God of Destruction

Chapter 4597: chess piece

Chapter 4603 chess pieces

When Hongjun Daozu, who is in line with the Tao, is free, the entire prehistoric world has fallen into chaos. This is a disaster and a turning point for the prehistoric world. Can Tiandao grasp the general trend of the prehistoric era, and can it restore the stable development of the prehistoric era? Let this catastrophe end as soon as possible, and let the world return to peace, it is hard to say, because today's prehistoric world is no longer dominated by the heaven and earth, the recovery of humanity, the recovery of the earth, the whole prehistoric world has taken a dangerous step, heaven and earth people All three paths have recovered, and all have selfishness. Such a prehistoric world is the most dangerous and terrifying, and a more terrifying war will break out at any time.

For the prehistoric world, it is acceptable if only the Tao of Heaven is selfish, the Tao of heaven can control the general situation of the world, but the Tao of the Earth and the Tao of humanity also have selfishness, and the source is fully recovered. Crisis, if one is not careful, the entire prehistoric world may go to destruction and death!

The three realms of heaven, earth and human beings appeared together to strangle the mother of Nuwa, which is enough to explain the dangers of the prehistoric wasteland, and it also reminded the whole prehistoric beings to understand the horror of the prehistoric world today and the horror of the prehistoric world. Although it is said that Hongjun Daozu He is selfish and has a lot of calculations, but his existence has indeed allowed the prehistoric world to develop steadily, and of course it has also limited the development of the prehistoric world. After all, everything needs a price, and nothing does not need a price, and the same is true for the prehistoric world!

With Hongjun Daozu letting go of the authority of the Heavenly Dao and the return of the world's freedom, the entire prehistoric world became unstable, complained, and became terrifying. For the prehistoric beings, they did not want this to happen, because It will put them in crisis, but no one can change all of this and restore it to its original trajectory. This is the price of reckoning, and this price is terrifying and dangerous for all living beings in the wild!

Daozu Hongjun understands this, many ambitious people understand this, and even the entire prehistoric beings understand this, so while complaining, everyone is also worried about their own safety, and this world is the most worried among all beings, What is most afraid of is not the saints of heaven who bear many responsibilities, and those betrayers who are afraid of being revenge by heaven, but the Taoist Hongjun who used to fit the Tao. He is worried that everything he does is calculated by heaven. Among them, I worry that everything is just a conspiracy of Tiandao, and I am only a part of this conspiracy, just a **** in Tiandao's hands!

What is the chess piece, the chess piece is also abandoned. When the function of the chess piece comes to an end, it is the time to be abandoned, and now Hongjun Daozu is worried about this, because he is afraid that he will become the nourishment of the heaven and the earth. Being swallowed up by the Heavenly Dao in the calamity, everything of oneself will become history, and even disappear completely in the long river of time!

For the weak and common prehistoric creatures, even if they understand how dangerous their own situation is, but because of their own weakness, their own weakness, they have no ability to change, they can only be resigned, they can only endure, and at most they only complain and suffer. Cursing is different for Daozu Hongjun. He wants to struggle, resist, and break free from his own crisis!

Who can change all this? It is the Taoist of Yin and Yang, and it is Emperor Yama! In the mind of Daozu Hongjun, Daoist Yin-Yang is the variable of the prehistoric world. It is precisely because of his appearance that he disrupted the original trajectory of the prehistoric world, disrupted his own plans, and also allowed himself to vaguely see the true side of the prehistoric world. , Seeing the dread and danger of Heaven's Dao clearly, giving myself a chance of life!

If Hongjun Daozu thought that everything was in his control before, now he thinks that everything is in the control of Heaven, and he is just a **** in the calculation of Heaven, and today the general situation has developed to the point where Heaven thinks it can end At that time, the chess piece of his own will become an abandoned piece, and it will become the nourishment of heaven, so Hongjun Daozu must resist and protect himself, and the only people who can help him are Yin and Yang Daoist and Emperor Yan Luo. This is what Hongjun Daozu thinks. Biggest variable!

