance to go back, only Able to silently endure the terrible pressure and the terrible impact from the prehistoric world, but is powerless to resist.

Yes, if Hongjun Daozu is in line with the Tao, these saints of the Tao who bear the heavy responsibility of the world, as well as the master of the heavens and the emperor of heaven, have a chance to get rid of the shackles of the heaven, and it is possible to get rid of the shackles of the heaven. They got out of trouble from the natural disaster. Now they are all targeted by Heavenly Dao, which directly cut off this possibility. It was Hongjun Daozu who caused all this. Of course, the previous Heavenly Dao Six Saints also bear part of the responsibility. After all, their betrayal, It has already been seen in the eyes of Tiandao and remembered in my heart. It is precisely because of their betrayal that the origin of Tiandao has been damaged. If today, how could Dao give them the chance to betray these new Tiandao saints? Deeply imprinted on the imprint of the Tao of Heaven, it is not an easy task to eliminate it, and you will have to face the impact of the Tao of Heaven, and even the punishment of the Tao of Heaven!

Every sage of the Heavenly Dao today bears the responsibility that Hongjun Daozu forcibly gave them, and makes them bear the impact of the wild world. This is a huge burden for them, and it has also become a deadly threat to them now, making them unable to Getting rid of the shackles of Heavenly Dao, with such serious consequences, how could they not hate Hongjun Daozu!

Of course, there are exceptions, at least there is not so much hatred and anger for the saints of the stars, even if they are under the greatest pressure of the prehistoric world, facing the most terrifying dangers and disasters in the prehistoric world, and even bear the heavy burden of heaven. Shackles, but still did not make an overreaction to Saint Xingchen. This is due to his nature, and it is precisely because Saint Xingchen has such a heart, even if Hongjun Daozu is in front of him, he has not thought of revenge. Instead, he quietly watched the departure of Hongjun Daozu, his eyes were still so calm and unwavering, and everything was so natural, and Qiaqia was his naturalness, which made Tiandao look at each other. I hope that my subordinates are a group of white-eyed wolves, and the saint of stars is the first saint to be recognized by heaven.

But for Daozu Hongjun, even in the face of such a peaceful star saint, he still has a heart of iron, and he never thought of helping him and pulling him out of the huge disaster in the ancient star field. Even if Daozu Hongjun had such an ability, he still turned a blind eye and floated away easily, leaving the saints of the stars in the dangerous place of the ancient star field, so that he could face the threat of chaotic beasts and face the threat of chaotic beasts. The harsh environment of the ancient star field bears a terrible responsibility for him!

Yes, all of this should belong to the heavy responsibility of Daozu Hongjun. The most hated by those chaotic beasts is also Daozu Hongjun, but all these responsibilities are on the body of the sage of the stars, and he will bear it all, and Daozu Hongjun can Escape easily, you can ignore all the pressure, ignore the threat of chaotic beasts to the ancient star field!

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