In a limited time, Hongjun Daozu wants to take the initiative, and wants to complete his plan before Tiandao has time to implement conspiracies and tricks, so that he can have the ability to protect himself and resist. As for the final result , For the time being, Daozu Hongjun has no time or energy to think. After all, the turning point has occurred, and he is running out of time!

Under the pressure of the urgency of time, Hongjun Daozu did not have so much time to waste on covering up his whereabouts. Of course, it is not necessary for today's Hongjun Daozu to cover up his whereabouts, when he let go of the authority of heaven. , has already stood on the opposite side of the Tao of Heaven, and has formed an endless situation with the Tao of Heaven, and has become an endless enemy. In this case, what is the need for Dao Ancestor Hongjun to cover his whereabouts? . Tiandao will not pay attention to himself, will he not take precautions against himself, will he not watch his every move at all?

This is impossible, Tiandao is not that stupid, it is impossible to let the enemy of life and death be at ease, and it is impossible to let oneself act arbitrarily. Only by mastering his own whereabouts can Tiandao be at ease and be able to take the initiative in black and white!

Under the gaze of all beings in the wild, under the gaze of heaven, earth and humanity, Dao Ancestor Hongjun walked into the world of the underworld with dignity and dignity, and entered the world of the underworld with a dignified look. On the body of Hongjun Daozu, everyone saw only a dignified aura, without the slightest killing intent. It was obvious that Hongjun Daozu had no malice towards the Netherworld and Emperor Yan Luo, but came to the Netherworld with an attitude of communication. Seeing Emperor Yan Luo in the middle, this shocked everyone, and in addition to being shocked, it also made everyone understand that since Hongjun Daozu did not come to ask for trouble, it is impossible to ask Emperor Yan Luo for advice on Hunyuan Dao, the only possibility is to communicate, as to why And communication, this is what many people want to know!

Instinctively, those prehistoric beings felt that perhaps this secret was related to this prehistoric catastrophe, and related to their own life and death. It is a pity that they could not contact Hongjun Daozu, nor did they dare to contact Hongjun Daozu, let alone act rashly. A little negligence or a little carelessness in the robbery will ruin your life and let your body die. You must know that this world catastrophe has already fallen too many strong people, and there are too many floods. Souls and souls disappear!


With so many creatures perishing, how could these surviving primordial creatures not be vigilant, but for them, the strength of Daozu Hongjun is too powerful, and the power of the Netherworld is also beyond what they can fight against. Scope, in this case, even if they have many thoughts in their hearts, they can't act, and they don't dare to take action. They don't dare to risk their own lives. The only outcome of failure is death, and no one is willing to accept the end of death!

Under this huge pressure, and also under that crazy greed, the saints of the Tao of Heaven couldn't bear it at first, and they began to communicate with each other, trying to find a way to deal with it, so that they could survive this earth-shattering upheaval. A lifeline.

It is a pity that the people of Xingchenchen did not respond to the suggestions of these heavenly saints. The ancient starfield fell into a dead silence after the departure of Hongjun Daozu, and disconnected from the prehistoric world, even if it was the master of the heavens, Haotian. Without access to the ancient star field, unable to contact the saints of the stars, the ancient star field seems to be self-contained, not affected by the prehistoric world!

Is this really the case? Can the ancient star field really stand on its own outside the prehistoric world? No, this is impossible, the saints of stars can't do it, the reason why this happens is that there is a part of the power of heaven. After the saints of stars are recognized, the Tao of heaven consciously separates the connection between the ancient star field and the prehistoric world. Worrying that Saint Xingchen will be influenced by Daozu Hongjun once again, he needs to isolate such a situation from happening, and let Saint Saint devote himself to defending against chaotic beasts!

Hongjun Daozu is worried about Tiandao’s plot, thinking that everything he has is in Tiandao’s calculation, and Tiandao is also guarding against Hongjun Daozu’s counterattack. After all, Hongjun Daozu has been in charge of Tiandao’s authority for too long. In his grasp, Hongjun Daozu is suspecting that he is a chess piece of Tiandao, and Tiandao is also doubting whether the appearance of chaotic beasts is a calculation of Hongjun Daozu, a plot against himself, a plot against the prehistoric world, in order to only Contain the origin of the prehistoric world.

For such speculation, Tiandao also had to prepare for the worst, and had to be treated with caution, in case the most terrifying crisis came, and a situation of internal and external integration and internal and external collusion occurred. Once such a situation occurs, the entire prehistoric world will be It is possible to go to destruction. The combination of Hongjun Daozu and Chaos beasts is enough to subvert the entire prehistoric world, not to mention that now Hongjun Daozu has turned his attention to the nether world and is in contact with the Emperor Yama in the nether world, which makes Tiandao even more uneasy!

Heavenly Dao is uneasy, can the authentic Dao and the Human Dao be at ease? Impossible, they all have selfishness, and if they have selfishness, there will be worries. Heavenly Dao is worried about accidents and the collapse of the situation. How can the Tao and Humanity have no reaction at all, especially the Tao, Hongjun Daozu came to the nether world. , To come into contact with Emperor Yan Luo, the Lord of the Netherworld, this in itself is a huge impact on Tun Dao. If you are not careful, you will fall into a crisis. How can Tun Dao feel at ease!

If it weren't for the fact that his own strength was not strong enough to stop all this, the tunnel had already made a big move, not giving Hongjun Daozu a chance to communicate with Emperor Yan Luo, to prevent himself from falling into a huge disaster and falling into the threat of destruction. middle!

It is under such circumstances that the entire prehistoric world is on the verge of turmoil, and everyone is waiting silently, waiting for the moment when the war breaks out. When the day comes, the hope is that because of the war, they will have more opportunities to preach the Dao, but the fear is that the war will bring endless deaths, and no one knows whether death will fall on them in the next moment. , will not take away his own life!

No one wants to face death, but it is up to them. The weak have no right to choose. All the prehistoric creatures understand that they are weak in the face of heaven, earth, and humanity, so they have no right to choose, and some people want to fight. The idea of ​​Daozu Hongjun and Emperor Yan Luo, but they are still not opponents, they are still weak, so they have no right to choose at all. For them, they can only wait silently, waiting for everything to erupt!

Under such circumstances, it is conceivable that the pressure faced by all beings in the prehistoric desolation is conceivable, and the impact on their hearts is also conceivable. Some people want to change, some people want to resist, and more are silent. Under the pressure, people's ability to bear is limited, if they can't find a turning point in this limited time, what awaits them must be death!

It is precisely because they understand the danger of the situation and the danger of their own environment that everyone has to keep their eyes fixed on Hongjun Daozu, watching Hongjun Daozu's every move, waiting for the reaction of the three worlds. Waiting for the reaction of Emperor Yama, and today's nether world is different from the prehistoric world, and the prehistoric world, the nether world is unfathomable, there is a world lord like Yamadi, and there is also a six-path reincarnation lord like Houtu Zuwu. With the existence of other ancestor witches, it can be said that one of the most powerful forces in the prehistoric world is condensed in today's nether world!

Everyone wants to know how Emperor Yan Luo and the Twelve Ancestors reacted to the visit of Hongjun Daozu, what decision they would make, and whether there would be a war. After all, the Wu clan was forced out by Hongjun Daozu. The prehistoric world has to leave the prehistoric land, and has to open up a world belonging to the Wu clan in order to survive in the calamity of heaven and earth!

Hongjun Daozu has great cause and effect to both Emperor Yan Luo and the Twelve Ancestral Witches. It can be said that he is also hostile. Even if Hongjun Daozu does not show malice now, no one knows about Emperor Yan Luo and Shi. Will the Second Ancestor Wuhui accept Hongjun Daozu? The cause and effect is not so easy to resolve, especially such a great cause and effect, which is almost an endless cause and effect!

No one can predict the reactions of Emperor Yan Luo and the Twelve Ancestors, even those who have deep communication with Emperor Yan Luo like Nuwa Empress and Old Ancestor Ming He can't predict it. After all, this is not a trivial matter. If Emperor Yan Luo can be expected When it comes to his own thoughts and decisions, then he is not far from death. Empress Nuwa and Old Ancestor Ming He can make predictions. Can heaven, earth, and humanity fail to do it? They can do it, and naturally they can. Set a trap to give a fatal blow to Emperor Yama, and a fatal blow to the nether world!

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